Alien Romance Box Set: Romantic Suspense: Alien Destiny: Scifi Alien Romance Adventure Romantic Suspence Trilogy (Complete Series Box Set Books 1-3)

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Alien Romance Box Set: Romantic Suspense: Alien Destiny: Scifi Alien Romance Adventure Romantic Suspence Trilogy (Complete Series Box Set Books 1-3) Page 105

by Ashley L. Hunt

  “What choice do I have? Ready or not, this is happening. Tell me, have you seen Kerr?” My hands knot in my lap, and I spin around once in my chair.

  “No, none of us will until the time comes, and he takes his place at the end of the aisle and waits for you.” Mataline giggles and throws her hands into the air. “It’s so romantic! Don’t you think, Sissy?”

  A harsh laugh comes from deep in my chest. “Romance has no place in this, Sister. This is a marriage arranged to keep the peace between Euthenia and us. I am, but a pawn and I see nothing romantic about that.”

  A decanter of golden liquid sits amongst small crystal glasses. Mataline takes two and fills them. Handing one to me, she says, “Kataline, you drink this and settle that temperament of yours which has been known to work against you from time to time.”

  I sip, but her hand on the bottom of the glass makes me take in more and I drink it until the last drop of sweet liquor flows down my throat. In moments the calming effects warm my skin, flushing it a bit and my mind eases.

  Her eyebrow quirks up into an arch. “Better, Sister?”

  I nod and giggle a little. “Oh, Mataline! I’m about to be married and made into a princess of an alien planet! I have no idea what the man looks like who is to be my husband, my ruler, for the rest of my life! Quick, one more drink. My heart is pounding, and my feet are itching to run my body away from here.”

  She fills my empty glass and hands it to me. “Try to think of this as an adventure, Sister. Remember when we were young and made up all types of adventures we took in the confines of our estate? This is the epic adventure, and this one is for real!” She spins around and laughs. “You’re about to go to another planet. Another word, Kataline! It’s amazing!”

  The door flies open and in comes our father. “It’s time, my darling!”

  My heart stops, and I toss the drink down my throat. He holds a small, leather-covered box and opens the top. A simple band made of obsidian based titanium in black is in the box. “Am I to give that to my new husband?”

  He nods. “It’s been handcrafted by our top jeweler. The first of its kind. When the Dali Lama asks you to place your ring on Kerr’s finger, this is what you’ll be putting on it. It’s very nice, don’t you agree?”

  “It’s shiny and black, it’s a simple ring. I suppose it’s nice. Do you think he’ll like it, Father? That’s what really matters.” I look the ring over and think it looks very masculine and wonders if the man I’m about to marry is a masculine man.

  He is a royal. He could be scrawny and small. Perhaps that’s why he isn’t marrying a woman of his own kind. A dainty, gold band might be better suited if the man is not quite masculine.

  “It’s a thing of great beauty, he’s sure to love it. Add the fact it comes from you and it’s a given.” My father touches my chin, making me look at him. “You look gorgeous, Kataline. Now let’s get your veil on and get you to him.” He turns to my sister. “Scoot! Get out there and follow those pretty little daughters of yours down the aisle. Then I’ll bring out your sister.”

  “Okay,” she says as she hurries out the door. With a quick look over her shoulder, she says, “I love you, Kataline. See you soon!”

  My father pulls the handmade lace veil over my head, covering my face. It's sheer enough to make out a few of my more prominent features, but demure enough to mute my face, keeping it a secret from my future husband until after we are married.

  My father leads me down the long hallway then to the top of the stairs. A long flight of stairs I must walk down then a long aisle before I can get to the end and my husband to be.

  I was given the contract Kerr wrote for us. I’m about to go take the vows he has in the contract and sign the document which will bind me to him for the rest of my life. Even in the event of his death, I can never remarry. I am his until I am no longer able to breathe, until my heart takes its last beat, and my brain has its last thought. Only then am I to be released from the contract.

  The music is nice as I stand at the top and watch my nieces floating like angels just above the floor. They have on their hover shoes as they requested I allow them to wear. The dark blue carpet is clean in front of them and littered with white flower petals behind them. My sister trails after them.

  I look around and see smiles on everyone’s faces. All the way at the very end, a man in a dark blue suit, a sash of purple running over one shoulder, he is not smiling. He wears a grim face. It makes me uneasy.

  “Who is the man there, Father?” I whisper as I gesture to the man.

  “That, my dear, is the king of Euthenia. Kerr’s father.”

  “He looks anything but happy,” I say and find my heart faltering.

  “It matters not if he’s happy or sad. It’s Kerr who is happy about this, I assure you.” My father takes my hand and places it in the crook of his arm. “Looks like your sister has made it to the end. It’s nearly our turn.”

  And then the man I am about to marry enters the room. At the end of the aisle, he walks in from the side. A white, linen suit flows over a large, muscled body. A purple sash he wears just like his father has on. Long, flowing blonde waves fall over his broad shoulders. My knees are going weak.

  Even from so far away as I am, I can see he’s gorgeous. I can barely breathe. “Father, is that Kerr?”

  “Yes, that’s your husband to be, sweetheart.”

  As if he feels my eyes burning into him as they rake over his perfect body then his face as I try hard to see him better from this distance, he looks up at me. A smile covers his chiseled face.

  He’s happy to see me!

  “Father, I might faint. I might go weak in my legs. Please do not allow me to fall,” I say in a whisper as I have not enough breath to speak any louder.

  “I will not let you fall. Are you ready, Kataline?”

  I nod, and the music of the wedding march fills the auditorium as my father takes the first step of this journey which will take me to my future. Bits of manufactured snow begin to fall as I take the first step of the long staircase. On the left side of me are the Euthenian’s. The right side are people from Earth.

  Though similar in facial appearances, the Euthenian men are all much muscled and quite gorgeous. I’ve yet to find one of the males who are unattractive, no matter their ages.

  The women are rather plain, though. Most wear smiles on their faces, and none wears make-up. In my contract, it states I’m allowed to wear makeup and have my hair styled as I please.

  Kerr must want to make changes in how the women are treated on his planet. That’s a good thing in my book.

  I look back at my people and find them beaming at me. Though I personally only know a handful of people, I’m shocked by the strangers who seem so happy for me.

  Then my eyes land on the other females like me. It’s obvious they’re different. They sit a little straighter than the normal women. They have them sitting in the outer seats. Still separated though by each row.

  Each gives me the nod as I pass. And each reaches out and touches the hand I hold the bouquet of flowers in. All have an inner glow which shines out and all wear peaceful expressions on their vastly different but beautiful faces.

  I count thirteen of them in all and in every shape and color. All look to be around my age. We are all in our early twenties, and it seems they made no more of us.

  How I’d love to be able to talk to them. A buzz of emotion and energy I get as each one touches me. It’s as if we are all sisters, which I suppose may be true if even one set of DNA runs through us all. But that’s not a thing anyone has seen fit to let us know.

  Finally, I reach the last stair and can walk along the carpets path to my betrothed. My heart is beginning to pound harder in my chest, and then a sudden release of white doves comes over my head, startling me.

  My father tights his arm, steadying me and I continue on the path. He whispers, “Hold steady, darling. There is about to be two bursts of flaming fireworks go off just as we pass th
e area a few feet in front of us. Try not to get started again.”

  I get ready for what is sure to be a loud noise and a lot of light and even though I am ready, the loud booming noise has me fighting myself not to run down the aisle.

  Sparks of light burst on either side of me and I close my eyes and let my father lead me on. After an eternity to get to where I’m going, I find my sister taking my bouquet. My father slips the box with the ring in it into my right hand and places my left hand into Kerr’s. He is the most amazing man I’ve ever laid eyes on, even in books.

  Blue-green eyes pierce as they look to me. My veil hiding me away from him. I take a deep breath and try not to pass out. Then the music stops, and the actual marriage ceremony begin.

  Am I ready for this?



  Though I’ve yet to see my bride completely as her lace veil hides her from me, my heart pounds with anticipation, and I have no doubt I will find her amazing to look at. Her hand is shaking as she places the black wedding band on my finger.

  Electric sparks run through my hand with her touch. I place the ring I have for her, one which was my great-great grandmother’s, on her slender finger and then I’m told I may kiss my bride as the contract has been read out loud and each of us has answered yes to all things and signed the document.

  I steady myself to see her in the flesh. I’ve heard her voice and find it fascinating, soft and light, yet so much strength behind it. She has to be an amazing woman.

  The lace veil I ease up and find her there. Her face holds so much beauty it makes my heart ache.

  This woman is now my wife!

  “Hello,” I say as I gaze at her.

  “Hello,” she says. Her red lips she leaves parted just a little.

  This is her very first kiss, from what I’ve been told. I’m a stranger to her, and I know this has to be frightening for the poor thing. I ease my hand to grasp the back of her neck.

  Her deep blue eyes flash with panic for just an instant. I cannot breathe, I cannot think. Our lips touch, and I can vaguely hear cheers from the crowd. My head is going light, and her body is leaning into mine.

  I wrap my arms around her and can’t seem to take my mouth away from hers. I gently push my tongue through her lips and find she tastes of honey. Her hands run down my back, sending waves of heat through me.

  Finally, the man who officiated the ceremony lays his hand on my shoulder as he clears his throat. Reluctantly I pull my mouth away from hers but still hold her tight in my arms.

  I can feel her heart pounding against my chest as I look down at her. She looks into my eyes, and I see their blue has darkened to the color of a stormy sea.

  The man’s voice makes us look at him as he places a hand on her shoulder as well. “I introduce to you the prince and princess of the Euthenia Nebula.”

  My hands I run down her arms, taking one hand in mine. I turn towards the crowd and look at her with a smile. As I hold up our clasped hands, the crowd goes insane with cheers.

  The entire room darkens as the lights go out, and fireworks fill the night sky overhead as the domed roof has been pushed back. It’s all surreal and gorgeous, but it’s her who fills my thoughts.

  Can there really be love at first sight?

  She has to be all the things I thought she was. Kind, nurturing, sweet.

  I take her hand and bring it to my lips then pull her to me, wrapping my arm around her waist. Leaning in, I whisper, “I am very pleased with you, Kataline.”

  With a turn of her head, she smiles. “I have to admit I’m pleased with you as well.”

  A low growl I emit. “I cannot wait to take you to our marital bed after the festivities.”

  A blush pinks her cheeks even more, and her long, dark eyelashes flutter against them. “Words are escaping me, sir. That’s not an easy thing to do to me, I’ll have you know.” Her eyes meet mine. “Is this a sign of things to come? Are you prone to such indecency?”

  “Not until you came along I wasn’t.” I run my hand down a bit and playfully smack her on the ass.

  Her eyes go wide, and her hand covers her mouth. She hisses behind it, “Scoundrel!”

  “I just might be one,” I say with a laugh.

  Is it possible for her to affect me so quickly?

  The fireworks end and some band start playing a slow song and I take her in my arms and dance her up the aisle and to a private room I’ve been told to take her to so we can take a small break before we attend all the festivities which have been planned for this auspicious occasion.

  Once alone I can finally take her all in. And I am so happy I took this award the Earthlings have given me. Though happy is too shallow a word for how I’m feeling on this first day of the rest of our lives.



  Though tired in body, I’m anything but in mind. Kerr is proving hard to resist. A foot taller than me and three times my width, he towers over me. His thick, blond hair is silky, and my hands keep running through it of their own accord.

  My eyes cannot stop glancing at his. They remind me of the Caribbean Sea with their deep blue-green hues with undertones of pale greens in them. The other features I can’t stop myself from looking at are his plump lips, the color of caramel. His skin is a light tan, and his muscles ripple with his movements.

  My thoughts he might not be masculine have proven to be errant. He is every bit man. A true alpha and sure to be a person to contend with. Though he seems to find humor in most things I’ve said.

  I think he’s misjudged me as an empty headed female who will be easy to deal with. He’s in for a rude awakening in the bedroom. Kerr has been very open with his advances.

  A blush has remained on my cheeks for hours as he’s plied me with his words and hands. And once with his foot underneath the banquet table. He’s very naughty and seems to delight in making me gasp.

  I’ll have to rein in that behavior, and once we’re alone, I’ll be doing just that. With the festivities over, we’re being taken to our bridal penthouse suite in New York’s finest hotel.

  His father rides with us, or I’d let him know right now how he can play all he wants for now, but that’s all. I am not a plaything though and will not be messed with as a toy.

  We pull into the hotel’s valet service and stop in front of the large glass doors, trimmed in gold, my new husband gets out first then holds his hand out to me. I take it and make a note to myself to tell him I am completely capable of getting out of things on my own.

  The way he wraps his arm around me makes my heart speed up.

  That can’t be healthy. Can it?

  Never has my body been so erratic. His lips touch the top of my head, and he says in a low voice which sounds as if velvet is covering his diaphragm, “Nearly there, I can hardly keep my cock in my pants. I want you so much.”

  And just like that, my breath hitches in my chest and I nearly faint. “Oh, my!” My voice came out a bit higher than usual, and I do believe I have broken into a sweat.

  No! This cannot be healthy for me!

  The rogue is smiling with a devilish grin. “Oh, my, indeed, Kataline.”

  His hand has moved to squeeze my bottom, and I’d yelp if there was no one around. “You and I have much to discuss when we get into the privacy of our suite.”

  “We can talk all you want, as long as we do it without any clothes on, wife.” His grin fades into a firm line as is if he’s actually being serious.

  One porter takes us to the penthouse, and another takes his father, the king, to another place in the hotel. I’m sure it’s nearly as grand as ours. Our government always treats royalty from other planets to the best we have to offer.

  The elevator stops at the very top of the huge building and there we are. The door opens up to a spacious area draped in reds with white leather furniture and dim lighting. A magnificent fireplace has a fire going, the oranges and reds make shadows dance on the white walls.

out of a fairytale, and my heart pounds again. “This is beautiful,” I say as we step out onto the floor covered in ash stone. White ash from volcanic activity in the Aleutian Islands was used to create the most expensive flooring available.

  Kerr’s hand runs around the back of my neck. “It’s lovely, but you are the only thing which is beautiful in this room.”

  I look at him then at the porter. The porter excuses himself then disappears into the elevator, and we are finally alone.

  Kerr wastes no time. Lifting me up in his massive arms, he carries me away. “Kerr, really! What are you doing?”

  “Taking my wife to our bed.” He chuckles, and it makes his chest move with the sound.


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