ROMANCE: Stepbrother Crazy Seal (Bad Boy Navy Seal Billionaire Stepbrother) (New Adult Alpha BBW Menage Contemporary)

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ROMANCE: Stepbrother Crazy Seal (Bad Boy Navy Seal Billionaire Stepbrother) (New Adult Alpha BBW Menage Contemporary) Page 3

by Wanda Edmond

  “So I heard the two of you had an eventful day.” He laughed, eyeing them both.

  Kelsey flushed red, immediately thinking of the heated moment at the river.

  “Kelsey it must have been terrible to watch him out there,” Elena teased, “watching him challenge that knight like that.”

  “Oh yes,” Kelsey shook the heated thought, “It was the funniest thing I have ever seen. But he did kick his butt too.”

  The group shared a laugh and Kelsey headed upstairs for bed, her head full of spinning thoughts and conflicted reasoning. Matt had invited her to attend the dinner theater the following night, from the tickets he had won in the joust and she had hesitantly agreed. Would she be able to resist him long enough to keep some sense of her pride?

  Chapter 5

  The following day a soft knock at Kelsey door and she opened to find Matt smiling and looming in the hallway. He grinned sheepishly at the sight of her. Kelsey laughed and grabbed her bag, heading down the hallway beside him silently.

  “I thought the tickets weren’t until tonight?” She eyed him suspiciously at the entrance to the festival.

  “They aren’t,” He nodded, “I have other things planned between now and then. You’ll see.”

  Matt tugged at her arm and pulled her through the already thickening crowd of tourists and townsfolk. The walked past the marketplace and headed into the courtyard for a hearty lunch. Matt gnawed on a hunk of roast meat and Kelsey gave a grin. In that moment he looked like a barbarian, fitting right in with the rest of the crowds in costume. She sipped on a freshly squeezed lemonade and admired the crafting booths, filled with handmade candles and rugs, even oil paints with proud artists working their magic for the crowds to watch. Street vendors passed by shouting out fresh peanuts and almonds for sale and a few of the performers entertained amused guests in the streets. Though it still didn’t compare to the streets of Paris, it was an interesting and unique start to their European vacation. She had learned that her new stepmother was obsessed with the renaissance days and that had prompted the first stop. But as the day wore on Kelsey found herself once more in irritation at Matt, more specifically his behavior.

  It began with the archery range and his need to show off his skills. As they approved, a group of younger males pranced around one another in heated contest to see who shoot the most bullseyes on the target. Matt grinned that familiar cheeky smile and paid the man for his time. He turned and shot a “look at me" glance toward Kelsey who folded her arms barely amused. He pulled back, his thick muscles tightening from the strain and making her gut yearn once more. With a snap he released the bow, hitting his target on mark. The boys noticed his shot and called him into their heated play.

  “Nice shot buddy,” The boy called out, “But an old man like you can’t do that twice.”

  That was enough for Matt and the challenge was on between them. He shelled out dollar after dollar for his handful of arrows and the hour passed with the group keeping score of shots. Some of them sided with Matt and high fived him in triumph each dead eye shot he landed while the others cheered for their friend. Kelsey stood in the background, bored and annoyed in the heat, watching the show of manhood progress. The game ended a tie and the two men shook hands, Matt beaming at the fun. But Kelsey glared at him as he approached.

  “Did you see that babe?” He laughed, full of himself, and “Head to head with those young punks.”

  “Yeah I saw, can we go do something we can both enjoy now?” She rolled her eyes and continued down the path.

  Matt ignored her subtle warning and continued to test his strength and agility at every turn, hoping to impress her. He spent some time at the strength testing machine, smacking an anvil with his mallet and sending the bullet screaming up to the bell. He drew a crowd as they watched him hit, dead mark every time and each time it rang the bell chimed out with the cheering group. Some woman had taken notice too and huddled around him like a pack of hungry wolves. She rolled her eyes and stepped back to the shade of a nearby tree. Matt glanced back to find her, but noticed she had left and ended his game, the woman whining as he walked away. He held out his hand, pulling her from the ground with a frown.

  “Sorry I get carried away sometimes,” he rubbed his neck, “Just testing myself whenever I can.”

  The day wore on into early afternoon and the show of manliness continued. First the darts and a twenty minute battle against the champion, then more shows of strength and skill along the way. Kelsey felt her blood boiling; it had been the most boring and hot day of the entire trip. Her ideal vacation was not standing in the shadows all day watching some brute show off for everyone. One more time and I am so out of here. She told herself as they walked hand in hand quietly. An opportunity arose that was just too good for Matt to pass up and he sprinted ahead to the booth. An old-fashioned arm wrestling booth was set up near the edge of the path leading down the river and men circled a heated match between champion and challenger. The challenger slammed the tough guy’s arm down roughly with a smack and stood to take his bow. He eyed Matt and his strong arms and called out a challenge, to which Matt of course obliged. As he sat down to take the challenge, Kelsey slowly slunk away, headed quietly for the path as the manly shouts began once more. She needed to escape, get away from the shouts and hoots as men tried their best to impress her. Down the quiet tracks she heard the water rushing in the stream ahead. At the water’s edge she turned and headed down a shaded path, covered overhead by a thick layer of tree branches and lush green leaves.

  “Hey wait up!” Matt shouted from behind.

  Kelsey pretended not to hear him and continued to walk. Soon she found herself in a secluded area, the castle shining brightly in the setting sun behind her. Matt shouted again and sprinted to catch up. He stared at her, wide-eyed in confusion. He had thought they were having a nice day together, full of fun and adventure, but she took off and left him behind. He even looked slightly hurt as she turned to glare at him angrily.

  “Hey where’d you go?” He laughed, out of breath, “I won.”

  “Do you really think that my idea of a fun day is to walk around watching you show off everywhere?” She snapped, cutting straight to the chase, “Those other woman following us around sure were impressed but that kind of thing doesn’t work on me Matt.”

  Matt looked frustrated, “I don’t know how to win with you Kelsey. I’ve done everything I can to have you like me and nothing seems to work.”

  “It’s not about winning,” She sighed and looked upwards at the castle once more with a smile, “It’s about spending time with me, not showing off for crowds and spending the entire day doing what you want to do. Those other girls you’re used to May like following you around like a lost sheep but I don’t. I could have very well ventured out on my own today.”

  “Who cares about those other girls,” He stepped closer to her, “I care about you and how you feel. You should have said something to me earlier, not waited and got all mad. Kept letting me do it. I don’t know these things. I have never felt this way about someone before ok, I am still learning.”

  Kelsey’s heart softened slightly. She too was learning feelings that she had never possessed, as the jealously crept up watching those women crowding around him. She knew he was far more attractive than the average male and that was bound to happen no matter what he did, but something in watching that moment stirred emotions in her she had never experienced. Matt gazed at her sadly, desperately waiting for her to reply. She stepped forward, wrapping her arms around his solid waste and looking deeply into his beautiful eyes. He leaned in and kissed her passionate, exploring her mouth once more. He craved the taste of her, the smell of her skin against his. His arms wrapped tightly around her, he drew her near, continuing his assault on her sweet mouth. Kelsey gave a gasp as the lust rushed over her body. He peeled the shirt from her body, watching as her supple breasts fell free in the air and stood gaping. Her body was perfect, curvy and luscious, just waiting to be touched. Mat
t grasped at her belt, tugging her forward as she ripped away the clasps and stripped her naked for his eyes to admire more. They lay down in the grass, removing Matt’s tight shirt and pants, savoring the feel of one another’s skin.

  “I want to pleasure you like you have never felt before.” He whispered in her ear and nipped at her neck and shoulders.

  “Show me.” She called out desperate for his touch to satisfy her need.

  Matt raised himself up onto his arms and mounted her naked body, as a soft breeze wafted through the quiet forest floor. She stared down, gasped at the sight of his huge, bulging cock. He’s so big. She thought to herself, biting her lip and wondering if all of him would even fit inside of her. He slid himself inside of her slowly, and Kelsey let out a gasp at the feeling of fullness, his cock spreading her wide. He relaxed a moment, gazing down at her concerned.

  “I thought you said you’ve done this before.” His voice was soft and low.

  “I have,” She breathed a sigh of relief as her body finally gave into his size, “Your just really large.”

  He laughed and pressed deeper. Kelsey laid her head back, feeling the cool grass below it and closed her eyes, savoring the feel of his motion as he pleasure her wet body. He rocked, pressing gently inside and pulled back to let the sensation wash over him. She was so tightly wrapped around him it was hard to keep from coming. She looked up and pulled his head down to hers, kissing deeply on his soft lips. Her blue eyes glimmered with a look of desperation, wanting more of him.

  “Take me harder Matt please. I want to cum.” She pleaded.

  His thrusts became hard and swift in a torturous rhythm as Kelsey wiggled until the building pressures. Her wet pussy quivered under his thickness and his hips slammed down hard onto hers. Finally she shouted out, digging her nails into the earth beside her and released for him, letting her juices flow out and down her leg. Matt came, his manhood filling her to the brim with a release of satisfaction. He remained above her, watching as she opened her crystal eyes to gaze upward with a satisfied smile. He no longer felt as if this beautiful woman below him was merely another notch in his book and the love poured out from his heart filling him with euphoric happiness. He kissed her once more, sweetly and gently, before rolling to his side beside her in the grass. Kelsey dressed quickly, suddenly fearful that someone may come walking along and catch the two in the act.

  Feeling as if the tension had finally released, the two were free to head back to the festivities and to the special dinner Matt had one for his unrealized jousting skills. As the romantic night wore on, Kelsey began to doubt that her father’s way of bouncing from relationship to relationship was really the best way to trudge through life.

  Chapter 6

  The final day of the festival had come and Kelsey planned one last trip around the marketplace to shop for souvenirs. She slipped out of her hotel room quietly, so as not to alert her father, or Matt, that she was headed out. She would see them all later at the final meal before departure and she looked forward to a quiet moment alone with her thoughts. She passed the courtyard serving medieval meals and noticed a group of college boys, not much younger than she, glaring in her direction like a pack of hungry wolves. One of them gave her a catcall whistle but she stuck up her nose and continued to walk past without an acknowledgement of it. She entered the street labeled Market Place and grinned at the chance for some uninterrupted shopping. As she walked along she gave a happy nod to the vendors, admiring the old world clothing and shoes as she passed. It was amazing how fashion could change over time and what seemed totally in appropriate in those times could be the latest in thing of the present. She rounded a corner, making a last stop at the jewelers where she had bought her necklace. He grinned when she approached.

  “Back for more aye” He exclaimed in an almost realistic accent, “I have some new rings you might fancy.”

  She eyed the set, finding a pretty pinking ring made of silver with a matching red ruby fixed in the center. She handed the vendor some cash and slipped it onto her finger. Down the path she found a leather vendor and stepped inside, noticing a pair of sexy, modern looking boots setting upon a shelf. She tried them on finding that they fit her nicely. She purchased those as well and headed triumphantly back out into the streets, satisfying her shopping crave. At noon she headed back to the courtyard and sat down with a light meal. The summer heat had made food less desirable for her than usual and she picked at the bread and veggies. She laughed to herself, thinking back to the way Matt devoured that turkey leg, barbeque sauce covering his chin. A voice came from behind her and broke her daydream. She turned to find six young college boys, she recognized as the crowd from before, looming over her table and blocking out the sun. She gazed upward with a heated, annoyed stare.

  “Hey there,” One of the boys spoke up, “We saw you earlier right? But you must not have heard us huh.”

  Kelsey rolled her eyes, “Yes I heard you, I was ignoring you. It’s what we girls do when we are clearly not interested in conversation or haven’t you heard that one?”

  The group gave a sarcastic laugh and Kelsey found herself encircled by the men. One sat on the table, staring down at her breasts while the others closed in from all sides. Feeling she was in danger she rose, grabbing her bags and walked away as the men shouted out for her to come back. She headed for the game area where more people would most likely be, but as the festival was winding to a close she found less people crowding the streets. The group of men followed, calling out to her and shouting things into the air. She glanced back, her heart racing and quickened her pace.

  “Come on sweetie slow down,” Called out another of the men, “We just want to talk. What’s your name?”

  She sped up even more, passed the strength testers and archery ranges until she found herself cornered. If she continued, she would find herself alone in the woods with this group of dangerous guys, defense and far away from any signs of help. But if she turned around she would bump straight into them and have to deal with whatever else they had planned. She ran the worst thoughts in her head and felt the hot tears of panic welling up. The men came into sight again and, realizing she had nowhere else to go, sped up to catch her. They circle around her again and eyed her hungrily.

  “Where you going in such a hurry all alone?” The one boy chimed in again.

  “We just want to have a little fun on vacation too.” Another added from behind.

  Just as she opened her mouth to speak, a familiar voice rose loud and heavy from behind the boys. Matt stood, fists clenched tightly into thick balls, glaring at the scene before him. The men whirled around in their place and knowing he was outnumbered gave little thought to his anger.

  “What are you her boyfriend?” One of the boys laughed.

  “Yep,” He smiled but his face remained dark and fixed on the trouble makers, “And right now I have a short fuse waiting to blow. So I’m going to give you punks to the count of five to walk away or your going to find out how pissed off I am.”

  “Did you hear that guys?” One of the boys nudged the other, “He’s giving us a fair warning huh.”

  The first boy lunged forward and Matt knocked him to the ground with a single, lightening fast swoop of his fist. He lifted the disoriented man back up and clocked him in the face hard while the others shouted out.

  “Hey come on man,” One boy stepped forward, “We we’re just having fun, you know, kidding around.”

  “Does she look like she was enjoying it?” His eyes fell to Kelsey, standing frozen with terror.

  Matt grasped the other boy and gave him a swift punch to the mouth, sending a trail of blood dripping from his nose. The boy cried out in pain and doubled back. Matt let go of the other and allowed him to scramble back to his friends he too bleeding.

  “Ok man sorry.” Another, more wise of the group stepped forward with hands raised, “we’re going.”

  The group made a hasty exit, scrambling back towards the festival and disappeared into the crow
d. Kelsey took a breath, sighing in relief. Who knows what would have happened had Matt not found her when he did. And if he wasn’t as strong as he was, that still could have ended badly for the both of them. Perhaps a little brute strength around wasn’t such a bad thing after all, permitting he could keep it under control when it wasn’t needed. She gave him a warm smile and rushed into his arms. After scolding her for sneaking off alone in a strange place, the two headed back up to the castle to meet their parents for a late lunch and to discuss the next phase of their trip. A week had now passed in Europe and already it was turning out to be a crazy adventure. Her father rose and smiled as they entered the dining hall. Kelsey sat down beside him and ordered a light meal.

  “Well we ship out today gang,” Her father gave a sight and glanced around the area, “Next stop is the city of love and fashion.”

  “Paris?” Kelsey squealed with delight.

  He nodded happily, “The car leaves at 7pm and well will be headed to the jet for the next phase of this family trip.”

  She excused herself to pack and hurried up the cobblestone steps to her room. As she folded her clothing and placed in neatly back into her cases, she gazed out once more at the stunning landscape. It was beautiful in this place there was no doubt about that, but she was looking forward to the city of Paris and the fashion central of the world. Soon a knock came from the door and Matt entered looking glum.


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