ROMANCE: Stepbrother Crazy Seal (Bad Boy Navy Seal Billionaire Stepbrother) (New Adult Alpha BBW Menage Contemporary)

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ROMANCE: Stepbrother Crazy Seal (Bad Boy Navy Seal Billionaire Stepbrother) (New Adult Alpha BBW Menage Contemporary) Page 8

by Wanda Edmond

  Down the path it was much cooler in the shade of the thick trees reaching high above head and blocking out most of the sunlight from view. She glanced along the forest floor, dotted with wildflowers of sorts in reds and blues, and a thick layer of native fern that lay like a green blanket all around. It was a tantalizing aroma, mixing the earthy scents of wet dirt and grass with the distance smells of the vineyard. In the distance she could hear the faint sounds of running water, perhaps from a stream or lake and hurried along to see. The trail wound its way along, and ran side by side with a shallow river. She stopped a moment to watch as the water splashed and twirled around smooth rocks lying at the bottom, sparking in the early morning sun. She continued onward along the trail, still deep in her own thoughts. Her father’s behavior in France had been a shock, but what was more surprising was her own reaction to it. She had never placed value on love or relationships but after meeting Matt her ideals about the whole thing were changing. Her father had told her Matt, or any man for that matter, would be the end of her successful career and she wondered how much truth there could really be behind it. Sure there was a risk, but there would also be risks. I will just have to take this day by day and not let myself get overrun by life’s mistakes. As she walked along, the tiny stream became a more active river, widening its width and growing deeper, the waters changing to a deep blue. The rushing water grew noisier until it overpowered the silent of the forest around it.

  Just around another small bend, Kelsey noticed a figure slumped down beside a thick tree trunk. As she approached, she recognized the man’s face, it was Antonio from the general store. He turned at the sound of her approaching, a sad look upon his face, but brightened at the sight of her nearing. Rising from his seat he brushed the leaves from his tight jeans. Again Kelsey felt a wave of desire welling up for this dark haired, handsome man. He greeted her warmly as she reached his place.

  “Fancy seeing you out here.” She smiled.

  He motioned for her to come and sit and she politely obliged with a nod. He plopped himself back down beside her and forced a smile.

  “My family owns the vineyard, “He pointed back towards the way she came from, “I come out here sometimes when I want some peace and quiet to think.”

  Kelsey felt a wave of embarrassment, remembering her heated moment with Matt the night before in those vineyards. She flushed but remained still.

  “This is a beautiful place you live in,” She sighed and gazed at the bright blue river bend just ahead, “You’re fortunate to be surrounded by this every day.”

  “Yes beautiful,” His eyes fell to the ground in front of him sadly, “But lonely. You see it’s a small town, with few women my age. You think it’s hard to find a love where you are from? Trying growing up with only a handful of people to choose from. The one girl I actually liked has just announced she is engaged to a man I cannot stand. And now I again feel the sadness of life. What good is all this beauty if you have no one to share it with?”

  Kelsey’s heart melted. Antonio was a refreshing change from the testosterone driven Matt. Here was this sweet, hardworking and stunningly handsome man and all he dreamt about was finding love. She smiled warmly, her blue eyes gazing into his and sparkling in the light rays of sunlight.

  “I am sure you will find someone Antonio, you’re a handsome guy with a lot to offer. A woman is going to come along that can appreciate that.” Kelsey tried to be supportive, despite her own conflicted feelings about the concept.

  “You’re sweet Kelsey,” He grinned, “But I have never been popular with woman. Around here they are looking for a specific set of standards and I just simply do not have them. No, unless someone from the outside finds me I am afraid I am doomed.”

  “Well,” She thought hard of what to say to that remark without coming off the wrong way. She loved Matt after all, even if this local boy was getting to her, “Then maybe you should go to her.”

  “Oh I am far too… how do you say… shy? To do that. I wouldn’t know what to say to a woman of the hectic world.” He laughed and ran his thick hand through his long hair.

  Kelsey watched hungrily as his arms flexed, revealing the strength of his arms below his shirt. His eyes were so full of sweetness and love, and a hint of a shy boy looking for romance and the one to spend the rest of his life with. Before she could speak, he leaned in and kissed her lips. She froze in shock, though his lips tasted of sweet grapes and saltiness, and her body responded to his touch without her choosing. She knew she should stop, but the romantic scene around her, his devilishly handsome looks and the way her heart cried out to his plea made it hard to pull away. Deeper he kissed, his tongue reaching deep into her and exploring her mouth in a way that sent chills down her spine. Finally she regained her senses and pulled away.

  “I can’t do this,” She frowned and looked down at the grass to avoid his sad gaze, “I shouldn’t do this.”

  “Oh the American man you’re with.” His voice trailed off, “He is what most woman want, tough and strong with handsome looks. I understand.”

  Kelsey laughed, “My father called him a meathead. He is a Navy Seal, part of our army.”

  “And this is the right type of man for a beautiful, strong woman like yourself?” Antonio’s eyes were pleading.

  “Well yeah,” Kelsey’s mind began to frantically wander at the piercing questions, “I mean it’s about more than just the looks and muscles. He can be sweet when he wants to be.”

  “I see.” Antonio’s frown grew deeper.

  In the distance a cowbell began to ring loudly and Antonio sprang to his feet. He glanced at Kelsey as he headed back towards the path he had come and gave a half smile.

  “Can we remain friends?” His eyes were desperate.

  “Of course,” Kelsey grinned and watched as he jogged away out of sight.

  She sat, stunned, beside the waters awhile. What just happened? She thought desperately to herself. She was ashamed at her behavior. Even though she hadn’t initiated that kiss, she didn’t exactly pull away and tell him off like she should have. She thought of her father and the way she was raised, suddenly fearful that she could wind up like him, bouncing from man to man the rest of her days. Soon she rose and headed back towards the cabin, now more conflicted than ever. Antonio’s question should not have been so hard to answer. Was Matt the right type of guy for her? He had shown her that he really did care and that underneath that bulging bad guy attitude was a sweet and romantic man. But it had also been an exception, rather than a regular thing, to see that side of him come out. Most of the trip he had acted like a typical muscle brained male, always quick to show off his strength and hot tempered. Antonio on the other hand was a sensitive, shy type of man. He would be the type to consistently bring out that side of him and not be afraid to show her a little romance. She shook the thought as the cabin came into view. She was in love with Matt and that was the end of it.


  Matt joined his mother and stepfather in the small kitchen, grabbing a handful of cereal as he went. He gave her a soft kiss on her cheek and exchanged a quick glance with Daemon, then searched the room for his love.

  “She left a note,” Elena noticed his concern at the missing Kelsey, “She went for a quick morning walk.”

  “Oh good,” His eyes widened and he rushed to the door to put on his boots hurriedly, “Can I borrow the car once more please?”

  Daemon’s eyebrows raised in surprise and amusement, “Whatever for?”

  “There’s a jewelers in the main area of the villa that hand makes his own stuff,” He smiled and clambered with his second boot, “I am having him make me a very special ring, as a surprise, and I have one of Kelsey’s rings he needs to see to size it right.”

  Daemon stopped fishing for the keys and looked up, wide-eyed in terror, “What kind of special ring are we talking about here?”

  Matt had decided to purpose to Kelsey on the last day in Italy before heading home. He wanted her to know how serious his lov
e was for her before they returned to the hectic life they lived back home. He also wanted her to know that he was committed to making it work, that his days as a womanizer were at their end. What more of a romantic gift than an engagement ring right there in Italy, handmade so it was one of a kind. With her passion for all things fashion he was sure that would tickle her fancy, knowing that no one else in the world had a ring like hers. Elena looked up from her coffee, her eyes too were widened in surprise and awaiting his response. He grinned towards her and she knew the answer by the sparkle in his eyes.

  “You’re purposing to her?” Elena answered for him, smiling warmly.

  “Don’t gentleman still get the approval of the father first?” Daemon growled slightly.

  “No,” He laughed, “These days the woman’s approval is all that is needed.”

  With a nudge from Elena, Daemon reluctantly handed Matt the keys and he rose out the door, rushing to sneak away before Kelsey returned. He sped off towards town, reciting the words he had planned to say the night after next when he got down on one knee.

  Chapter 16

  That evening the four sat around relaxing when a knock at the door echoed through the quiet room and startled Elena from her nap. Matt rose and opened the screen door to find the butcher, Antonio, standing on the front porch with a bottle of wine in his hand. He smiled politely and Matt who reluctantly let him inside. After introducing himself to Daemon and Elena, he handed the bottle to them with a grin.

  “My parent’s wanted me to send this by when I came to say hello,” He eyed the label, “it is from my family’s vineyards and aged 10 years.”

  “Oh my, what a nice gift,” Elena exclaimed and rose to place it in the kitchen, “Tell your parents thank you sincerely.”

  “Yes very nice lad,” Daemon grinned, “So what brings you by?”

  “Oh my parents are the renters of this cabin as well and wanted me to make a call and assure you are getting along well,” He smiled at Kelsey, “And it was a nice excuse to visit my new friend.”

  Daemon pretended to ignore the last part of Antonio’s statement, but he knew that this gentleman was in pursuit of his daughter. He didn’t approve of her choice in Matt and this looked like the perfect opportunity to end things before they even began. He motioned for the seat beside the terrified Kelsey and smiled.

  “Please have a seat then,” he grinned, eyeing the heated look on Matt’s face happily, “Things are just lovely here. As a matter of fact my wife and I were just discussing how nice it would be to return on a regular basis. Does your family rent out this cabin often?’

  Elena eyed him suspiciously from the kitchen, frowning at his lie.

  “No not usually, it’s too close to our crops to allow many strangers, but you know my second cousin I believe?” Antonio continued to sneak glances at Kelsey as he spoke.

  The color had drained from her face as she sat thinking of the stolen kiss by the waters. She had agreed to be friends, but never expected such a bold move as to walk into the cabin in front of Matt. Her father was warming up to him a little quickly as well and she suspected there was an underlying reason.

  “Yes that’s right he’s a colleague back home.” Daemon nodded.

  “Oh good,” Antonio laughed heartily, “I can speak to my father this evening and I am sure something could be arranged for your family to return. Kelsey has been very nice to me and you seem to be good people.”

  Matt was teaming with anger and jealously as he sat down hard in a chair across from them, watching this local boy flashing eyes at his love. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but there was something about Antonio that made his weary. As if behind that sweet smile and handsome looks there was another side of him they weren’t seeing. It’s just your jealously talking. His voice of reason reminded him harshly. Kelsey didn’t seem to be paying much attention to him after all, it was most Daemon making a big deal out of his unwanted visit. He knew that it had something to do with his disapproval of the relationship between him and his daughter and did his best to keep his cool. Suddenly Antonio turned gaze at her and her heart froze. She couldn’t help the feeling of lust she had towards him, even though she knew Matt was staring heatedly at the two of them from across the room.

  “Kelsey would you like a tour of the town tomorrow?” He asked nervously, “My father has given me permission to show you the wine processing and vintage areas, something most tourists would never be allowed to see. We sell our wares around the world.”

  “Oh what a splendid invitation,” Daemon chimed in before she could respond, “I am sure she would love to go.”

  Both Kelsey and Matt shot her father a horrified glance, but Antonio took that as a yes and rose for the door without another word. He nodded politely and bid the family goodnight, disappearing out into the darkness once more. It was Elena that spoke out first, after Antonio was no longer in earshot.

  “What in the world were you thinking?” She raised her voice louder than Kelsey had ever heard.

  “We can’t be rude to our hosts dear,” He shrugged and yet the smile on his face told the truth, “Besides it’s not like I just arranged a date, it’s a simple tour. Do you want them to think we are snobs?”

  “You should have let her answer for herself,” Matt chimed in with a growl.

  “Fine,” She sighed, “I will have no choice but to go now thanks to my father.”

  She rose and stormed off down the hallway, still hearing Elena as she scolded her father for his actions. She ran to her door and inside, slamming it behind her. After what had happened at the riverside, how would she possibly be able to resist an entire day of this handsome man’s advances? And poor Matt looked devastated, knowing that she was about to spend an entire day away from him and with the man he had been jealous of their first night in town.


  The following morning Antonio knocked on the door quietly and Kelsey answered. He was dressed in a tight, plain white t-shirt and torn jeans, his outfit showing off more of his rippling muscles than she had seen before. He looked so handsome in the sunlight her heart leapt. Matt rose and walked her out to his car, purposely wrapping his arms tightly around her waist to show this man who she belonged too. Kelsey rolled her eyes at the show of manhood and possession, but knew exactly why he was doing it this time. Before getting into the car, Matt planted a long, deep kiss on her lips and gazed deeply into her eyes. She could see the fear and anger in them.

  “Don’t worry,” She whispered, “It will be fine.”

  They drove down the streets towards his family’s winery in town and the car screeched to a halt just outside. Kelsey gazed up at the stone building in awe. It was impressive for the area, not at all what she had expected to see. The two-story cobblestone front was laced with vines of white ivy flowers and moss, giving it an almost castle-like feel. In the distance behind the building she noticed huge wooden kegs mounted sideways besides another tall building and wonder if they were full of wine. As if reading her thoughts, Antonio pointed to them.

  “Those are the aging barrels,” he smiled, “It’s were we store new wines for anywhere from five to ten years. The longer it stays in there, the more flavor and strength the wine has.”

  They stepped inside the building out of sight, just as the rental car pulled into nearby parking space across the street. Matt eyed the entrance suspiciously from the rearview mirror. He wasn’t the type of man to stalk someone, but there was something nagging at him he couldn’t shake. Something about Antonio, other than the fact that he could see right through his shy boy routine, was looming over him and prompted him to follow his love for her day alone. Especially after the scare at the festival and again with her missing in Paris, he didn’t want a repeat in Italy that could end with her getting hurt or worse. He sat looming, waiting anxiously for their return to the car.

  Inside the factory Kelsey looked up at the huge metal machines pumping juices from the grapes inside. The room was filled with the strong scent of fermented grape
juice, tingling at her senses. If ever she had to work in a factory, smelling this intoxicating scent all day would be worth it. She followed along as Antonio introduced her to several long-time workers and managers in the factory. One man told her that the family’s winery supplied most of the jobs for the locals and literally kept the village alive and teeming. Antonio laughed and listened to the tale of how his family started, nodding in approval at the tale. They parted the factory floor and toured through the storage areas where bottles and keg tables lay labeled with exact dates and times. He explained that it was essential the wine ferment for the exact amount of time needed or it wouldn’t have that unique taste that sold thousands of bottles worldwide. Though she had been hesitant to attend, Kelsey found it was actually a fascinating day, guided by an attractive eye-candy of a man. She smiled happily as they walked along. She was allowed to sample the different ages, noting the difference in taste clearly and nodding. As the two headed back for the car, she was even glad her father had pressured her to go, as it was turning out ok and no further advances were made to her relief. They hopped in and sped off for the town square, as Antonio pointed out spots of historical relevance along the way. She didn’t realize how much rich past this quaint little area actually had.

  “Are you hungry?” He grinned, unaware of the rental car trailing slightly behind him.

  “Yes.” She smiled and watched as they pulled into the parking lot of a local restaurant.

  He had to help her with the menu, because it was all in Italian but soon they had ordered and sat at an outside table for two overlooking the main square. The waiter brought their meal and the two continued to chat happily, as Matt watched secretly in the distance. So far he hadn’t seen anything suspicious, but the day was still young. Kelsey answered his questions about home and about her new life when she returned, with Antonio highly impressed by her achievements.


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