by G. M. Berrow
“Walk up!” Applejack ran to the opposite side from Winona. The dog ran into the middle of the flock, and the formation exploded like fireworks. “Atta girl, Winona! Now go by.…” Applejack motioned with her hoof. Winona switched directions and ran clockwise around the sheep. At the top of the circle, she made a small detour inward each time. “Watch ’em!”
Winona stopped running and sat down. She didn’t take her eyes off the flock. Her pink tongue hung out of her mouth as she panted heavily from the physical activity. The sheep remained where they were, blank looks on their faces. “Now drive ’em home, girl!” At this command, Winona ran around one more time, molding the formation into a perfect heart shape in the center of the field.
“Yee-haw!” Applejack shouted, standing up and kicking out her forelegs in glee. “That was a near perfect run, if I do say so mah-self! Whooo-eee!” She trotted over to Winona and patted her on the head. The pup barked and licked Applejack on the cheek.
“Angel, wait for me!” Fluttershy called out after her runaway bunny. The little guy had hopped right into the pasture and onto one of the sheep’s backs! He looked like he was inspecting the sheep and trying to talk to her.
But the ewe just ignored the small bunny. She leaned her neck down to take a bite of the grass in front of her. “Be careful!” Fluttershy winced as Angel slid down the sheep’s neck and onto the ground. He dusted himself off and hopped over to Applejack and Winona, bouncing around them in excitement. What had suddenly gotten into him? Whatever it was, Fluttershy was glad he was feeling better. Some fresh air and pony friends always cheered her up.
“Howdy, Fluttershy,” Applejack said with a smile and a tip of her signature brown cowpony hat. “Hiya there, Angel. Didn’t see you two watchin’ there. I was so caught up in our routine! How do y’all reckon we did?”
Angel smiled and reached his paws up high. “Looks like you got two paws-up from Angel!” Fluttershy giggled. Her pink mane fell across one eye. “And I thought it was just wonderful.”
Applejack grinned at the praise. “Those competitors at the Whinnyland Herding Competition won’t know what hit ’em, huh, Winona?” Applejack trotted over to one of the sheep and gave it a pat on its woolly head. “The Bleating Heart is a formation we’ve been trying to get right for ages. Somethin’ finally clicked today with the flock.”
“Beaeeaaa aaa aaahh,” said one of the sheep in response.
“What a group of little sweeties,” Fluttershy cooed to the fluffballs. “You all are very talented and should give yourselves a pat on the back! Or an extra-large helping of grass.” Fluttershy nuzzled one of the sheep. “I can’t wait to cheer for you all at the competition. I’ll have to yell extra loud to show my support.”
“I’ll be lookin’ forward to that.” Applejack chuckled. Everypony knew that Fluttershy’s cheers could barely be classified as such for how quiet they were. It annoyed Rainbow Dash, but the rest of the ponies thought it was kind of funny. Fluttershy did her best to show her support.
Angel Bunny bounded over to the group of sheep eating grass in the middle of the field. The little white rabbit jumped in circles around two sheep, copying the movements of Winona as best as he could. When nopony noticed, he began to pull on Applejack’s tail to get her attention.
“What’s that, little feller?” Applejack knelt down. Angel stomped his foot on the ground impatiently, then took off hopping around the sheep in another circle. He pointed to himself and then to Winona. She wagged her tail. Angel frowned.
“You want to play with Winona?” Fluttershy asked, cocking her head to the side. Angel shook his head. No. The bunny grabbed Fluttershy’s hoof and brought her over to the sheep. Then he pushed her flank, trying to make her trot forward. “You want me to pet the sheep?”
Angel sighed. He pulled out a tiny cowpony hat and lasso and began to act like Applejack. I want to do what Winona does!
“Oh!” Fluttershy gasped, eyes wide with shock. She looked up at Applejack. “I think… Angel Bunny… wants to enter the Whinnyland Herding Competition?” Angel Bunny nodded with a cheesy grin and put both paws up in the air. Two paws-up. Fluttershy imagined the stadium filled with all those professional herding ponies and their dogs. She gulped. A bunny and a very shy Pegasus, who had never learned a herding routine in their entire lives, against all of them? It sounded daunting, but it also sounded like an idea only a very special, talented bunny would have.
“Okay… if it will make you happy, my little fluffy ball of love,” Fluttershy squeaked, “we’ll do it.”
Sheepbunny in Training
“Um, oh… uh… walk up?” Fluttershy called out the herding command. “Or should it be ‘hop up’ since you’re a bunny?” Across the field, Angel strained to hear his pony. He perked his right ear up and cocked his head to the side in confusion.
“Oh, I’m sorry, Angel!” Fluttershy could feel beads of sweat forming on her forehead. It was a sunny day, but the perspiration was definitely a product of her nerves. Herding was really hard to do! Applejack and Winona made it look so easy. “I’ll get it right soon, I promise, little dear.”
The Fine Furry Friends Fair was in a week, so it didn’t leave much time for the amateur bunny to learn the refined art of herding. Applejack and Winona had generously offered to lend Fluttershy and Angel the neighboring field, as well as to demonstrate some of the basic commands and formations. Though Fluttershy was still hesitant about the plan, she had never seen Angel so excited or proactive about anything. Not even the time he had tried to learn how to surf on their vacation to Horseshoe Bay compared.
Each morning before Celestia rose the sun, Angel was already up and hippity-hopping about, doing his stretches and drinking shakes made of blended kale and celery. It seemed that he had all but forgotten the unkind words of those silly Flim Flam brothers. Whenever Fluttershy and Angel would pass through Ponyville Park, right by the circus tent on the way to Applejack’s house, the bunny would hop past with his nose in the air. Those show bunnies had nothing on his new and unique talent.
That’s why Fluttershy had to buck up and put on a brave face. For Angel.
“Why don’t y’all try the Apple Crate formation again?” suggested Applejack, taking a swig of cold apple cider and hanging against the side of the pasture fence. “That one’s real easy, I promise, sugarcube.” Applejack gave a reassuring smile. “Go on.…”
“Okay.” Fluttershy panted. “What does that one look like again?” She looked to the flock of sheep. They were all over the pasture. It was going to be a challenge just to get them in the same corner, let alone into a shape.
“Just what it sounds like.” Applejack pointed to a small rectangle of red picket fence in the back of the field. “You just gotta get all the sheep into the enclosure, like apples in a crate. Simple as pie.”
“Did I hear somepony say pie?!” Pinkie Pie shrieked as she bounced toward them, her fuchsia mane and tail billowing out with each jump. Rarity and Twilight Sparkle trotted along after her.
Applejack raised an eyebrow. “I did say it, but—”
“Woo-hoo! I love pie!” Pinkie licked her chops. “What kind are we having today?”
“I’m afraid you’re the only pie in sight, Pinkie,” Applejack said. She waved her hoof at the field. “Winona and I are busy teachin’ Fluttershy here how to herd sheep with Angel Bunny.” In the distance, Angel hopped in a circle around one of the sheep’s legs. The ewe was completely uninterested and didn’t budge.
“Aww, bummer! Guess I’ll just have to eat this instead.” Pinkie pouted, then procured a slice of pineapple upside-down cake out of nowhere. She grabbed Applejack’s cider and took a hearty sip. “Thanks, bestie!”
“Fluttershy, darling.” Rarity stuck out her tongue in disgust. “Why ever would you want to herd sheep? I know you love animals, but sheep are by far the smelliest of the lot.” She put her dainty, polished hoof up to her white nose. “In fact, if I’m going to stand here, I think I need my botan
ical hat for scent diffusion.” Rarity placed a large sunhat adorned with fragrant fresh flowers atop her purple mane. She took a deep breath of their floral scent. “Yes, that’s better.”
“It’s not me who wants to learn—it’s my poor little Angel Bunny.” Fluttershy hung her head. “It was those nasty Flim Flam brothers and their bunny cabaret. Angel wanted to join the show, but they said he had no special talents.”
“Oh, I saw that show!” Pinkie chirped. “It was really good. Love that macaroni bunny.” Pinkie turned to Rarity and Twilight. “Have you tried his three-cheese dish? Delectable-umptious.”
“I heard that bunny trained at Le Fleur Garland—the best culinary academy in the world!” remarked Rarity. She turned to Twilight and explained, “When he’s not performing in the show, he’s been doing guest chef nights over at that new restaurant Grassy Mare Tavern—”
“You ponies are not exactly helping,” Applejack barked. “Close yer pieholes!”
“Pie again, huh?” Pinkie Pie gave a suspicious look and rubbed her chin. “I think you might be hiding something, Applejack—”
“A guest bunny chef? See what my adorable little sweetheart is up against?” Fluttershy whimpered. “It’s why he wants to enter the Whinnyland Herding Competition—to show them that he can do something.”
“But Angel can do lots of things!” insisted Pinkie Pie. “Gummy says he tells the best jokes!” She pointed to her pet baby alligator. “Tell them that one Angel made up about the spoon and the garden gnome!” The little guy showed no reaction except for blinking a few times. Pinkie giggled and turned to her friends. “Good one, huh?”
Everypony exchanged a confused look. Pinkie Pie continued to roll around on the grass with laughter.
“I tried to tell him that I already think he’s the most wonderful bunny in the world, but he won’t believe me!” Fluttershy whimpered again. “Well, I guess I better get back to practice.” Fluttershy took off toward the bunny. From afar, the ponies could see her rubbing his ear and trying to make him drink a juice box. He refused and kept hopping around, gesturing to the sheep.
Twilight Sparkle wore a look of concern as she watched the pitiful scene. “Is a bunny even allowed to enter the competition? I thought it was just for Earth ponies and their dogs.”
“Traditionally, yes.” Applejack nodded. “But I looked up the rules, and it’s not that specific. Just says no flyin’, and ya have to use the herdin’ phrases. So long as Fluttershy doesn’t use her wings and Angel follows the traditional canine commands, he can compete.”
The ponies watched as Fluttershy and Angel did a hopeless dance of hopping around the flock, barely getting one sheep out of the whole bunch to move.
Finally, two sheep walked forward. “Beeaa aaah!” they bleated.
“Oh, look!” Rarity exclaimed. “Those two moved! Maybe there is hope for Fluttershy and Angel’s routine.” The ewes bent down and began to rip large mouthfuls of grass out of the earth. As they chewed, they sank to the ground and lay down for a rest. One of them fell asleep. “Oh. Never mind.”
“In all my herdin’ days, I ain’t ever seen a flock disobey the routine like that!” Applejack marveled. “Not even Braeburn’s dog, Albus. And that pup’s come in last place at every competition.”
“It’s like Fluttershy’s voice is actually putting them to sleep!” Pinkie Pie’s eyes widened. All but one of the sheep had curled up on the grass for a nap. “Oooooo. That’s actually pretty cool.…”
“My little lambies, my little lambies…” Fluttershy began to sing. “Listen to Angeeeel.”
“I don’t know, girls.” Twilight bit her lip. “Fluttershy might be in over her head with this one.”
Fluttershy gave her friends a weak wave from across the field. Though she couldn’t hear their doubts about Angel and the competition, she was having just as many herself. She wanted to make Angel happy—but at some point, she needed to put her hoof down and tell him that it just wasn’t working. A bunny could do a lot of amazing things, but being a sheepdog was not one of them.
The Warm, Fuzzy Truth
Fluttershy was terrible at telling ponies the truth, especially if there was the slightest chance that she might hurt their feelings. Unfortunately, this fact also applied to bunnies. Three whole days had passed since she’d decided to talk to Angel about dropping out of the herding competition at Whinnyland. And she still hadn’t brought it up! Fluttershy had continued taking him to practices in between her duties caring for all the other animals at the cottage. The longer she waited, the worse it felt.
“Angel, dear,” said Fluttershy, following her quick bunny through the center of Ponyville. “How about we go for a nice lunch at the café instead of going to the farm? I’m sure you must be getting very tired from all that hopping around.…”
The bunny didn’t even stop. He surged forward, eager to give his herding routine another try. He turned his head over his fuzzy white shoulder. Come on, Fluttershy!
“Oh, all right.” Fluttershy nodded and followed him. Maybe after today’s practice she would gently suggest that they pull out of the competition. Then the two of them could get back to their normal lives. Out of the spotlight and safe from public mortification.
“What’s up, Fluttershy?! I haven’t seen you in ages!” Rainbow Dash darted over and landed beside her. “Is everything okay? You seem jumpy.” Rainbow gave her the side-eye. “I mean, more so than usual. You’re always kinda jumpy.”
“I’m okay.…” Fluttershy’s eyes darted around to make sure Angel was out of earshot. “It’s just that I’ve been busy trying to help Angel Bunny train for the Fine Furry Friends Fair herding competition.”
“The one at Whinnyland?” Rainbow replied. “Man, I love it there! All the awesome games and thrilling rides! I can’t wait to ride the new roller coaster, the Radical Rainboom. Lightning Dust said it’s even better than the Dizzitron.”
“That does sound exciting,” Fluttershy agreed. “I wish I was going to the fair just to have fun.…” She looked to the ground and gave a huge sigh.
Rainbow Dash crossed her forelegs over her chest. “Let me guess—you don’t want to be in the herding competition?”
“If I’m being honest…” Fluttershy craned her neck and looked around again. She lowered her voice to the tiniest whisper possible. “No.”
“Yeah, I thought so. I heard you were having trouble,” Rainbow Dash admitted. “Maybe you should switch it up. Try some cows instead?”
“The sheep aren’t so bad,” Fluttershy lied. “They’re little sweethearts. I just wish they would listen to me and Angel just a little teensy-weensy, tiny bit better.” A look of guilt flashed across her face. “But don’t tell them that. I know they’re trying their best.”
“But it’s still not working, right?” Rainbow Dash replied. She scratched her rainbow mane. “What can we do to get a flock of sheep to listen to you and Angel?”
“I don’t know if we can!” cried Fluttershy. “Maybe I should finally tell Angel that we’re dropping out.”
“Don’t throw in the towel just yet!” Rainbow Dash smirked. She put her hooves on her hips triumphantly. “If anypony can whip you two into shape, it’s me.”
“Okay, gang! Listen up!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “Birds—you guys, too!”
An eruption of twitters and tweets came from the branches of the nearby apple trees. Rainbow grinned. “I hope it’s okay that I invited the birds.”
“Oh, of course.” Fluttershy smiled. She actually felt a little better with her feathered friends around. “Hello, my sweet little winged friends. I hope you’re feeling welcomed and loved.”
“All right! So anyway…” Rainbow Dash paced back and forth in front of her five best friends like Spitfire did with the recruits at the Wonderbolt Academy. After coaching the Ponyville teams for the Equestria Games, Rainbow Dash had gotten really good at giving inspirational pep talks. Especially ones involving a sport. “Fluttershy and Angel need u
s to watch their herding practice and tell them what exactly they’re doing wrong.” Rainbow puffed out her chest. “Then they’ll be able to fix it and become the most awesome herding team there is!”
Angel jumped up and down in glee. The birds chirped and sang. Winona barked. And Applejack furrowed her brow. “Except…”
“Except Applejack and Winona, of course,” Twilight said with a wink.
“Aw, I’m just messin’ around.” Applejack laughed. “Let’s get started!”
An hour and several herding trials later, the ponies all understood why Fluttershy was such a wreck. As much as Angel wanted to be a sheepbunny, the little guy was terrible at listening to the commands Fluttershy was calling out. He had always been contrary by nature and liked to do things on his own terms. The trouble was—herding was most definitely a team sport! Angel was too small to see which direction to hop in on his own. He needed the visibility of Fluttershy to help him gather the sheep into the right formations. The two of them already had a near psychic connection, so why couldn’t they get this right?
Rainbow Dash blew her whistle. “Why doesn’t everysheep take five?”
“BaaaaaaAHH,” the sheep bleated in response, then continued on not paying the ponies any mind at all.
Fluttershy trotted over, sweat trickling down her sweet yellow face. “Was that any better?” She batted her dark eyelashes.
“You want the honest truth?” Applejack asked with a trace of hesitation. She was going to give it anyway.
“Go on, I can take it,” Fluttershy whimpered. She looked back over her shoulder at Angel.
“It stunk worse than a pigpen on a hot—”
Rarity stuck her hoof over Applejack’s mouth. “I think what A.J. means is, it wasn’t quite up to par yet, darling. But you’ll get there!”
“Oooh, I have an idea!” said Pinkie Pie, springing up from the grass. “Maybe the sheepies need to be sheared. I bet they can’t hear Fluttershy and Angel through all that fluffy-wuffy wool.”