Grave Secrets (A Tangled Web Book 1)

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Grave Secrets (A Tangled Web Book 1) Page 6

by Haven Rose

  Oh my gosh, the sexy voice, I mean the owner of it, is flirting with me. I pinch myself, barely stopping the “ouch” from coming out as I answer him. Thank you, Lord, I am awake, and this is really happening.

  “Well, it depends on when you come in. I get off at eleven. I have to work today.”

  “Not to sound like a smartass or anything, but isn’t that what you’re doing now?

  I laugh, because technically he’s correct, but I don’t consider helping my dad out as work, and that’s exactly what I tell him.

  “That makes sense. It’s nice you help your dad like that. I’m very close to mine as well. Unfortunately, I may not make it in before you leave.”

  I can hear his disappointment, so I know he means it, but I can’t help but wonder why. As if he can read my mind, which for his case is a scary thought, he answers my unspoken question.

  “I recently added a kitten and puppy to my life and have appointments with the vet, so I won’t make it there until after you leave.”

  “You have a kitten and puppy? I bet they’re adorable. I keep thinking about getting a second dog so mine has someone to play with when I have to be an adult.”

  He laughs again, and dang is it making me hot.

  “If you decide to do it, maybe our dogs can have a play date, or even if you don’t we can still have one.”

  “I’d like that…”

  I trail off, hoping he’ll supply his name, and he does.

  “It’s Ryan. And you are?”

  “I’m R…Hello? Ryan? Hello? There isn’t even a dial tone. What the heck?” I stop after that, realizing I’m no longer talking to Ryan, but myself.

  Did he hang up on me? That seems highly unlikely considering he was not only flirting with me, but also just asked me out, in a roundabout way. There must be another explanation. As I make my way toward the back where the phone line is, I hear the door open and see Mr. Johnson, the realtor a few doors down from my dad’s store.

  “Hi, Ruby. How’re you doing, sweetie?”

  “I’m okay, Mr. Johnson. You?”

  “I’m ready to call it a day, but I’m okay. Is your phone working?”

  “Yours is out too? I was talking to a customer and it just died mid-sentence. I hope he doesn’t think I was being rude.”

  “I’m sure he doesn’t, sweetie. You don’t have a mean bone in your body. There must be something wrong with the line. I’m sure they’ll have it fixed soon. I’m going to hang around a little bit longer, then I’m going home. If I can’t contact clients, and they can’t reach me, I’ll just treat myself to a half day vacation. I only came in today to catch up on paperwork anyway.”

  “All right, Mr. Johnson. You enjoy your time off. I’m going to use my cell and call Dad to let him know what’s going on. He may just send me home too.”

  “Bye, Ruby.”

  “Bye, Mr. Johnson.”

  Thankfully, my cell was just fine and, after calling dad and telling him the phone was down, he did exactly what I thought he would. I quickly made a sign, explaining the store’s phone was down and we’d return Tuesday at regular business hours. I was reluctant to leave, hoping Ryan would stop in after all, wondering what had happened, but as fifteen minutes had passed since we were disconnected, I realized he wasn’t going to. I gathered my things, unable to explain why I was so sad, and locked up before heading home.

  Hopefully I haven’t heard the last from Ryan. Little did I know how quickly my wish would be granted, and in a way I’d least expected.


  I knew, as soon as I heard her voice when I called Harry’s Hardware, that it was my precious jewel. How did I know? It was simply because of the way I reacted to hearing it. It was exactly how I felt upon seeing her through the store’s window, and as she was the only one, in my entire life, that had brought that out in me, so it could only be her.

  I enjoyed our talk, as short as it was, and couldn’t believe I basically asked her out, using our dogs. But I don’t regret it. She needs to get used to me being in her life, and I had to start somewhere. A get-together for our pets seemed like an innocent enough way to do that. I’m prepared to move slowly if that’s what she needs, regardless of how badly I want to do naughty things to her, but I won’t know until we meet.

  However, when her voice cut off as she was telling me her name, the fear that overcame me was unlike anything I’d ever felt, and I’ve had guns aimed at me due to my job. I needed to get to her, even if it was only to look from afar to make sure she was okay.

  Princess and Lucy did not cooperate with my plan though. I couldn’t find Princess, which means she had probably snuck out of the house, yet again, with Lucy through the doggie door that had surprisingly already been there when I moved in.

  There was no way, regardless of how badly I wanted, no, needed, to make sure my girl was okay, I could leave them outside. The two times I’d left the house since we arrived yesterday, I always made sure they were both inside and that the doggie door was locked so they couldn’t use it. It was safer for them, at least I felt so. I didn’t know much about this neighborhood yet, as in what kinds of wildlife may be nearby due to the forest behind my house, but I refused to take any chances with these two fluffy loveballs.

  I searched all over the house, just to be sure, before checking outside. Thankfully, I found the stinkers within ten minutes curled up in my bedroom in a basket of laundry that I would now be washing again. Yes, both Lucy and Princess had been given baths after we moved here as a precaution, but this morning Lucy had discovered a section of the yard she felt was missing something, and had proceeded to dig a hole, and then bury one of my socks in it. I got the hint and removed the other one and threw them both away. Apparently, she felt my feet stunk and the offending items needed a proper burial. She thoroughly enjoyed herself though and it showed on her coat, and Princess, not wanting to be left out, decided to roll around in it.

  Secretly, I think Princess was the ring leader and had somehow shared her plan with Lucy. I’ve caught the two of them, snuggled together, and I swear when I’ve walked into the room, all is suddenly quiet as they both turn and look at me, giving me innocent eyes, and yeah, I buy it every time. I helped solve some of the toughest cases during my years at the NHPD, and yet, my newest family members give me a look and I melt. And I’m just fine with that. I already know my jewel will have the same impact. She could ask for the moon and I’d find a way to get it for her.

  So, fifteen minutes after losing my connection with my future wife I’m walking out the door, completely focused on driving to Harry’s to make sure she’s okay. As the center of town isn’t far from anything, I make it within moments and hurriedly park my truck and walk toward the hardware store. Only to see it isn’t occupied, nor are quite a few of the businesses, and I read the sign on the door stating there was an issue with the phones, so they closed early, with normal business hours to resume Tuesday. I notice, in the top right corner, she’d written the time she left, and upon looking at my watch, realize I missed her by three minutes.

  I’m not too proud to admit that I look up and down the street as I walk back to my vehicle, wondering if I may be able to catch up with her. I know it’s a long shot, but I try anyway, disappointed as I get in the driver’s seat without seeing her. I’m contemplating driving around looking for her, trying to determine if that’s too stalkery, and deciding it’s not, when my phone rings, snapping me from my thoughts. I answer without seeing who’s calling, “Daniels.”

  “Hey, Ryan. It’s Sheriff Parker. I know you aren’t scheduled for today since you’re working tomorrow, but could you possibly come in? We had a couple call offs due to the flu going around.”

  “That’s not a problem, Sheriff. I’m in town right now, so I need to stop at home first.”

  “Thanks, Ryan. I really appreciate it. You’ll be working Jones’ shift, twelve to eight, plus the start of the next as DeWitt’s replacement can’t get here until nine-thirty. He usually patrols the mid
dle of town and its surrounding areas, including those around your place.”

  “That works out as it’ll give me time to check on my pets a couple times to make sure I don’t have to arrest them for destroying property.”

  The Sheriff just laughs at that. We’ve shared stories about the amount of devastation two small animals can make. He thanks me again and then ends the call. I give another quick glance up and down the street for my jewel as I pull out of my parking space, heading home to get ready for the unexpected shift.

  My shift is over in three and a half hours and the town has been quiet, at least the area I’ve been watching. I’ve made a couple stops at home, happy to see it’s still standing, and during one made a quick sandwich for dinner.

  On the plus side, I’m becoming more familiar with my new home, and pleased by the welcome I’ve been receiving. As I drive, or walk, up and down the streets, everyone I’ve met has taken the time to stop and introduce themselves. I’ve also been grilled by quite a few of the older ladies about my relationship status. I politely told them I’ve already found the woman of my dreams, she just doesn’t know it yet.

  You’ve never truly blushed until three women in their late seventies ask what you’re waiting for, then proceed to offer dating tips, with one winking at me before saying “Don’t forget the condoms, unless you want babies right away. I’m sure you two will make beautiful children.”

  I am not ashamed to admit I walked away as quickly as my long legs would take me, but not fast enough to miss hearing one of them compliment me on my ass. Oh my gosh, those ladies had no qualms about saying what was on their mind, and honestly, the thought of making a baby with my jewel was a splendid idea, and one I hoped to make happen as soon as she would allow me to.

  At eight, I received a call from dispatch, asking me to visit the Monroe residence on Treasure Lane. One of the occupants, a young woman, had called, saying someone had broken into the house, leaving a message in her bedroom. She also said this isn’t the first time she’s had problems. I responded that I was headed there now and would report my findings. Thankfully, the house was only two streets over from mine, so I was able to easily find my way. I pulled into the driveway, and noticed a woman sitting on the porch, a dog beside her protectively, and with the sunlight shining directly on them, I immediately knew who it was. My woman was in trouble, someone having been in her bedroom, and this primal instinct to destroy anything that threatened her safety arose within me, startling in its intensity. I refused to tamp it down, knowing there was no point in even trying. My jewel was scared, I could see her wiping tears with a shaky hand as I left the car, and without thought, I went straight to her, ready to slay anyone that tried to get in my way.

  As I walk toward her, without even knowing what I planned to say, the words came rushing out. “My precious jewel. Are you okay? Please, tell me you are. I’m trying to resist grabbing you in my arms, so I can check for myself.”

  Then the sweetest voice I’ve ever heard softly says “Ryan,” and my name had never sounded so good, before she rushes to me, throwing her arms around me before burying her face against my chest. I have my future in my arms, finally, and someone is already trying to take her away from me. They will not succeed.


  Since my shift at the hardware store had been cut short, I decided to take Boots on a long ride, then head to the park to enjoy the unexpected free time. I was still on edge though, knowing something was going on around me, just unsure what it was. All I knew was I felt as if I was being watched and had been since leaving the store. I had picked up my dog, my car now having two brand new tires, and within minutes we were on our way. I was scared to be alone, and as dad had informed me when I talked to him earlier about his doctor appointment, I knew he wouldn’t be home for a while, I didn’t want to be either.

  I sent Bobby a text before pulling out of my parking space at Harry’s and asked if he wanted to meet us. He agreed, saying he’d even bring lunch. I let him know Boots and I were going for a drive, but I could meet him around two.

  The drive was for my benefit more than Boots, though he does love car rides, as I wanted to think about everything happening in my life lately. I did my best thinking when I let my mind wander, for some reason my brain was able to think more clearly, working things through that I couldn’t while going about my day normally. Around one-thirty, I turned the car around, making my way toward the park to meet Bobby.

  He arrived within moments of me and got out of his car carrying bags from the local diner. Upon smelling the deliciousness emanating from them, I realized how hungry I was, and tried to ignore how long it’d been since I ate anything substantial.

  We chose a spot under a tree and laid out the blanket I’d taken from my car, then sat down and removed the food from the bags. I noticed he’d even grabbed cups of coffee. This is another reason he’s my best friend. Coffee is life, and he knows this.

  We watched Boots run around, knowing he wouldn’t go far, and shared small talk as we both ate. After discussing work, school, and our plans for the holiday, we moved on to deeper subjects as we put our trash in the bags.

  I asked him about his parents, hoping things had improved. He shook his head sadly, saying it was the same, his dad still acting weird and his mom was now talking about getting away for a few days, alone. I hugged him, throwing out different reasons for what could be going on, but knowing he wouldn’t feel better until he knew the truth about their recent behavior.

  After that, and seeing how upset Bobby was, I didn’t want to tell him what was going on with me. I knew he’d be there for me, offering to help in any way he could, but he was dealing with too much as it was, so I didn’t say anything, instead focusing on trying to make him smile.

  “Hey, Bobby. Why don’t they play poker in the jungle?”

  Bobby, familiar with tendency to switch subjects on a whim, rolled with it. “Because animals can’t read?”

  I laugh at his guess, and the actual answer, as I say, “There’s too many cheetahs. Cheetahs, cheaters…I love that pun.”

  “That was so bad it was good, Rubik’s. What else you got?”

  “What do you call a fake noodle?”

  “A falsagna.” He says, both of us cracking up by this point.

  Honestly, I like his answer as much as the real one, and tell him so before saying, “An im-pasta.”

  This goes on for a while, Bobby now telling his own as we try to outdo each other for the worst joke of the day. I had to concede after his last one, declaring him the winner, when he asked, “What are you when you have cheese, but no crackers?”

  I try to think of the answer but can’t. However, when he says “Cracka-lackin,” I couldn’t help but shake my head, knowing I should’ve seen that one coming.

  As I refold the blanket, Bobby throws our trash away. I clip the leash on Boots, who had joined us during our joke war. Bobby, as he always does whenever he knows he’s going to see my dog, shows him a treat and has Boots sit, then give him a high five, before giving it to him.

  “You spoil him.”

  Bobby, showing no remorse at all, just grins and slips Boots another treat. We hug bye, I thank him for lunch, slipping some money in his coat pocket for my food as I did so, and walk to my car, the leash in one hand, blanket in the other.

  As I make my way home, the tension that had left me while at the park returns with a vengeance, bringing with it the start of a headache. I pull into the driveway, surprised to see my dad is still gone at almost eight, but shore up my resolve and walk into the house with Boots.

  I let Boots off his leash, giving him his usual free rein of the house, and put my keys inside my purse before hanging it by the door. I go through our mail, surprised to see a long brown file style envelope with my name typed on it, and no return address. Unsure what to expect, but assuming it’s business or school related, I sit down at the kitchen table and open it. To my horror, instead of seeing what I thought I would, I find pictures of me,
and a lot of them.

  I go through them, each subsequent one making the fear grow, until I’m shaking with it, unaware tears are pouring down my cheeks. Someone has been following me, taking pictures of me for at least a week as I recognized one outfit I had recently worn while having lunch with an old friend from high school. In some, my face is crossed out, in others circled, with the design associated with a bullseye inside, implying I’m the target. Perhaps, even scarier, is the last picture in which my bedroom is instantly recognizable, so is the matching bra and panty set I’m wearing. I’d just gotten out of the shower and, at the last minute before getting dressed, decided to put on the set, finding humor in the color being labeled ruby red. Why was I terrified more over this one than the others? For the simple reason that I was currently wearing a ruby red bra and matching pair of panties. It had happened this morning.

  I try to think rationally, though it’s very hard, questioning how a picture from ten hours ago could’ve arrived in my mail on the same day. When I look at the envelope again I have my answer…there’s no postage, meaning it was hand-delivered.

  I drop the envelope and pictures, not wanting to touch them anymore, or even be near them, feeling dirty even though I’m not doing anything wrong. I run around the house, making sure all the doors are locked, and pat my back pocket, double checking my cell phone is there. I feel a little safer knowing I can easily grab it should I need to, then I run upstairs, heading straight to my room, intent on taking off the underwear set I had loved until now, knowing I can never wear it again. It’s going in the trash, the taint I now feel because of that picture too much to ever consider keeping it. However, my terror only increases, something I didn’t think possible, once I turn the light on and see the destruction of my bedroom.

  Drawers are overturned, clothes strewn all over the floor. My pillows are slashed, as is my comforter, but most disturbing of all is my lingerie is piled on top of it, and there’s something covering it, and a virgin I may be, but I know exactly what it is and that’s what sends me overboard. I barely make it to my bathroom before losing everything I had eaten during lunch with Bobby. I continue until my stomach is completely empty, leaving me feeling weak.


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