Payback is Sweet

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Payback is Sweet Page 18

by Kristy Centeno

  The events of the previous night came back in a rush and I recalled our conversation, the massage, and my decision to, perhaps selfishly, keep him at my place for the rest of the night. Apparently, at some point during the nighttime hours he’d reached out for me and there we were, locked in an embrace, with my heart speeding, and me very aware of a hardness pressing against my behind.

  Glancing down, I caught sight of our legs intertwined and his arm draped possessively over my hips. I don’t know why but that action alone was enough to ignite a desire in me that I’d never thought could escalate to such a degree. Dakota wasn’t what I’d often looked for in a guy. Often times I would overlook guys that either looked or acted similar to him, but even I could no longer deny there was definitely a spark between us. One that could, and probably would, ignite at any moment.

  His breath feathering over the back of my neck alerted me to the fact that he, too, was awake.

  “Good morning, Janessa,” Dakota murmured against my skin, forcing me to shiver. His voice sounded especially sexy first thing in the morning.

  Shifting from lying on my side to lying on my back, I turned my head to the right to look at him. The smile he greeted me with was just about the most spectacular thing I’d ever woken up to. It was perfect.

  “Well, this is certainly interesting.” Reaching out with my right hand, I skimmed the tips of my fingers over his lower jaw. “Good morning to you too.”

  His face was only inches away from mine. “I’m sorry I dozed off last night. I must have been more tired than I thought.”

  “You definitely looked exhausted.” I allowed my fingers to glide from his chin to his cheek and from there to the back of his ear and finally to his long black hair. “I have to admit, this is an experience.”

  It had been so long since I actually slept so soundly throughout the night that I could only wonder if Dakota’s presence had anything to do with it.

  “We slept on the covers.” His fingers splayed over the curve of my hip, the tip of his thumb grazing my skin where my tank top had risen to expose my belly. That simple gesture sent blood rushing through my body and to areas in much need of attention.

  “Yet, I was surprisingly warm all night long.” The corners of my mouth curved up as I gazed at him. “Much like I am right now.” Warm wasn’t even the half of it. I was hot all over.

  He returned the smile, his eyes watching me intently as his hand trailed up my side, tracing a path up to my left breast. I held my breath, hoping he would grope me but he didn’t. Instead, his hand kept moving until his fingers were gently splayed over my left cheek. He looked into my eyes as he caressed the side of my face and I found it hard to breathe. I didn’t think it was possible but his already dark eyes darkened even more.

  I definitely wanted him to kiss me again. I wanted a little taste of what he’d given me the day before. I just couldn’t get enough of his lips. It almost felt as I’d become addicted to his kisses.

  Dakota came up on one elbow then, resting half of his body over mine, with his right leg crammed in between mine and his lips three agonizing inches away. I would have given anything to freeze that moment in time.

  I could scarcely breathe, much less concentrate. With his hot, half naked body draped over mine, how could I? Somehow, I found my voice long enough to ask, “Did you sleep well?”

  His hand abandoned my cheek, and eased down my arm instead. “I did, actually.”

  Before I could reach out for him, he pulled away and lay down on his back, staring up at the ceiling as if in deep thought. His sudden abandonment definitely broke through the haze of that short but fantastical moment in which the tension between us only seemed to grow as we stared at each other.

  “Are you okay?” I sat up and looked down at him.

  “Yeah. I’m good. Why do you ask?” His eyes never wavered as he stared at my boring ceiling.

  “You’ve grown distant all of a sudden.”

  The corners of his mouth curved up into the faintest of smiles before he said, “I’m okay. I’m not usually a morning person, sorry.”

  Something told me there was more to it than that but I blew if off. There really was no point in bringing up a subject I’d rather avoid. Especially when I was pretty sure that subject had the name Margaret.

  “Neither am I. I’m usually cranky, but not today.”

  He turned his attention back to me as I shifted on the bed so that I was on my knees facing him.

  “Why is that?” he asked.

  “Maybe because it’s been a long time since I’ve slept so well.” I inched closer to him, hovering over his body as he stared up at me without saying a word. “Or maybe it’s because of the pleasant company.”

  Taking advantage of his sudden quietness, I straddled his midsection and planted my hands on the pillow on either side of his face.

  “Either way I’m not complaining,” I added just as his hands shot up to grip my hips. I looked into his eyes, pleased when he kept his focus on me. Keeping in mind my new plan, I leaned forward; our chests came into contact as I closed the gap between us.

  “I’m glad I was able to help,” he muttered softly.

  If only he know exactly how much he helped me. “Me too.”

  I didn’t bother with a response. Instead, I leaned in closer and pressed my lips to his. My entire anatomy went into overdrive the moment our mouths met. It almost felt as if all the blood in my body had rushed through my system in one quick wave, flooding my sense of touch to dizzying heights. I wanted nothing more than to run my hands all over his smooth chest and well defined muscles, but deep down my concerns over moving in too soon kept me from acting out my deep, dark fantasies as well as I would have wanted.

  A kiss seemed like a harmless way to begin seducing him. Especially since he’d voiced concerns over how affected he became whenever we engaged in that particular act.

  Acting on impulse, I allowed my upper body to drape over Dakota’s chest and completely put all my effort into seducing him with my tongue and lips alone—if only for the time being. He reacted the same way any other guy probably would have.

  Dakota’s hands squeezed my hips, his fingers digging into the exposed flesh just above the elastic band of my pajama bottoms. His lips worked in tune with mine, his tongue pushing past my lips as it searched for some unknown destination deep within my mouth. I could tell he had been a little hesitant at first, but he gradually allowed for the sexual tension brewing between us to go where it needed to go instead of fighting it.

  I don’t really know whether he was giving into temptation or simply acting on what I could only assume was his male instincts, but once again we found ourselves locked in a dangerous game. Only this thing between us wasn’t a game anymore. At some point between our initial meeting and now things had changed drastically.

  We couldn’t deny there was a strong attraction between us, but neither could we deny our hearts weren’t where they should be and although I rarely allowed such a weak organ to dictate my every move, Dakota wasn’t like me. Like most men, he could have a full fledge affair with me but his heart wouldn’t be in it because it already belonged to someone else. Someone else who didn’t deserve it.

  Nevertheless, I decided to push all unwanted thoughts aside and focused instead on the bigger picture. Dakota was lying half naked on my bed and for the time being he was the only thing that really mattered to me. Our sentiments—our conflicted thoughts could be left to be sorted out at a later time.

  Burying my hands in his long black hair, I pushed myself tighter against him. I had the sudden need to feel as close to him as my fully clothed state would allow. He responded by gripping my ass and pressing my crotch against his clearly identifiable erection. As if that wasn’t enough to make me cream my panties, he actually pushed himself up as his strong hands manipulated my hips downward, grinding me against his hard-on with so much determination for a second there I thought he’d break through the fabric keeping his cock from finding my very core.

  I secretly hoped he would.

  I nearly melted into him. I actually wanted to. He felt so good. So hard. And I hadn’t indulged in a physical relationship with a satisfying release in a while. The need to feel him inside of me was just about the most power thing I’d experienced so far. Never in my life had I wanted to become one with a man as much as I wanted with Dakota.

  The feel of Dakota’s manhood pressing against my lower body made me want to rip off my clothes and what little he had left on too. All I had originally wanted was just a kiss, but as things progressed that was the last thing on my mind.

  As if he could read my mind, Dakota pushed his hips upward, grinding his erect member against my soaking wet pussy. I nearly lost it right then. The friction was almost enough to make me come. In my lust filled stage, I moaned and nipped his lower lip, enticing a very audible growl from my eager companion.

  We had gotten to that point. We had gotten to that stage where stopping is nearly impossible. Where lust and passion alone rule. Where common sense no longer played a part in our actions. Where our bodies spoke out what we were too concerned or afraid to say aloud.

  I was soaking wet by then, and I was pretty sure he could feel it through the fabric of his jeans. Dakota’s erection was seconds away from ripping open his pants. And nothing, absolutely nothing could have hold us back from going further, except for the sudden knock on my freaking bedroom door.

  We both froze instantly. Dakota’s hands were still gripping my buttocks, my hands were still buried in his glorious black mane, but our lips came apart and we stared at each other with the instant realization that we’d been seconds away from screwing our brains out.

  For a moment there I looked back at him, unsure whether the knock had actually happened or I had imagined it. It wasn’t likely, I know, but by that point I was mentally wishing what we heard was only the result of my roommates getting ready for another eight hours of boring classes.

  A second, then a third rap on the door assured me what I’d heard was a very unwanted interruption.

  “Janessa?” The sound of Audrey’s voice served to bring at least one part of me back to reality. “Are you up?”

  Dakota released me at once, and I pushed myself off him. “Yeah,” I shouted as I practically jumped off the bed and to my feet. “I’m up.”

  “Are you giving me a ride to class today? Or should I carpool with Delilah?” she asked from the other side of the door.

  To be honest, I was so hot and aching all over that her questions didn’t even make sense. I felt as if I was stuck in some deep, black hole the end of which was endless.

  “Um…” I glanced back over my left shoulder to look at Dakota, who was now sitting up in bed, and ran one hand over my hair much like he always did. I’d definitely lost myself in those minutes alone with him. Feeling the sting of embarrassment assailing me, I turned to face the door. “I…um, I’m going to be a little late. You should definitely carpool with Delilah today.” I didn’t have to look at the clock to know I’d be close to forty minutes late for my first class—if I did not miss it completely. And all because of my momentary lapse.

  “Are you all right?” The concern in her voice was obvious.

  “Fine. I’m fine.” I was quick to respond, hoping she’d take a hint and leave. I needed to withdraw from my sexual high and her presence, even from the other side of my bedroom door, didn’t help.

  “Okay. Well, I’ll see you in a little bit then.”

  “Yeah, sure.” I heard the faint sounds of her retreating footsteps and immediately turned to face Dakota once again. “We…uh, are going to be late for class.” It was probably one of the stupidest things I’d ever said, but I felt like I needed to save face.

  Although everything had felt right, the timing was wrong. I could feel it deep in my gut. If or when something did happen between us, the moment had to be right. And getting it on on my bed after our previous conversation really wasn’t working in our favor. He wasn’t ready for any kind of relationship, and I was…well, confused myself.

  Dakota nodded, already reaching for his button down shirt still draped over the office chair. “If you don’t mind, I need a ride.” His words weren’t exactly moment appropriate. Even though he hadn’t meant for them to sound double sided, they only served to provoke my dirty mind even more.

  “I…uh, am in need of a shower, but if you want, you can take my car and come back to pick me up when you’re ready,” I suggested.

  Dakota slipped his shirt on and stood. “You’d let me drive your car?”

  “Why not?” I folded my arms over my breasts. “I trust you’ll take care of it.”

  The corners of his mouth tipped up into a smile. “I will.”

  I walked to the desk, grabbed the keys, and offered them to him. “I’m sure you are a better driver than me.”

  He actually grinned. “I’ll give you that one.” He strolled toward me and grabbed the keys. “I won’t take long.”

  “I’ll wait for you.” I took a step away from him. Keeping my distance seemed like the best course of action. Otherwise, the need to continue what we had started would completely take over.

  After slipping on his boots and jacket, he assured me he’d be back after showering, exchanging outfits, and picking up his backpack, and left. I didn’t show him the way out for two reasons. One, I needed time to think. And two, I had to sort over what had just happened.

  Once Dakota left, I could release some air and analyze what mess I was getting myself into. It seemed as if by coming up with the whole payback plan, the only person I was screwing over was myself. The longer I was around Dakota the longer I came to realize what a catch he was. But it also hit me that I was totally taking advantage of a guy that was emotionally compromised.

  Dakota wasn’t a player, and I didn’t know how playing with him would affect either of us. As I walked into the bathroom to take a shower, a million thoughts crossed my mind, but one thing bothered me the most, what if I ended up falling in love with Dakota?

  No. I couldn’t let that happen. Ever.

  Janessa Rowe could never fall in love again. I gave my heart fully once and paid the ultimate price for it. There was no way I could allow myself to go through that again.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Dakota stopped by to pick me up about forty minutes later with a big, bright smile on his face. When I questioned him over what his enthusiasm was all about, he confessed, rather sheepishly I might add, that he understood why I enjoyed showing off in my car so much. He said driving my car was one hell of a trip and he thanked me for trusting him with my baby.

  Men and cars were like a force that came together like love at first sight, and bonded in a way that made girls jealous. Not that I could blame guys. I fell in love with my car the moment I spotted it in the parking lot and was as overprotective over it as any guy would be.

  We arrived on campus ten minutes later and parted ways soon after. Being that we were late there were no witnesses to our arrival, so we didn’t have to deal with gawkers at all. That was a relief for both of us, but even more so for Dakota. I knew for a fact he was not fond of that kind of attention and thanks to me, he’d already been put in a compromising position.

  I didn’t mind much, but he probably did.

  I made it in time for my second class where I met up with Audrey. She was already sitting in her usual place when I walked in and joined her.

  “Hey,” Audrey greeted me as I sat next to her. “Where have you been?”

  “Home.” I placed my messenger bag on top of the table and opened it. “I just got caught up with something.”

  “I wonder what.” Audrey poked my arm with her index finger. “What are you hiding?”

  “Nothing.” I slapped her hand away.

  “Hmm, maybe the fact that Dakota never left last night.” Audrey laughed as I turned to look at her. “So…do you have anything to tell me?”

  “No. Nothing at all.” I stuck my tongue out at

  “Right. I hot guy spends a night in your room and you have nothing to say?” Audrey reached out and placed her hand over my forehead. “Are you sick or something?”

  “No. I’m not sick and nothing happened you perv!” I lowered my voice. “He fell asleep on my bed and I did too. Nothing happened.”

  Audrey frowned. “Really?” She appeared to be surprise.

  “Yeah, but we did talk a lot. Got some things out.” I gazed at her and smiled. “I actually had fun.”

  Audrey knew me well enough to know I wasn’t lying. “What kind of guy is he?”

  I smiled. “He’s sweet, honest, and very charming. He’s the total opposite of Kirk.” I turned my attention back to my bag as I removed a notebook, textbook, and pen. “He’s quite a catch, which is why I can’t understand why someone like Margaret would purposely ruin a relationship of five years for a total asshole like Kirk.” I opened my notebook and laid it out in front of me.

  “She might not be ready to give him up yet.” Audrey elbowed my ribcage.

  I turned my head to the right. “Why do you say that?”

  She pointed to the door where Margaret stood just beyond the instructor’s line of sight, signaling for me to come out.

  “Well, this is bound to turn interesting.” I stood and walked out of the classroom, ignoring the instructors’ evil eye. Once out in the hall, Margaret strolled forward a few feet until we were out of earshot of the people inside the classroom and then turned to face me.

  “What’s going on between Dakota and you?” she asked flat out.

  “I don’t think that’s any of your business,” I replied. “Explain what’s going on between us, well, that would just be a waste of perfectly good saliva. I’d rather save it for someone worth talking to.”

  “Yet you’re here talking to me.”

  “I was curious about what was so important you’d request my presence right when I was in the middle of a lecture.” I spoke using the best mocking tone I could come up with.


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