Connections (Mists of the Fae Book 5)

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Connections (Mists of the Fae Book 5) Page 21

by Jaime Marks

  She shrugged seeming to shake off whatever thought she had been processing. Her intonation seemed to change only when she was channeling her ancestral knowledge. “Not really but it’s odd sometimes. I imagine it’s probably how someone with a split personality must feel. Sometimes it feels like there are tons of voices in my head and I have to focus to listen to just my own thoughts. The Luxyndi Forms actually help a lot.”

  Mythos felt her stomach rumble and he stood setting her down to get her some food as he listened to the exchange.

  “Good,” Cymeryn mused. “See if you cannot focus on one of the voices at a time when you move through each form. It will allow you to more readily gain control over not just the essence, but the knowledge you possess…you will wait I clear you to train, however. I will not allow you to reinjure your leg,” he added sensing her.

  “Alright. It’s really not bad now. I might be alright by tomorrow or the next day.”

  “If you ever feel like discussing the memories you see, none of us would mind reliving them with you,” Reyana offered. Stephynia gave her a questioning glance as she accepted the plate of food from him and he lifted her, reclaiming his seat with her on his lap once more. “I can see them in your eyes when they flash. Sometimes they’re jumbled which is why I wondered if it was confusing to you,” his sister explained as she noticed her surprise.

  She nodded with a sigh looking thoughtful and he waited wondering how she would explain what to him appeared as only chaotic thought. He had witnessed the way her ancestral knowledge interacted with her mind and he doubted any Fae would ever be able to obtain it from Stephynia’s mind without her willful interpretation.

  It was a relief in a way. It meant that no Shade would have the capability either. It would not prevent them from targeting her to try, but it would mean that she would always have the upper edge if any such encounter were to take place.

  “Sometimes multiple scenes play out at once. I try to focus on just one at a time but it’s not always easy. Luckily it’s kind of on loop until I either get what I need or get distracted. It happens a lot, actually. I just don’t talk about it because when I was younger it almost landed me in a mental hospital. I didn’t realize everyone didn’t see things as I did and sometimes, well, let’s just say the world of the Fae and humanity don’t mix well,” she huffed. “I ended up convincing them that I was writing a book and just gaging reactions. I had to research for a week just to know the difference enough to pass through my psych eval.”

  Staryana turned to her with a disapproving look. “You and me are going to have a long talk about all these secrets of yours.”

  “Sorry, Star. If it’s any consolation you knew me better than anyone else up until a few days ago. Now you’re just filling in the gaps with everyone else,” she shrugged apologetically. “There were things that I probably should have told you…I just wasn’t able to.”

  “It’s fine, just sometimes lately I feel like things just come out of left field with you and honestly I feel like we don’t really get enough time together. We went from being together in almost every class and practice, to not seeing each other for a month. Now I guess we’re just working towards some sort of equilibrium.” His niece shrugged, “We all are in a way…if this world will ever let us.”

  “Well then, tomorrow we’ll have to do something. You choose. I have no idea what the heck you people do for fun,” Stephynia offered.

  “Actually Stephynia, there will be much to do tomorrow and I would like you by my side for a good portion of it though Staryana will be present as well.” Mythos gave her an apologetic smile. It was clear that the girls needed some time together, and he would need to speak with Byryn to ensure it occurred, but all of them had duties and responsibilities that must be attended to the morrow. “We have the meeting with the Council elect as well as the banquet. Devyn a Devyion will be here and want to meet you I am sure. It is also the first time all surviving members of the Lucerna Lines will be under the same roof in well over a century. I also mean to announce our courting at the banquet tomorrow eve…if that is alright with both you and Grifyn?”

  “I will defer to the Lady Steph, my lord,” Grifyn nodded. “She is more than capable of making her own choices and I support whatever she decides.”

  She smiled slightly and Mythos felt her essence reach out to him. He froze for an instant and smiled. It was the first time she had allowed him any connection and the gesture had not only stunned him slightly but healed some of the guilt he carried.

  She leaned up and kissed him. “Yes, Mythos. I told you, the answer isn’t going to change no matter how many times or ways you ask the question. I’m yours.”

  He smiled warmly, “I would have waited to make the formal decree if you wished despite the fact that so many are already aware.”

  She shook her head. “No, I’m starting to understand what Grifyn was trying to tell me. I didn’t really get the need for it before but the more I can access the memories of my line the more I understand. Besides, I’ve already made my choice in my heart. There’s no reason to hide it from everyone else.”

  Her gaze pierced his with such emotion that it stilled him for a moment. The love and acceptance he saw…“Are you certain that is how you feel, caria?” He watched her closely debating if she was truly ready to accept this life with him. He wanted to declare so much more than their courting, but he was unsure if there was still a line and he did not wish to cross it before she was ready.

  She set her plate in her lap and reached up guiding his face to hers. Kissing him deeply, she opened her heart and allowed their essence to flow freely between them. When she pulled back she stared into his eyes. “There is nothing in this world, in any world, that I’ve ever been more certain of, Mythos. I love you. You’re a part of me. If I wasn’t ready to accept this I would have already told you.”

  Chapter 18

  Marcus sat watching the King wondering if he was really about to do what he suspected. After all of the revelations Alysse had put forth it was really the next logical step for the two of them, but would he take it? In truth Steph had all but given him permission. It would also justify things that he knew Devyn would question such as her sharing his bedchambers. Of all the scrutiny they were about to face, the most critical by far would be the Patryarch of the Lucerna Lines.

  Reyana lay back against him and he leaned down to her ear. “Are you alright love?”

  She nodded, “Just content.”

  She reached over pulling Cymeryn closer and he gladly shifted to appease her. He was still somewhat distant, but far better than earlier. His twin looked up and nodded to him having heard his thoughts. He had been running through calculations to deal with Alayne and retrieve Tatyna if they did indeed reemerge to the Darker Realms, but in truth he had little hope it would occur. Really it was his way of making himself feel as though he were doing something to aide his progeny.

  “Marcus…would you take me to the Palace of Light a moment? I need to retrieve something from my desk and I would feel better doing so when she is not alone,” Mythos requested meeting his gaze allowing him to easily sense his reasoning.

  The King wanted to talk to him? Of all Fae? This ought to be amusing. Marcus tried not to smirk at the irony. “Of course, my lord.”

  He kissed Reyana as Mythos spoke quietly to Steph. His mate looked up at him in curiosity and he shrugged. He assumed that it was about Steph, but really he had no idea what her brother wanted. For all he knew he wanted to discuss Devyn’s visit and the potential complications they would all face. They all missed the male, he was a mentor to them and in many ways acted as a Father figure of sorts, but the truth was the idea of facing him with how far many of them had strayed from tradition was daunting.

  “I won’t be long,” he promised her.

  Cymeryn pulled her to him as he rose and he turned to Mythos offering him his hand. He misted them directly to his study and watched as he walked over to the desk picking up a rectangular black case an
d turned it about in his hands. He glanced up at him and Marcus waited patiently allowing him the time he needed.

  “How do you think it would be perceived if I declared my betrothal to Stephynia rather than simply our courting?” He broached cautiously.

  Marcus had to clear his throat to hold back the chuckle that was caught in his throat. He had never imagined Mythos would ever come to him for relationship advice, especially given his discomfort with Reyana’s choice to mate both he and Cymeryn. They hadn’t exactly seen eye to eye regarding his sister when they had been bonded originally either.

  For all the headaches her brother had given him it was tempting to harass the male a bit, but really he understood. Their parents had been close. They had all but been raised together. Really even beyond the bonds of Fae in law and the blood of Lucerna, they were the closest family they had still living.

  Breathing deeply he regained his composure so that he could address his friend’s nervousness. He remembered how it felt that first time he had asked Reyana all too well. “Honestly, Mythos, I don’t think it will be viewed negatively. It’s becoming clear to see that her awakening is soon and she carries herself in such a way that any who meet her know she is wise beyond her years. Perhaps a few days ago I may have thought differently, but she is beginning to settle into this world and it is solely through her connection to you,” he offered. “I also think that it will solve some issues that might arise with her sharing your chambers. None of us have issue, but Devyn has not been here to see how things have progressed. I worry enough how he will take to the situation with Reyana’s pregnancy so as it is.”

  Mythos nodded in contemplation, “It had occurred to me that he may well take issue with much that is occurring currently in our lines.”

  He began pacing and Marcus watched him wondering if he had ever done so before. Mythos looked almost fragile which was a feat in itself as he was generally quite intimidating, even to those who knew him. It was the first time he had not seen the King appear confident and self-assured.

  “My lord, she loves you. She all but gave you permission to ask her. If it is your will, do so and ease your mind. With her lineage and the decrees set forth via Alysse none would dare question your right.”

  He stared down at the box in his hands. Marcus wondered what it was. It appeared to potentially be a jewelry box but it was not like any he had ever seen. There were ornate carvings on the lid that appeared to glow and it appeared to almost be sealed with essence in some manner.

  He raised the box slightly as he explained. The King had always been somewhat intuitive to the thoughts of others. “It is my Mother’s necklace. It was given to her on the eve of my parents’ betrothal. Father had it blessed by Lucerna. It can only be worn by the true Queen of the Fae once she has truly accepted her place in ruling the Kingdom. My Father gave it to me after Mother’s death. The lock had unfastened once her essence had extinguished.”

  With a sigh he turned to look out the window, likely thinking of Lord Mythion and Queen Terysia. “Father once told me that I should never cave to the pressures of the crown. No matter how long it took, he said somewhere in time would be somefae that was meant only for me and that I needed to hold out for her because she would make everything we fight for, everything we go through, worth it.” He ran his hand over the box. “He had the necklace enchanted in this way so that I and my sons and grandsons would remember that lesson.”

  Marcus smiled. “King Mythion was a very wise Fae.”

  “Indeed, though at the time I thought he was simply speaking out of grief,” he conceded before looking up to meet his gaze. “I owe you an apology, my friend. I never really understood the lesson my Father had tried to teach me despite the fact that I followed his wishes. I never understood the connection you had to my sister. Had I even had the faintest idea I would have stepped aside readily to grant you both that happiness.”

  “I know. There were times I couldn’t understand our feelings myself.” Marcus met his gaze and shrugged, “She is your sister, Mythos. You were only trying to protect her. Both Cymeryn and I have always realized that whether we consider now or in the past.”

  He nodded. “Do you think Grifyn will accept this?”

  Marcus laughed and Mythos shot him an annoyed glare. “I’m sorry, Mythos, but it’s quite entertaining watching you see how it feels to be on the receiving end of this.” He studied him a moment allowing him to sweat before answering, “Yes, I believe he will. They have reached an accord and provided it is what she wants I cannot see him jeopardizing the fragile ground they stand on.” Marcus sighed, “Mythos, all that really matters here is what the two of you want. If I stopped to consider what everyfae else thought and wanted in mine and Reyana’s relationship in either of her incarnations we would both be miserable. Follow your heart, listen to hers, and they will eventually see the truth of your love. She is the rightful Queen of the Fae. Your bonds are formed by the Goddess Lucerna herself. There is nothing any may truly argue regardless.”

  He studied him a moment, “You are right, my friend. Come, let us not keep our mates waiting.”

  Marcus smirked once more at the irony that it took the King to find his own love for them to reach this accord. It wasn’t that they weren’t friends, but the moment he had taken notice of Reyana a rift had instantly begun to form between them; even though he was ever respectful and didn’t even approach her until he could afford her the proper attention and respect. It was actually a relief to bridge over some of it.

  He offered him his hand and misted them back to the sitting room. Cymeryn gave him a questioning glance but he kept his mind clear and only smiled. Why ruin the surprise? They would all know in a moment. He sat beside Reyana shifting close to her and kissing her softly. Moments like these reminded him that despite the trouble they faced and the hardships they endured, their love would always prevail. As long as they held fast to one another, they would always find a way.

  Steph stared up at him with a discerning smile. “What are you up to, my King? You have that glint to your eye.”

  “Do I? Do you feel you know me so well?” He teased.

  “Yes,” she smirked looking him over in curiosity. The King definitely had a playful streak to him, at least with her. With anyone else he was generally reserved and serious but then that was the weight of responsibility.

  He knelt before her. “That is because you do, caria.” He took her hand in his. “Lady Stephynia a Ceryn, I have waited the entirety of my existence for even a moment of the happiness you have brought me just in the short time that you have been in my world. When I am away from you my heart aches to be near you once more. You are my heart, my love, and my soul, Stephynia, and I could not bear the idea of not having you by my side. Will you take me as your bonded mate, standing beside me from now unto eternity?”

  She was taken aback by his words. They warmed her heart and she couldn’t even describe the feelings flowing through her. “Mythos, you complete my soul. You’re the piece of me that makes me feel whole. Yes. I told you, anyway you ask. Yes.”

  He surged up capturing her lips and pulled her into a tight embrace, kissing her with a hunger and possession he hadn’t allowed around the others before. When he released her he pulled a small, rectangular box from his robes. It was black with odd glowing inscriptions on it and he rested his hands on her legs holding it as he looked up at her.

  “Caria, this is the Necklace of the Queen. It is enchanted and can only be worn by the true Queen of the Fae once she has accepted her rule, otherwise the clasp will not close. It is said that once it is placed around her neck none save she and the King can ever remove it. It is tradition that the King give the necklace to his future mate on the eve of their betrothal and when she is ready she will wear it.” He seemed lost in thought a moment. “My Father gave it to my Mother and she wore it every day that her Light shined. It would honor me, Stephynia, if you would accept this as a symbol of our love and a promise of our bond.”

e gently took the box from him. “Of course, Mythos.”

  Carefully she opened the lid and her breathe caught in her chest as she took in the necklace. The pendant was a glowing sun crafted from sunstone and diamond accents. There were two ropes of gold that extended from either side of it. When the Light pulsed over her skin it reflected in such a way that it looked like it was giving off the sun’s rays. She had seen it in her dreams. In some of her dreams she had even worn it.

  Picking it up she gently ran her fingers over it. “It’s beautiful,” she breathed.

  Mythos beamed up at her, watching as she lifted it to her neck. “You should only do that once you are ready, caria. I do not expect you to attempt it until the day we bond. There is no hurry.”

  She stared into his eyes. He was probably right, but there was a pull that she couldn’t deny. They were always telling her to trust her instincts. She had to trust there was a reason she felt this draw.

  She held his gaze as she placed it around her neck and worked the clasp easily. It closed and she felt a strong Light course through her as he watched her in reverence, the love in his eyes clear. He stood pulling her to her feet and kissed her softly a moment before releasing her. A bright Light engulfed them as everyone else in the room knelt before them.

  “You must allow them to rise, my Queen,” he murmured. “They are paying reverence to you.”

  She cleared her throat, wondering if her voice would work. Her breath was caught in her chest. It was the feel of the Light that flowed through her. It was causing memories to roll rapidly through her mind. “Please rise.”

  She watched as they took their seats. Reyana walked over looking in her eyes with an odd smile. “That was the day they all graduated from the Academy and what you are seeing now is a very personal conversation with your Father that I will have to discuss with my mate later.” She turned with a raised brow to Cymeryn. He merely smiled looking up at them from his seat. “Is it too much?”


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