Stryker (Books 1 & 2) (Atrox Security)

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Stryker (Books 1 & 2) (Atrox Security) Page 29

by J. C. Cliff

  “I don’t know either, but I don’t like it. She was pissed when we split up.”

  “Yeah, Valerie wasn’t happy either.”

  “Yeah,” he drawls out the word, adjusting his toothpick, “I don’t think Celia was concerned so much for Valerie as much as she was for herself. Being pissed off over a split off is a whole lot different than being distraught like Valerie was.”

  “I don’t like the sound of where this is going.”

  “Me neither, man. When I told her we were reconvening with you guys, her anger subsided. Don’t you think she should’ve been crying or some shit? Some emotion other than pissed, right?” he asks, hoping I can shed some light on Celia’s behavior.

  “I don’t know, Hunter. Typical narcissist? I mean, I don’t believe I’ve ever met anybody so self-centered, and it surprises the hell out of me that she’s turned out to be Valerie's best friend.”

  “I’ve been saying it all along, Stryker. That bitch is the one to watch.”


  ~ Stryker ~

  I’m sitting on a hard, wooden chair, which sits low to the ground, right outside our room on our private balcony. I rest my elbows on the armrests while taking another drag off yet another cigarette. I don’t smoke; I actually despise cancer sticks, but I need something to take the edge off and still remain sober.

  I look out over the railing into the dark, humid sky, gazing at the moon. I let out a heavy sigh as I think over the past week of my life. It went from normal to fucked up in the blink of an eye. Too much has been running through my head to grant me sleep. It was close to midnight when it became apparent I wasn’t going to get any shuteye. I’m fairly used to operating on little sleep, but not Valerie, and the last thing I wanted to do was wake her up by tossing and turning.

  My ears perk up when the sliding glass door off to my right quietly squeaks against the old metal tracks. I tilt my head slightly and catch sight of Valerie’s lithe body slip through the narrow opening. I frown, because she really should be getting her rest, and if memory serves, she can get pretty grumpy if she doesn’t get a full eight hours of sleep. Add to that all the stress we’ve been under, and it doesn’t make for a good combination.

  There’s a much-welcomed cool breeze that finds its way underneath the covered balcony. The light air movement takes small wisps of Valerie’s hair and shields her eyes. I skim over her graceful movements as she tucks a strand behind her ear, right before she quietly sits down beside me. She’s trying to keep my borrowed T-shirt down over her knees as she sits, and I grin at the modest gesture.

  She eyes the bright cherry at the end of my cigarette with new interest then raises a brow. “I didn’t know you smoke.”

  “I don’t.”

  “What do you call this then?” she asks, pointing to my cigarette. I take one last drag then flick the rest of it over the railing, watching the red cherry descend. I turn my head to the side and exhale, directing the smoke away from her. “It’s a rare thing for me to have a cigarette, but sometimes when the shit piles up high on my plate, it’s the only thing that relaxes me and allows me to keep my head.”

  “Maybe I should try one,” she suggests with a frown.

  I almost choke in surprise. “Umm… hell no. It’s a bad habit, and once you start, it’s hard to quit.” I eye her carefully, noticing her melancholy mood. “What’s the matter, darlin’?” I ask, concerned.

  “I couldn’t sleep anymore. I’ve slept most of the day away, and when I went to snuggle with you, the bed was empty. So I came looking for you.”

  I grab her hand and give it a light tug, indicating for her to come sit on my lap. I just want to hold her and protect her from whatever demons are chasing her. “You’re replaying that camp invasion over and over in your mind, aren’t you?”

  She settles herself sideways in my lap then lays her head on my chest while nodding. She can’t be involved with anything. There’s no fucking way. She’s still scared shitless, and it shows in everything she says and does. She’s the same person I came to know and love all those years ago. She hasn’t changed a damn bit.

  “Every time I close my eyes, all I can hear is those men shouting out my name with drawn weapons,” she says softly, keeping her voice down. She places her hand over my heart, and I can feel the slight tremor of fear that rolls through her. “I can’t seem to wrap my head around it. I mean, who are they, and how did they know where I was? It’s really disturbing they knew how to find me. It means they’ve been tracking me.” Her voice is very unsettled, and the thoughts make her shiver. “What could they possibly want with me, Stryker? I’m just a simple woman trying to get on with my life.”

  I take a deep breath then exhale, wrapping my hand around the back of her neck and holding her tight against me. “Who the fuck knows why anyone does anything, sweetheart? As my dad always said, the heart of man is deceitful and wicked. Someone, somewhere, is always wanting to rule over someone else. Man has always wanted to gain wealth and power. Life is a constant battle of good versus evil, and it will remain that way until the end of our days. That much I can guarantee.”

  She clutches the fabric of my shirt, not liking the cold, hard truth. “It’s just so sad. I hate that people have to be so evil.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.” I softly stroke the length of her hair, pushing the long strands off her neck so I can massage the nape of her neck.

  “Please don’t let them get me, Stryker. I’m so scared. Are we going home now?” she asks hopefully. “What are we going to do?”

  “Hey, stop,” I interrupt her rapid-fire questions. “We are not going to do anything. Hunter and I will handle this, and you promised me you weren’t going to ask questions, not until we’re back home.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I just can’t help it.” She looks up at me, her eyes full of worry. “What about Celia?”

  “What about Celia?”

  “Are you guys going to protect her too?”

  “She wasn’t part of the job,” I tell her, acting a little put out just to play it off as if I’m doing her a favor. “But she’s here, isn’t she?”

  She nods in understanding. “I know she’s not the easiest of people to deal with, and sometimes I get downright mad at her, but she’s been there for me.”

  “I get that. It’s probably the only reason why Hunter brought her along with us.”

  “Thank you. Thank you for caring enough about me and the people I care about to watch over her too,” she says gratefully, then pauses to consider something. “You know, when we first got here this afternoon, I know Celia and I were a tad overdramatic in our reunion. We were both excited to be together again, because she’s like a sister to me.”

  “And…” I prompt when she hesitates to speak again.

  “Well, I can’t help but think I’ve done something to upset Hunter. He’s been very standoffish. Is he okay? I mean, did I step in on his private time with Celia, or say something I shouldn’t have?”

  “You did nothing wrong. He’s fine,” I assure her. “You can’t take him too personally. He’s got a lot of shit on his mind, and when he’s under stress, he really doesn’t say much. He stays withdrawn.” I play his behavior off the best I can. He’s been a real sport up until now, but I think he’s reached his limit with Celia. He’s having a bastard of a time figuring out how to be around someone who he hates so much. I guess this is the first time he’s had to have relations while keeping up a ruse.

  I look at her pointblank. “We’re done with the fifty questions, okay? It’s time for you to stay quiet, keep your head down, and keep our secrets between the two of us.”

  Unblinking, she returns my stare. “I will not betray your trust. I promise,” she says sincerely. “I don’t know how I got so lucky to have a second chance with you, and I’m not sure how it is you could just forgive me for not giving you a chance to explain yourself so many years ago. Then add to that me running off to get married.”

  “Hey, let that shit go. We
were meant to cross paths again, simple as that. We’re starting over fresh, got it?”

  “I promise, Stryker, you have all of me.” Her tone is adamant, and I believe her. “You’ve always had my heart, and I’ve found out the hard way just how short life can be. I don’t want to squander our time.”

  “Me neither.” I grab her by the waist, shifting her so that her legs straddle my hips. She settles herself over my lap, and my dick immediately stirs awake.

  She peels off my ball cap then goes to run her fingers through my hair, and comes up short. The surprise in her eyes is priceless. I grin. “Stryker! You’re bald!” she exclaims. I chuckle at her bewilderment. “Wha— why?”

  “It’s just something I wanted to do to in memory of my sister. She had always loved it when I shaved myself bald. Not sure why she liked it so much.” I shrug. “Maybe it was because she loved to tease me and crack bald jokes. I don’t really know, but she’d always fuss at me when I let my hair grow back out.”

  Her lips turn downward. “I’m so sorry.”

  “It’ll be okay,” I assure her, even though I’m still shaken up over the whole thing, but I won’t admit that to her. “You were right, you know… about the dragonflies.”

  “Oh, Stryker.” She exhales a heart-rendering sigh and her eyes fill with sadness. “I don’t even know what to say to that. All I can hope is every time you see one, you’ll think of your sister, not as a reminder of her passing, but as a reminder that she’s living in Heaven with no more sorrows, no more tears, and no more pain.”

  “Ssh,” I whisper, using my thumb to wipe a stray tear from the corner of her eye, “don’t cry for me, darlin’.” She closes her eyes, and with her slight nod, I know she’s trying to stay strong for me. She’s watched me tamp down my emotions on and off all day long. “I’ve missed that about you, you know.”

  “Missed what?”

  “Your tender heart and your unwavering faith.” I couldn’t be more sincere when I tell her this, because it was never hard for me to get a woman of my choosing, but the majority of them were too shallow, or were just plain fucking crazy. It was Valerie’s genuine heart that drew me to her in the first place.

  She lightly grins in a way that makes me think she’s blushing. “Have you been able to get ahold of your mother yet, to see how she’s coping?”

  “Yeah, when you were sleeping, I touched base. Of course, I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t with everything,” I tell her, trying to shrug off the irritation of our conversation. “She was pissed she, herself couldn’t get ahold of me. She tried to guilt me into dropping everything here to get back home. As if I could actually do that. She didn’t give a fuck we were in the jungle, running for our lives.”

  Her forehead wrinkles, and I know she feels bad for me, but it’s not necessary. I’ve accepted the fact that some things will never change, my mother being one of them. “I’m sorry about that too.”

  “Don’t feel bad for me. I had to let go of her passive-aggressive shit a long time ago. I’ll never know what she wants from me, and no matter what I do to try to please her, it’s all wrong.”

  There’s a moment of silence that drags between the two of us. I rest my head back in the chair and gently stroke the side of her arm in thought. Valerie lifts her hand and runs it over my bald head, and when she does, she smiles broadly. “To be honest, I think this baldness is rather sexy on you.”

  “You do, huh?” I say, grinning back.

  “Yeah, I truly do. It makes your tri-colored eyes more pronounced. It’s like they’re glowing against the moonlight.”

  “Maybe I’m a werewolf,” I tease, wiggling my brows.

  She giggles at me then shyly bites at her lower lip. “You’re such an incredible man, you know that? And I’m so lucky to have you.”

  “Why don’t you show me just how lucky you are,” I challenge.

  “Oh, I plan on it.”

  She moves to get up, but I pull her back down. “Where you going?”

  “Aren’t we going back to bed so I can show you how lucky you’re going to get?”

  A mischievous grin takes hold of me. “We can do that right here, darlin’.” She looks to her left then her right. “Nobody can see us, if that’s what you’re worried about.” I pull her back into me, having to first disengage her lower lip from her teeth before I kiss her gently.

  “Stryker….” She wants to protest, but I know I’ve won the second my tongue slides past her lips.

  Sliding my hands underneath the T-shirt I gave her to sleep in, I run my fingers up along her ribs. She tenses, because it’s her tickle zone, yet she doesn’t pull away. In fact, by the time I cup the underside of her breasts and run my thumbs over each nipple, she’s arching her back, wanting more.

  I can’t seem to get enough of her taste or her body, and I sure as hell will never get enough of her.

  I squeeze the fullness of her tits in my hands. “You feel so good.” She drops her hips down onto my lap and grinds herself over my hard cock. “Fuck, baby,” I groan against her mouth.

  I slip my hands around her backside and cup her ass before digging my fingers into her hips to control her movement. I force her to grind on my dick then I push her back, wanting to drive her crazy. I know I’m having the desired effect when she unbuckles my belt and snaps open my pants, fumbling with the task the entire time. I nip at her lower lip, chuckling at the frenzy she’s in.

  “It’s not funny, Stryker,” she hisses with desperation. “I need you now.” I happily oblige, wrapping my fingers around the elastic waist of her underwear, and as if she can read my mind, she quickly adds, “And don’t rip my panties off. I’m in short supply.”

  “There’s only one other way to get them off, babe. Let’s make that happen before I do.” The second she scoots off my lap to slip off her underwear, I’m lifting my hips so I can push my pants out of the way, and peel off my t-shirt.

  I hold my throbbing cock in my hand and stroke it, patiently waiting for her to straddle me again. “Oh, God, Stryker,” she breathes out, not removing her gaze from my erection.

  “Come sit that pretty pussy down on me,” I gruffly order. I watch her body shiver at my words then she leans over me, placing her hands on my shoulders to steady herself. Slowly, she places one leg at a time over either side of my lap. I grab her hip with one hand and guide her sex to hover right over my crown. Then, holding myself by the base, I make a slow pass through her wet pussy and groan. “You’re soaked.”

  When I run the tip of my cock back and forth through her heat, she whimpers, “Fuck me, Stryker. You’re driving me insane.”

  “I wanna feel you, skin to skin,” I tell her as I begin to lift her shirt up and over her head.


  I whip off her shirt before she can stop me. “No one here, but you and me.” Her reaction is to immediately cover herself since she feels vulnerable. Her bare shoulders shiver against the cool night. I push her arms aside, and pull her chest flush with mine.

  “Ohh…” she sighs.

  “Like that, huh?” I grin, and before she can take her next breath I’ve already shifted my pelvis and have breached her slick opening. I lock my gaze with hers, and when I do, I see nothing but pure love emanating from them.

  I slowly slide my hands down her torso then grasp her hips. Fast and hard, I bring her down, filling her up with everything I have.

  “Stryker,” she utters my name, and she dips her head back, baring her heavy breasts to me. I rock her body, grinding her clit against the base of my cock. Both of us are breathing erratically, and I think, for Valerie, she likes the thrill of being out in the open with the possibility of being caught.

  Within a few more strokes, I’m about to blow. Don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me that I’d pre-ejaculate, but all I can figure is that it’s the effect Valerie has on me every time I slip deep inside her.

  “Oh, sweet Jesus,” I rasp between clenched teeth. “Peanut butter and jelly on Ritz Cracke

  She bursts out laughing then constrains herself to avoid getting anyone’s attention. “What did you say?” she whisper-laughs.

  I grasp her hips with a firm hold to keep her from moving. “I’m trying to think of random shit so I don’t blow. Just hold still for a minute.”

  “Oh, God, you’re funny.” She rests her forehead against mine, her shoulders shaking with laughter, her light giggles warming my heart. I’m breathing through my restraint when she dips her head at angle and captures my mouth in a heated kiss.

  “This is not helping,” I whisper, but she ignores me. The strokes of her tongue pick up pace, and her kiss starts to turn almost frantic. She shifts her hips with the need to move and I groan.

  My fingers dig into her skin to cease her movements and I rip myself away from her lips. “Unless you want this over before it starts,” I warn, “you need to hold still.”

  “I can’t. You feel too good,” she murmurs with need. Cradling either side of my unshaven jaw she holds my head still, trapping me in the heated kiss I just tried to pull away from. A low growl escapes from the back of my throat. This woman fucking owns me, and the way she’s pouring herself into me, I know I own her too.

  I’m sheathed inside her tight pussy, and by forcing her still, I know the fullness she’s feeling is driving her insane. Her muscles squeeze and contract around my dick, and I grit my teeth. She’s playing dirty.

  Her unhindered kisses grow a beautiful kind of sloppy because she’s frantic for more. “Stryker, I don’t care if you can’t last. I can’t hold still any longer. I need to move.”

  “Fuck.” I give in, letting go of her hips so she can ride me the way she wants. “Bring it home, baby,” I growl, and when she lifts her hips then slides back down over my length, I unleash my pent up passion.

  My brows pinch together, the sensations too intense to keep my eyes open. Valerie gives off a shuddering breath, and I can feel her spasm around my shaft.

  I slide my hands around to her ass and dig what little nails I have into her flesh, helping her ride me even faster. This move turns out to be her tipping point, and I’m so damn relieved, because I had already let loose.


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