Living for Love and Dying for Loyalty

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Living for Love and Dying for Loyalty Page 7

by Mz. Lady P

  I’m glad my crew has been out helping me look for Trish, especially Mont, I really appreciate his help. I have been dodging the shit out of Carmen. I haven’t seen her ass since the day I left her house. All I want is my baby back home. I miss lying in bed with her. Hell, I even miss her cursing my ass out.

  “My nigga, please don’t play this song no more. I swear on everything I love I’m going to help you find your way back,” Killa said.

  “Man, dog, you think she gone come back?” I passed the blunt to Killa.

  “Trish is just mad at you right now. I’m positive she will pop up.”

  After riding around for a couple of more hours, I realized I had left my phone on silent. I had several missed calls and texts from Trish telling me to come home because of an emergency. My mind was all over the place because, I haven’t heard from Trish in weeks. All of sudden out of the blue she calls and tells me that she is at home. Damn, I hope everything was cool with her. I let Killa know what was up and dropped his ass off. I hauled ass trying to get home to Trish. I got the surprise of my life when I walked in the door. Trish was sitting at the table with my kids.

  “Daddy, Daddy! Mommy left us by our self and we cried.”

  “It’s okay, Gabriella. I’m here now. Take your brother in the back room and close the door.”

  “Daddy, are you mad at us too?” Juan asked.

  “No son, I’m not mad. Now go with your sister.”

  After making sure they were gone, I had to turn around and attempt to explain some shit to Trish. I also was curious as to where she has been. I was so happy that she was home. I missed her so much. Trish got up from the table and went in to the living room. I followed behind her.

  “Where have you been Trish? I have been looking all over for you.”

  “I was staying with a friend. I needed to clear my head.” Trish held her head down and fidgeted in her seat.

  “Are you back for good or do I have to worry about you pulling another vanishing act?”

  “I’m here to stay. I did a lot of soul searching while I was gone. I want to try and make this relationship work.”

  “I’m glad you came back. I was going crazy without you.”

  I moved closer to her on the couch and kissed her on the lips. Something with Trish was off to me. She refuses to look at me in my face. For some reason I feel like there is more to her just being at a friend’s house. Especially since she has no female friends. I’m going to leave it alone for now. My mind drifted back to the fact that my kids were here. I had to try to explain this shit to Trish.

  “Look baby, I’m sorry I didn’t know that bitch was going to pull a stunt like this. I understand if you don’t want them here. I know the kids being here might be too much on you. Just let me make a few calls to see if I can find out where Carmen is.”

  “Those babies are innocent. They are stuck in the middle of all this bullshit going on. Carmen does not give a fuck about those babies. If she did, she would not have left them on our doorstep. Markese, I love you and I want to be with you. That means I have to love your kids. That’s what a real woman is supposed to do. Those kids love you. All they did was talk about their Daddy while you were gone. Markese, they deserve someone to love them and not use them as pieces in a chess game. My love for children would never allow me to mistreat Gabriella or Juan.”

  “Damn, Trish, I don’t know what to say.”

  “There’s nothing to say. Go check on the kids while I take a bath.”

  Trish had the same song on repeat and was singing along to Tamar Braxton when I walked into the bedroom.

  I watched as she sang her heart out with her eyes closed without a care in the world. Looking at her sexy ass made me get rocked up right there. I took off my clothes and got into the bathtub with her. Instantly, she opened her eyes and tried to get out of the tub, but I just held her tighter.

  “Trish, baby, just sit down. I missed you so much. I have been going crazy without you. Please don’t ever leave like me like that again. I’m not going to ask who you were staying with. It doesn’t even matter. The only thing that matters is that you’re here now.”

  After we relaxed in the tub and discussed all of our issues, I made love to Trish over and over again. She was reluctant at first, but I ate her pussy until she cried for me to stop. I made love to her mind, body, and her soul. Lying in bed naked, we heard a faint knock at the door. We put on some clothes and opened the door.

  “Daddy, we scared. Can we sleep with you?” Juan said, wiping his eyes.

  “No, y’all too big for that.”

  “It’s okay, Markese. Come on y’all.”

  “Ms. Trish, what happened to your pretty hair?” Gabriella asked.

  “Me and your Daddy were wrestling.”

  “So, that’s why I heard you screaming, Ms. Trish?”

  We both looked at each other and started laughing. It felt so good having my girl and my kids together under one roof.

  Chapter 19 - Rahmeek

  It’s been two months since Hassan has been in a coma. He has gotten worse since the shooting. The doctors told me that I should prepare myself for the worse. Part of me knows that he can hear me so I will never give up on him. We have been the best of friends since we were young.

  We have been in and out of group homes since we were nine and seven. Our mother couldn’t take care of us so she dropped us off at the police station. We never saw her again after that. I used to wonder if she thought of us during the holidays or on our birthdays. Our grandmother raised us until the day she died. She did the best she could do with what little she had. I regret giving her hell because there is no telling where we would be if it wasn’t for her. She passed away while I was locked up. It hurts me to my heart that I never apologized for the shit I put her through.

  My mind is in overdrive because I truly don’t know what I am going to do if he dies. Hassan is all I have left in this world. They might as well bury me with him because I won’t be able to take it. Niyah has been here every day; talking to him, massaging him, bathing him, and keeping his dreads maintained. I can tell she truly loves him. Not all women can be as loyal like she has to a nigga who could check out any day.

  I haven’t seen or heard from Aja since the night of the shooting. I think of her constantly. It broke my heart to treat my baby girl like that. I can’t believe I hit her. I’m not with that domestic violence shit. I was shocked to find out that she’s carrying my seed. I acted like an asshole towards her, but I was going through some shit. I know that’s my baby. We never used protection. I’ve been at the hospital around the clock. Niyah and I have been alternating schedules. She thinks I don’t know that Aja comes up here, but I check the visitor log every day. I can’t trip though. They were cool before I even came into the picture.

  “What’s up, Rah? How is my baby doing today?” Niyah asked.

  “Same ol’... same ol’.”

  “Rahmeek, why don’t you go home and get some sleep? I will stay with him tonight. I promise I will call you if anything changes.”

  “I can’t let you do that Niyah. It’s my night to stay.”

  “Go ahead. I insist. I miss him so much that I hate to leave his bedside.”

  “Let me know if you need anything, Niyah.”

  “Alright Rah. Be safe. Call me when you make it in.”

  With that, I left. I’m so fucking tired. I just want to go home and relax. I’m not gonna front. My house empty as hell without Aja being there. Finally, I made it home. I really needed to unwind so I grabbed a bottle of Remy and fired up my Kush blunt in the Jacuzzi. As I took a gulp of my drink and a hard ass pull off my blunt, I closed my eyes and began to relax. My phone began to vibrate. I had a text from Aja. I got my number changed so I couldn’t talk to her ass. I know it was that damn Niyah. I hesitated before opening the message.

  Hey Rahmeek, I know that you don’t want anything to do with me. I just wanted to let you know that I found out we are having a boy.

  I r
eplied back.

  Oh yeah, that’s what up. Congratulations. Have you come up with any names?

  King Rahmeek Jones. Do you have any other suggestions, Daddy to be?

  That sounds great. Please don’t contact me anymore until after you have the baby so I can take a DNA test.

  Nigga on my life, you funny as hell. You know damn well this is your baby. I have no problem with giving you a paternity test. I know your trying to hurt me and trust me; you are doing a good job of it. As a matter of fact, fuck you. I regret the day I met your sorry black ass. Me and my son don’t need your ass. Know that.

  I never got a chance to respond to Aja’s last text because a call came through from the hospital telling me I needed to get there as soon as possible.

  Damn, I knew I shouldn’t have left, I thought to myself as I rushed through traffic.

  As soon as I made it there, Niyah told me that Hassan had woke up and they immediately rushed him to surgery. After hours of waiting the surgeon came out came out and informed us that the surgery was a success. The bullet was removed, but Hassan would need rehabilitation to get his mobility back. Both Niyah and I were elated that Hassan came back to us. This whole ordeal has given me a better outlook on life.

  After visiting Hassan, I left the hospital and headed straight home. I went straight to my bedroom. To my surprise, I noticed the silhouette of a woman in my bed. All I could think of was Aja and how I was so glad she was there. I climbed into bed and hugged her tight only to find out it was this scandalous ass bitch Carmen.

  “Wake up bitch! What the fuck you doing in here?”

  “Rahmeek, I missed you so much.”

  “Bitch, please! You broke bad when I got my time. You done had kids with that nigga Markese and everything.”

  “I know, but my father thought that it was best for me to move on. I love Markese, but baby, he doesn’t make love to me like you do.”

  “Bitch please! What we had is over and you should not even be here.”

  “Please Rahmeek, make love to me one more time. I will never bother you again.”

  Looking at Carmen’s naked body and her shaved pussy made me realize I needed to release some tension. I gave her that look to let her know I wanted her to kiss the throne. Just like that, she crawled towards me and removed my dick from my boxers. Slowly she massaged my shaft and placed my entire dick in her mouth. She attempted to make love to my dick, but I had other plans for this grimy ass bitch. Roughly, I grabbed her head and began raping her throat with no mercy. I felt like I about to nut so I pulled out her mouth and sprayed my seeds all in her face. I made her ass turn around and I rammed my dick up her ass and fucked her so hard. The bitch was screaming and squirming trying to get away, but I held on to her until I came. I made sure to hop out. This bitch won’t trap me.

  “Damn, Rahmeek, you didn’t have to treat me like that! You bogus as hell.”

  “Get the fuck out. Payback’s a bitch, you nothing ass hoe.”

  I put that bitch out my house. She wanted the dick so I gave it to her. I’m a firm believer of the saying ask and you shall receive.

  Chapter 20 - Markese

  The Pick-Up

  The boat arrived at the exact time Juan said that it would. Rahmeek and I were standing at the dock waiting for the boat to come in. There were two Mexican men on the boat just like Juan said there would be. As the boat docked, the men handed both of us two black large duffel bags. No words were exchanged between us. We checked the bags to make sure everything was there and it was.

  The men pulled away from the dock and we jumped back on the highway to head back to the Chi to stash the heroin at Juan’s warehouse. We were about two miles away from the location when we were cut off and surrounded by three black Range Rovers. Six gunmen, wearing all black, exited the vehicles aiming machine guns at us.

  “Get the fuck out of the car now!”

  “What the fuck is going on?”

  Rahmeek reached under the seat. “Just stay calm. I got my gun under my seat, and there is one under yours.”

  I attempted to reach up under the seat, but one of the gunmen saw me and fired shots in the air.

  “Damn, Rah, we’re outnumbered!”

  One of the gunmen opened the door. “Get out of the fucking car now!”

  Both of us slowly exited the car with our hands up in the air.

  “Walk away from the car and don’t look back!”

  We began to walk away from the car, thinking what the fuck we were going to do. The gunmen jumped into the car and drove off with the duffel bags inside.

  “Markese, something ain’t right. Did you tell anybody about this shipment?”

  “Hell naw nigga! Did you? I didn’t even tell my crew.”

  “This shit was a set up. The only people who knew about this were me, you, and Juan,” Rahmeek said.

  “How the fuck we going to tell Juan we ain’t got his shit?”

  “We’re gonna tell his ass exactly what happened.”

  Luckily, Rahmeek had his cell phone in his pocket. He called Juan and told him about the robbery. Rahmeek didn’t cut any corners. He got straight to the point,

  “So you’re telling me you don’t have my product!” Juan yelled

  “Like I said, we got robbed by some masked men.”

  “Both of you owe me ten million dollars. You have exactly one week to get it to me or there will be consequences.”

  Juan hung up the phone without giving Rahmeek a chance to respond to his last comment. I was able to hear the whole conversation because Rahmeek had the phone on speaker.

  “What the fuck we gon’ do now, Rahmeek?”

  “We’ve made Juan some good money over the years. Juan knows that we would never get down on him like that. He has to be behind this shit. Since he want ten million from us, we’re about to take everything from him. Get your crew together. We got to plan this takedown. Are you down for this Markese?”

  “Hell yeah my nigga! Let’s do this shit.”

  “That’s what up. I’m about to call Hassan to come scoop us before we get some unwanted attention.”

  It took Hassan about thirty minutes to come and pick us up. I was surprised he was able to drive. He was still fucked up from being shot. I had him drop me off at home, but I didn’t go inside. I hopped in my car and went to Carmen’s house. This bitch has not answered any of my phone calls. I pray she’s at home when I get there.

  I pulled into the driveway and there was an unfamiliar vehicle parked in the space where I usually park. I made sure I had my gun before I got out. Using my spare key, I entered the house. No one was down stairs so I went up to her bedroom. Standing in the hallway, I could her moans and groans coming from Carmen’s bedroom. I opened the door and looked in disbelief. Some nigga was laid back on the bed and she was sucking his dick. I yanked her ass up by the hair and pointed my gun at the nigga

  “The party is over, my man. Get your shit and roll out.”

  “Let me the fuck go! This is my house. He doesn’t have to go anywhere.”

  The guy held his hands up in defeat. “Man, I don’t want any problems with you.”

  I slapped her ass so hard she fell backwards. The dude was so scared that he grabbed his clothes and hauled ass out of the room

  “So, this is why you dropped your kids off?”

  Carmen got off of the floor and walked in my face.” Hell no! I dropped your kids off to you.”

  “You unfit ass bitch. You left them on the doorstep. Thank God, Trish came home and found them.”

  “Fuck Trish, I’m so tired of hearing her name!” Carmen screamed.

  “No! Fuck you. Who do you think has been taking care of them?”

  “She’s supposed to take care of them. The bitch should be happy to raise my kids since her insides are all fucked up and rotten and she can’t have any kids,” she snickered.

  I instantly started choking her disrespectful ass. “Bitch, I’m gon’ tell you this one time and one time only. Don’t you ever
play with my kids’ lives? Since you’re tired of being a parent, you will never see them again. Your ass been gone so long they’re calling Trish Momma anyway. Stay the fuck away from me before I kill your ass.”

  Carmen just looked at me and laughed. It was like choking her gave her some type of satisfaction. I let her go and pushed her on the bed. I walked out of the room and down the stairs.

  Carmen came to the top of stairs and yelled. “This shit is not over Markese! believe that. I will be coming for my kids. That bitch is not their mother!”

  I didn’t even respond to her last words. I had to get the hell out of there before I killed her. I need to keep an eye on her. Carmen is not working with a full deck.

  Chapter 21 - Aja

  All the bullshit that has been going on has caused me to be very stressed out. This pregnancy has really taken a toll on me. I have lost weight instead of gaining weight. I been on bed rest for the last week and being in the house is driving me crazy. Trish being M.I.A is not helping me either. I’m praying that she is okay.

  Markese is driving me crazy. I kinda feel sorry for him. My feelings are so hurt because Markese didn’t tell me about having kids. He’s dead wrong for that shit. I went off when I found out. I haven’t been able to hang with Niyah either because she is taking care of Hassan. I was surprised when she invited me over for Sunday dinner.

  Niyah thinks she’s slick. I have a strange feeling that she’s trying to get me and Rah in the same room. I miss him more than anything in this world, but I don’t have time for his shit. Rahmeek is the reason why my son’s life is in jeopardy now. I let his bullshit get the best of me. Rahmeek doesn’t want to be a part of his son’s life, but I have to be in his life. I don’t have a choice in the matter.


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