Mr. Popular: A Falling For My Brother's Best Friend Romance

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Mr. Popular: A Falling For My Brother's Best Friend Romance Page 14

by Nicole London

  “Um, yes, we are.” He crosses his arms. “Would you like the judge to repeat the announcement? I’m sorry Brian is smarter than all of your team members combined. That’s not really our fault.”

  “The only thing I’m going to need the judge to do, is honor our team’s request that you use another alternate.” I thrust the rule book at him. “You’re supposed to have two and the opposing team, which is us, gets to select your alternate, should your main member become sick. Who’s your other alternate?”

  He snatches the rulebook from me, muttering under his breath. “When was this changed?”

  “I don’t know, and I really don’t’ care.” I shrug and look over at his teammates. “But seeing as though you only have four other teammates, it looks as if you either force Rachel to play ‘sick’ or you’re automatically disqualified for not bringing a second alternate.” I step back. “Looking forward to seeing what you pick, so you can finally play fair.”

  I turn around and walk right into my Coach. He’s overheard the entire thing, and I’m pretty sure he’s about to scold me for being confrontational.

  He stares at me for several seconds, and then he speaks softly. “That was really fucking inspiring, Mariah. I hate that goddamn team.” Then he leads me away, laughing. “And since I’m a teacher, you already know that I never said that.”

  We walk back over to our team and Coach makes me explain what happened, and we watch as Rachel resubmits her name to the judges for the match. We take our places onstage and I notice that Liam has moved into the front row and he’s smiling at me.

  I blush and look away, trying to focus.

  The judges take the stage to begin the match, and then the moderator makes sure all of the buzzers work.

  At exactly noon, the first question is asked: “What novel is the line, ‘I’m not sure what love is, but I’m content never finding out.’

  I look at Liam and shake my head, hitting my buzzer.


  “How long are you going to stare at them, Mariah?” Liam asks me later that night as he stands in my room.

  I’m looking at the golden “State Debate Champions” and “Most Valuable Debater” medals that are hanging around my neck. I’ve been checking to make sure they’re real every few seconds since he drove me home.

  “For as long as I want,” I say, trailing my fingers across the words “Champions.” I start to ask him if he wants to do something tonight, but Zach steps into my room and pulls me up by my hands, giving me a huge hug.

  “Congratulations, Ryah!” He sounds genuinely proud. “Liam told me you were the star of the debate today and you finally beat those Storm View assholes. I’m looking forward to debating them on the court next week as well.” He slowly lets me go. “I wish I could’ve been there.”

  “No, you don’t, Zach.”

  “No, I don’t.” He laughs, giving Liam a handshake. “But I’ll be there for you at next week’s. You want to come out tonight with me and Liam to celebrate? Our treat. We could go to Pamela’s. I’ll pay for half and Liam could pay for half.”

  “I’d love to.”

  “Cool,” he says, putting one arm on my shoulder and one on Liam’s. “Isn’t she like the little sister you never had?” he asks, looking at Liam.


  “You know you two can’t hate each other forever.”

  “You’re right.” Liam smiles. “We can’t hate each other.”



  Being Liam’s girlfriend isn’t really like being his “girlfriend” at all. It’s more of a stealth mission that involves staying completely aware of the risks and rewards.

  Risks: Keeping our relationship out of my brother’s sight, other Blue Harbor students’ sight, and Okay ... Keeping our relationship out of everyone’s sight.

  More risks: Only meeting in my room or his room, going on dates in the next town over, and not talking to each other too much at school.

  Rewards: Unforgettable kisses that feel like they last for hours, even if it’s just for a minute or two, phone conversations that last all hours of the night, wearing his letterman jacket on secret dates and falling asleep in T-shirts I secretly steal from his dresser.

  Yet, on days like today, the rewards aren’t enough to make me feel the thrill of the risky adrenaline rushes. The rewards aren’t enough at all.

  I’m currently standing outside the gymnasium, watching the crew from ESPNU set up their camera equipment for an interview with Liam. While they’re hooking up cables and testing the sound system, Liam is laughing it up with some of the flirtiest cheerleaders on the varsity squad.

  Granted, Ashley Jordan is nowhere around, but for some reason, I can’t help but feel a tad bit jealous that they have no idea he has a girlfriend, no idea I’m watching the whole thing.

  And to make matters worse, the only reason I came to the gymnasium was because I thought something was wrong with Liam. Because I sent him two texts in third period and left three notes in his locker today, with no response. (Oh, and he also didn’t meet me at our secret spot before lunch.)

  I force myself to turn away from him and the cheerleaders, and head out to the parking lot. I spot Zach’s car in the front row and consider asking him to take me home, but I remember he’s in the locker room, getting ready to watch his film from last Friday’s game.

  I consider catching the bus, but I quickly brush away the thought when I remember just how long of a bus ride that is.

  Instead, I find Liam’s car and sit on the trunk to wait for him.

  It takes all of twenty minutes for him to walk out of the school, and to my surprise, there are no adoring cheerleaders at his side.

  “I’m sorry you had to wait for me today,” he says, as he gets close. “You weren’t out here too long, were you?”

  I don’t answer. I just wait for him to unlock the doors, and I get into the passenger seat.

  “Is something wrong, Ryah?” He looks over at me, concerned. “You look sad.”

  “I’m not sad,” I say. “And nothing is wrong.”

  “Are you sure?”


  He stares at me for a while, looking completely unconvinced, but he cranks the engine and pulls out of the parking lot. We ride the entire way home in silence and when he tries to grab my hand and hold it behind the gearshift, I slowly pull it away from him.

  The second he pulls into my driveway, I unbuckle my seatbelt and rush inside my house. I hear him calling out my name but I completely ignore it.

  I shut myself inside my room and notice he’s sent me four text messages.

  Liam: Sorry, I didn’t see your two texts until just now. My phone died after chem class.

  Liam: Is that why you’re mad at me? (You’re definitely mad at me about something, so please don’t deny it ...)

  Liam: Mariah, pick up the phone ...

  Liam: Mariah ...

  I turn off my phone and see him staring at me from his window. I close my blinds and lay back in my bed. My emotions are running at an all-time high and I need to calm down.

  Before I can drift to sleep, our doorbell rings.


  And again.

  “Alright!” I say, getting up. “Alright!”

  I open the door, expecting to see a supply delivery guy for my mom, but it’s Liam.

  “Okay, look,” he says, holding up a pint of ice cream. “We can do this the easy way or — Okay, there is no hard way. Please, just tell me what I did wrong so I can fix it.” He steps forward and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “You know I won’t leave you alone until you tell me ...Well, I hope you know that, because I definitely won’t.”

  “It just bothers me that the cheerleaders — the stupid cheerleaders, can be all over you at school and everyone is cool with that.” The words rush out of my mouth like vomit. “Even you are cool with that. Text messages and dead phone aside, you didn’t answer any of my locker notes today, so I just assumed something w
as wrong with you, which it wasn’t, and you usually meet me before lunch, and you totally didn’t. I waited for you and you never showed ... And also —”

  He leans forward and presses his lips against mine, as if all the words I just said can be erased with one of his mind blowing kisses.

  As he pulls away from my mouth, I shake my head. I’m not giving in because I want an explanation, and I’m going to finish my rant.

  Before I can finish it, he holds his phone up to my face and I see that it’s a drafted message from him to me, dated for nine o’clock this morning.

  Liam: Ryah, today is media day, so the coach is pulling all of us out of class to rehearse our answers. I won’t be able to stop by my locker for any notes from you, and I’ll probably miss you at lunch. My last interview is right after seventh period, so I’ll tell you all about it when I take you home.

  “My phone died before I could send it,” he says, smiling. “But lesson learned, and I’m very sorry. I won’t leave my phone uncharged again.”

  I look away, not knowing how to respond to this, since I’m sure he now thinks I’m certifiably insane. “Um ... Well ... Do you still want to tell me about your interviews?”

  “Absolutely.” He kisses my forehead. “Can we talk about it inside your house or would you just like to stand here?”

  I smile and open the door, and just like that, the stealth mission game has been reset and we’re in the reward phase.

  Three weeks later...



  I’m starting to feel exactly how Mariah sometimes feels about our relationship-setup, and I’m wondering how the hell she’s managed to deal with certain aspects for so long.

  We’re currently sitting at Pamela’s for dinner, but we’re far from being alone. Zach and some girls he met at our last game are sitting across from me, two of our teammates are on my right, and some girl Zach called “hot enough for my best friend to have on his arm,” is at my left. Yet, I can’t help but stare at Mariah, as she sips her water at the end of the booth. She’s been texting this entire time, refusing to make eye contact with me, and my last message to her has gone unanswered.

  “So ...” The girl to my right rubs my arm. “Are you going to talk to me tonight or what?”

  I gently grab her hand and move it away. “What was your name again?”

  “Ciara. Ciara McGuire. And you’re Liam Carter.” She smiles. “I bet you never have to re-introduce yourself.”

  “Right ...Well, Ciara we can talk about whatever you want, but I have a girlfriend and I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t appreciate you touching me. So, stop it.”

  “You’re kidding, right?” She snorted. “Your girlfriend clearly isn’t here, so do you mind me touching you?” She attempts to rub my shoulder again, but I jerk back and glare at her.

  “Yes, I do mind.” I catch Mariah staring at me from her side of the table, but she quickly looks down at her phone again.

  “You told me your best friend was single, Zach.” Ciara scoffs as she stands up from the table. “Thanks for making me waste my gas.” She storms off and Zach looks at me.

  “You have a girlfriend?” he asks. “So that Facebook shit was real?”

  I don’t answer immediately and he tilts his head to the side.

  “Oh, I get it,” he says. “Ciara wasn’t your type? Sorry about that. I’ll do better next time.” He laughs and the girl on his arm laughs along with him.

  Needing to change the subject, I ask him about his plans for the rest of the night and he gives me his usual discreet signal that he’ll be with numerous girls, so he’ll need me to take Mariah home. He asks me about my own plans and I don’t tell him that they all revolve around spending the rest of the night with Mariah. I glance over at her and catch her wiping her eyes.

  “You alright, Ryah?” Zach catches it, too. “Something in your eye?”

  “Just an eyelash,” she lies.

  Zach keeps the conversation going — reeling in our teammates into retelling the many ways we defeated Central High in a another blowout game two hours ago.

  I notice Mariah fixing her “eyelash” amidst the guys’ laughter minutes later, and I contemplate grabbing her hand in front of everyone and putting an end to us hiding this, but my phone suddenly buzzes with a text message.

  Mariah: Yeah ... You were right. :- (. I’m going to break up with him once we leave Pamela’s tonight. I can’t take this anymore, and I know he’s bound to break my heart again down the line anyway, so I might as well rip the Band-Aid off now.

  I stare at the message that was clearly meant for Kelsey in utter disbelief. I know tonight has been rough, especially since Zach went out of his way to insist that she tag along and join us on a “surprise double date,” and she had to witness some random girl I have no interest in take an interest in me, but a break up?

  Liam: Mariah ... This past month and a half that we’ve been together have been the best days of my senior year ... You do know that don’t you?

  Mariah: Now he’s claiming that I’m the “best” thing that happened to him senior year. Eye roll. Too bad I’m also the most secret thing ... Can you come pick me up at my place in a few, so I can talk this out with you? I’m about to catch an Uber home, but I’ll just tell Zach it’s you.

  I clench my jaw as her latest message lands on my phone’s screen.

  “Hey, Zach?” She suddenly stands up. “Kelsey is on her way here for me. We’re going to go hang out at her place.”

  “Wait,” he says. “Is this the same Kelsey that ran into a stop sign last week?”

  “The stop sign hit her, Zach.” She crosses her arms. “It was loose.”

  “Right ... You don’t want me to take you? She isn’t already on her way, is she?”

  “She is.” She walks over to him and gives him a hug. “See you at Dawson’s tomorrow.”

  “See you.”

  “Bye, guys!” She smiles at everyone else and waves before walking away. She doesn’t even give me a second glance.

  I wait all of ten seconds before excusing myself from the table and follow her outside. I grab her hand from behind and pull her to the side of the building.

  Her face is red and tears are falling past her cheeks.

  “Mariah ...” I attempt to wipe her tears away, but she steps back.

  “Go away, Liam,” she says softly. “Didn’t you hear me say I was leaving?”

  “I did hear that.” I step closer to her again and grab both of her hands. “I also got two text messages you intended to send to Kelsey.”

  Her eyes widen and she opens her mouth to speak, but no words fall out.

  “You’re breaking up with me?”

  She nods.

  “No, you’re not,” I say. “Let’s just tell Zach right now and get this over with. That would fix everything, wouldn’t it?”

  “No ...” She shakes her head and sighs. “And I’m not ready to tell him yet.”

  “So, you’d rather break up with me?” I wipe one of her stray tears away. “I’m sorry about tonight.”

  “You should’ve told him no,” she says. “You should’ve said I have plans with someone. You could’ve even said girlfriend, but you always give in to his dumbass man-whore invites and you just ...” She tries to let go of my hands, but I don’t let her. “You’re going to hurt me anyway, so let’s just end this now, before it gets even worse.”

  “Mariah, that’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard you say.” I look right into her eyes. “And trust me, you’ve said some really dumb shit over the years.” I circled her knuckles with my fingertips. “We’re going to tell Zach we’re together whether you’re ready or not, and we’re going to do it within the next four weeks at the latest because I’m trying to show you how much I care about you, but I don’t think it’ll ever be enough until everyone knows we’re together.”

  She doesn’t say anything.

  “That’s true, isn’t it?” I ask.

  “Only somewhat ...” sh
e says softly, then she looks up at me. “I just really wanted you to say no to this tonight. Like, I was standing right there when he invited you on a surprise double date and you just went along with it ... I know it’s out of habit, but —”

  “It’s not an excuse.” I finish her sentence. “You’re right.”

  We stand there in the darkness, staring at each other, the sound of cars coming and going from the parking lot are the only sounds between us.

  “Are you still going to spend the rest of the night with me?” I finally say.

  “No, but you can take me home and I’ll think about rescheduling another night with you.” She finally pulls her hands away from me. “I don’t think you would be too happy with me if I invited you on a double date with me and Kelsey and pretended you weren’t there.”

  “I think I’d feel the same way as I did when you invited me to drive you to a date with some other guy ...”

  “Right ...” Her cheeks turn red. “But it’s still a no.”

  “Understandable.” I kiss her lips and she doesn’t pull away. “I’ll take you home.”

  I walk her to my car and open the door for her, waiting for her to climb inside. Before driving away, I send Zach a quick text to let him know I’m taking her home and he responds with a “Thanks so much for preventing Kelsey from coming. She can barely drive in the daytime. SMH.”

  Mariah grabs my hand and holds it behind the gearshift as I coast down the streets, and I stop at her favorite coffee shop’s drive-thru instead of heading straight home. Even after we have the coffee, I drive five miles below the speed limit to make use of those last minutes before we go our separate ways for the night.

  When we make it to her house, I kiss her at the door and wait until she’s inside before walking to my house. I pull out my phone and immediately set an urgent and new “Tell Zach about me and Ryah” event for the day after the championship game.

  I never want to end another night like this again ...




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