Bride For Order

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Bride For Order Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  “Do you like it?”

  “Yes. It feels so good, so weird. I don’t want you to stop.”

  Licking her pussy, he stroked her ass, getting her to take more of his fingers as he thrust them inside the tight hole. She’d gotten even wetter and he loved it.

  He wanted to get her dirty, to let her see how good it could be between them, and how amazing.

  If she got addicted to what he could do to her body, then it wouldn’t be long before he’d find a way for her to love him. That’s what he wanted … her love.

  Her ass started to squeeze his finger, and he felt her body tighten, getting closer to orgasm, and she screamed out his name as she came long and hard. He kept licking her clit, thrusting his finger inside her, prolonging her release.

  Only when he was sure she couldn’t take anymore did he bring her down slowly.

  “Oh, wow,” she said. “I had no idea it could be that … amazing.”

  He smiled, pressing a kiss to her thigh. “It will always be like that between us. I love licking your pussy. I’m going to want to do it often.” He pulled his finger from her ass. Leaving her, he went to the bathroom, grabbing a cloth. While he was there, he washed his hands, and came back to clean her.

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “I want to do that. You’re my wife, Anna, and I want to take care of you in every single way that I can.”

  “I had no idea it could be like this. When I’m with you, I feel comfortable, myself. No one has ever made me feel that way.”

  Landon stared down at her, seeing that her eyes were drooping just a little. She was exhausted.

  Moving behind her, he switched off the light.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I think it’s time you got some sleep.”

  “What about you?”

  “I’m good.” His cock was aching and he had the worst case of blue balls, but she was tired.

  “I don’t mind if you want to.”

  “I can wait. I’m a patient man. Get some sleep, Anna.”

  She curled up beside him and within minutes, she was asleep. Landon was content to have her asleep in his arms.


  Anna had her legs curled up under her bottom, a book in her lap. But her focus wasn’t on reading. It was on Landon, who was crouched on his haunches stoking the fire. A horrible storm raged on outside, rain pelting against the window like tiny bullets. There was a flash of lightning and she tensed, knowing the thunder would come like a war drum. And then a second later the booming of thunder came, like the sky opening up and raining hell on earth.

  She brought the blanket around her shoulders and set the book aside. She couldn’t focus, not with the storm going on outside, and certainly not with Landon just feet away. After he’d gotten her off the night before, that was all she could think about. She was in this constant state of arousal, the heat consuming her, her pussy constantly wet, her nipples hard and sensitive. But he hadn’t touched her again, maybe wanting to give her time, thinking she needed it. But she didn’t. She didn’t want it.

  He stood and she watched the contrast of his muscles playing under his golden skin. The T-shirt he wore didn’t hide his power, his strength. He added another log to the fire and she stared at his bicep, watching as his sinew and tendons flexed, moved.

  She felt herself breathing harder, faster. She shifted slightly, feeling how wet she was, that her panties were starting to get soaked. Anna was insane, like this fiend that needed a fix and only Landon could provide that. He braced a hand on the mantle, leaning in slightly and staring at the flames. The way the light flickered over his face, the shadows mixing with it, made him seem almost dangerous. But she knew better, had learned a lot in the short amount of time. He was a gentle man, sweet and gentle, at least with her.

  And then he turned just his head and stared at her, their gazes clashing, his pupils dilating. It was in that moment that she knew he wanted her, but his self-control was like an iron fist, keeping him in check, keeping him prisoner. She felt the same way, but she felt like she was losing a battle, one that she was more than happy to surrender to.

  And then after last night, when he’d given her so much pleasure she’d felt like she had an out-of-body experience, all Anna had wanted to do was reciprocate, give him as much pleasure as he’d given her. But she also couldn’t deny that she enjoyed having him hold her, that sleeping beside him had been one of the very best experiences she’d had in a long time.

  And ever since then, she’d been sleeping in his bed, beside him, his arm wrapped around her body as he kept her close to him. With Landon she felt protected, safe. She knew that no one and nothing would hurt her, get to her while he was in her life. And she was falling hard for him, so hard that she was drowning in it.

  I’m already head over heels for him. There’s no going back.

  “You can’t look at me that way,” he said softly, his voice deep.

  “What way?” She could barely form a coherent word right now. The lights flickered, and she broke their gaze to look up. A second later the electricity was cut and only the light from the fire illuminated the room. She shifted on the couch again, the blanket slightly falling off her body. But Anna was frozen in place and didn’t bother grabbing it, didn’t try and bring it up to her chest to hide her nipples, which she knew poked through her shirt.

  “You can’t look at me like you want me.”

  She swallowed, her face feeling hot. “Why?” she whispered.

  “Because I want to devour you as it is, and I’m holding onto a thread to keep my control.”

  Her heart was racing, and she sat up, the blanket now on the floor. She didn’t care if he could see her arousal pressed against her shirt, her nipples aching, wanting his mouth. In fact, Anna wanted him to notice, wanted Landon to be so lost in his feelings for her that he lost it and did devour her.

  She found herself standing up, intent on making the next move, when a loud crash came from outside. She cried out in surprise and spun around. Landon was beside her a second later, his arm wrapped around her, the feeling of his possessiveness clear. He moved toward the front door a moment later, but not before grabbing his rifle. When he opened it, the wind and rain whipped inside, slamming into Anna. She gasped at the frigid feeling of it.

  Through the open door she could see a fallen tree, the lighting having cracked it right down the middle and laying it like a carcass in the front part of the property. Landon was standing outside on the porch, his rifle held loosely in his grasp as he stared at the carnage the storm had delivered.

  And when he turned to face her, the rain pelting against him, the wind moving the short strands of his hair, she felt heat move through her. Here was this man, rugged, feral … hers.

  There was no mistaking that tonight she’d finally give herself over to him and not allow him to not take his pleasure too. She needed to be with Landon in all the ways that counted, in the way a wife was with her husband. Tonight they would finally consummate their marriage.


  Landon stared at his wife and she certainly was a sight to behold. Even though his cock had been rock hard, desperate for a chance to be inside her, he’d not pushed. He didn’t want her to feel obliged to be with him sexually, even after what they’d shared that intimate time together. When Anna finally gave herself over completely, he wanted her to crave it just like he did.

  “You’ve got nothing to worry about. It’s just the storm.”

  She held the fear of the storm within her gaze but there was also something else. She wanted him, he saw it, knew exactly what her body craved. He wasn’t some beast, even though he wanted to take her, and hard. Putting the rifle down once he was inside the cabin again, he closed and locked the door, making sure it was secure and in place.

  Storms were always a pain in the ass and often kept him awake at night, hearing the chaos that he’d have to clean up. This one was no different, only he’d never had a wife to make feel safe. He didn’t l
ike her feeling scared.

  He couldn’t contain his need for her, though. Stepping forward, he cupped her face, running his thumb across her plump lips. His dick swelled just imagining her mouth taking him. He’d drive his cock in deep so that it gagged her, hitting the back of her throat. But he pushed those thoughts away, focusing on right here and now.

  “I’m just going to check all the windows and doors.” He pressed a kiss to her lips, hearing her gasp, and smiled. By the time they did fuck, he wanted her to be ready, primed, desperate.

  When he finally made her his in every single way, and claimed her mouth, pussy, and ass, he wasn’t going to let her go. She’d be marked as his, a treasure. Anna was certainly a gift to him.

  “I don’t know how you can stand it. It’s like something is trying to get inside,” she said.

  The windows were all locked, and he pulled all the heavy curtains over them, helping to ward off the sounds and the cold.

  “You get used to it. The first time I was out here, I went crazy with every single sound. I spent most of the night holding my rifle, constantly on the alert, focused. The wind is fierce but I also measured to make sure that if any of the surrounding trees fell, they wouldn’t affect my home.” He turned toward her. “There was a large evergreen tree just there.” He pointed out near the side part of the house just past the sitting room. “It fell and I had to repair the roof. Took me nearly a month. A lot of wasted time, and wasted effort.”

  Anna stepped beside him, and the closeness of her didn’t help him to concentrate. “What did you do?”

  “I tore the fucking tree apart, used it for firewood.”

  “It must have been lonely.”

  He nodded and turned toward her. “Yeah, but I wanted that. I don’t like going to the stores unless I absolutely have to, so I learned to be self-sufficient. I’ve got a vegetable garden past my shed that I’m working on. Last year was a really hard winter and I lost all of my crops. I was able to get to the store but if there’s ever a chance I can’t, I like to have a backup supply.”

  Some of her hair had fallen across her face, and he reached out, tucking some of her strands behind her ear. Her skin was so soft. It was getting harder to keep his needs in check.

  “Landon,” she said.

  “What is it, baby?” he asked.

  “Why?” She didn’t speak anymore and he saw her cheeks were bright red.

  “Why what?” He gave her his full attention. “You can talk to me.”

  “You let me…” Her face turned red and he knew she was being shy. “Come.”

  “And I loved every second of it.” He stroked her arm with the tips of his fingers, smiling. “You tasted amazing. I want to lick your pussy again, baby. I want you to scream my name as you get off.”

  She whimpered. “I want that, Landon.” She stepped closer so that they were flush against each other. Her hand was touching his hip, and he liked her touch a whole hell of a lot.

  He watched her lick her lips. “I want to give you the same kind of pleasure.”

  Then she sank to her knees before him, startling him.


  “Don’t you want me, Landon?” She looked up at him. The need in her eyes drove him wild. He wanted to test her. To see how far she was willing to go. To spread her out on his bed, and to fuck her for as long as she could take him.

  He had an insatiable appetite, and he loved to fuck so damn much.

  It had been a long time since he’d been with a woman. There hadn’t been anyone for him in years. And then Anna had come along and changed everything, twisted his world in the best of ways. None of them held anything to the beauty of this woman in front of him, his wife. He had to keep on repeating it in his head as he couldn’t believe she was finally his.

  She carried his name, and one day, she’d carry his child, and love him, just as he did her.

  “You don’t have to do this,” he said, wanting to be the gentleman even though another part of him wanted to take out his dick, press it to her lips, and get her to suck him, to take him to the back of her throat, and moan as she did.

  A pulse of pre-cum eased out of the tip, getting him nice and slick.

  She grabbed his belt and began to ease it open. “But I want to do this, Landon. I want to give you pleasure.”

  “You want to suck my dick?”


  “Say it then,” he said.

  “I want to suck your dick. I want to taste you in my mouth.” She pulled his jeans down, and next tugged on his boxer briefs. His cock sprang free. “I want to swallow down your cum, Landon.”


  He wanted to see that.

  This woman … She was going to drive him crazy with need.

  There was only so much self-control he possessed. Gripping the base of his cock, he worked up and down the length, getting harder with every passing second.

  “If you want it, then take it. Open your mouth.”


  Anna couldn’t speak, couldn’t even think. Her mouth was dry, her throat tight. But she did exactly what Landon wanted her to do. What she wanted to do.

  She opened her mouth and took in the head of his dick, swirling her tongue around the crown, tasting his salty pre-cum. The flavor exploded in her mouth, making her moan. She took more of him in, and wrapped her hand around the base of his cock. He was so thick, so long, that she couldn’t touch her fingers around his girth, couldn’t take all of him into her mouth.

  What she couldn’t reach with her lips and tongue she worked over with her hand. She stroked the length up and down at the same time she sucked on the crown of his dick. Landon had his hand in her hair, his fingers tangled around the strands. That sting of pain from his hold fueled her desire. She was so wet between her thighs, needy, aching.

  She really started moving her head up and down then, trying to take as much of him in as she could. The tip of his erection hit the back of her throat and she gagged, her eyes watering, tears tracking down her cheeks.

  That seemed to make Landon more excited.

  He groaned and she lifted her gaze up to look at his face. His focus was trained on her, his mouth slightly parted. His pupils were dilated and she could see the arousal written clearly across his face.

  Over and over she moved her mouth on his cock, tasting more of his seed covering her tongue, slipping down her throat. She wanted him to explode in her mouth, wanted to swallow his essence. And then, just when she thought she might bring him over the edge, he pulled her head away from him and took a step back.

  She stayed on her knees, staring at Landon as he breathed in and out heavily. He looked feral, like a wild man on the verge of attacking, a predator seeing his prey.

  “I need you, Anna.” He was in front of her a second later, helping her off the ground. He had his fingers wrapped around her nape, pulled her in close, and slammed his mouth down on hers.

  For long seconds all he did was kiss her, sucking and licking at her tongue and the interior of her mouth. She grew dizzy, drunk. Her pussy was so wet, her panties soaked. Her nipples ached, hard little beads pressing against the material of her shirt.

  “Landon,” she breathed out.

  “I need you now. Please, baby. Tell me you’re right here with me, that you need me as much as I need you.”

  He broke away and looked down at her. He had his other hand cupping her cheek, his thumb stroking right below her eye. Anna couldn’t think, let alone form a coherent word. But she was right here with him, needing him like a fiend. She finally found her voice. “Yes,” she breathed out. “I need you, Landon. Take me upstairs. Take me to our bed.”

  Before she knew what was happening, they were heading upstairs. Her heart was pounding hard and fast, almost painfully. This was it, the moment she’d wanted since she first saw Landon, if she were being honest. It seemed like so long she’d held back, kept herself in check. That was all going out the window tonight.

  Tonight she’d be with her husba
nd finally.

  Landon had hold of her hand and pulled her into his room … their room. She was the one to shut the door behind them, to lean against it and try and control herself.

  “Strip for me, Anna.” His voice was deep, low. The way he looked at her, his focus trained on her face, made her already feel exposed.

  She found herself undressing, the air thick and hot, suffocating her in the best of ways. First her shirt came off, then her pants were next. She stood there in only a plain white cotton bra and panties. The way Landon looked at her made her feel like she wore the most expensive lingerie.

  He racked his gaze up and down her body, and she could see the outline of his erection pressing against his pants. She clenched her thighs together, knowing her panties were soaked, feeling the damp material press against the most intimate part of her. And then he was moving toward her.

  She took a step back and placed her hands flat behind her on the cool wooden door. Her palms were sweaty, bead starting to cover the valley between her breasts and down the length of her spine. Anna was nervous, but more so anxious about what was to happen, excited that they were finally going to be together.

  He pressed his body against hers, his cock hard and long, thick and all for her digging into her belly. She felt her inner muscles clench, knew that if he touched her right now she’d get off.

  “How much do you want me?” he asked, his mouth right on her neck below her ear.

  She couldn’t think, didn’t know whether if she tried speaking the words would come out right. Taking a deep breath, she decided to just be honest. “I’m so ready for you. I want you so much.”

  And then he slipped his hand down her belly, under her panties, and she cried out in pleasure when he touched her soaking wet pussy. Landon groaned and ran his teeth and tongue along her throat at the same time he moved his fingers through the center of her. He touched her clit and Anna found herself falling over the edge instantly.


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