Mr. Popular: A Falling For My Brother's Best Friend Romance

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Mr. Popular: A Falling For My Brother's Best Friend Romance Page 10

by Nicole London

  I heard a few girls talking about heading to the pool, so that’s where I figured everyone ran off to. When I walk into the aquatics center, the locker room is already empty, so I check my reflection in the mirror one time before heading out to the pool.

  This year, I’ve grown a few inches, and I now have curves where there once were none. Kelsey convinced me to trash all my old one-piece swimsuits and replace them with cute two–piece suits. I’m still not really comfortable rocking them yet, but I slip out of my shorts and tank top and go with it anyway.

  Walking out to the pool, I glance around confused, there’s no one actually in the water. All of the girls, including a couple of the new ones I figure are my new bunk mates, are grouped up at the edge of the pool staring at something.

  I look in the direction that they’re staring, but I only see a guy getting out of the pool.

  “Hey, why’s no one in the pool? Did someone pee in the pool?” I ask the girls, walking over to where they’re standing. No one answers me, they just continue to stare at the guy and whisper to each other.

  I don’t get it; he’s not even doing anything. I cross my arms and watch, hoping it’s the pool guy about to give us the all clear, but when he finally turns around, my jaw drops.

  Oh. My. God.

  That cannot be Liam. There’s no way that’s him.

  He’s sexier than I remember. He has a full set of abs that are well defined and I can’t help but notice every muscle as water drips from his body. His dimple is on full display as he smiles. That’s when I realize he’s staring back at me.

  My heart drops when he starts heading towards me.

  “What’s up, Mariah? I wasn’t expecting you to arrive the first day,” he says stopping in front of me.

  “Hey, Liam.”

  “How was Jeopardy Camp? Didn’t you go there?”

  “It was great. I’m going to join the Knowledge Bowl team when I start high school.”

  “Okay.” He smiles. “Sorry I didn’t email you a lot, I had a lot going on with basketball stuff. Did Zach tell you I said “Hi,” every time he emailed you?”

  “Yeah, he did.” I smile back at him.

  “So you getting in?” He asks.


  I follow him over to an empty lounge chair where I slip out of my flip flops and place my towel. I hear a bunch of giggling and look over at the other girls who are standing around, openly gawking at Liam. He, however, seems to be oblivious to the celebrity attention he’s receiving.

  “Ready?” I start walking towards the shallow end.

  “Yeah.” Liam says smirking, looking me up and down.


  “You look different this summer.” He smiles and I stop walking.

  “Wait, before you say anything sarcastic, I meant that in a good way.” He smiles and I can feel my cheeks reddening.

  “Um, I think I forgot something.” I rush back into the girl’s locker room, leaving Liam standing there looking confused.

  Oh my god!

  I quickly change back into my clothes and sneak out of the locker room, heading back to the girls’ cabin. I don’t remember Liam looking like that last summer and I have no idea how I’m going to make it all summer hanging around him ...


  Later that night, I’m back in my cabin getting a head start on unpacking.

  The new girls who I was looking forward to hanging out with earlier, I don’t think we’re going to have that much in common after all. They haven’t stopped talking about Liam all day.

  Like right now, they’re still talking about him.

  “Excuse me,” I squeeze between two of them carrying some of my writing supplies to my locker.

  “Oh my god, did you see Liam in the mess hall tonight?”

  “I know, he’s so hot.” They all say, smiling.

  I shake my head and try not to roll my eyes.

  “I wonder if he’s dating anyone? Does he have a girlfriend?” The one with the loudest voice turns to me.

  “Why are you asking me?”

  “We all saw you talking to him at the pool.”

  “Yeah,” the other one says. “You clearly know him.”

  “He’s my brother’s best friend.”

  “Oh. Well, do you think he’s talking to anyone at camp?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Can you find out?”

  “Yeah,” the loud one says again. “Ask him if he likes younger girls.

  I give them both a blank stare and walk off, grabbing a new notebook on my way out. I walk down the path that leads away from the sleeping quarters and head towards the woods. I stop in front of my usual spot, the big oak tree that provides the best shade on the hottest days.

  I sit down and turn to the first page and start jotting down a list of ways to avoid Liam Carter.

  1. Only go to the pool on days that he has basketball.

  2. Eat all my lunches under the big oak tree. (The one he doesn’t know about).

  3. Only go to the hot tub late at night when it’s girls only.

  4. –

  I stop my list right there and remember that it’s currently night time and I want to get in the hot tub before it gets too late, since I didn’t get to swim earlier. I get up and head back to my cabin and change. Before I leave, I invite the other girls.

  “I’m headed to the hot tub. Do you want to come?”

  “Why?” Amber, the loud one, says confused. “There won’t be any boys there.”

  “That’s the point.” I say, but she’s still looking completely confused.

  “Never mind.” I sigh. “I’ll be back later.”

  I walk back over to the aquatics center, but as I approach the hot tubs, I stop.

  What the —

  Liam’s sitting in one of the hot tubs with a girl on each side of him. I think about turning and walking away, but it’s too late, Liam spots me.

  “Hey, Mariah,” he says, stepping out.


  “What are you doing out here?” He asks, grabbing a towel.

  “What are you doing out here, it’s girls only at night?”

  “Yeah, girls and counselors. I’m a junior counselor this summer.”


  “Are you getting in? Do you want to talk?”

  “No, I wasn’t coming to get in.”

  “You walked all the way across camp and you didn’t plan on getting in?”

  “Yeah, I was just checking it out.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong, Liam.”

  “Yes, there is. You’re mad at me about something. You ran off on me earlier and now you’re pretending you didn’t plan to get in the hot tub. What’s going on? Tell me.”

  “Liam, there’s nothing wrong.”

  “Do you promise?”

  “Yes, I promise.”

  “Why don’t I believe you?”

  “Because you shouldn’t” — I mumble more to myself, but I’m sure he hears it. “It’s really nothing, I promise.”

  “Okay.” He shakes his head, still looking unconvinced. “Good night, Mariah.”

  “Good night, Liam,.” I say and walk off.

  Okay, number four, no hot tub visits for the rest of the summer.



  I’ve managed to go an entire week without talking to Liam. We’ve seen each other, and he’s tried to get my attention, but I’ve been really good at getting away from him.

  I’m not sure what this feeling in my chest is every time I’m around him, but this never used to happen before. What makes it worse, is the fact that I can’t talk to the other girls about it because all they want to do is talk about how much they like Liam.

  I’m sitting under the oak tree and using my free day to write in my notebook. (Not the tree that Liam knows about, the other one.)

  I pick up my “Ways to avoid Liam Carter” list where I left off.
br />   5. Come to the alternate oak tree. (It’s a half a mile farther, but he can’t find me here.)

  6. Okay, what should I put here?

  The sound of footsteps catches my attention. I look up to see who it is and it’s Liam.


  “This is my personal space,” I say closing my notebook, so he can’t read my list. “Why are you here?”

  “I came to find out why you’re mad at me? Whatever I did, just tell me. I’m not going the whole summer without talking to you, so if that’s your plan, it’s not going to work.”

  That was totally my plan, actually.

  Liam sits down next to me and stares at me.

  “How did you find me?”

  “You ran off again and I knew it was either this oak tree or the other one you usually go to. So, tell me, what did I do?”

  “Nothing. I’m just confused about some things that are happening.”

  “Do you mind if I’m confused with you?”

  “Sure.” I relent. We sit there silent for a while before Liam speaks again.

  “My mom called me last night.”


  “She tried to get me to talk to my dad, but it just made me mad. He’s been riding my case about basketball all year, so it’s been pretty tense at home.”

  “Well, at least you’re here for the summer and you won’t have to listen to that all the time. Also, you already have your future almost set with basketball, too.”

  “Or medicine,” I say, mostly muttering to myself.

  “I heard that.” He looks at me. “But that is true.” He says, not really denying what I said.

  “Okay, now that that’s over, what’s going on with you?”

  “Oh, my god.” I roll my eyes and begin to stand up, but Liam catches my arm and pulls me back down and I fall in a way that leaves no space between us.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m not letting you up until you tell me,” he says, smiling. I try to wiggle my way free but he’s pretty strong and it’s a pretty pathetic failed attempt that leaves Liam laughing.

  I finally stop struggling and give in.

  “Fine, I’ll tell you but you have to promise, no judging.”

  “I won’t judge, I promise.”

  “Okay. There’s this guy that I’m not sure about.”

  “Is it a guy here at camp?”

  “That’s personal.”


  “But I don’t know what’s happening. I think I may like him, but I’m not supposed to like him.”

  “Interesting. There’s this girl here and I don’t think I’m supposed to like her either.”

  “Weird, right.”


  It gets quiet again.

  “Well, the least you could do is tell me the girl’s name so I can go back to my bunk and tell the other girls they should stop obsessing over you.”

  “She’s sitting right next to me,” Liam says, and I gasp at his words.

  Before I can think of what to say, Liam leans in and slowly kisses me.

  When he pulls back, all we can do is stare at each other.

  Eventually, Liam stands up and pulls me to my feet.

  “Let me walk you back before you get your third strike and it’s not even week three.”

  “Thanks.” I smile.

  We walk the entire way back in silence, constantly glancing at each other. I now have a permanent smile on my face that I couldn’t hide, even if I tried.

  “I’ll call you tonight,” Liam says, outside the cabin door.

  “I don’t have a phone.”

  “Here.” He pulls a cell phone out of his pocket and hands it to me. “Hold on to mine tonight and I’ll use someone else’s.”


  After Liam leaves, I go back inside and lay across my bed and stare at the ceiling, smiling.



  I can’t stop thinking about that kiss with Liam, no matter how hard I try. (And trust me, I’ve tried a lot.)

  Images of his lips pressed against mine have invaded my shower, my Spanish test, and now, gym class. In between every lap around the gym, my mind wanders to how soft his lips were, how good his cologne smelled, and how my skin felt as if it was on fire the very second he touched me.

  “Move! Move! Move!” Coach shouts at my class. “Mariah Dawson, move it!”

  I’ll move again when I can feel my legs ...

  I shut my eyes and take a deep breath, hoping to regain some energy, but thoughts of Liam and me in the bakery invade my thoughts all over again.

  “Mariah, MOVE!”

  Before I can look over and give my coach a much-deserved eye-roll, something smacks me right in the middle of my face and I fall backwards.

  All I feel is throbbing pain, and then there’s nothing but blackness.

  I’m not sure how much time has passed when I come to again, but the pain is even worse now than it was before.

  “Miss Dawson?” A feminine voice says. “Miss Dawson?”

  “Yes?” I struggle to open my eyes, blinking as I see a bright white light. “What happened to me?”

  “You were hit in the face with a basketball.”

  “Huh?” I ask, feeling her pressing something cold against my forehead. “I don’t even play basketball.”

  “No shit.” My coach is sitting on my other side, sounding annoyed, as usual. “Why do you think I told you to move?”

  “Shhh.” The nurse laughs and motions for him to leave. “You can go now since she’s alright.” She waits until the door closes and grabs my hands, slowly helping me to sit up. “I’m going to write you a gym class exemption note for the rest of this week, but your back and your head are probably going to ache for the next forty-eight hours, so I suggest sitting and resting as much as you can.”

  “Does the exemption cover all of my classes or just gym?”

  “Just gym.” She smiles. “Nice try.” She hands me a small cup of water and a couple of aspirin.

  I toss them back and gulp down the water, watching her write my note. When she’s finished, she hands it to me and helps me to my feet like I’m a small child.

  “Take aspirin every four hours, get rest, and ice your forehead when you get home. You’re lucky it wasn’t worse.”

  “Thank you.” I walk out of her office and make my way to my locker, somewhat happy I won’t have to go to gym for the rest of the week.

  The second I toss my books inside; Kelsey slams my locker door shut.

  “I’m not taking ‘nothing’ for an answer,” she says. “Something happened between you two, didn’t it? And you better — Whoa ...” She steps back once I turn to face her. Then she places her hand against my forehead. “Did you just run into your locker or something?”

  “No, a basketball ran into me.” I shake my head. “Don’t ask.”

  “Okay, great. I’d rather ask about Liam anyway. What. Happened. Now.”

  She’s clearly not letting this go, so I grab her hand and pull her down the hall, looking back and forth to make sure no one is around.

  “He kissed me,” I say softly and she smiles.

  “Was it good?”

  “Too good ...”

  “Like before?”

  “Better ...” I sigh. “But I’m not sure what it means. It doesn’t change the past or the fact that he’s an asshole. And I still can’t wait for him to graduate and leave Blue Harbor forever.”

  Kelsey stares at me for a while, her lips slowly curving into a smile. “So, you’ve been lying to me all this time, huh? You never got over him, did you?”

  “Oh, please. Can we not start this today?”

  “Sure, I’ll start it tomorrow.” She lowers her voice. “Wow ...I can’t believe I didn’t see this sooner. That Austin date was never about ‘Austin’, and if memory serves me right, neither were all your other dates and boyfriends over the years.”

  “You’re reading way too muc
h into this Kelsey.”

  “Am I?” She shakes her head. “Because if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you never really got over Liam and that kiss was all you needed to remind you of that fact.”

  “What kiss?” Zach is suddenly beside us, crossing his arms.

  “It’s girl-talk and none of your business, Zach.” Kelsey swats at him. “How long have you been standing there?”

  “Long enough to hear something about a kiss.” He glares at me. “Who are you kissing, Ryah? Do I know him?”

  “We were talking about my kiss,” Kelsey says, mouthing ‘Sorry’ to me when Zach drops the subject.

  “Okay well, are you doing anything tonight, Kelsey?” he asks.

  “Depends ...” She smiles. “What do you have in mind for us? A private date?”

  “You’re kidding, right?” He rolls his eyes. “My mom is testing out new cupcake recipes tonight. She said to invite you over to help, since Liam is coming.”

  “That sounds very tempting, but you know what?” She smirks. “I have a big test tomorrow that I really need to study for, so I can’t go.”

  “Liar.” I mouth to her and she smiles.

  “Suit yourself.” Zach shrugs. “I’ll be ready to head home right after seventh period, Ryah. Be at my car on time.”

  “I will be.”

  “And don’t treat Liam like you usually do,” he says, slowly stepping back. “He’s always been more than civil to you.”

  “Especially recently.” Kelsey murmurs before he walks away.

  The second he’s out of sight, I consider strangling her with my bare hands, but she rushes down the hallway before I can completely think it through.

  The timing for having to be around Liam so soon is bad enough, and I’m pretty sure tonight will be the most awkward dinner of all time ...


  Later that night, I’m sitting around the dinner table with my mom, Zach and Liam. So far, it’s been uneventful, but I don’t know how much longer I’m going to be able to last, especially since I can feel Liam’s eyes on me every few minutes.

  “So, who do you guys play next week?” My mom asks Zach, passing the dinner rolls.

  “We play West Central.”

  “How do you feel about your chances?”


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