Beth's Acceptance

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Beth's Acceptance Page 9

by Tracy Cooper-Posey

“I want you both in me,” she said breathlessly.

  “We know,” Zack said. Both men withdrew their hands and she whimpered at the loss, even as Lindál’s lips rested briefly, reassuringly, on the back of her shoulder. Then Lindál was lifting her, his hands on her waist, Zack’s hands on her hips to guide her, toward Zack.

  “Put your legs around me,” he told her.

  She spread her legs. Silvery excitement touched her as the shape of what they intended became clear to her. Zack guided her hips as Lindál lowered her down onto Zack’s waiting, erect cock. She was so wet, that he slipped inside with virtually no resistance. But once inside, she could feel him spread her. He was thick, hard and hot, and she gasped at the invasion. He was buried so deep, she thought she could feel him nudging her womb.

  “God, you’re like a fist around me,” Zack said.

  Lindál pressed up behind her and she looked over her shoulder, fresh excitement spilling through her. “Oh, yes...hurry,” she begged.

  “As much as I want to hurry, I will not. Not this moment,” Lindál told her.

  Zack wrapped his arm around the small of her back and rocked backwards, bringing her with him, giving Lindál better access to her ass. She felt his cock against her ass, slick with lubricant, and began to shake with anticipation of what it would feel like to have him inside her—to have them both inside at the same time. She had experienced them both individually and together in her pussy....

  Her breath was escaping her. She closed her eyes and took a deliberate breath, as Lindál slid into her, inch by fractional, delectable inch. When at last he was sheathed to the root, Zack lifted her back to the vertical and they paused, with Beth sandwiched between them.

  She was shaking, overcome by the sensations of fullness and possession. Positioned as she was, her face was very nearly level with both of them and she turned her head so that she could see them both at the same time. “If this doesn’t change you, I don’t know what does.”

  “This...” Zack whispered. He brought his wrist up to his mouth. His upper lip pulled back a little, enough for them to see the sharp upper incisors descend. He bit into his own wrist, aiming with practiced experience for a good vein. Blood welled immediately, driven by his excited state. He held his wrist toward Beth. “You have to drink,” he said softly, his black eyes flat with a different sort of pleasure, a feral, animal joy that came from the baser instincts of the race. “Both of you must drink.”

  Beth recoiled back against Lindál. A part of her had known that this would be the way of it, but now that she was confronted with it, she couldn’t take the step required of her.

  “I’ll drink, vampire,” Lindál said. He took Zack’s wrist and brought it to his mouth and for a second, he hesitated. Then he looked into Zack’s eyes, placed his lips on Zack’s wrist and drank.

  Zack hissed and after a moment, pulled his arm away. “Enough,” he said quickly. “A taste is all that is needed. I’m not trying to make you.”

  Lindál took his wrist again and curled his other arm around Beth’s shoulders. Beth shivered at the trace of blood on Lindál’s mouth. “Do you love Zack, Beth?”

  She bit her lip. “Yes,” she said truthfully.

  “Do you love me?”

  “Yes. But I don’t know how I can love both of you as much as I do.”

  “Do you trust us both?”

  That was much easier. “Yes,” she said flatly.

  “Then drink, and trust that we will always protect you, no matter what happens.”

  She found it easier to drink, given that promise. She fastened her lips over the small wounds on Zack’s wrist and sucked. She had expected the blood to taste coppery and disgusting, but it was hot and tasteless and before she could take more than a thimbleful, Zack pulled his wrist away. His eyes were dilated, as if he were drugged.

  “There’s more,” Lindál said. He held up his own wrist toward Zack. “I think you must drink from my blood, vampire.”

  Beth clutched at Zack’s shoulders. “Yes, you must, and mine, too. It’s right. It’s...symmetrical.”

  Zack licked his lips. “I can’t,” he croaked. “I...can’t.” He pushed Lindál’s arm away and cupped Beth’s face. “Don’t you understand? I have never fed from a human. We don’t do that anymore. If I start...I don’t know if I could stop. I could kill you both.”

  “I trust you,” she said simply.

  He groaned, closing his eyes.

  “Zachariah,” Lindál said, making him look up again.

  When Zack opened his eyes, Lindál reached around Beth, took Zack’s face in his hands and kissed him.

  Beth held her breath, even as her pussy clamped with pleasure.

  Lindál let Zack go. “It will be all right,” he said firmly and held up his wrist. “Drink. I trust you.”

  Zack’s eyes had lost their drugged look. The dilation had gone. He picked up Lindál’s wrist. “I’ve never chewed through elf skin before,” he said and bit.

  He drank and Lindál gasped. “Gods...”

  Beth could feel his cock surging in her ass. “What?” she whispered. But as Zack continued to drink, she grew alarmed. Finally, she grabbed his hair and yanked his head away from Lindál’s wrist, pushing them apart. Zack’s eyes were back to dilated again. He wiped his lips.

  Lindál looked dazed, too. His hands stroked her hips. “I feel...”

  “I know what you feel,” Zack growled.

  “Me, too,” Beth whispered. The overwhelming state of Lindál’s arousal was enveloping all of them.

  “There’s something in your bite,” Beth said to Zack. “There must be.”

  “There is,” Zack agreed. “An aphrodisiac to make humans compliant while vampires drained them.” He lifted Lindál’s punctured wrist. “Your turn.”

  She took a breath. “Yes, of course.” This time, she did not recoil. She was more braced for it. Lindál’s other hand tangled in her hair as she rested her mouth against his wrist and drew his blood into her mouth. With effort, she swallowed.

  She held up her wrist to Zack. “Me, next.”

  Zack sighed. “Elf blood tastes strange and I had a hard time stopping. Human blood...” He looked at Lindál. “You have to watch, Lindál. You have to stop me.”

  “I will.” Lindál’s voice was more normal. Controlled.

  Zack’s gaze bore into Beth’s eyes. “Brace yourself,” he warned and bit.

  There was a sharp pain that almost immediately was washed away by a languorous, warm wash of feeling that swept through her, replacing all concern, all fright, all feelings save that of happiness, joy and overwhelming delight. Her whole body came alive in a heartbeat. Her skin tingled with good health, every nerve end alive and hypersensitive, crawling with the need to be touched, to be stroked, to be petted and tended to.

  Her breasts, her genitals, every sensual organ she had, swelled to its full capacity, ready to receive, to perform. Her clitoris renewed itself, no longer a sore and chafed organ, but an eager bud, glistening with juices, throbbing with potential.

  And she was impaled upon two cocks already. Her vagina clenched around the first massive one, rippling along its length, massaging itself. The thin tissue wall separating the second cock benefited from the internal convulsing, rubbing against the cock lodged there.

  The rippling was growing, spreading outwards, sending fingers across her body, gathering, building.

  Beth opened her eyes with a gasp.

  “She’s climaxing,” Lindál cried, pulling Beth’s wrist away from Zack’s mouth, and bringing it to his own. She felt him draw her blood into his mouth quickly, hastily.

  Zack gripped her hips, as Lindál fitted his hands around her waist. Carefully, they lifted her so their cocks pulled out of her a few inches, before pushing back into her in a concerted thrust.

  She cried out as the deep double thrust buried their cocks to the hilt, hastening her climax.

  “Feel us,” Lindál whispered in her ear.

  She reached out for
their presence, the practice already coming easier. She found/felt both of them next to her. Hot wanting, hard and male. Bright white arousal, overwhelming need. It slipped over her, like molten lava, scalding her, mixing with her own pulsing need.

  “Oh my sweet god,” Zack cried in a guttural voice. “What did you do, Lindál?”

  “Joined us all,” Lindál whispered.

  Then Beth could hear no more for the roaring in her ears. Her orgasm rushed at her, an unstoppable express. She reached out, already falling, knowing that someone would catch her.

  Chapter Six

  “You knew this was going to happen?” Zack railed. “It scared the fucking crap out of me.”

  Beth blinked at the dim light in the bedroom. It was already nighttime. She was still on the bed. Her head was on Lindál’s lap and a blanket covered her. Zack was pacing the floor, his jeans at half-mast. He looked furious.

  “She’s human. Was human. She’ll get used to it,” Lindál said placidly.

  “Hi,” she said, her voice a croak.

  Zack strode to the bed and pushed back her hair. His hand was trembling. “The fucking elf didn’t think to warn me.”

  “Not his fault. We only tried it this afternoon.” She smiled at him. “Can Lindál and I eat? I’m very hungry.”

  He stepped back from the bed, trying to tamp down his anger. “Sure,” he said. “Of course.”

  She sat up, peering at his chest. “What’s that on your chest? I can’t see in this dim light.”

  He looked down at the mark over his heart and touched it. Then he whirled and strode to the bathroom.

  After a minute, she looked up at Lindál. He was frowning. “It looked like a scar,” he said. “But vampires don’t scar.”

  She eased herself off the bed and found the chiffon robe hanging on the back of the door, threw it on, and headed for the en suite. Lindál trod behind her, gloriously naked.

  Zack was staring at himself in the mirror, touching what was indisputably an old scar, right over his heart.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “That’s where the English shot me, in 1775,” he said. “The changes have already happened.” He looked thoughtful. “Does this mean I’m mortal now?”

  Lindál raised a brow. “The only way to find out is to die and I don’t want you to die, Zachariah, so let’s leave that as a hypothetical question for now. It’s going add an edge to every battle, isn’t it?”

  The electronic beeping of her cell phone made Beth jump. It sounded so perfectly normal and human that it was almost disorienting. She hurried to the main room where she had left her bag, two days ago. The call was from her roommate, Kim.

  “Beth?” Kim said, when she answered the phone. “Thank god, I’ve been texting for hours. Where have you been? The super’s been looking for you. The rent was due yesterday. I made up some bullshit story about work and I don’t think he believed me, but I flashed my cleavage and you know how much of a pervert he is, so I think he’ll leave us alone for a day or so, but...are you there? Beth?”

  “Yes, I’m here. Sorry Kim. I completely lost track of the day of the week.” And the month, too. Beth pushed her hand through her hair. Rent day. Bills. Money.

  “Tell her you’ll come and drop the money off,” Zack whispered in her ear.

  “I’ll be by in a while with the rent, okay?”

  “You will? Thanks, Beth. I’m sorry to bother you, but....”

  “No, I’m sorry I forgot. I got a bit caught up in stuff.”

  “That’s okay. I figured it had to be important. You never forget stuff. I’ll see you.”

  * * * * *

  Zack stared at the Maserati from across the parking garage and hunched his shoulders inside his coat, glaring balefully. “The animal in me says it’s not safe,” he said at last.

  Lindál, wrapped in a black trench coat against the still-falling rain, didn’t scoff. “Would the vampeen know enough about cars to be able tamper with one?”

  “They may not, but nothing says they can’t hire human services,” Beth murmured. “Let’s get a taxi and make acquiring alternative transport that can carry the three of us a high priority, hmm?”

  Zack snagged them a taxi in record time, which was ironic given her inability to find one the last rainy evening she had needed one. The taxi whisked them north in warm comfort and they kept their conversation as neutral as possible, or spoke in euphemisms.

  “You’re going to have to give up your apartment, Beth,” Zack pointed out.

  “Perhaps, but your place isn’t exactly secure. They got to your Maserati,” she said coolly.

  Zack sat back, quenched.

  When the taxi had dropped them off and turned back, Lindál watched the tail lights head away and looked around the buildings. “There’s a point you’re both missing, though. Perhaps it’s because you’ve both been living here all along.”

  Beth looked at him and Zack rolled his eyes. “We could do this inside, out of the rain,” he suggested.

  “He likes the rain,” Beth told him.

  Lindál spread his hands. “We all must have lives that we can explain to humans. We’re going to be living amongst them and protecting them. We have to be one of them. In the human world as it is today, that needs careful planning. You can’t pass as one casually. We have to fully integrate and pass inspection at all turns. We have to be as human as possible and lead full lives. We can’t move among them, ignoring their world and their rules while we fight this war. They won’t allow us to do that for very long. They’ll turn on us. We can’t fight human and the Grimoré.”

  “I am human,” Beth pointed out.

  “You were human,” Zack said. “So was I, once. All that means is that we have had practice in passing. The elf has a point...but can we deal with it later? It’s not just the bloody rain. We’re exposing ourselves unnecessarily out here.”

  Lindál nodded. “Okay,” he agreed and followed Beth and Zack to her basement apartment.

  Kim threw the door open when she realized who was there, then her brown eyes got very big indeed. “Ohmigod!” she said, her jaw sagging. She stood there, staring. “What happened to you?” she whispered.

  Beth pulled at her coat. “Why?” she asked, feeling horribly self-conscious.

  “You look...fabulous. You’re...glowing! Your hair! You’re finally letting it out! Oh, wow!” She reached for Beth’s hand, but didn’t complete the move, suddenly shy. “You’re glorious,” she said softly. She stepped aside. “You’d better come in.”

  Beth moved into the small apartment, looking around the place she had called home for the last five years. It was familiar and dear, yet at the same time distant and alien to her. Zack’s apartment was more welcoming, now. This place felt cramped and musty.

  Kim squeaked, clapping her hand over her mouth. Her eyes had got large again. Beth froze. “What?” she asked, alarmed.

  Kim shook her head and pointed.

  Zack and Lindál were coming in behind her. The small room shrank around them, as they sized it up, unconsciously looking for threats. Lindál’s hand was behind his back, lifting his coat, emphasizing his shoulders. Zack didn’t need to emphasize anything. His prowling, dark feral presence was enough.

  Beth took Kim’s hand and brought her forward. “Kim, this is Zack and Lindál. Zack, Lindál, my roommate, Kim.”

  “Hi,” Kim gasped.

  Lindál smiled at her. “Hi.”

  Zack just brooded, but Kim seemed to respond positively to it anyway. She fluttered and hyperventilated, until Beth slid her coat off, then she gasped again. “Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod, Beth, you’ve been shopping, you look, you look...” And Kim stopped. Alarmingly, tears gathered in her eyes and she began to cry in silent rivulets. She clutched her hands together against her chest.

  Beth felt the ache in her chest, for she knew what was coming. She was wearing one of the most conservative outfits in the limited wardrobe in Zack’s apartment. A pair of black stretch pants that clung t
o her legs and made them, she knew, look longer than they already were. Stiletto heeled boots that were all that would fit under them. A cashmere sweater with a scoop top in a green color that seem to make her eyes even more green than they were already and was tight enough to cling to every curve she possessed. Zack had seen her emerge from the wardrobe and had smiled a little.

  “Wait,” he said, and disappeared into the main bedroom. He’d emerged a few seconds later with a black velvet necklace with a dark green stone hanging from it, and tied it around her neck. It nestled between her breasts now. “Matches your eyes,” he murmured, kissing her neck.

  Since the change, she was aware that her hair was thicker, longer and the color more vibrant than ever. Her skin had taken on some of Lindál’s elvish glow.

  Kim would be looking at the sum total of that difference now and would know that Beth’s life had completely changed since she had stepped out the door three days ago.

  “You’re not coming back, are you?” Kim whispered.

  Sadly, Beth shook her head.

  Lindál stepped to her side. “They’re coming,” he said urgently, his voice low. “They’ve got your scent. I can hear them. About a block away, where we got out of the taxi.”

  “My scent?” she said, startled.

  Zack groaned. “It’s been you all along,” he said. “Of course! They followed you into Morningside Park and to my apartment. Now here.”

  Beth clutched Kim’s arm. “Quickly, there’s no time. You need to run away. Far away and don’t look back. Go somewhere high.” She thought quickly. “The Columbia library roof. The rain will wash your scent away. You have to trust me Kim. I know you have a thousand questions, but trust me and go, okay? Go through your bedroom window and don’t look back.”

  Kim’s eyes were very large. “What about you?” she said. She looked at Zack and Lindál. “Will you be all right?”

  “I’ll phone you after and let you know I am, okay?”


  “Yes, I promise.”

  Kim nodded and rushed back to her room and was gone.

  Zack and Lindál turned to face her. “The apartment is too small for a fight,” Lindál observed, bringing out his knife.


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