TORN : A romance erotica

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TORN : A romance erotica Page 1

by Laura Bailey


  Laura Bailey

  All rights reserved circa 2013


  The tension in the room reached a new level. As she looked at the strange expression on his face, the predatory look in his eyes, the anxiety took on added meaning as nothing could distract from the heightened air of sexual attraction between them; the presence of this man who seemed to wield a power of control over her senses, inciting in her an arousal that consumed her as she stood within his reach, his raw masculinity barely concealed behind the refined attire he wore.

  He moved closer to her, standing right in front of her and trapped in his gaze she was aware of the strength in his clearly defined body.

  “As I said before I went away I have some quite serious concerns over your attitude, which I know we addressed not only when I interviewed you but also subsequently. I told you that I believed your attitude could well be of great use to me, used in the right way and I think it is time I explained to you what the right way is. I think it is time to prove your loyalty to me, in a way that is very easy for me to see. Now get down on your knees in front of me.”

  Madeline looked at him askance, shocked, but in reality she had no real choice but to do as he said. She had not yet found what she had come here for; she needed to keep her job. More than that, she needed the attentions of this man focussed solely on her, sought his sexual depravity, subconsciously sought his affection and approval in whatever way he chose to give it; she craved his domineering will, his utter control, his overpowering erotic command. Spellbound as she lost herself in his eyes, she did as he told her, removing her glasses and placing them on the floor beside her.

  He stood there determined and as she looked up at him he unzipped slowly.

  Chapter One

  Madeline had spent weeks going from agency to agency trying to find out who supplied staff to Ballentyne Funds in D.C. She had spent the last few years before that learning business administration at college and taking numerous temp roles at some of the top hedge fund companies in New York. Her Resume was now quiet impressive. She had patience; she had needed that all her life, resolute in her conviction that things would work out if she waited long enough for them to. She knew that the PA of Daniel Harker, CEO of Ballentyne, was due to retire any day now. It was just a matter of waiting until then. The PA had worked for Daniel Harker’s father and had been there many years. The Agency had promised her a shot at the interview when she retired.

  She got the call one fall day, almost six months after first identifying the Agency. Her time had now come. She just needed to somehow ensure Daniel Harker gave her the job, and not another candidate sent from the Agency. She had read as much about him as she could over the years, had followed him very closely in the newspapers and society magazines, had seen his picture with numerous stunning women at charity functions and other events. Usually they were brunettes and for that she was thankful that she wouldn’t need to dye her hair. More than that though, she needed to impress him with her experience and suitability for the job, not with her looks. She didn’t think it likely that he would hire someone just for their appearance; he could get that in abundance and did, his extreme wealth a major attraction. Regardless, she considered herself quite plain.

  Smoothing down her black skirt, she entered the building and as she rose in the elevator, she checked that her long auburn hair was still secured in the bun she had put it up in. Her make-up was minimal, just a hint of blusher and mascara. As she lowered her hands she realised how much they were shaking.

  Exiting the elevator, she saw a long reception desk ahead of her, an extremely well groomed receptionist behind it, immaculately manicured nails and startlingly white teeth.

  “I’m here to see Daniel Harker.”

  “Your name is?”

  “Madeline Taylor.”

  “Take a seat. He is running a little late.”

  “Thank you.”

  Madeline looked around as she sat and realised there were two other women sitting in the reception, both smartly dressed and quite obviously also there for interview. ‘Great’ she thought to herself, and said a silent prayer as she sat down. She presumed they would be seen before her. She ran through the possible interview questions she might be asked in her head and the answers she would give. Then she relaxed. She tried to put her mind into a state of calm, taking herself to somewhere it was used to going when the pressure got to her, and yet with so much riding on the next encounter she found it hard to do.

  She picked up a newspaper from the table in front of her and pretended to read it, not wishing to sit there looking vacant yet expectant. The receptionist took one of the women along a hallway, then the other, as Madeline waited for over an hour and three quarters.

  Irritation building inside her at having to wait for such a long time, she fought the urge to do what her instincts told her, itching to get up and leave. Finally, two hours later the second woman returned from down the hallway. Madeline knew now at last, she would be next.

  “Madeline.” The receptionist called her and she stood up ready to follow her.

  “I’m sorry, but Mr Harker has asked if you would mind rescheduling for tomorrow? Unfortunately something urgent has come up.”

  “Oh, of course, that’s ok.”

  “Thank you. Could you come in at 5pm?”


  Madeline rose gracefully, hid her annoyance perfectly as she turned away from the reception and walked toward the elevator. Waiting for it to come, she held her breath, hiding her discomposure.

  As soon as she hit the street outside the office building, she let her frustration out.

  “Arrogant son of a bitch! Who the hell does he think he is! ‘I’m so fucking important’ you can wait for me for two hours and then comeback tomorrow.”

  She felt a sharp pain at the back of her heel as someone walked into her from behind. She had stopped dead outside the building to engage in her highly vocal rant. She turned quickly, lifting her foot in pain at the same time and looking down at the injury. She was about to give them a piece of her mind, berate them for not looking where they were going, as she looked up at them.

  Daniel Harker stood mere millimetres from her, looking down at her from his height. He was larger than she had realised; taller, broader. Up close, his eyes had the most incredible depth to them, the colour hard to define, a deep green, but with lighter fleckles running through them, dazzling, startling, intense. His hair, a rich dark brown, almost black, slicked back. A firm jaw and cheekbones gave his face a clearly defined masculinity that could have been seen as intimidating with his brows knotted together as they were now.

  “Are you ok?” His voice was deep. She detected a slight southern lilt. She knew he had been born in Texas. “Oh, yes, thank you. I’m sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going.”

  “Your heel is bleeding.”

  “It’s fine, it’s nothing, honestly. Thank you.”

  She turned around and started walking away quickly, not knowing what else to do. Had he heard her? Had he heard the things she had been saying about him? This really was not the first impression of herself she had wanted to give him. She felt as though his eyes were on her as she walked away. She had the strangest sensation in her stomach, as though she had been reunited with someone who she had not seen for so long, as though she had always known him and her soul recognised him as such. It was unnerving, odd, but an instinctual feeling she could not shake. It did not make sense.

  If he had heard her outburst he had not shown it, but she was furious with herself that this could have blown her chances of getting the job now. It was hardly the impression of professional decorum she had wanted to convey to him on first meeting.<
br />
  Her heel was sore, rubbing against her shoe as she walked. Her tights were ripped and the ladder would only rise up the back of her leg now. She made her way to the subway, thoroughly dismayed at her behaviour, and disturbed yet intrigued by the sensations within her that he had aroused.

  Chapter Two

  The next day she made her way back to his office. In a different outfit, and her hair down, she hoped that he would not remember her from the day before. It was very possible; he was a busy man running a multi-million pound business.

  As soon as she entered the reception area, the receptionist told her that Mr Harker was ready to see her, and led her down the hallway before she even had a chance to sit. She opened a door and indicated for Madeline to go inside.

  Daniel Harker was standing by a huge window, a panoramic view of the City behind him, his figure outlined against it.

  “Madeline I presume? Take a seat would you.”

  He gestured to the seat in front of his large wooden desk. He took his seat behind it. He picked up her resume. “You worked for Elihte Capital?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Interesting. Why did you leave?”

  “It was a temporary contract.”

  “I see. And what about Reddick Securities?”

  “That was a temporary contract also.”

  “Do you not possess any staying power Madeline?”

  His gaze on her was intense. The silence between them hung in the air. Eyes of steel fixed on her, confident yet nonchalant determination in his posture.

  “I’m sorry?”

  “Why is it that you seem only to stay at these companies for short periods of time?”

  “I wanted to gain as much experience as I possibly could in the best investment companies there are. They have had only temporary positions available.”

  “The best? And I thought mine was the best.” He smiled but it was not a smile of great warmth.

  “Its reputation is. Until now I don’t believe there has been an available position however.”

  “No. You are right. My PA was with the Company for thirty five years. We have a very low turnover here. My staff tend to stay. Why do you want to work for me?”

  “I have just said. Yours is the most successful.”

  “It is. I suppose the real question is what do you have to offer me Madeline?”

  “I’m very good at what I do, as my resume reflects.”

  “Mm, that is all very prosaic.”

  “I’ve seen numerous other candidates over the last couple of days with resumes very similar.”

  She didn’t know what to say to that. She didn’t know him, didn’t know what he was particularly looking for.

  “I will protect your interests and the reputation of your company in the most professional way I can.”

  “Would that include the use of a profuse amount of swearing, as you did in the street right outside my office yesterday?”

  Her cheeks reddened.

  “That was perhaps not my best moment.” She tried a smile, ended up biting her lip in embarrassment.

  “No. Or was it? Someone with that amount of fire, of passion, directed in the right way, could perhaps serve very well as my ‘gatekeeper’. It could work, in a perverse kind of way. If we could hone that fierceness into loyalty, I think you could prove a valuable asset to me. Let me think about it. I’ll get back to you tomorrow.”

  “Thank you.” With that, she rose and left his office.

  After she left he sat in contemplation. This could well prove an enjoyable challenge. He could see well enough the effort it took her to suppress her attitude in the interview, and having seen her unguarded in the street the day before, he was actually quite taken with the underlying rebellious streak inside her. He was surrounded by insipid pleasers, at work and in his private life. He attracted them because of his power and wealth. It was inevitability. And those people, insipid though they were, often came with a hidden agenda, seeking to use him, to get what they could out of him, their needs tantamount to his. Simpering sycophants who hid their agenda behind a mask of beauty and a false veneer. He may have just found someone with a backbone and an inbuilt indignation. That she had the darkest blue eyes that held a natural challenge in them, meeting his eyes unwaveringly, would only add to the pleasure of bringing her under his control. To break her in, assert his authority over her, to experience her yield to him, would be an experience he would relish and a unique one which enticed him.

  Chapter Three

  The following day he rang her.

  “I am going to offer you the position. You will sign a confidentiality agreement, naturally. You will start tomorrow. I must warn you however, I am not an easy man to please. I am extremely demanding and expect nothing but excellence and complete discretion. You may wish to think about whether you feel you are up to the role.”

  “I accept. Thank you. What time do you require me?”

  “Eight am. When you arrive, Jennifer will show you around.”

  “Thank you.”

  He rang off. Arrogant son of a bitch, she thought again. A smooth, refined, stunningly handsome and utterly ruthless bastard; but the thrill that ran through her dissipated her opinion of him.

  She spent the day shopping to ensure her wardrobe was updated to reflect the season’s fashion. Whilst she was far from wealthy, she had earnt a good salary in her previous roles, and it was expected of her to dress well. Her apartment was in central D.C. It was only a studio apartment, within her means, and it ensured that she did not have to endure a long commute into work given that her hours were always long.

  The next morning she was shown her office, which was directly next to Daniel’s, as necessitated. It was minimally furnished, modern and sleekly designed. First day nerves gripped her stomach and she was anxious to settle in to the routine of the role, for it to become second nature and familiar.

  He had left a list of requirements for her to see to immediately and she got on with it.

  Around four in the afternoon, he called her into his office.

  He was standing, hands in the pockets of his immaculately cut suit. It was obviously hand made; fitting to perfection the outlines of his defined and muscular form exquisitely. He looked stunning, as though he had stepped out from an Armani modelling shoot. He took her breath away with his chiselled features. The slight tan on his face only seemed to emphasise the colour of his eyes even more, the dark brilliance of them.

  “Sit. How are you settling in?” he asked her.

  “Fine, thank you.” She went to sit down.

  “I’m sure you have a fairly good idea of the things you will be dealing with as my assistant, but I also have a large number of charitable affairs that I am involved with. You will need to be the first port of contact for them. There’s a file on your computer detailing them. I attend numerous functions on a regular basis. You’ve no doubt seen my diary already. I’m attending a children’s charity event this evening. I will pick you up at eight. Go home and find something suitable to wear.”

  He walked out of his office, leaving her sitting there. “How unbelievably rude,” she muttered to herself.

  As eight o’clock came, Madeline was dressed in a long cream dress with lace details, pearls to compliment the outfit, and nude heels. She had bought the outfit in a designer sale last season and never worn it. It seemed the most suitable thing for the occasion. She hardly ever went to formal functions, had no need to other than the odd industry award ceremony or in-house parties. She had piled her hair up on her head. Her figure was curvy. She wondered if she was too heavy to carry off the outfit; if maybe she should have chosen more supportive lingerie to hold her in a bit better. She was feeling very much out of her comfort zone. She had few friends. Mostly they tended to be co-workers, and whilst she would sometimes go for drinks after work, she was not used to socialising on a major scale. She was quite introverted in social settings, and the more formal they were, the less she felt she fitted in.

nbsp; What she couldn’t understand was why he was taking her. Why was he not taking one of his glamorous girlfriends? She had seen many pictures of him, in the newspapers and magazines over the years. He always had someone beautiful on his arm. Was this to be a part of her job from now on, to accompany him to these functions? She highly doubted it. Perhaps this was just to give her an idea of the type of benefits he supported.

  Her buzzer rang and a chauffeured driver stood at her door.

  “Good evening Madam.”


  She followed him to a black limousine parked outside.

  Standing, leaning on the car, Daniel waited for her wearing a black dinner suit, white shirt and tie. He looked magnificent.

  “Madeline.” He held the door open for her.

  Inside, Daniel looked at her. “Would you like a glass of champagne? I find it helps with the unendurable boredom of evenings such as these.”

  He had ruined the effect entirely with his off hand and shallow remark.

  “I am fine, thank you.”

  “Well, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  They rode in silence.

  When they arrived, Daniel took hold of Madeline’s arm as he led her from the limo inside. He didn’t relinquish her arm immediately. Looking around, she felt completely out of place. She saw diamond necklaces, expensive dresses, money. She hadn’t come from this kind of background. She felt naturally inferior. Fortunately it was not a sit-down affair. Daniel handed her champagne, which she took gratefully this time. He introduced her to people, talking with ease to them about various things. She stood awkwardly as he did so, small talk something she found extremely difficult to do and so merely nodded in agreement to the sentiments being expressed or laughed at the appropriate moments. As she raised her glass, she suddenly felt Daniel release her arm and disappear into the crowd. Left alone in a room full of strangers, she felt anxious and uncomfortable. She headed to the bar to acquire more champagne, the only thing she could think of doing to ease her nerves. After two more glasses, she had no idea what to do next. She could see no sign of him. Spotting a door that seemed to lead out to gardens she made her way to it.


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