Koban: When Empires Collide

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Koban: When Empires Collide Page 49

by Stephen W Bennett

  Mirikami made an admission, “Because I value both from you. You are a species that supported the rise of other races you encountered, without expecting anything from them in return. You are more altruistic that we humans are. I admire that in you.”

  “Friend Tet, I know, from wider discussions among my people, the Hothor, the Raspani, Torki, Prada, and Krall’tapi, that we all genuinely hope you limit yourself to just the admiration of your perceived altruism of the Olt’kitapi. Should you decide to emulate true altruism, we could all be lost to the next technologically powerful, and aggressive species we meet in this galaxy, whom would be decidedly non-altruistic.

  “You are incorrect to attribute so much altruism to my ancestors, or to us now. We did anticipate a future return for support offered to other species. Friendship, trade, and cooperation if we encountered a mutual foe. Possessing a mixture of self-interest and altruism is required to thrive and survive. Those traits, and a portion of aggression, a trait that we have in too small a quantity for our own survival.

  “Fortunately for us all, we found a mixture of those traits in humans in general, and in the Kobani variety of humans, an ability to put them to use more forcefully. You have demonstrated you do not need our approval, but because you ask our opinion and seek approval, I suspect it is deserved.

  “In any event, you Kobani are the best option we have yet encountered as our ally and defender, and I hope we can continue what could become a very long association. We hope you can keep us safe, as we take our more cautious steps into the future, without leaving us too terrified at the dangers and adventures you impose on us.”

  Maggi clapped her husband on the shoulder, and chuckled. “Gee whiz, Tet. That’s the best gosh darned qualified endorsement and semi approval we’ve had all week. I say we take that home with us, and inform President MacDougal that we almost have the nearly enthusiastic support of most all our allies and many of our Federation citizens, to keep doing what we were going to do, even if they didn't like it.”

  Prola said, “Absolutely, I think.” Then she and Frithda turned their heads to look at one another, and chittered.

  Mirikami added his own comment. “We know most other species aren’t as impatient and impulsive as we are. And perhaps we should show more respect for your attitudes, but I find it hard to argue with our success, achieved by not adhering to your innate instincts to exercise caution and proceed slowly. At least we Kobani have the Prada longevity genes, so each of us will remain young and vigorous for our entire indefinite lives, if our brashness and risk taking doesn’t get us killed.”

  In an apparent concession, he said, “I suppose we could afford to take the time to be patient, to wait and see how events develop over the centuries, as most other species do.”

  Then he smiled, a twinkle in his eye. “Wait Hell. I want to see what’s out there.”


  This concludes the Koban Series at Book 7. There will be other standalone Kobani books, to show where they go, who they meet, what they do, and what adventures they experience. And possibly prequels from before Book 1.

  I have thoroughly enjoyed writing about this view of the possible future of our species. There are different grand scale futures in the stars for humanity, which I also hope to explore.

  Currently, I have a more contemporary science fiction story under development, expected to be a trilogy, and it takes place on Earth. It extends from our time, and into our immediate future. The first book will be titled Controllers, the second book will be Immunes, and the third Adepts. The story examines where a dangerous version of mind control could lead our species, if it was twisted and used for personal gain, for evil, and for conflicting nationalist advantage. There will be light hearted moments, but grim and horrifying events lead to dangers, action, death, and personal sacrifice, and an international struggle for survival, and control of the future of humanity.

  I hope you’ll join me in these adventures, and I’ll try to sprinkle Koban Universe stories between other books.


  Stephen W Bennett



  Former crew from Flight of Fancy

  Tetsuo Mirikami

  Captain of captured Flight of Fancy. From Old Colony of New Honshu, in the Hub area. Became Commander of Prime City after Krall left Koban. Captain of the Mark of Koban, a captured Krall clanship. Leader of the Kobani.

  Noreen Renaldo

  Former First Officer of Flight of Fancy. From Old Colony of Ponce, in the Hub area. Married Dillon Martin. Mother of TGs Carson, Katelyn, and Cory. Captain of the Avenger, a stolen Krall clanship.

  Jake (Artificial Intelligence)

  An old model JK series AI computer, installed on Flight of Fancy. Able to operate many of the ship systems autonomously. Repository of vast human library of documents, books, films, Tri-Vid shows, etc. A common capability on long Jump passenger liners. Later, the software is cloned and named Jakob for reuse. The cloned software is eventually placed in a modern AI system aboard the Mark of Koban, Mirikami’s captured and converted Krall clanship.

  (Chief) Mike Haveram

  Was once Chief of the Drive Room on the Flight of Fancy. Now captain of the Falcon, a former smuggler’s ship purchased on Poldark. He helps supply Koban with goods and weapons from Human Space.

  Macy Gundarfem

  Former Motorfem on Flight of Fancy. One of the “Drive Rats.”

  John Yin-Lee

  Former Motorman on Flight of Fancy. One of the “Drive Rats.”

  Andrew Johnson

  Former Motorman on Flight of Fancy. One of the “Drive Rats.”

  Nory Walters

  Former Chief Steward on Flight of Fancy.

  Mel Rigson

  Former Steward and Medical technician on Flight of Fancy.

  Cal Branson

  Former Steward and Medical technician on Flight of Fancy.

  Bob Campbell

  Machinist Mate.

  Neri Bar

  Machinist Mate.

  Chack Nauguza

  Cargo Specialist, handy man.

  Passengers from the Fancy, and various other ships, and early captives

  Dillon Martin

  Professor of biological sciences, sent to Midwife to study developing primitive life. Hidden specialty is forbidden genetics research. From Rhama, a New Colony, close to the Hub worlds. Married Noreen Renaldo. Father of TGs Carson, Katelyn, and Cory. Works on Kobani gene mods.

  Maggi Fisher

  Professor of biological sciences, Chairfem of Board of Director’s on Midwife project. From Rhama. Organizing unofficial teams to recover lost genetic knowledge. Later, first Mayor of Prime City. Works in Kobani gene mods. She marries (Signs the Line) with Captain Mirikami.

  Aldry Anderfem

  Professor of biological sciences, granddaughter of Claronce Anderson, a former President of Alders world. Supports secret Genetics research. Administered first human Clone mods in three hundred years, to make Second Generation Kobani. Helps design and implement Kobani mods.

  Rafe Campbell

  Studied human genetic mutations from cosmic rays on Brussels, a New Colony. Wife Isadora killed on ship by a Krall, “exercising.” Dove into Koban genetic studies when given a chance to make humans physically superior to the Krall. Chief designer of Kobani gene mods.

  Stewart MacDougal

  Former Hub City resident, initially resisted gene mods, then changed position. Moved to Haven, entered politics, and became the first Galactic Federation president, and accepted full Kobani mods.

  Other Captives (at Koban Prime, later renamed Prime City)

  Thaddeus Greeves

  Former Colonel of a Diplomatic Security detail for Poldark Ambassador. Married Marlyn Rodriguez. Father of TGs Ethan, Bradley, and Danner.

  Marlyn Rodriguez

  First Officer of Rimmer’s Dream, arrived in mass capture of human ships. Married Thad Greeves. Mother of TGs Ethan, Bradley, and Dan
ner. Captain of the Beagle, a stolen Krall clanship. Killed in raid at K1.

  Second Generation Kobani

  Carson Martin

  Parents Noreen and Dillon, born an SG, received Koban gene mods to become Third Generation Kobani. Marries Alyson Formby.

  Ethan Greeves

  Parents Marlyn and Thad, born an SG, received Koban gene mods to become Third Generation Kobani.

  Alyson Formby

  Born in Hub City as an SG. At eighteen, left home to request Koban mods, against her parent’s wishes. Became first TG from Hub City, then first to be a TG1 from there. Married Carson Martin.

  Jorl Breaker

  Fred Saber

  Bill Saber (Killed on Meglor Dock raid in Thandol Empire)

  Their parents were all early Koban captives. At sixteen, they became TGs.


  Garland (Sarge) Reynolds

  Sergeant in the PU Army on Poldark. Captured by the Krall, and in a fluke of circumstance is taken to Koban by his captors, and is there rescued by the Kobani, twenty years into the war with the Krall. His rescue when the first clanship is captured (the original Mark of Koban), was the key event for the Kobani to travel back to Human Space.

  Henry Nabarone

  A Major General of the Planetary Union Army, in charge of Poldark’s defense. Formerly in a local militia unit, and second in command after Colonel Thaddeus Greeves of that same unit. He becomes a secret Kobani.

  Howard Caldwell

  Colonel in the PU Army, and aide-de-camp and friend to General Nabarone. Was a Kobani along with Nabarone. After the Krall war, retired and became a partner with Chief Haveram in a Koban based shipping company.

  Joseph Longstreet

  Once a captain of a platoon of spec ops troops, expanded to absorb remnants of units suffering losses from missions behind Krall lines on Poldark. Becomes a Kobani, and “goes missing” to join the Kobani in fighting the Krall, and later the Thandol.

  Golda Mauss

  Admiral that commanded first two PU naval raids on K1, participated in a third as ship captain and advisor. Becomes a Kobani, and moves to Koban. Assumes command of part of Federation fleet to fight Empire forces.

  Marlene Strickland

  PU politician in the LOR party, becomes PU president, is pro-Federation, and supportive of the Kobani gene mods.

  Adriana Bledso

  Former Naval Chief of Staff. Becomes Chairfem of Joint Chiefs of Staff of Planetary Union military. Retired and entered politics. Becomes PU Vice President, is pro-Federation and supports gene mods.

  Janet Foxworthy

  Admiral in PU navy, former squadron commander at Poldark. Is one of the early military officers to legally receive Kobani gene mods.


  A Rim World planet, not considered suitable for mass human colonization. Located on the anti-spinward side of human exploration, on the far side of Human Space from the Krall invasion. It has 1.41 times Earth’s gravity. Heavyside was home of the Special Operations training program. Site of a second gene lab for converting selected spec ops candidates into Kobani.


  Tor Gatrol Telour

  Originally a Krall translator, of Graka Clan. Second in command of Newborn Raid that capture the Flight of Fancy and Mirikami, her captain. Became second in command of Krall, with the title/rank of Til Gatrol. Became Tor after arranging previous Tor’s murder. Personally, captured by Mirikami, and taken to Earth for trial for genocide. When anti-Kobani PU president wanted to arrest Mirikami for her bias against gene mods, a diversion was created by Mirikami issuing a Death Match to Telour. The Krall reader died a grizzly death in front of media cameras, proving the Kobani claim that gene mods made them physically capable of defeating the Krall.


  Called the “soft Krall” by the now genetically distinct Krall. The Krall’tapi are what the Krall were twenty-five thousand years ago, when they allowed the Olt’kitapi to modify a gene that made Krall super aggressive and war-like, creating a people less uncontrollably violent, and ready to work with the Olt’kitapi. The Krall’tapi were held captive by the self-evolving Krall for many thousands of years. Only the soft Krall could command the ancient Olt’kitapi mining ships that could break apart worlds. Freed by the Kobani, they have joined the Federation.



  Highly advanced and ancient people, determined pacifists, who first discovered the Krall. Mentored the violent race, hoping to make them more peaceful, but were betrayed and destroyed by the Krall about 22,000 years ago. Believed to have been exterminated, survivors were found hiding in Empire territory, under the protection of the Hothor, a sloth-like subservient species of the Thandol overlords.

  The race of gentle mantis-like large insects, were a slow expanding space traveling species for over a hundred thousand years, with brilliant mathematical minds. Their compound eyes contributed to their mental ability to perceive geometries and patterns that extended into alternate spaces, such as Tachyon Space, which at points impinge upon what humans call the Normal Space of our Universe. Many space faring species discovered the mathematics of reaching into Tachyon Space for the energy required to produce event horizons, and rotating into that adjacent Universe to achieve faster than light travel. The Olt’kitapi learned to do it more efficiently, and deduced the higher dimensions in that space, equivalent to the four dimensions of Normal Space, which yield shorter travel times.

  Their life cycle begins with an egg, hatching into a caterpillar state of multiple colors, depending on its gender. The larval stage is also intelligent, and at the discretion of the individual can last from two to ten “orbits,” or years in human terms. It must select which adult body form it wishes for its future, a maker, a builder, or hybrid, and adjust its diet to achieve the intended result. The Makers are the more intellectual and theoretical thinkers, their scientists, and philosophers, who produce ideas and new theories. The Builders are those that engineer, build, and actualize the ideas, and what theory shows is possible.

  After a pupa stage, the final body style emerges, resembling a walking stick-like creature with a triangular mantis shaped head, and a two-segmented body with six limbs. They grow larger over many orbits via molting, to become an adult maker, builder, or combination of types. The inherited hormones of their gender determine adult coloration rather than body style. Females, which have names that traditionally end with a “la” sound, and male names that end with “da,” have obvious differences in shadings and colors. Females are brightly colored with a high sheen, with colors such as shades of purple, blue, orange and reds. The drabber males displayed shades of dull greens, tans, browns, and some had mottled black markings or splotches. The heights of the insects varied, with maker forms of either gender being taller, and builder forms shorter in length, holding more of their torso horizontal as they moved.

  Survivors are found hiding on a world in Empire space. With Kobani help, they move to a Federation world once claimed by their ancestors. They start construction on vast habitat called Excelsior, with many planet sized units for species that will be invited to join the Olt’kitapi.

  Gith Prola and Gith Frithda

  A mated Olt’kitapi pair, the female being a maker form, chosen with her builder form mate as representatives for their species, acting as intermediaries with other races. Gith is their chosen mating name to denote their connection.

  Prola is a light purple shade, her overall length being roughly six feet, and her thick lower abdomen is partly held horizontally, before curving up sharply to her thorax. Her face is five feet above ground, with four legs supporting the lower abdomen two feet off the ground. The flat sections of the angular legs have a considerably sturdier appearance than the spindly stick like legs of a scaled-up insect. The back feet are two-toed pads, but the middle limb’s feet resembled a cross between feet and hands, with a grasping capability. The triple jointed front upper limbs were held high, hands together, but were dis
tinctly not made for grasping prey, and were articulated much like a human’s arms. There were six finger-like appendages for hands, of three to six inch lengths, and had several joints on each digit, making them very flexible.

  Frithda was at least a foot shorter in length, mostly light green, with shades of brown on his lower abdomen. He normally poses more horizontal than his mate, although his middle limbs also have basic grasping hands. His front limbs are noticeably sturdier than his mate’s, and his hands have thicker stronger fingers and look less flexible. His head shares the same triangular shape and compound eyes, with two shorter brown colored antennae.


  A spacefaring, once highly intelligent and peaceful race, with about a dozen colonized worlds. They were a client race of the Olt’kitapi, advancing under their guidance. After their defeat by the Krall, they became semi-intelligent because the Krall bred and used them as meat animals. They were raised in herds on many of the Krall worlds. The grey creatures, paler on the stomach than on the back, looked somewhat like a pigmy hippopotamus from Earth. They are nearly three feet high at mid back, and five feet long in the lower torso. The upper part of their torso is vaguely centaur-like, which when held upright places their heads five feet above ground.

  They have a pudgy pair of human-like jointed arms and dexterous looking hands. When grazing, they pluck tender grass shoots and fern leaves with their hands. They also eat fruits and berries if they can find them. They have the masticating side teeth of most herbivores, but sport two residual tusks, jutting up from the lower front jaw. These protruded three or four inches above fleshy lips, and have facial features arranged much like on a human. They have a central flat nose above their lips, with two large nostrils, and large, forward-facing brown eyes under light brown furred brows. The head was smooth, rounded, and hairless, but there was some sparse brown hair growing along their upper and lower backs.


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