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Flash Page 9

by Stella Andrews

  Flash says gently, “Promised who, honey?”

  My voice comes out in a whisper. “Her mother.”



  The air is sucked out of the room as I look at Ryder in shock. His face is set in a hard expression as the door opens and the sheriff accompanies Principal Harvey into the room. I watch his face turn white and a bead of sweat forms on his upper lip as he sees Ryder glowering at him. “Um… ok… so we have a situation here… um, maybe you had better fill me in.”

  Ryder nods and tells him what happened and then barks, “We need you to study the CCTV and find the man who took Imogen. Jennifer will ID him but we need it now.”

  The sheriff jumps to attention and says into his walkie talkie, “I need images of the CCTV from…”

  He looks at the Principal. “Do you know what time and where he was?”

  She shakes her head, “It’s classroom five, block E. I’m guessing after lunch but can’t be sure.”

  The sheriff barks his orders and Ryder says firmly, “We believe he may be heading for France. We have some men heading to the airport but we need you to stop the flight.”

  The sheriff makes another call and then Tyson heads inside. “Brewer called; Greyson’s phone picked up on the Interstate.”

  The sheriff looks surprised and Ryder says loudly, “Take five men and follow the signal. Get Brewer to update you on the way and keep us informed.”

  Tyson leaves and Ryder says with authority, “We’re heading back to base. Call me if you hear anything.”

  He slides his card to the sheriff who looks surprised. “Wait, you can’t just leave, we have an investigation to carry out.”

  I grab Jennifer’s hand and pull her from the room, leaving Ryder to put the sheriff firmly in his place. The anger roars within me as I walk quickly to my bike parked outside and handing her a helmet, I say in as calm a voice as I can muster, “Come on, darlin’, let’s get you home. We can’t deal with this properly here and you need to tell us everything you know and no one will judge you for it.”

  I see the fear in her beautiful eyes and it makes me want to kill the person responsible. Jennifer is hurting which means I am too and the thought of Imogen in the hands of that child dealer leaves my blood running cold. I don’t need Jennifer to spell it out for me, Greyson isn’t Imogen’s father and won’t care what happens to her if he’s discovered whatever it is Jennifer’s hiding. One thing does play on repeat in my mind though, if Jennifer isn’t Imogen’s mother, who is and why is Jennifer protecting her?

  Jennifer sits behind me on the bike and as she wraps her arms around me everything makes sense. For the first time in my life, I ride with my woman behind me and I swear that nothing will ever come between us.

  As she molds her body to mine, I ignore the ache between my legs as I concentrate on business first. The most important thing is Imogen now and I share Jen’s fears knowing what sort of bastard has her.

  I can’t begin to imagine how she’s feeling because, if it was my kid, I would be a wreck. It just goes to show how strong my beautiful woman is because I can see it in the way she carries herself. Despite the fact her heart is breaking, she’s keeping it together for Imogen.

  We ride fast and I hope Jen’s ok with that. There are no speed restrictions when you’re saving a life and my bike is powered by fuel and adrenalin. Nothing gets in my way as I race toward the Rubicon and I hope Ryder has a back-up plan because we’re on a time limit here.

  We don’t ride alone. All around me my brothers provide the only escort we need. The sound of engine and fury cuts through the air and I don’t register the incredulous stares of the passers-by. I know it must be an impressive sight but I have no time to dwell on it. Jennifer needs me to be strong and if necessary, I will move mountains for her.

  We’re soon home and the dust flies as we tear up the track to the compound and I wonder how Jen’s feeling. I’m guessing she’s wired because she has some explaining to do and this time, we’re not pussyfooting around.

  As soon as we stop, I wrench my helmet from my head in one forceful move and drag Jennifer off the bike. She needs no persuasion because she is running as soon as her feet hit the ground.

  We head inside, straight to Ryder’s office and as we set foot inside the room, the only one there is Brewer looking grave behind the desk. He nods as we sit down and he looks at Jennifer with sympathy. “Don’t worry, darlin’, we’ve located them.”

  She jumps up with a start and looks around her wildly, “Where are they?”

  He settles back and shakes his head. “A deserted ranch out of town. Ryder and the guys diverted there, but we thought it best you wait here.”

  Jennifer cries out, “But Imogen, she needs me, she’ll be so scared.”

  Brewer shakes his head. “Lou and Ashton are on their way. Ryder needs you to tell us the full story so we’re prepared.”

  My heart aches for Jennifer as she raises defeated eyes to mine. I see the pain intensify in them as she comes apart before us, whispering, “I promised.”

  Crouching down before her, I take her hands in mine and say softly, “It’s ok, darlin’. What you tell us goes no further than the Reapers. You do know you can trust us, don’t you?”

  She hesitates but I kiss her hands and smile reassuringly and then it’s as if all the fight goes out of her and she slumps back in her seat and says in a small voice. “Ok.”

  Brewer nods and I sit beside her and place my arm around her shoulders as she says in a dull voice, “Imogen’s my sister’s child.”

  I squeeze her hand reassuringly and picture the little girl who looks completely different from Jennifer. Where Jen is dark and sultry, Imogen is bubble-gum pretty and has beautiful golden curls and a pale complexion. Her eyes are the most gorgeous baby blues where Jen’s are brown.

  She sniffs and says falteringly, “We lived a hard childhood. Our parents were puritans and very strict. There were no frivolous things in our lives and everything was practical and with purpose. As we grew up, we were kept away from boys and denied the sort of childhood many of our friends enjoyed.”

  I stare at her as she regresses to a time when life was very different for her and she looks so vulnerable I feel as if my heart is breaking. Then a light enters her eyes as she says, “Ava was unlike me. She was beautiful, vivacious with a spirit that was hard to contain. We were so different in looks and personality and it was hard for my parents to keep her light dimmed. I never really knew the story of how Ava came to us because she was adopted, which was why she looked so different. My parents never spoke of it and it was only because I overheard a remark in company that I found out at all. Ava also heard and despite the bombshell, she was excited. She vowed to leave and find her real parents and one night that was exactly what she did.”

  She breaks off and looks at us with a hard expression. “Ava was beautiful inside and out which proved to be her downfall. She ran to the city and got caught up in a world that destroyed her. She wasn’t strong enough and fell in with some low life’s who exploited her. The first I heard from her was when she called me when she knew my parents would be at one of their prayer meetings.”

  I think I hold my breath as Jennifer’s eyes cloud with pain and she stutters, “She was pregnant and afraid. She told me she was hurting and didn’t know what to do and was afraid she was losing the baby. I didn’t even stop to think and grabbed whatever I could and left that same night. I traveled to where she was and found her rotting away in a dirty apartment block that promised an early death from disease if the occupants didn’t shoot you first.”

  Her voice grows quieter as she gasps, “I called an ambulance because she didn’t have long. I saw the blood staining her dress and her pupils were dilated and I didn’t think for one moment of anything other than saving my sister. As we waited for the ambulance, she told me what had happened in broken sentences and I could almost taste her fear.”

  As Jennifer relives that terrible night, my heart aches
for her even before she finishes her story because one look at the woman before me, tells me it’s not a happy ending. She looks at me with so much sadness I almost forget to breathe as she cries, “Ava died in labor. She gave birth to Imogen and then her heart gave out. They handed me the baby in the confusion and as I saw the fragile, innocent, beautiful, girl in my arms, I vowed to protect her secret with my life. I had lost the only one I cared about and I wasn’t going to lose Imogen too.”

  She begins to shake as she whispers, “I left the hospital with Imogen in my arms not one hour old. I walked away without a backward glance at the sister I loved with all my heart. Ava trusted me with her secret and nobody must ever find out because if they do, Imogen will be taken from me and may not survive.”

  Brewer says harshly, “I’m sorry, Jen, this came through from the cops. It’s the CCTV of the man who took Imogen. Can you tell me who this is?”

  As he spins the monitor around, Jennifer nods, the tears streaming from her eyes. “It’s Greyson.”

  As Brewer lifts the phone, I take Jen in my arms and try to give her as much comfort as I can despite the circumstances. I try hard to fight the urge to head right back out and satisfy the fury in my heart because if Greyson was here now, he wouldn’t have long to live.



  When I saw Greyson walking out of the school hand in hand with Imogen, I felt a strange sense of relief mixed with devastation and fear. At least we know the devil we’re dealing with and by the sounds of it, the Reapers have him already. I try not to think of how scared Imogen must be right now and pray that Ashton and Lou get there quickly. I wish it was me because that’s the only instinct I have. I need to get to my child but I know the men need answers if they are to protect her in the future.

  Brewer replaces the receiver and nods to Flash who says in a gentle voice, “I’m sorry, darlin’ but we need to know what you’re not telling us.”

  I take a deep breath and try to fight the overpowering urge inside me to gloss over it all. I’ve held this secret for so long it’s difficult to form the words needed to share a secret that many would never believe.

  As Flash holds me it gives me the courage to finally offload the final piece in the puzzle and I take a deep breath and say sadly, “Ava was involved in providing services for certain high-profile customers. I think you get the drift and she was made to attend exclusive parties and entertain the occupants.”

  My blood runs cold as I think about what she told me. “One night she was taken to a yacht off the coast of Florida. It was all very secretive, and she was there for one reason only. As it turns out, the man who wanted her was a decent one, and she told me she fell a little bit in love with him that night. He was charming, handsome and treated her well, unlike many who just used her for sex. She stayed on that yacht for three days and she told me it was the most magical time of her life. I think she even dared to dream that she could have a future with this man because he was so loving and, in her words, she fell hard. The trouble is, all good things come to an end and her time was up. She was to be paid for her time and taken to a city of her choice. When she was due to leave, the man confessed his love for her and asked her to stay. He would set her up in an apartment and they could continue to see each other. She agreed because, as I said, she fell in love with him and it was all set. The man arranged for her to be driven to a city near his home where an apartment had been set up for her but she never arrived. As soon as the car left the dock, the person sent with her told her there was a change of plan. She was no longer needed and if she ever contacted the man she had spent the last three days with, she would be taken care of.”

  I shiver as I recall the look of fear in Ava’s eyes as she told me while fighting for her and Imogen’s life. She was so afraid and when I discovered the man’s identity, I could see why. Steeling myself to reveal the name I almost can’t say, I say hesitatingly, “The man Ava loved, Imogen’s father is now the King of Askiri.”

  I watch the men share a look and my heart thumps along with the knowledge the secret is finally out. Brewer shakes his head and whistles, “Man, that’s serious shit.”

  Flash pulls me close and whispers, “It’s ok, your secret’s safe with us.”

  I cling on to him because, for some reason, I now have an overwhelming sense of relief that it’s a secret finally shared.

  I listen to Brewer talking in low tones to Ryder on the phone and my hand shakes as I brush a tear from my eye. Flash whispers, “You did the right thing, darlin’. We’ll protect you both, no harm will come to either of you.”

  I pull back and look at him with fear. “What if he finds out he has a daughter? He’ll take her and I’ll be powerless to stop him. I’ll lose Imogen forever and she’s the only family I have. You know what sort of life she would lead; it would destroy her.”

  Flash nods and I see the worry in his eyes because, like me, he knows full well how women are treated in Askiri. The King married recently but has so far not produced an heir. The women of his country are deemed second-class citizens and made to do what the men tell them and Imogen would be a dirty little secret that needed to be safeguarded. As the King’s daughter, she would be given a home, but it’s unlikely she would enjoy the privileges she would if she was the Queen’s daughter. I will do everything in my power to keep Imogen from her fate and now I need the Reapers more than anything because if Greyson did discover Imogen’s true identity, I’m pretty sure he will have used it to his advantage and for financial gain.

  Then the sound I’ve been waiting for reaches my ears as the roar of the bikes can be heard in the yard. I don’t think anymore - I run. I want to see if my baby is safe and well and can’t wait a minute more.

  As I rush from the room, my only thought is of her and the tears blind me as I see her stepping out of the Escalade with Ashton and Lou and she calls out as she sees me, “Mommy!”

  The tears blind my vision as I race toward her, and then as she jumps into my arms, I cling onto her with everything I’ve got because she is everything I’ve got and I won’t let anyone take her from me.

  Ashton and Lou smile happily as we all head toward Ashton’s home. I don’t want to hear what happened; I just want to spend time with my child.

  It’s only when I’m sitting in Ashton’s huge, comfortable, kitchen, watching Cassie and Imogen talking at speed, do I realize - Flash is missing.



  As soon as I knew Imogen was safely back with Jennifer, my attention turned to the man responsible.

  The anger I feel toward Greyson will help me deal with a situation I’ve been itching to get at and I head out back toward the pit. I know they’ve taken him there, and it’s the best place for him.

  On my way, I see Ryder and Snake heading back to the house and by the look on their faces, Greyson is not in for an easy ride. As I draw near, I say roughly, “What did you find?”

  Ryder almost spits the words at me. “Bastard. We found him holed up in a deserted ranch out of town. He’d taken Imogen there with one aim in mind.”

  I feel sick as Snake’s lip curls. “We found her picture on a site Greyson uses. He’d put his own kid up for sale and was charging one million dollars. The auction had ended, and she was due to be collected later on today by the winner.”

  Ryder laughs darkly. “Yes. I almost wish I’d stuck around to help with the welcoming committee we left behind.”

  I feel sick as I picture poor little Imogen being sold like cattle on the Internet and shiver as I think of the fate that waited for her.

  Ryder growls, “It’s not the first child he’s sold, but it’s the fucking last. That man is about to discover we have zero-tolerance where children are concerned and we thought you would like to do the honors.”

  I nod. “Too right I do. What’s the plan?”

  Snake laughs darkly. “He’s not looking good right about now. We worked him over pretty good before he entered the pit. I’m pretty sure he’s reg
retting his actions, but it’s your call. You can leave him there for days if you want, or you can deal with it now. Either way, no one will miss him because guys like that don’t deserve a second thought.”

  Ryder sighs heavily. “If there’s one thing I hate above everything else, it’s when kids are involved. Whatever you decide, Flash, make it good because that operation he was running was sick.”

  He looks up and says darkly, “Brewer told me what Jennifer said—about Imogen’s parents; that’s heavy stuff. What do you think?”

  “I think we need to keep Jen’s promise to her sister. Protect them from the shit storm that’s sure to hit if word ever gets out.”

  Ryder nods. “Leave it with me. I’ll sew Imogen’s identity up so no one will ever question where she came from. The last thing that poor girl needs is to be part of that life.”

  Snake nods. “Yes, she would be shipped off to Aksiri and hidden away in the palace somewhere. I’m guessing Jen would never hear of her again and as soon as she’s of an age Imogen would be married off to some rich bastard with twenty wives. No, she’s better off here where she has a shot at a normal life with decent people.”

  Ryder laughs. “You think this is normal and the lives we lead decent. You’re more fucked up than I thought.”

  Snake grins and I move to pass them. I have only one pressing matter to deal with before I can go and check on Jennifer.

  The guys head back and I walk toward the pit. It’s far into the woods where nobody ever goes and is there for a reason. There is no one around to hear you cry and nobody to help you escape. Greyson is about to suffer a fate worse than death and it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.

  As I draw near, I hear groaning coming from the large, deep, hole, dug in the ground. I peer over the top and see the battered body of Greyson cowering on the ground in the dirt and mud. He looks up and I see the job the others have done on him as his blood-splattered face looks up in fear. He whispers, “Help me.”


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