Crimson Moon: The Crimson Chronicles Book 2

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Crimson Moon: The Crimson Chronicles Book 2 Page 13

by Christine Gabriel

  He let out a long, hearty laugh. “Why would you want to be with him when I can offer you so much more than he can?”

  “And what do you offer me, Tristan? Lies? Deceit?”

  He took a step towards me and caressed my cheek. “Angelina, I can offer you the world. Can he offer that to you?”

  “What about love, Tristan? Can you offer me that?”

  He smirked. “Love? I will make you my Queen, and all that is mine will be yours. You will know no love greater—this I promise you.”

  “And what would happen to Nicolai?” I questioned.

  “I would erase his mind so you wouldn’t even be a whisper of a memory; he would have absolutely no recollection of you,” he promised.

  His words stung. The thought of Nicolai forgetting me and all that we had been through together crushed me. How could one be made to forget the memories that made them who they were—that had brought them so much happiness?

  Tristan ran his hand through my hair, “And the little ones you carry within you will grow up to know me as their father.”

  At that very moment, something clicked in my mind. What was I doing? I was the daughter of Hecate. I had been brought back to this Earth to protect it from evil, and Tristan was 100% pure evil. If I gave into him and his lies, I would have failed everyone and everything that had ever meant anything to me. “No,” I whispered.

  He leaned in closer to me, “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

  “I said no!” I repeated, putting my hand on his face, letting the familiar electric current charge through my fingertips and into his chiseled face. His emerald-green eyes stared at me in surprise and he opened his mouth to say something. I lifted a finger to my lips and smiled wickedly. “It’s only going to hurt for a moment—this I promise.”

  He struggled to breathe. “You bitch!” he spewed. He frothed from the corners of his mouth.

  “Well, that’s not a very nice thing to call me, Tristan. You seemed to have forgotten that I have the power to control life and death,” I reminded him. With one swift move, I pushed him away. He hit the wall behind him with a deafening thud and slid down. He lay limp and barely breathing. I knew my moment had come. I could finish him. Was it really going to be this easy?

  A burning sensation raged through my shoulder and I knew my question had been answered—apparently not. I whipped around and saw Marie staring at me menacingly. I reached up and my hand was met with a sharp pain. Wincing, I realized my hand was pinned to my shoulder by a silver-jeweled dagger.

  Marie clapped her hands together in triumph. “Oh, I bet that one hurt!”

  Angry tears escaped down my cheeks. Using my free hand, I pulled the dagger out. Vertigo hit me and I fell to my knees. “What…what’s wrong with me?” I cried out.

  Her lips curled into a wicked smile. “Poison is wonderful, isn’t it? Especially when you put it on the tip of your weapons.”

  My thoughts were drawn to the two miracles growing in my womb. “No,” I whispered.

  “Don’t worry, it’s not going to kill you,” Marie rolled her eyes, “I’m your best friend, remember? I would never intentionally try to kill you.”

  “No, you would just stab me in the back,” I growled in return.

  “Nah, I thought the shoulder was much easier,” she retorted sarcastically.

  A numbing sensation entered my legs and crawled up my spine. Falling to the floor, a harsh realization washed over me—I was paralyzed.

  “You know, when we went to prom, that dress looked terrible on you,” she quipped.

  “Prom?” I struggled to recall the memory. “What does prom have to do with any of this?”

  “All eyes were on you as you walked down those steps, like you were the most beautiful girl in the world,” she recalled.

  Jealousy had reared its ugly head and it was now looking me straight in the face. “What on earth are you talking about?”

  “Every single person, including the one I wanted for myself,” she continued. “You had him wrapped around your little finger.”

  “Are you talking about Jeremiah?” I said. “I thought you hated him!”

  “Hate? I only acted like I hated him because I couldn’t have him. You were the one he wanted, not me.”

  “Marie, he is like a brother to me,” I argued.

  “A brother?” She let a cocky laugh. “Try, more like a boyfriend.”


  “Yes! He followed you everywhere. In fact, he followed you into the woods, without so much of a care for his own life. All he wanted to do was save you.”

  “That’s what friends do for each other, Marie, they help you.” I felt another tear run down my face. “They don’t hurt you.”

  She bent down and wiped the tear from my face with her clammy hand. “Aw, don’t feel bad. I’m going to get what was promised to me, and you’re going to be given to Tristan, just as I promised him.”

  One by one, the tears escaped down my damp face. “Please don’t do this,” I begged.

  She stood back up and headed towards the open door. “A promise is a promise. Best friends ‘til the end, I say.” With that, she disappeared into the opening.

  I lay thinking of how my childhood friend had been corrupted by Tristan’s evil and jealousy. How had I missed that? Was I so wrapped up in my own problems that I had completely disregarded what was going on with my closest friend?

  Sighing, there was one thing I knew for sure, Tristan was going to have one heck of a headache when he woke up.

  “Just when I thought this was going to be easy,” I muttered.

  Nothing in life is easy, my dear,” a familiar female voice interrupted. “Nothing at all.”

  Chapter 35


  “Watch out!” Bethani yelled, as an arrow whizzed by Daniel’s head. He ducked and watched the arrow burrow deep inside her identical demon twin.

  “Great shot,” Daniel commented, swinging his fist around to hit his own evil self in the face. The figure returned the blow and the copper taste of blood filled his mouth. He sneered and landed a face palm to the figure’s septum, causing its bones to shatter.

  “Is that all you got?” He smirked, watching the look-alike figure fall to the ground. “Yeah, don’t get back up,” he warned, “or you’ll be joining your little buddies back in hell.”

  Snow’s ferocious growls could be heard nearby, and Daniel shuddered at the thought of her venomous bites. One bite from her meant instant death.

  He took a step back as a body flew past him and hit a nearby tree with a deafening thud. He couldn’t help but smirk again when he saw the look of sheer enjoyment on Stephen’s face. He was such an odd character. Why were vampires always so damn scary looking?

  “We have to push forward,” Nicolai commanded.

  “Where’s Ctephanyi?” Bethani called out.

  All four of them looked around, but she was nowhere in sight.

  There was a look of confusion on his face. “She must’ve gone ahead without us,” he said.

  Daniel whistled. “Snow! Come on, girl.” There was a loud bark and the sound of something being torn to shreds. “I guess she’ll be joining us as soon as she’s done with her chew toys.”

  Stephen cocked an eyebrow.

  “What’s the matter, Stephen?” Nicolai chuckled. “Oh, that’s right, you were her chew toy once.”

  Stephen rolled his eyes. “Funny.”

  Bethani giggled. “That it was.”

  “You guys are so lame,” he retorted, strutting towards the opening of the cave.

  They all laughed and pushed forward, taking down any demon that stood in their way.

  “For some reason, I thought this was going to be harder.”

  “You’re right, Daniel,” Nicolai said. “What if…”

  “What if what?” Bethani questioned.

  “This was just a diversion?”

  A hush fell over them. Nicolai was right. These vapor demons weren’t quite as threatening as
the previous ones they’d fought. These were like mosquitos, simply annoying.

  “We need to get inside that cave now!” he ordered. “Something isn’t right. My mother has gone missing.”

  “What if she is the traitor?” Daniel asked.

  “Impossible,” Nicolai said.

  “Why not? She’s done it before,” he remarked.

  Nicolai shook his head in disagreement. “No, she’s changed.”

  “Whatever you say. Stephen, help me clear a path,” he said, pushing his weight forward.

  They made it to the cave opening and the darkness dared them to come inside.

  “Well, what are we waiting for?” he asked, looking at his companions.

  Stephen looked at Bethani provocatively. “Let’s do this,” he said.

  She made a gagging face. “I honestly don’t want to do anything with you. I thought I had made that pretty clear.”

  “Hey, a guy can try, right?” he said, disappearing into the cave.

  Her sweet voice trailed off as she disappeared into the cave behind him. “He’s such a prick.”

  Nicolai and Daniel stared at each other momentarily.

  Daniel grinned. “You ready for this?”

  “You better believe it,” Nicolai nodded. “Let’s go save our girl.”

  The darkness swallowed them whole as they walked together, shoulder to shoulder. There would be little room for error when they confronted the dangers hidden within the cave.

  Chapter 36


  I blinked again to make sure my eyes weren’t playing tricks on me. Sure enough, in front of me, stood my mother, Hecate.

  Caressing my tear streaked face, she smiled. “Yes, my dear, I’m truly here.”

  “How are you here?” I croaked, trying to find my voice.

  “I saw that Tristan was playing a cruel game, so I thought it was only fair that I broke a few rules myself to even the odds.”

  My eyes refilled with angry tears. “My best friend has betrayed me. She’s helping him.”

  She frowned. “I know, honey. I know.”

  I shook my head in disbelief. “I never thought of all people that she would turn on me.”

  Kneeling in front of me, she took my face in her hands. “Listen, my lovely daughter. She’s human, and humans are such fickle creatures. They lead with their emotions, and that usually ends up getting them into trouble.”

  She was right.

  “Well.” She stood back up and put her hands on her hips. “Let’s see how I can help you without actually ‘helping’ you.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked curiously.

  “Well, I can only do so much without facing my own repercussions, so let’s see.” She looked around and smirked. “This blade doesn’t look right lying here on this table, now does it?”

  “Ah!” I knew what she meant. “No, it sure doesn’t.”

  In one swift movement, she knocked the blade off and kicked it towards me.

  Though my hands were bound, I found I could quickly snatch up the blade to cut myself free.

  “Well, look at that!” Hecate chuckled. “You’re free.”

  I rubbed my bruised wrists and sighed. “Now what?”

  “That, my dear, you’re going to have to figure out for yourself.”

  “You have to leave,” I stated matter-of-factly.

  She smiled and strode over to me gracefully, her long white dress barely making any movement. “I do.”

  “Thank you,” I said. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t come along to help me.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you would’ve figured out something. You’re my daughter, remember?” she replied, kissing me tenderly on the forehead. “Now, go make your mother proud and show this little boy it’s not nice to play with our family.”

  I nodded my head. “I promise, I will.”

  She kissed me once more before disappearing out the door. I sucked in my breath and looked around. I knew I wouldn’t have much time before Marie or Tristan returned. I had to have a plan of some sort if I wanted to get out of this place alive.

  Ctephanyi’s voice filled the room. “Well, look who I found.”

  My heart sank a little as I couldn’t help but wonder if she too had turned against me like Marie had. “How did you find me?” I asked. “Where are the others?” She took another step towards me and I held up my hand to stop her. “Please, don’t come any closer.”

  “Angelina, no need to be defensive. I’m not here to hurt you.”

  Laughter halted our conversation as Tristan walked into the room. “Well, what do we have here?!”

  Ctephanyi looked back at me, her youthful face twisted into scowl. “I just came to see how you were doing, Tristan.”

  “I’m doing just dandy, dear,” he said, his voice full of sarcasm.

  “Really?” she replied, turning back around to face him. “It doesn’t quite look like you are.”

  “Oh, you mean this little battle wound here?” He chuckled, rubbing his chest. “That’s nothing compared to what I’m about to do to her. Speaking of, how did you manage to get free?” he questioned, taking a step in my direction.

  My hand rose in front of me, and the familiar, warm tingling sensation returned. “Stop,” I uttered.

  Sheer surprise filled his eyes as he unwillingly did as I asked. “What the hell?”

  “Hush.” I put my fingers to my lips. “I was having a conversation with my future mother-in-law. It wasn’t very nice of you to interrupt us.”

  He opened his mouth to say something, but no sound came out. Anger replaced the surprised look on his face.

  “Ah, if looks could kill, right?” I couldn’t help but enjoy a brief moment of satisfaction from my cocky comment.

  “Angelina, this is not what you think,” Ctephanyi said without hesitation.

  I turned my attention to her. “It’s not, huh?”

  “No, it’s not.”

  “Then why don’t you explain what you’re doing here.”

  “It’s quite simple, actually—I came to rescue you.”

  “Oh, I bet you did.”

  Her icy eyes met my chestnut ones. “It’s the truth.”

  Tristan had an evil grin on his face.

  “Is she lying?” I asked. A lump formed inside my throat as he nodded slowly.


  “No, Angelina, he’s the liar.”

  I cleared my throat and turned back to face her. “Why would you do this to us again, Ctephanyi? Hell, I’m carrying your grandchildren. Your bloodline!” A realization washed over me. “Oh my god, that’s it, isn’t it?” My body felt as if it were on fire. “You wanted them for yourself!”

  She shook her head defiantly. “No, Angelina, you’re wrong. Listen to me…”

  “If I wasn’t in the picture anymore, then Nicolai could return back underground with you and our children!” I screamed.

  “Angelina, calm down, please,” she begged.

  Tristan clapped in enjoyment behind. “What a splendid show!”

  Ignoring his comment, I stared at Ctephanyi in hate. “Nicolai is mine now. These children are ours, and you cannot have them!”

  “Angelina, stop. You don’t know what you’re about to do,” she said.

  I put my hand over my stomach protectively. “They’re mine.”

  “Honey, I know,” she replied calmly. “Now stop this. This is exactly what Tristan wants. He’s trying to separate you from your family so he can consume your soul.”

  My entire body was engulfed in pure hatred. “Liar!” I yelled. “I will not allow you to take them from me!” Electric fire escaped from my fingertips and jolted towards her. “They are mine!” I repeated.

  My father’s voice suddenly filled the room. “Angelina, no!”

  Ctephanyi’s eyes were wide with horror. He jumped in front of her, knocking her to the floor. The fiery current hit him hard, and he fell to his knees. A small trickle of blood seeped from the corner
of his mouth. “Angelina,” he whispered.

  The anger left my body just as quickly as it had come. I rushed to his side. “Oh my god, what have I done?!”

  He gave me a weak smile. “Angelina, don’t blame yourself. Maternal instincts are hard to ignore, and you are half-human, remember? Humans feel emotions stronger than we do. It’s just in their nature.”

  He fell limply into my arms. “No, please don’t die,” I begged. “Please, I will never forgive myself.”

  He stared into my eyes lovingly. “I will always be with you,” he promised.

  “Please,” I begged. “I can’t lose you again.”

  He touched my cheek with his clammy hand. “I wasn’t able to be there for you while you were growing up.”

  “Father, please…”

  He hushed me. “Angelina…”

  Tears streamed down my face. “What?” I whispered, putting my hand over his.

  “I am so damn proud of you.”

  Squeezing his hand, I shook my head to let him know I understood. “I love you, Dad.”

  The twinkle in his eyes dulled, and his hand went limp against my cheek. “No!” I cried out. “Please come back.”

  It was too late. He had gone to the same place my human mother had gone, and now they could be together forever. In one sense, that somewhat eased my aching heart, but in another, I knew I had just killed my own father. That was a regret I would never forgive myself for.

  Chapter 37


  The room was quiet. Too quiet, in fact. Lifting my head slowly, I looked around. Nervous eyes watched me intently, fearful of what my reaction was going to be. They had every right to be afraid, because now I understood why humans had so much fear within their hearts. Every species but humans had evil intentions. Humans were weak, and these wicked creatures knew it. I would rid the world of this evil, so not one human had to fear them ever again.

  Ctephanyi lowered her eyes in shame. “Angelina,” she said, “I’m so sorry.”

  Her words sent a sharp pain straight to my heart. My jaw tightened as I clenched my teeth together. “Sorry? You’re sorry?”


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