Living for Love and Dying for Loyalty

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Living for Love and Dying for Loyalty Page 4

by Mz. Lady P

  Pulling into the parking lot in my burnt orange Charger, I noticed all eyes were on me. These bitches already know when the Queen comes around everything shuts down. As I walked towards the building, I noticed Killa.

  “Hey Trish, what’s up?” Killa asked, looking suspicious.

  “What up Killa? Where the hell is Markese ass at?”

  “He’s up in his office. Let me hit him up and tell him you down here.”

  “No, that’s ok. I want to surprise his ass.”

  I pushed Killa out of my way. I think he called himself trying to run interference. All of us have been friends about the same amount of years, but his niggas protect Markese until death. The elevator was taking too long, so I decided to walk up the stairs to the fourth floor where his so-called office was. I banged on the door like I was the police. He opened the door and looked at me like he was pissed.

  “What are you doing here, Trish?”

  “I came to see why you won’t bring your ass home.”

  “Because I’m handling business. I’m out here getting this money. You know that green shit you like to spend on them expensive purses and shoes.”

  “Hold on mutherfucker, I got my own money and please don’t forget that. All the money in the world won’t make up for you not coming home, Markese.”

  “Trish, pipe down and get out my face before I beat your ass.”

  “I wish you would put your hands on me. I will tear this bitch up.”

  “I’m telling you get out of here before I hurt you.”

  “Hell no! I’m sick and tired of this .You won’t come home and you’re on a damn rampage with this Rahmeek situation. Not to mention your hurting Aja with your selfish ass.”

  “Shut the fuck up and mind your business. Aja chose him over me so fuck her.”

  “Don’t ever tell me to mind my business. You need to bring your raggedy disrespectful ass home or you won’t have a home to come to!”

  “Is that a threat?’

  “It’s a promise.

  Before I knew it, Markese had slapped my ass so hard that my ears were ringing. It was on! I started hitting his ass with my fist and anything else I could find. But he was ready for my ass. He started choking me with so much force that I started to blackout. I looked in his eyes and realized he didn’t love me anymore. I have never seen that look in his eyes. Finally, he just dropped me to the floor and I went limp like a ragdoll.

  “You happy now, Trish? Ain’t that what you wanted...some attention?” Markese was standing over me with his fist balled up.

  Slowly getting up off the floor, I gathered my thoughts before I spoke because my mind was all over the place. With tears flowing, I simply told Markese how I felt.

  “No. all I wanted was for you to come home. These last couple of months have been hell. We don’t go out anymore or do anything romantic. What’s the problem? You don’t love me anymore? If it’s over between us, let me know. I will pack my shit and leave. I’m tired of arguing and fighting with you.

  “Trish, you know I love you, but I got a lot going on. I really don’t have time to play house with you right now.”

  “Really Markese? Play house with me? That’s how you really feel? After all we been through, that’s all you can come up with?”

  “On some real shit, I think I need some me time, Trish. I have been thinking long and hard. You can’t give me babies, and you won’t marry me. It seems to me that you’re the selfish one. I need more out of this relationship, baby girl.”

  I was speechless. Those words made my chest hurt so badly. I walked out feeling like a fool. My intentions were to go over there and bring my man home. Instead, the only man I ever loved treated me like I wasn’t shit. It hurt because I really can’t have babies for him. I never knew he felt that way.

  Chapter 11 - Aja

  I was so glad Niyah convinced me to come out and enjoy myself. I was doing just that until Rahmeek and his little girlfriend Karima put on their little show. I’m mad and hurt as hell. I had to play this shit cool though. I swear I wanted to beat her ass for playing with me. There were so many niggas around trying to holler that I had to give Rahmeek a taste of his own medicine. I’m glad I wore my army fatigue summer dress with my matching Michael Kors sandals. My hair was on point as well. I scanned the courtyard until I spotted this dude named Slim that I used to mess around with. Rahmeek got me fucked up. Two can play that game.

  I walked over to Slim and gave him the biggest hug ever. Slim palmed my ass and kissed me on the cheek.

  “I haven’t seen you in so long. How have you been?” I asked, touching his chest.

  “I’m good, just getting back in town. I have been away on business, doing what I do best.”

  “I see you still a busy man.”

  “You know I’m all about my money, baby. What you doing later?”

  “I’m taking my ass home and going to bed. I’m fucked up. You can come scoop me tomorrow though.”

  Slim and I continued to talk. As we were talking, I felt somebody staring. I noticed Rahmeek shooting me daggers while he was smoking a blunt. Karima was still sitting right there looking like the fool she is. I looked away because I felt like I was doing something wrong. Then reality set in real quick. This nigga just shitted on me for a bum ass female. I kept talking to Slim a while longer. My song, Blurred Lines, by Robin Thicke came on and I grabbed Slim. I was dancing on him all seductively while staring at Rahmeek the whole time. I was letting him rub on my ass and everything. I had that Remy in my system and I was cutting up. Before I knew it, Rahmeek snatched me away from Slim’s ass.

  I yanked away from him so hard that I almost fell. “Rahmeek, get your hands off me!”

  “What the fuck you doing, Aja?”

  “I’m doing the same thing you doing.”

  “Your ass is out here acting like a ho, letting that nigga feel all over you!”

  “Aww you mad? You’re fucking that ho, Karima, so what’s your point, Rahmeek? If memory serves me right, you dumped me. Not the other way around. So, please get out my face. I’m not trying to hear that bullshit.”

  I attempted to walk away from Rahmeek, but he pulled me by my hair and yanked me back towards him. I turned around and tried to slap him. That only made him hold my hair tighter.

  “Let my hair go!”

  “Don’t you ever fucking disrespect me again, Aja. Do you hear me?”

  “Yeah, please let my hair go.”

  Rahmeek finally let my hair go. “Get your ass in the car. I’m taking you home.”

  I wanted to pop off at him, but the look in his eyes told me to do what he had said.

  “I need to tell Niyah that you’re taking me home.”

  “She knows already. Now get in the car.”

  Before I could get in the car, Slim walked up

  “Is everything good, Aja?”

  “Yeah, I’m cool.”

  “Nigga, beat your feet. This ain’t got shit to do with you. You had your fun and it’s over,” Rahmeek said, looking pissed.

  “I was talking to Aja.” Slim said.

  Rahmeek raised his shirt up and showed his gun. “This is my last time telling you. Walk that shit off before you get carried off in a body bag. The choice is yours.”

  I prayed he walked off and stopped trying to be Captain Save a Hoe. He hesitated for a minute. I was so happy when he walked off. Finally, I got into the car. We were both completely silent so I broke the silence.

  “Can I ask you a question?”


  “Are you and Karima together now?”

  There was a long silence before he spoke. “She ain’t shit to me. She’s just something to do when there is nothing to do.”

  “So, why is she all on your lap?”

  “She was trying to make you mad and you fell for the bait.”

  “What was I supposed to do?”

  “You were supposed to act like the lady you are and pay no attention to me or that bitch. Don’t ever let anyon
e bring you down to their level. You are too classy for that.”

  “Whatever Rahmeek, you’re still fucking her.”

  He never responded to my last comment he just drove me home without saying a word to me. I got out the car and was about to say something, but he drove off without so much as a word. I should have never let Niyah talk me into going to that barbeque.

  Chapter 12 – Markese

  Ever since Trish and I got into it, I haven’t been going home like I should. After the altercation, I went home to apologize for my actions. I walked into our bedroom and Trish was in the bathroom on the floor crying. I really hate myself right now. The things I said to her were way out of line, especially the comment I made about her not giving me any kids. That was dead wrong.

  I held my hand out to help Trish up off the floor. “Come on bae, get up.”

  She pushed my hand away. “Just leave me alone.”

  “I’m sorry for putting my hands on you and saying that foul shit to you. I have so much going on right now. Plus, your mouth is way too smart. You say shit to make me angry on purpose.”

  Trish walked past me and sat on the bed. “Whatever Markese. You can keep your apologies. Right about now, it means nothing to me.” She wiped the tears from her face.

  I sat down on the bed next to her. “Damn, I’m trying to make this shit right between us. What do you want from me, Trish?”

  “All I have ever wanted was you .It’s sad that you’re so caught up in this lifestyle that you have forgotten about me. You can have the money and this lifestyle. I would give it all back just to have you.”

  I grabbed Trish’s face so that I could look into her eyes. “I’m all yours, baby.”

  “Your mouth is telling me one thing, but your actions show me different. I’m done talking about this whole thing. “

  Trish got up and walked out of the room leaving me sitting on the bed. For the rest of the week I tried everything in my power to make up with Trish. I was buying jewelry, flowers, and candy. Trish wouldn’t accept anything from me. I got tired of trying, so I just gave up. I was tired of walking around the house not talking to one another. I was also tired of sleeping in the guest bedroom. I haven’t been at home that much. I have been at Carmen’s house on a regular.

  It’s been great spending more time with my kids. However, I feel horrible for what I’m doing to Trish. With all that’s been going on, I have been neglecting my operation at the Towers. I’m meeting up with the crew to get the latest on what’s been going on. The first person I saw when I walked into the building is Killa. This nigga grinds twenty-four seven.

  “What’s the word ‘Kese?”

  “Shit, just sliding through checking on things. Where is everybody else?”

  “Waiting on you upstairs in the office.”

  “Okay, let’s go up there. I need to run a few things pass them.”

  “Aye, ‘Kese let me holla at you for a minute.”

  “Yeah, what’s up?”

  “The relationship you have going on with Carmen isn’t a good look. You’re walking around with a whole family right up under your girl’s nose. All the drama with your personal life is knocking you off your square. Plus, Trish is a good girl. We both know that she don’t deserve this.

  “With all due respect, Killa. I know you mean well, but my personal life is none of your business.”

  “No disrespect. I just thought I would let you know you’re not on you’re A game.

  “Can we end this discussion, Dr. Phil?”

  “Yeah. I have said my peace.”

  Killa and I walked into the office and I got down to the business at hand. Killa, Boogie, Nisa, and Mont were sitting around the table.

  “What’s up ‘Kese? You’ve been M.I.A on us.” Nisa said,

  “I’m sorry for that I got some shit going on in my life right now.”

  “It’s all good, bro. Let’s talk about how we’re going to handle this cat, Rahmeek,” Boogie said.

  “It was one thing for this nigga to fuck with my money, but to find out this man has been fucking my sister, is a whole different thing. She claims that she is in love with him.”

  “How long have they been messing around?” Killa asked.

  “He just got out of jail so it hasn’t been that long. He doesn’t love Aja. he is just using her to get closer to me.”

  “Yeah, we definitely got to get at that nigga,” Nisa said.

  The entire time I was talking, I made a mental note of Mont’s behavior. He had a mean mug on his face. It was like he had something he needed to get off his chest. Lately, he has been in his feelings. I need to holla at him later about this.

  After catching up with the crew, I had to hurry up and run. Today is my son’s birthday party and I have spared no expense. I never had a birthday party as a child so I have to do it real big for my shorties. Juan loves superheroes so I hired all the Marvel Comics Superheroes. Everyone showed up and showed my son love. We had the party at a Community Center because we knew there would be a big turnout.

  Trish has been blowing my phone up all day. I was so glad when the party was over because I needed to get home to Trish. After all the guests were gone, I walked out with Carmen, holding Gabriella and Juan’s hand. I was smiling from ear to ear until I saw Trish standing was by my car looking at us.

  Chapter 13 - Trish

  I definitely have been regretting going to the Towers and showing my ass. I’m sure the reason why Markese has been staying away from home is because of that. My heart was hurting so bad from the words Markese spoke to me. We have gotten into arguments and fights throughout our years, but nothing like this. I never confronted him about the woman who called him. There was no reason to. In my heart, I knew he was cheating.

  I have been calling him all day with no answer. I was worried so I looked on my iPad and accessed his location on the GPS System that I hooked to his car without his knowledge. I decided to follow him just to see what was more important than me. I followed Markese for about two hours until his location stopped in Oak Park, Illinois. I pulled up and wondered why he was at a community center? I knew he was there because I saw familiar vehicles parked outside.

  I sat and waited for him to come out. Finally, he walked out like he was the happiest man on Earth. He was walking with a female that looked like she was Mexican and two kids. My gut told me they were his kids; they were the spitting image of him. Without thinking, I jumped out of my car and all hell broke loose.

  “I see why you haven’t been home, Markese! Y’all look like a big happy family.”

  “Damn Trish baby, I’m so sorry. I never meant for you to find out like this.”

  “Don’t you mean that you didn’t mean for me to find out at all?”

  “Come on kids, let’s go,” the woman said nervously.

  “But Mommy, what about Daddy?” the little girl whined.

  “Come on, Gabriella, now.”

  “Excuse me, sweetie, I didn’t get your name.”

  “I’m Carmen,” she stated matter of factly.

  “Well, Carmen, I’m Trish, but the look on your face tells me that you already know me. Stay where you are. Don’t be in such a rush. I’m not through with you bitch.”

  “Trish, please let me explain.” Markese pleaded.

  “Shut the fuck up, Markese! I don’t want to hear anything you have to say. I already know whatever we had is over. I have to accept that. It’s funny how you’re the same one running around talking about loyalty this and loyalty that, but you are the most disloyal person I know. You have a whole family right up under my nose. Does Aja know about this?”

  “No, she doesn’t know either.”

  “Well,” I snickered. “This just keeps getting better. And you have the nerve to be mad at her for not being loyal. Markese you don’t have clue what love or loyalty is.”

  “Look Trish, it’s not that serious,” Carmen interjected.

  “Bitch, was I talking to you? You’re saying my name like we frien
ds or something.”

  “No, you weren’t talking to me, and trust me I don’t want to be your friend, Sweetie.”

  Before I knew it, I snatched her up by that long pretty hair and commenced to kicking on her ass. She thought it was okay to speak to me about my relationship. This ho don’t know me. She knows of me and that’s the difference. I didn’t let that bitch get a lick in. I tore her Mexican pretty ass up. Before I knew it Killa, Mont, Boogie, and Nisa were breaking us up.

  “Let me go, Nisa, so I can fuck this bitch up.”

  “Come on now, Trish, you’re too classy for this,” Nisa said as she held my arms down. I lost my composure. I just started to scream and shout. I was swinging my arms and tussling, trying to get Nisa to let me go.

  “Fuck y’all!” I screamed loudly. “All of you come to my house and sit at my table like family. How could y’all do this to me?”

  I screamed and cursed for so long that I was out of breath. All I could do was cry. I wanted to ask Markese how could he do this to me, but I had already embarrassed myself enough. He grabbed me and hugged me to keep me from falling to the ground. I had no more strength. The fight in me was gone. I fell to the ground anyway. Markese picked me up and handed me over to Mont who helped me to my car. Markese didn’t even have the heart to walk me to my car himself.

  I was in no condition to drive so Markese instructed Mont to take me in his car and would bring my car to the house. The entire ride to my house I cried like a baby. Mont was trying his best to keep focused and drive, but my crying was distracting him. We pulled into my driveway and I was about to get out but, Mont grabbed my arm before I could open the door.

  “Trish you are too good of a person to be going through this. I have known you and Markese for a long time and I know you love him. You deserve to be treated like a Queen, nothing less.”


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