Payback is Sweet

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Payback is Sweet Page 13

by Kristy Centeno

  I frowned. “Who said I was embarrassed?”

  Her grin enhanced. “I didn’t think so.”

  “My advice to you is, if everyone else thinks you dumped Kirk for Dakota, why not run with it?” Delilah whispered as she looked at her reflection in my car’s rear window.

  I wasn’t so sure about that. What if Dakota didn’t like the idea?

  “Maybe I will. I’ll sleep on it.”

  “Hey, girls.” We all turned at the sound of Kevin’s voice. “Look who I found on my way over here.”

  Standing slightly behind him was no other than Dakota and his cousin Uziel. The moment he spotted me, Dakota’s lips split into a grin.

  “Hey.” He approached me, ignoring the grins of my friend’s faces.

  “Hey, yourself,” I said, returning the smile.

  “Where are we going to lunch today ladies?” Kevin asked.

  “Tony’s,” Delilah and Michaela blurted simultaneously.

  Kevin laughed. “Tony’s it is.”

  “We’re waiting on Audrey and Demarco,” Delilah informed us.

  Kevin stepped aside to unlock the doors to his car. “I’m sure they’re on their way.”

  “Demarco is coming?” I asked, hating that someone would think to invite him knowing I hated his guts.

  “Yes, I invited him.” Delilah looked at me expectantly. “I hope that’s not a problem.”

  I swallowed the urge to yell at her. It was a problem. A big one. Why would she invite Demarco knowing I couldn’t stand him? Out of all the guys he was the one I could not tolerate even for a short while.

  Dakota tugged on my bag’s strap, demanding my attention. “You don’t like Demarco much, do you?”

  I looked up at him and shrugged. “I get that he’s your friend and everything, but I can’t stomach him. Sorry.”

  Dakota dipped his head, bringing his lips dangerous close to mine. “That’s okay. You don’t have to like him.”

  My entire body hummed in anticipation. I wanted him to kiss me. To have him press his lips tightly against mine, but he pulled away instead.

  “There they come.” Michaela pointed to somewhere behind us but I didn’t bother to look. I was trying too hard to calm my racing heart. Even though it was hard for me to accept it, there was no use denying Dakota affected me more than I would ever want him to. Some part of me knew this could turn out badly for me, which is why it was probably wise to back away but instead of doing just that, my need for revenge catapulted me forward.

  “Well, who’s going to ride with whom?” Kevin asked as Demarco and Audrey joined us.

  “Dakota, Uziel, and Audrey can ride with me.” I was quick to exclude Demarco because I didn’t want him in my car or give him the opportunity to volunteer himself for a trip in the back seat of my baby. It would be one cold day in hell before I allowed that to happen.

  Demarco tossed a sarcastic smile in my direction. “Ever so pleasant as always, huh Janessa?”

  “I’m the most pleasant person ever,” I bit back. “You can ask anyone present.”

  “I think we should get going. We have about forty minutes of lunch, so let’s make the best of our time,” Delilah was quick to add, apparently sensing the tension between us.

  Ignoring Demarco’s presence, I made to unlock the doors to my car. Once we were all inside, with Dakota sitting next to me on the passenger seat and Audrey and Uziel in the back, I trailed behind Kevin as he drove to Tony’s Grill.

  It being the best burger joint in town made it even better because when weather permitted it, Tony and his wife, Gina, would set up tables right in the middle of a gorgeous garden to the left of the tiny restaurant for their customers. Being that it was still nice and warm even though it was already early autumn; the tables were likely to still be outside. With Demarco around, I’d much rather be out than in a tiny crowded restaurant looking at his detestable face.

  As we made our way to Tony’s Grill, Uziel struck a conversation about my car, asking anything from how good it drove, to how many miles I got per gallon of gas; to how fast it could go. Enjoying his easy banter about how much he loved cars and how much he wanted to put up a nice garage whenever he came up with the money, I smiled and listened as Dakota joined in the conversation. Pretty soon we were all voicing out opinions, saying to one another what we wanted to do once we walked through graduation.

  The only one who could not provide an honest response was me. I had no idea what I wanted out of life. Though I had all a girl could ever want, my life had no significance. I lived day by day with no preoccupation as to what the future would bring. It was hard to say why exactly, but at some point in my life everything lost its meaning. I just became Janessa Rowe, the invincible, unfeeling girl.

  Each and every one of my friends had plans for their future. I did not. They were all looking forward to something. I had nothing to look forward to. And though I laughed along and voiced out some crazy answer about wanting to be a fashion designer, I felt dull inside because it wasn’t true. I was just trying to hide another part of myself.

  Thankfully, we arrived at Tony’s and all discussions about the future came to an end. Shortly after parking, we exited the car and walked in pairs toward the side of the restaurant where the tables were set up.

  Gina, Tony’s wife, was already there taking orders from other customers and after showing us to a big table capable of seating up to eight people, she took our orders and hurried inside. Though small, Tony’s Grill was usually packed with people and today was no different. Both the inside and outside were full of customers.

  Fortunately, we’d been lucky enough to grab one of the few big tables.

  “We definitely have to find something do this upcoming weekend.” Michaela grabbed Kevin’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “We haven’t really done anything fun together.” She looked at me.

  “You want a girl’s night out?” I asked. “We can definitely do that.”

  “I’m not sure I like that.” Kevin sat up straight in his chair.

  Michaela laughed. “No. I mean we should all get together and do something fun.”

  “Now we’re getting somewhere.” Kevin glanced over toward Michaela and smiled.

  She reached out to pinch his arm and Kevin jumped.

  “Don’t make that face, Kevin. It’s not like we girls get wild every time we go out.” I beamed. “Every once and a while, maybe.”

  “Yeah, right,” he responded.

  “What do you want to do?” Audrey asked just as Gina and another waitress brought over our drinks.

  After setting all the drinks on the table, Gina excused herself, assured us the food was only moments away and quietly walked off with the other waitress.

  “How about a movie?” Delilah suggested just before she picked up the glass full of Coke sitting in front of her to take a sip.

  Michaela shook her head. “No. Something more fun. It’s not like we’re thirteen.”

  I laughed. “Dancing?”

  Delilah’s head snapped sideways as she glanced in my direction. “I’m all up for that.”

  “Let’s hit a nightclub.” Michaela grinned. “I think it would be nice to hit the dance floor.”

  I shook my head. “How long has it been since we went out dancing?”

  “Too long,” Audrey complained from across the table.

  “I recommend us guys suggest something or we’ll end up dancing.” Kevin tossed his napkin at Demarco, who nearly choked on his drink.

  Coughing, Demarco set his glass on the table while croaking out, “I’m not much of a dancer.”

  “How about going out for drinks instead?” Uziel spoke up.

  “That’s a better idea.” Demarco finally managed to regain his voice. “Anything that doesn’t involve dancing, please.”

  “How about we do both?” Delilah said, glancing in Dakota’s direction. “They have VIP rooms where you work at, right?”

  Dakota nodded. “Yes, but you have to reserve them at least a week a
head of time. They’re might be a waiting list. I’m not sure. I’d have to check with my boss.”

  Delilah’s face fell. “So much for getting our way girls.”

  “It sounded like a good idea though,” I said.

  Dakota, who was sitting to my left, looked at me and said, “If that’s something you really want to do, I can talk to my boss. I’m sure he’ll be able to work something out.”

  My face lit up. “Really?”

  “Yeah. Besides, he owes me one.”

  “Would you be able to pull some strings for us?”

  “I don’t think it will be a problem,” he said and since he sounded so confident, I believed him.

  “Can I burrow your phone?” I extended my hand, completely ignoring the continuous chat of our friends.

  Dakota nodded. “Sure.” He took out his phone from his pocket and handed it over.

  “I just want to program my number in it.”

  He actually smiled when I said that. “That’s a good idea.”

  I figured out how to navigate through his phone rather quickly and programmed my number in it after which, I handed the cell back to Dakota.

  “There. It’s done.” I lifted my chin a little. “You can call or text me whenever you want.”

  The only reason I gave him my number, but didn’t get his was because I didn’t want to push myself on him—more than what I already had. If he called or texted me at any point, then it was all on him.

  “Whenever I want, huh?” He moved closer to me until his hot breath feathered over my skin. “Even in the middle of the night?”

  I shivered at the naughty thoughts his husky tone evoked. Dakota was fast turning out to be more dangerous than I could ever imagine. And I was all up for that.

  “Whenever you want,” I replied, eying his lips as they hovered a couple of inches away. I wanted him to kiss me like he had done in the hallway on campus. I craved to feel our mouths joining and our tongues exploring each other’s, but the timing was completely inappropriate.

  “Do you think you can get us in this Saturday?” Demarco’s voice interrupted.

  Dakota and me both turned at the sound of his voice and found him grinning. I scowled as I caught his knowing look, but his grin only seemed to enhance as he stared.

  “I can try. I’ll talk to my boss tonight and let you by tomorrow,” Dakota said. “I can’t guarantee anything but I’ll try.”

  “If not, we’ll make plans to do something else.” Delilah looked at me and added, “Or we girls can always just head out on our own.”

  “I like that plan,” I said, earning a frown from Demarco.

  “I think we can figure something out,” he added quickly.

  “Or you can stay behind,” I tossed at him.

  “Wouldn’t you like that?”

  “Knock it off you two.” Delilah looked at me then at Demarco. “We’re all getting along just fine. Let’s keep it that way.”

  Though not happy about it, Demarco relented and backed down.

  Luckily, Gina and the same waitress from before came out with our food and we dug in. We chatted amiably afterwards. Dakota and Uziel were great at fitting in with my friends. It was almost as if they’d hung out with us often and this wasn’t the first time. I welcomed the change though.

  Except for the occasional glare from Demarco, which I contently returned, I actually enjoyed myself. For the first time in a while I actually felt free. There were no embarrassing fall outs with Kirk, not displays of jealousy on his part, and no drama to worry about, which I was so grateful for.

  Come to think of it, now that I’d actually enjoyed a nice meal with my friends without Kirk around, I realized why they had come to dislike him so much. Kirk, although he portrayed himself as a very secure male, his nasty and sometimes insensitive attitude was what had pushed others, including myself, away. Not to mention the many times he’d freaked out over a guy looking at me even if I never even noticed.

  Maybe, just maybe, I was better off without him after all.

  Chapter Fourteen

  After lunch, we hurried back to campus and continued on with the rest of our day. I managed to concentrate long enough to get my assignments completed, which was a freaking miracle for me, and was actually quite relieved when the last class wrapped up and I had no last minute work to complete at home.

  All in all, the day had turned out to be quite productive and I was a little more positive over how well things were going. When I bumped into Dakota as I was rushing down the stairs, all doubts beginning to rear their ugly heads immediately vaporized.

  “You look like you have a lot on your mind,” he commented as he joined me.

  I glanced up briefly, taking in his handsome profile and smiled. “I guess I do.”

  “What are you thinking so hard about?” he asked with a hint of interest.

  We continued down to the double exit doors where Dakota held one open for me. I exited and waited for him to join me.

  “Nothing much,” I replied at last. “The usual I guess.”

  Dakota stepped in closer. Our shoulders bumped as we walked.

  “How’s your day going so far?” he asked as he led us to my car.

  “I can’t complain.” I glanced around, noting the group of gawkers to my right. “How about you? How are things on your end?” I stepped in closer to him for the benefit of those keeping a close eye on us.

  “My day has been pretty interesting so far.” He ignored everyone but me. “Where should I start? Let’s see…” He tipped his head up as if he was recalling something, wiggled his nose a bit, and then turned his eyes on me again. “Well, I had a very interesting conversation with my ex in the hall this morning, followed by a French kiss by my new girlfriend.”

  I laughed at how he wiggled his eyebrows as he said ‘new girlfriend’.

  “After lunch, I came to find out my new girlfriend dumped her ex for me.”

  My eyes widened. “Who told you that?”

  He shook his head. “No one. I was asked by a group of guys what I’d done to get you to notice me.”

  I pulled on his arm to get him to stop. “What? No one really asked you that, right?”

  He stopped walking and turned to face me. “Yeah, they did. They wanted to know what my secret is.”


  “How I got the unreachable Janessa Rowe, the most beautiful girl on campus, to notice me. How I got you to dump Kirk for me.” His eyes targeted my mouth and I held in my breath as I watched him.

  Dakota could still be very much in love with his girlfriend of five years, but I recognized sexual tension when I saw it and there was plenty of unvoiced strain between us. I felt it and I was almost positive he could too.

  “What did you say?”

  He took a step closer. “At first I was surprised and I wasn’t sure what to respond. I didn’t know people thought you dumped Kirk for me. I didn’t even think people would assume that much. I mean, I didn’t think rumors would pick up that quickly. Much less for people to assume the wrong thing. I figured most would believe we were just getting even, and quite frankly I’m sure some do.” He paused, exhaled quickly and then added, “So, with that in mind, it took me a second to come up with something that would sound sincere. But then,” he dipped his head, his lips inching closer and closer to mine, “I told them my secret.”

  I let out the air I’d been holding in. “What secret is that?” By this point I was hardly paying attention to what he was saying. It was hard to focus when his appetizing mouth kept creeping closer to my lips. I’d been craving a kiss from him all day and his nearness was nearly driving me into insanity.

  “That I’m a good kisser,” he whispered just before he actually kissed me.

  Adrenaline zipped through me as he finally gave me what I wanted. Though sweet, his kiss definitely sparked awareness and something more. Something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. Something so incredible it was hard for me to actually assimilate.

his tongue gently coaxed my mouth open, I literally had to hold on to him as my knees threatened to give way. Snaking my arms around his midsection, I gave in fully to the kiss. He drew me close, one hand gently kneading the side of my face while the other held me near. There was nothing lustful in the way his mouth worked mine, but I definitely felt a heat wave course through me. And I found, much to my shock, that I enjoyed being in his arms. That I enjoyed the way his tongue delved inside my mouth, the way he held me tenderly against him. And it shocked me even more to realize I wanted so much more. Needed so much more than what he gave or was probably willing to give.

  I suddenly realized why he’d mentioned earlier that we were playing a very dangerous game. I wasn’t supposed to feel this way when he came near me or when he touched me and if he felt anything like I did, we were both in trouble.

  A minute later he finally drew away, leaned his forehead against mine, and held me close.

  “It’s true. You are a good kisser.” Too damn good. If he was that good of a kisser, I didn’t even want to think what else he was good at. Or maybe I did.

  “So I’ve been told,” he whispered. “Janessa?”


  “We should really think this whole thing over.”

  I froze as he said that. “Why?” I drew back, wanting to look at his eyes. Had he finally gotten enough of me? Or of this game?

  Dakota met my gaze. “Because…this game between you and me…it’s getting to a very dangerous point.”

  There was tension in his body. I could feel it as I stood face to face with him.

  “Are you attracted to me? Is that the problem?”

  He nodded very slowly, almost hesitantly before he added, “What guy wouldn’t be attracted to you?”

  I was flattered by his words, but because he seemed confused over what was going on between us I realized that maybe we should really analyze the situation better. The whole point of us teaming up was to achieve a purpose and that purpose would be jeopardized if we couldn’t keep our mouths off each other. Or keep emotions from getting involved.

  “Physical attraction between two adults is perfectly normal,” I said. “But I don’t want to push you into a situation you’re uncomfortable with.”


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