ROMANCE: Stepbrother Crazy Seal (Bad Boy Navy Seal Billionaire Stepbrother) (New Adult Alpha BBW Menage Contemporary)

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ROMANCE: Stepbrother Crazy Seal (Bad Boy Navy Seal Billionaire Stepbrother) (New Adult Alpha BBW Menage Contemporary) Page 6

by Wanda Edmond

  “Where are you going?” Daemon looked defeated.

  “To find her.” He growled and disappeared into evening outside.

  Chapter 11

  As she walked the vacant, dark streets her heart pounded in fear. An alley cat screeched and sent a garbage can crashing to the pavement, making her shout out in fright. Kelsey was now very lost, in a dangerous part of the city and feared for her life. She was unable to speak the language, how could she possibly hope to return to the hotel? She wondered if her father had gone back and told his stepmother the truth and what Elena would say about her love affair. I wonder if anyone is even looking for me. She sighed and kept walking straight ahead towards some bright lights in the distance. She imagined her father plotting to leave her out there for the night, to teach her a lesson for meddling in his affairs. He wouldn’t dare. Her face twisted into a scowl. And then her thoughts fell on Matt, who she knew would be worried sick about her when she didn’t return. Her heart lifted as another small shopping plaza came into view. She watched the people bustling about on their ventures and listened carefully for someone to speak English to ask for help. Her heart pleaded, anyone speaking my language please. Tired from a day of walking, she slumped down on a bench and hung her head low, confused and lost in the city alone.

  Matt hailed a taxi and headed for the last place her father had admitted seeing her. It was strange that he would be having lunch way on the other side of town, but he would deal with that later. Right now his only focus was on finding his love and bringing her back safely. The cab driver dropped him at the edge of a small plaza, just east of where Daemon had told her Kelsey sprinted off. His skills came in handy for the second time on the trip. First to ward off the college punks that circled her at the festival and now to track her down. He surveyed the area carefully, listening to the polite conversations of the locals. He neared a store and stopped to ask them if they had seen a lost woman anywhere in French. Luckily they spoke the language. He frowned, as they shook their heads no. He feared the worst, knowing that she couldn’t speak French and was a beautiful woman all alone. She could fall victim to anything and anyone. His heart raced with urgency. Soon he came to a square and his heart leapt, noticing a stunningly beautiful blonde head sitting on a bench. As he approached from behind, he could hear quiet sobs as she sat crying. He cleared his throat.

  “You know it’s not safe to wander out alone.” He smiled, “You could get lost.”

  Kelsey turned to find her love standing over her, his face was so welcoming in her time of need. She leapt from the seat and flung her arms tightly around his neck, bearing her tear soaked face in his shoulder. He squeezed, thankful she was ok, and then stepped back to look her over. She looked exhausted and panicked, clearly in no shape to go on any further. Towards the plaza’s edge he found a small hotel with a vacant room and reserved it, dragging her worn body upstairs and into the tiny room. She slumped down onto the bed, hungry and drained from the day’s horrific events, and forced a smile upwards.

  “I figured we could use a night away,” Matt sat down besides her, pulling her into his arms, “Your dad said you two had a fight. It must have been pretty bad to have you run off and get lost like that.”

  Kelsey nodded in agreement, but decided it was best to keep what had been said to herself. Matt elected not to pry, whatever had happened between his love and her father was their business. He cupped her delicate chin in his strong hands and brought her eyes to meet his. With a warm smile he leaned in and kissed her deeply, his tongue dancing slowly with hers. She let out a sigh, feeling a wave of relief and desire mixing together in a rush of happiness. He had rushed out to save her, and she was now completely sure that his love for her was the real thing. So this is what it’s like. She allowed herself to be set back gently onto the bed. His tongue continued its dance, trailing along the length of her neck and planting wet kisses on her shoulders. He paused a moment to nip gently, enjoying her body as it bucked in response.

  “I don’t know what I would have done if something happened to you,” He whispered in her ear, “I love you deeply.”

  “I’m ok Matt,” She felt the smile spreading, “I love you too.”

  His hands fumbled with her top, eventually undoing the hooks with a snap. He lifted her up and pulled the top from below, tossing it onto the carpeting. Her supple, curvy breasts fell loose and Matt licked his lips hungrily, devouring them in his mouth and savoring the salty taste of her skin. Kelsey grasped at his hair, the overwhelming sensations of his mouth making her wet with pleasure. Soon he peeled off her jeans and the two lay naked on the bed, enjoying a moment of peace in one another’s arms. Still grateful for the rescue and now filled with lust, she pushed him onto his back and mounted him, eyeing the muscles in his chest as they rippled and flexed. Slowly she slid his hug cock into her and pressed down to feel its full length. Kelsey tossed her hair back and moaned, the filling sensation of his size was a delight after her day of struggle. Matt grasped her hips tightly and moved her body back and forth, enjoying her tight, wet pussy as it pleasured him. Her body rocked to the torturous rhythm, the feeling of an oncoming orgasm building with each press of him into her throbbing mound. She began to move faster, gazing down as Matt’s eyes closed and listening to his quiet moans. Harder she thrust against him, filling herself and taking the pleasure she needed. He grasped tightly and clenched his teeth, ready to explode from her movements. Kelsey came, shouting up to the ceiling as the sensational pleasure flooded her whole body. She collapsed onto his chest, holding her love tightly.

  “I slipped today Matt.” She spoke softly after the rush had subsided. “I told my father about us during the fight.”

  Matt lay silently holding her for a moment, “And what did he say?”

  “He cut me down for getting involved with someone.” She could barely contain her tears, remembering his harsh words.

  “Don’t listen to him Kelsey,” Matt lifted her up to look deeply into her eyes, “You have taught me that love doesn’t have to hold you back. It can free you and be supportive of your life.”

  She nodded with a smile. If a bad boy like Matt could change his mind, then there was no reason she couldn’t as well. Being with him didn’t mean the end of her successful career, it was foolish to think this loving man would hold her back. She leaned down and kissed him softly on his lips, inhaling his addictive scent once more.

  “Then I guess we are going to continue this.” She grinned happily, “Who cares what he thinks.”

  “I agree,” Matt laughed and hugged her tight, “We will let love have a chance in our lives for once.”


  Elena paced the room while Daemon slumped down in a nearby chair, his hand rubbing at his temples in frustration. She glanced at his suspiciously, noting the guilty look on his face.

  “I don’t understand where they could be.” She nearly cried as her voice cracked with worry.

  “They’ll be fine,” He hissed sarcastically, “I’ll bet Matt’s found her by now and they are off somewhere together.”

  Elena paused to ponder his strange comment, “What was the fight about?”

  Daemon looked up, frantically thinking of an excuse that would work, “Our children are having a wild love affair behind our back.”

  “You’re sure about this?” Elena’s eyebrows raised in amusement, a smile breaking onto her face.

  “What’s so funny?” Daemon snapped, “That’s her step-brother.”

  “Only by marriage,” Elena rolled her eyes, “and a new marriage at that.”

  “So what are you saying you approve of this?” Daemon folded his arms angrily.

  “Love has a funny way of bringing two people together dear,” She sighed and smiled brighter, “And it can happen in the most unexpected of ways. Let them be for now, we will worry about the technicalities later.”

  Elena knew her husband’s history and had kept in the back of her mind that there was a good chance their marriage wouldn’t last. Why
spoil our children’s chances. She agreed with her decision. Daemon fell silent, knowing there was no sense in arguing with her, especially when the news was taking the heat off him and his whereabouts that afternoon. Elena’s phone buzzed and she breathed a sigh of relief. The message was from her son Matt, and he had found her. They were safe and staying in a hotel till morning.

  Chapter 12

  The two returned to the hotel the following morning to find Elena and her father waiting anxiously in the dining hall. Kelsey ordered breakfast and ate as if she hadn’t seen food in weeks while the other’s looked on in surprise. Her father, unable to keep eye contact, clearly had been up all night from the redness around his eyes. He cleared his throat to get the family’s attention.

  “There’s a fair going on down by the docks,” He announced, “We are all headed there after breakfast for a day of good old fashioned fun before we head out.”

  “Head out?” Kelsey’s eyes rose from her meal, “Another stop?”

  Without looked at her he nodded, “I have rented us a quaint little cottage in the south of Italy, near a vineyard, for the last week of our trip. The jet leaves tonight.”

  Though she would be sad to see Paris and her shopping spree go, the romance of Italian vineyards sounded like a relaxing change of pace from the bustle of Paris city life. A life she had seen far too much of the night before on her lost adventure. She finished her meal and soon the group was headed by taxi once more up the road. The car was silent as it sped along, the tension in the air was so thick between them that she could almost feel it. Even Elena seemed to eye her suspiciously, yet said nothing the length of the drive. The fair came into view, with a huge Ferris wheel jutting out from the tents below and Kelsey couldn’t help but feel a bit of child-like excitement as they neared. I haven’t been to a fair since I was a kid. She giggled to herself, her laughter filling the quiet space. Elena gave her a warm smile. The taxi screeched to a halt and the group headed into the crowd, each hoping that the fun-filled day would lighten the solemn mood between them. Her father purchased their tickets and the four wandered around the fairgrounds together, Matt bravely pulling Kelsey close to him and holding her hand. Elena eyed them smiling and said nothing. The first stop was a small petting zoo, filled with exotic animals from around the world. Kelsey admired each one, pausing to watch the monkeys as they played and wrestled with one another in the cage. She stroked the back of a goat and it seemed to love the attention. She let out a giggle as it nudged her for more as Matt watched her playful, a wide grin on his face.

  “Who wants to ride the Ferris wheel?” Elena called out cheerfully.

  “I’ll sit this one out,” Kelsey raised up her hands, gazing terrified at the height, “I’m afraid of heights.”

  “I didn’t know that dear.” Elena thought back to the tower and chuckled.

  “I will stay behind too, why don’t, you and Matt go ahead.” Her father glanced at her out of the corner of his eye.

  Kelsey watched Matt and his mother as they headed towards the line, chatting happily as they walked. Suddenly she realized she was alone once again with her father and braced herself for another attack. The two stood, unable to glance one another’s way for some time, electing to watch them board the ride instead. Kelsey could hear the shouts and screams of excitement from the other riders on more wild rides and smell the aroma of fresh popcorn and cotton candy. Her mouth watered, still finding she was hungry after going without a full day. Finally, as the Ferris wheel began its ascent, her father turned sharply and stared into Kelsey’s eyes. Here it comes. She thought to herself, expecting him to scold her once more on her decision to love.

  “I’m sorry for the way I spoke to you.” His voice was low and humble, “If you want to love someone that is your decision and I shouldn’t put you down for it.”

  “Thank you.” The coldness was still clear in her voice.

  “Though I will never know why you would choose a military meat head, Elena seems to be happy for you.” He sighed.

  “You told her?” Kelsey’s voice raised in anger. That wasn’t his place to have done.

  “Yes I had to,” He chuckled, “She squeezed the whole thing out of me.”

  “Then she knows where you were when I found you?” Kelsey folded her arms.

  “No,” His eyes fell shamefully to the ground, “I didn’t tell her, because I have decided to give this one a real go. I don’t want it to end just before I get the chance to try and be a one woman man.”

  Kelsey wrestled with her conscience. If he was telling the truth she didn’t want to be the reason his marriage ended just as he had decided to finally settle down. She hadn’t told Matt what she had seen for a reason. She glared at him silently, watching the sad look on his face and the regret teeming from his eyes. Her heart softened slightly.

  “Ok I will keep what I saw to myself,” She sighed, “But don’t make me regret that decision dad. And as far as Matt and I go? He warmed up to me over time, showing me he really does care. We want to see where this will lead us before making any serious plans.”

  “Good girl,” He smiled, “Keep your options open.”

  Kelsey rolled her eyes and looked up at Ferris wheel, where Elena and Matt were mere dots in the carriage. Her stomach churned.


  “Son” Elena turned in her seat to smile warmly at Matt, the sky clear and beautiful in front of them at the top of the Ferris wheel, “I know about you and Kelsey. Daemon told me last night.”

  “I figured as much,” He sighed and rubbed his neck nervously, the tense moment a bit more than he expected so soon, “You should have seen her mom, she was a wreck when I found her. I don’t know what was said to her by that man, but all I know is he may not be all he seems to be.”

  “I know that dear.” Her voice trailed off, “But your father has passed and though he will always be my love, I am getting older now. I need companionship, security and he can provide those things.”

  “So it’s not about love for you then?” Matt raised an eyebrow, thinking of Kelsey and her life growing up with that womanizer.

  “I am sure I will grow to love him in a way.” She grasped the bar as the wheel came to life once again.

  Matt sat silently, pondering the situation. Maybe it was a mutual understanding, with both his mother and stepfather getting what they needed the most from the relationship. He vowed that lack of luster would never enter his relationship with Kelsey. There was a pure love, real as it was between his mother and father. And he would do whatever it took to keep her, regardless of what that man thought of it. The wheel stopped and they exited the ride to join the others, the tension lifting from the group and they walked on. The found vendors for lunch, indulging on treats and hot dogs and watching the clowns as they paraded through the eatery square and played with small children. A soft breeze was blowing in from the waters, cooling her skin despite the relentless sun overhead. After a few games, the group decided to part ways awhile and Matt happily escorted his love along the booths towards the docks.

  They stood on the boardwalk, listening to the gulls as they flew just above the waters in search of a meal. She took in the fresh air and the sounds coming from the fair behind. Matt pulled her into his arms and planted a loving kiss on her lips, lingering awhile to savor the moment. The sun was beginning to set below the water line, splashing the sky with deep reds and hints of sharp orange. They walked along the deserted beach, kicking sand as they went and laughing like children. With her fears finally concurred, Kelsey now felt free to love Matt and allow him to love her the way that a real couple was meant to be. She had grown up watching her father’s many mistakes and it had given her the wrong idea about what a relationship between a man and woman could truly be. Now she looked forward to the future, not just because of her awaiting career back home, but of the road this love would take her. It was such a strange beginning, full of adventure and reflection as Matt entered her life suddenly and turned her world upside down with his
relentless pursuit. She lifted her eyes to meet his and gazed silently, a look of love flashing in her eyes.

  “What?” Matt laughed and kissed her again.

  “Oh I was just thinking how much I love you,” She sighed, “and about our crazy vacation adventure so far. I wonder what Italy will be like?”

  “Well as long as you don’t get lost again,” He teased, but meant the truth, “Then we will be fine. It sounds quiet and peaceful.”

  Matt admired her beauty in the setting sun’s ray and grinned. I can’t believe that this girl is really mine. He laughed to himself and pulled her closer as they walked side by side. Now that his mother and stepfather knew about their love affair and at least his mother approved, it felt more official than it had when they had to keep it a secret. He could hold her without watching over his shoulder for the risk of being revealed. The stopped at the edge of the dock, the water spraying gently onto their skin. He pulled her in, feeling her chest tightly against his and the slow, steady breathing below. He savored her warmth, her smells and her sweet kiss. Kelsey closed her eyes, allowing the sensations to lay a blanket of peace over her. She inhaled him, tasted his salty lips and felt the warm of his body. They walked slowly back to the fair, silently enjoying one another’s company and rejoined their parents near the stage. One last performance from a stage magician and they hailed a cap back to the hotel to back. Kelsey soaked in the atmosphere for the last time, packing her things in her old luggage and the various items she had purchased into a new one, laughing sadly at the extra weight. Outside her balcony she could hear the sounds of rushing cars and horses as they clamped up the cobblestone drives. She would miss Paris and allure of its romance environments and shopping, but now she was also looking forward to what the next part of their trip, and beyond, would bring for her and Matt.

  “I have finally found the love of my life,” She whispered out loud to the Paris world, “Reluctantly but I have found him. And nothing is going to come between us now.”


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