Grave Secrets (A Tangled Web Book 1)

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Grave Secrets (A Tangled Web Book 1) Page 12

by Haven Rose

  He made a copy of the altered report, and then returned it to the file cabinet. He then talked to Mr. Monroe, using his recollections of the actual report and his personal memories, and reassured him they were doing everything they could to find justice for his wife, and determine what really happened.

  After Mr. Monroe had left, his grief still evident in his demeanor, Silas had looked over everything in the doctored file, making copies of anything that didn’t line up with what occurred, then waited for the sheriff to return. But before he did, his wife called, saying she’d been in a car accident and was being transported to the hospital.

  Mrs. Jackson was kept overnight for observation, her statement of what happened a little too close for Silas’ comfort to what he’d witnessed the night Mrs. Monroe died, and he’d known, without a word needing to be said, that he was being watched, as was his wife. He resigned the next day, packing what he could before taking his wife and leaving. They stayed with his in-laws for a few months until finding new jobs and their own place.

  A week after they moved, he received an envelope under his windshield wiper while he’d been running errands. Inside was a picture of his wife as she walked into her parents’ house, and he knew they were still being watched, and would until someone was satisfied he’d keep their secret. And he did, feeling guilty every day because of his cowardice, but knowing he needed to protect his wife.

  Ryan asked why the man was willing to talk about it now, and Bobby told him Mrs. Jackson had passed two years prior from cancer. And with his only reason for maintaining his silence gone, Silas no longer needed to keep his mouth shut. He was at peace with his decision to talk now and would take whatever came his way because of it.

  I ask Bobby to send me a copy of the recording and give him my cell number to do so. I’d like to have the ability to go over it as needed, plus, I wanted to security of having another copy, just to be cautious.

  Ruby started to stir, her eyes fluttering as she’s regaining consciousness. I can see in her eyes that she remembers everything she learned and she’s still trying to process it. I quickly fill her in on what Bobby and I talked about, knowing she’d want it all at once so she could begin to come to terms with it, then move forward with what to do next. I also know that when this is all over, she’s going to crash, emotionally and physically. And I’ll be right there, ready to provide whatever she needs.

  The three of us spent hours going over everything in the file Bobby brought, along with the items in Ruby’s own that she’d retrieved from our room and made notes as we went. We still aren’t any closer to figuring out who’s responsible, but now we have more of the picture overall, thanks to Silas Jackson. I can’t even fault the man, he did what he did to protect his wife, and I can’t say I wouldn’t make the same decision, wanting to protect Ruby above all others.

  One things I can’t help but return to is Ruby’s dad noting the out of towner that took a business card for Joy’s services. It’s nagging me for some reason. Was it for a specific purpose? Or was he just making a note of everything he could remember, his thoughts not exactly organized due to his grief?

  Ruby, noticing my silence, asks what I’m thinking about, so I tell her. I can see she’s taking the time to think about my question, but shakes her head, saying she’s unable to think of why he’d mention it for anything other than wanting a complete record of the months leading to her mother’s death.

  I ask about her mom, trying to get a feel for the woman I’d never have the chance to meet. Ruby smiles, her memories of her mom obviously happy ones. She then tells me about their tradition for the first day of school, her love of flowers, how she was always walking around the house, singing or humming, her joy for life obvious. She says her mom wasn’t naïve, regardless of some thinking otherwise. She just preferred to believe the best in people, until they proved her wrong, and even then, she was always willing to give them a second chance, knowing no one was perfect, and they deserved the opportunity to redeem themselves, or at least explain why they’d made the choices they did. Those closest to her said it was her best quality, and greatest weakness.

  Ryan asked if anyone could’ve taken advantage of that quality in her, knowing she wouldn’t be on her guard around them. Ruby said she could easily see it happening, though she hadn’t overheard her parents talking about anything like that before her death.

  Ryan had to point out that she was a young girl at the time and either may not remember it or her parents made sure to discuss it where she couldn’t hear them. Ruby had to concede that either could be the case.

  They threw around ideas for a little longer, stopping only long enough for a quick snack and to run the dogs out, before they called it a night. Ryan needed to work an early shift, Ruby needed to sketch out some designs for her new client, and Bobby had school.

  Ryan told Bobby he was more than welcome to their couch, since the guest room didn’t have a bed yet. Bobby accepted, knowing he didn’t need to be driving this late with as tired as he was.

  He double checked all the doors while Ruby got Bobby a pillow and some blankets. He returned to Bobby before Ruby did, and upon seeing Bobby’s look, figured now was the time for the talk. Bobby surprised him though.

  “Thank you for loving Ruby as much as you do. It’s good seeing her happy again. She hasn’t been the same since losing her mom.”

  “No thanks necessary. I couldn’t do anything but love her. She makes it easy. Now, having said that, thank you for being such a good friend to her. She thinks very highly of you, and I hope I can come to consider you my friend as well.”

  “As you said, you can’t help but love her. And I’d like that as well. I look forward to getting to know you better.”

  An hour later, Bobby is sound asleep on the couch, the animals are tucked in the bed around us, and Ruby and I are cuddled together, falling asleep cradled within one another’s loving arms.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Five days later…

  Life went on following Bobby’s revelation, but as it did, I had an almost constant shadow, whether it be Ryan, my dad, or Bobby. Even Alex was a part of “Ruby watch,” as I’d dubbed it, willingly working when he could so as not to leave me alone. I’d acquired a bodyguard, sorry, traveling companion, as well for when I had to attend a class on campus, such as last Friday.

  The stress of it all, the continual unknown, and always being on guard was getting to me. I was exhausted in all ways possible – emotionally, mentally, and physically. And on top of everything else, I didn’t feel good. I know, due to my already weakened system because of how it was all impacting me, that I was more susceptible to getting sick, and that’s what happened. Two fellow students in the class I’d had to attend a few days ago were coughing and sneezing, so of course, out in public, in a confined space like a classroom, was the place to be. Idiots. If you’re sick, stay home. We don’t want your germs. Unfortunately, what turned out to be probably nothing more than a common cold for them, morphed into more for me.

  I tried to push through it all, I really did, but I wanted nothing more than to crawl into our bed and veg out. I didn’t though, at least not right away. First, as planned, we’d went back to my dad’s and packed up any of my remaining things, such as my dresser, nightstand, and bed frame. It was all going into the guest room at Ryan’s rental. There were also a couple pictures around the house I wanted to make copies of, such as the one of my parents on their wedding day, the day I came home from the hospital, my mom and I, and my high school and graduation pictures, dad’s arm around my shoulder, the pride evident in his eyes and smile. I placed those pictures, frames and all, in a tote, then added some newspapers in between each one and a little padding overall, yay for small decorative pillows, so the glass wouldn’t break. I also grabbed the varieties of teas I always have on hand, and my favorite mug and travel cup. I can’t handle being coffee or tea-less while on the go. It would not be safe for those around me. Caffeine is life.
/>   After everything was loaded, and hugs were given to dad again, we left, then headed to Ryan’s to drop off the boxes, Bobby meeting us there for the heavier items. We then stopped at the local café and had lunch, our treat as a thank you to Bobby for his help. The three of us talked, avoiding the topic on all our minds, and talked about non-consequential things instead.

  Following lunch, a hug from me and a chin lift from Ryan to Bobby, we were on our way to buy a new mattress for my old bed. First, we stopped so I could make the copies I needed and return the originals to Dad as soon as possible. Thankfully, as my energy was quickly fading, we found and paid for a mattress easily and loaded it into Ryan’s truck, and once we got home he was able to get it inside and placed on the bed frame, needing little help from me. You have to love a strong, capable man.

  As it was early evening by this point, we relaxed the rest of the day, for which I swear my body breathed a sigh of relief and curled up on the couch to watch some television. Within twenty minutes I had fallen asleep, and Ryan wasn’t far behind me. However, come Sunday morning, he was wide awake and ready to go. I was not. In fact, when he tried to wake me up, I vaguely remember telling him “five more minutes.” He laughed, I’m sure, but I was asleep again before the last word had even left my mouth, if I had even been coherent in the first place.

  So, being the great man that he is, he let me rest while making breakfast for us. It was delicious, while it lasted. Gross, I know, but it happens. At that point he realized something more was going on than just being sleepy and morphed into Nurse Ryan, the best caregiver a woman could have when sick. He didn’t let me do anything that day, pampering me, bringing me chamomile tea to help soothe me and make me sleep. You’d think that wouldn’t be a problem since I was ill, but since I couldn’t stop coughing, it was. He also made me some toast, which thankfully stayed in my system, and even grabbed my e-reader so I could try and enjoy a book while lazing about.

  As nicely as he took care of me though, I still wasn’t any better come Monday, which worried him. I assured him I would get better, it would just take a little longer than I’d hoped. That wasn’t good enough for him apparently because the caveman came out. He made a call, told me we had a doctor appointment in an hour, and asked what I needed from him to help get ready. High-handed? Maybe, but as it was completely out of love for me, I couldn’t be mad at him. Plus, I felt like crap, so it was probably a good idea. Of course, I won’t tell him any of this. I want to keep him on his toes from time to time after all. I don’t want him thinking he can always get away with going all alpha on me, though I must admit it’s pretty hot.

  So now, here we are, sitting in the waiting room, me feeling as if I’m going to keel over any second, while resting my head on Ryan’s shoulder, or the part I can reach as he’s a giant and I’m not. Mindy, a girl I’d gone to school with, was the nurse today and took us back, after administering the usual height and weight checks first. As she’s doing the first, making small talk as we chat about what’s been going on in our lives lately, Ryan smirks and asks if she can just write “pixie” for my height. I glare at him, unable to keep my lips from twitching, as I tell him not everyone is the Jolly Green Giant. He then becomes all adorable and says he likes that I’m so much smaller than him and if he could he’d just keep me in his pocket all day, that way he wouldn’t have to leave me to go to work. Sigh. He took away my mad, what little there was. How does he do that? It never fails. Mindy just laughs, says we’re cute together, and shows us to a patient room.

  I don’t recognize the man that enters the room ten minutes later and introduces himself as Dr. Mason, though it’s not the one I’m used to, and have seen since I was little. Apparently, he’s filling in for his uncle, my usual doctor, as he’s out sick. I admit, I find a little irony in the fact that doctors get sick too. Dr. Mason, or Tony as he asked me to call him, which resulted in a growl from Ryan, says he’s making the transition to Colebrook and will eventually take over his uncle’s practice as he’s wanting to slow down and enjoy his later years. I hear, as Dr. Mason, err Tony, walks toward the sink to wash his hands, “she’s finding a new doctor” from Ryan and can’t help but snort. Then again, I’d likely, who am I kidding, I would, not be happy if a woman was his doctor, so I’ll concede this one because I can easily see his point.

  It’s determined I need some antibiotics as the cold has moved into my chest and gives me a prescription, telling me to call if I need anything else. That causes Ryan to stand straight, showing his considerable height, and yeah, it’s hot. If I didn’t feel like a spaghetti noodle flung against a wall I would be climbing him like a tree right now.

  I’m advised to get some rest, take my medicine until it’s finished, and not to overdo it, otherwise he’d have to see me for another appointment. Again, I hear some mumbling, and I’m thinking it’s probably a good thing its unintelligible this time, from Ryan before the new doctor shakes our hands and says to follow the signs to the front desk whenever we’re ready.

  I turn and look at Ryan and he’s standing there, arms across his chest, muscles bulging, as he glares at the door the doctor just exited. He finally stops and glances at me, a sheepish expression on his face, though he in no way seems sorry about any of it. The man was nothing but professional, and as evidenced by how he was watching Mindy as we passed him on our way to the front, already spoken for. Now whether she knew it or not was a different story as she didn’t seem to notice his eyes following her everywhere. Hmmm…I think Mindy and I need to meet for coffee soon.

  We head to the local grocery store, and use the pharmacy inside to fill my prescription, picking up a few groceries while we wait. By the time they page us over the store’s speaker system, I’m dragging. We quickly pay for our items, Ryan grabbing a bottle of water at the last minute, pick up and pay for my medicine, then head to the car. Ryan helps me inside, giving me the water, then opening my pill bottle before handing me my first dose. I take it, ready to start feeling better as soon as possible, and then he loads the car while I fall asleep in my seat.

  Hours later I wake up, pajamas on, snuggled under the covers, in our bed, having no recollection of getting there. Ryan must’ve carried me inside and gotten me situated. It’s the only thing that makes sense as I know I didn’t have the strength on my own to do it, plus, the last thing I remember is falling asleep in the car. You never wake a sleeping Ruby, there’s been studies on it. Unless it’s Ryan and he’s about to do sexy things to and with me. Then he can wake me as often as he likes. Fiancé privileges.

  I begin edging my way out of bed, knowing I need to use the bathroom, but have no energy to do it. As if he’s attuned to me, Ryan walks in the bedroom door not even five minutes later, coming to my side and feeling my forehead. After stating I have a fever, he asks if I’d be interested in a bath before trying to eat something. I moan a little in anticipation, which I see has him adjusting himself. I look at him and he shrugs, saying “That moan of yours is a like an automatic sign to my dick that we’re about to get dirty together. It’s a reflex where you’re concerned, so technically, it’s your fault for sounding and being so sexy, even while sick.” He laughs when I call him out on his man logic but sticks by his story.

  He helps me into the bathroom, starting the water and plugging the bathtub before closing the door so I can have privacy while taking care of pressing matters. I finish up, then just leave my sleep shorts and underwear off, and proceed to wash my hands. I’m removing my shirt as well when Ryan knocks on the door and enters after I tell him I’m done.

  He groans upon seeing me naked and I hear him chanting “she doesn’t feel good, she’s not in the mood for sex, later” to himself and I can’t help the laugh the pours out of me. He then looks me up and down, causing my body to immediately respond to his visual caress, before lifting me in his arms and setting me in the water.

  Oh man, it feels so good. He walks out only to return a minute later with my e-reader, a cup of tea, and my cell phone. I question the
last item and he says it’s in case I need him, that way I won’t have to worry about calling out for him. He thinks of everything.

  I relax in the warm water, enjoying the smell of the eucalyptus bath salts he must’ve added when I wasn’t looking, and grab my e-reader, needing to immerse myself in a good book, even if I can’t finish it right away. Two of my favorite authors, Susan Stoker and Tessa Bailey, have books releasing soon, but unfortunately not this month, so I find another to hold me over until then.

  An hour later, the tightness in my chest has eased some thanks to the hot water, though I’m sure it won’t last, and I’m sitting on the couch bundled up in my robe, all the necessities nearby and three loveys cuddled around me.

  We’ve been enjoying the quiet time together, aside from me not feeling well, and are binge watching one of our favorite shows, but our thoughts are wondering, and they’re all centered around our future. At one point, Ryan just asked if I even wanted to continue acting like we were paying attention to the television, and I laughed and told him no. He turned it off, then stood and asked if I needed anything. While brewing more water for another cup of tea for me, he also ran the dogs out, grabbing the mail while doing so. Which reminds me I need to get online and change my address to Ryan’s.

  He returns, the dogs jumping right back onto the couch with me, then heads to the kitchen, bringing out my tea, standing there with this boyish grin on his face. I couldn’t help but be intrigued by the sparkle in his eyes, but I waited, knowing whatever he had in mind I’d love it.

  Ryan surprises me though by standing in front of me, then getting on one knee. I’m already speechless and he hasn’t even started speaking yet, and when he does, I fall even more in love with him.

  “My precious jewel, I knew from the moment I saw you, glass and hardware supplies between us, that you were the one for me. Your internal beauty shone through and I was mesmerized. When I finally heard your voice, it was like my soul lit up, knowing you were my reason for being. I was made for you, as you were for me. I love you more than words could ever say, so I plan on showing you every day of our lives together what you mean to me. Please, say you’ll marry me. You’ve already taken my heart, now I’m asking you to take my name.”


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