Cold Bastard

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Cold Bastard Page 8

by India Kells

  The elevator door opened with a ding and they both stepped in. “You know you don’t have to follow me. I think I’m pretty safe in the express elevator.”

  Lance shrugged. “Part of the job. Blackwood requested that you be escorted from home to the office.”

  “He’s a tad overprotective. I’m safe in the elevator. And in the office too, unless another intruder makes an attempt.”

  Lance leaned back against the wall, his hands in his pockets. “I doubt it would happen again. Blackwood Corporation is a fortress now. Kai is keeping an eye on things up there, and as of tomorrow, I’ll be tagging along.”

  “So, no more chauffeuring around for you?”

  Lance smiled at her. “Not my preferred task, I’ll admit. I prefer to be in the action.”

  “Your girlfriend must worry for you all the time.” A little information digging.

  “I don’t have anybody in my life right now. Nobody serious, anyhow. And if that were the case, my boyfriend would have to understand what my work entails and learn to live with it.”

  After a little jolt at his admission, it was Zoe’s turn to smile. Lance arched an inquisitive eyebrow. “Have I destroyed your dreams of a happily ever after with me, Zoe?”

  Giving him a full-blown smile, she winked at him. “Don’t worry, I don’t have dreams of that sort about you, but I’ll have to tell Ellen she needs to find another fine man to cover in whipped cream and lick it all off.”

  It was with Lance’s booming laughter that the elevator doors opened on their floor. The lobby wasn’t empty as it seemed that a new receptionist was replacing poor Cynthia. An older woman who looked very capable, and very irritated at their noisy entrance. Lance put a hand in the small of her back as they stepped out, and Zoe noticed movement to her left. Archer Blackwood. An angry Archer Blackwood. He was squeezing a thick folder in his hand so hard, she believed the paper would sport the exact shape of his fingers permanently.

  Blinking, Zoe didn’t know if that sudden burst was directed at her or not, but she didn’t really want to focus on that. He regretted what happened, she should be the one frowning, not him!

  She turned to Lance, wishing him a nice day, ignored Blackwood, and went to her office.

  Ellen got to her feet and followed her, closing the door. “Have you heard about poor Cynthia? It was all over the news this morning.”

  Zoe nodded somberly. “Yes, it’s Lance, Mr. Sorenson, who told me on our way here.”

  “Oh yes! Archer arranged for transportation for all the company personnel. Must have cost a fortune. Poor Archer must be out of his mind with worry.”

  “It’s awful. I hope they get the criminals who did it.”

  “Oh well... I know that security will be increased for the event. And speaking of which, the three main buyers will arrive soon to visit the office and make first direct contact with Archer.”

  Now that was interesting information. “Do you know who they are?”

  Ellen smiled. “One Saudi Arabian prince, one Russian magnate, and one American representing an investment group, but also from Saudi Arabia from what I could gather. I don’t know exactly how many there will be, but Archer told me that you and I were to attend the initial meeting. It’s only a general presentation, so it shouldn’t be too complicated.”

  The executive assistant blinked. “You look different today, Zoe. No glasses! And that dress on you, it’s your perfect color. You look very pretty.”

  “Thank you. I didn’t know we had a formal meeting this morning. I would have chosen a suit for the occasion.”

  “No, no. You look perfect. Very polished and professional. And maybe less... severe. You make quite a statement with your glasses, my dear. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that you’re not a very attractive girl regardless.”

  Zoe shook her head. “I dress for myself, and myself only. Let’s leave it at that, shall we?”

  Ellen didn’t seem offended and simply smiled. “Are you? I know for a fact that Archer went to your apartment last evening. And this morning, you look ravishing. Is it because you were ravished?”

  The turn of the conversation twisted something in her. “Who told you that?”

  Ellen gave her an innocent look, but her eyes were full of mischief. “Well, a little mouse told me... or I was just leaving when Archer was yelling at yummy Mr. Sorenson to bring the car around, giving him an address... I couldn’t help but check it out... sue me.”

  Zoe winced and was about to lash back when the door burst open to Archer Blackwood, who was still as angry as before. Zoe swore she could feel a cold wind over her skin. “There you are. I don’t pay you two to gossip. Ellen, our guests will arrive any minute now. And you, I want you with me. Now.”

  He stormed out and Zoe let her head fall back. This morning was going down the toilet at epic speed. Ellen made her way to the door. “I’ve sent you a summary of each participant by email. Archer is in a foul mood... what did you do?”

  “Nothing! Would you stop? He didn’t touch me, I didn’t touch him. I signed a contract for goodness' sake!”

  Ellen leaned on her doorjamb, offering her a pitiful smile... or close to it. “Sorry... well, not sorry, in fact. I was curious.”

  Zoe didn’t know if she should laugh or growl at the woman. But vengeance was even better. “No problem Ellen. And by the way I’ve told Mr. Sorenson about your whipped cream fantasy...”

  And before the executive assistant could scrape her jaw off the floor, Zoe winked, grabbed her tablet, and fled.

  Chapter 11

  The detour she made to the small office kitchen had three very good, very valid reasons. First, she needed another cup of coffee. Second, she wanted to take a quick look at Ellen’s summary, and possibly send it to Gabrielle. And third, and most important of all, Zoe wanted to avoid a murder—Blackwood’s of course.

  Taking deep breaths, repeating to herself to remain calm, composed, and professional as a mantra, she barely had time to finish pouring herself a cup when Kai came in. Maybe she could try remaining Zen with him, in preparation for the Ice King.

  The man looked her up and down and smiled appreciatively. “You look beautiful today, Zoe. Well, you always look stunning, but with your fiery hair down and that dress... you are stunning.”

  It took her a moment to realize that he was sincere. “No innuendo? No come-on line? A simple and straightforward compliment? I’m impressed. Thank you!”

  Kai came beside her and grabbed a mug. “I can be sincere if I want to. But admiring your beauty isn’t why I came in here.” Immediately his voice lowered, making sure not to be overheard. “Gabrielle checked the elevator feed. You were right, something was fishy. The hacker could clear the image. On the screen, was written Trust me. We’ll protect you. Just do the work.”

  Zoe grumbled. “Not much. Too bad there was no name. It would have helped us.”

  “Yeah, but that means that Cynthia was up to something. Gabrielle is looking into her past some more, maybe something will come up. And we’re digging into the computer side too. She had access to the servers, not much, but enough to do damage.”

  Kai’s phone buzzed, but he didn’t look at it. “It’s Lance. Our guests have arrived.”

  He took a sip and put it down immediately. He seemed to hesitate but turned to her. “Be careful, Zoe, okay? We’re all gonna dive into a pool full of sharks.”

  “Why do I have the feeling that you speak from experience, Mr. Jones?”

  His smiled turned amused and he touched her nose with his finger. “Oh, my dear, you have no idea.”

  “Mr. Jones”.

  Zoe jumped at her boss’ voice behind her. Kai, on the other hand, was cool as a cucumber. Did he hear him arrive?

  “I don’t pay you to flirt with the staff. Our guests are in the elevator. Is the security in place?”

  Kai looked straighter. “Yes, as you ordered, sir.”

  Archer eyed him for a moment and then turned his ire on her. “And you! I told you to come
to my office right away.” Kai almost fled out, a sheepish look on his face.

  Calm and patience, patience and calm. “I just grabbed a cup of coffee, it’s not a major crime. And at the same time, I was about to check out a summary of our guests. Something you should have told me about days ago. Instead of making me translate senseless texts and insipid conversations.”

  Archer took a step in her direction. “I need you focused on this task. This is what I’ve hired you for, not flinging yourself at the security guards.”

  “So now, I’m a whore. Just because I have a friendly relationship with Lance and Kai?”?

  “This is blatant flirting, and very unprofessional.”

  The conversation turned so surreal, Zoe was more and more convinced she had imagined what had happened at her apartment the night before. Where was his warmth?

  “If you regret what happened, take it like a man and be done with it, instead of accusing me of lying to you.”

  Something shifted on his face, but she couldn’t make out what it was. “It’s not regret. It was a mistake, one I never want you to speak of again.”

  The unveiled disgust in his voice, the way he told her that what had happened was a mistake twisted something tender inside her. Then she realized that last night mattered to her in some weird way. She’d clearly imagined that they had a connection.

  “Don’t worry, sir. I will definitely never refer to it again. I wouldn’t want you to get sick thinking about it.”

  And she walked out, not looking at him even though he was on her heels, toward the lobby. She sensed more than saw him opening his mouth to speak, but the familiar ding of the elevator signaled the arrival of the buyers and a definite end to that chapter.

  Plastering a smile on her face, Zoe stood by Archer’s side. He turned his head in her direction but said nothing. It only lasted a second, and then he was the mighty Mr. Blackwood once more. Ellen appeared and stood at the ready by her side.

  Nearly a dozen men got out of the elevator, already talking. Archer went to them immediately. As the men were greeting each other, Ellen touched her elbow. “Did you have a chance to look at the summary.”

  Zoe shook her head and wished she had. The only man she recognized was Jamieson Finch. Well into his sixties, the man was the epitome of the powerful and successful businessman. Tall, fit with graying hair, and if she didn’t know his true nature, she would have fallen for the man.

  Something blinked in her mind. That may be the best way to find out more about what he intended to do. At that instant, as if sensing she was looking at him, Finch turned to her and offered his most charming smile. It might be the most stupid or most brilliant idea shed ever had, but if he liked what he saw, she might as well use it to her advantage.

  Ignoring all the men around him, Finch made a beeline to her and offered his hand. “Miss, that is the most beautiful smile I’ve seen in a long time. You’ve made my day.”

  Zoe extended her hand, but instead he brought it to his lips.

  “A gallant man, a vanishing breed.”

  His unique silver eyes, the same ones he’d gifted all his sons, glittered like gems. “I’m very sorry to hear it.” Before she could reply, Archer led the small group of men in her direction. “Gentlemen, may I introduce you to my two right hands, Mrs. Ellen Harrington and Miss Zoe Somersby, who will coordinate the meetings and support me. If you need anything, please let them know.”

  Zoe had trouble keeping her poker face. Since when was she his assistant? It was Ellen’s job. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the time and place to make a scene. But explanations would be given. Archer introduced only three men in the bunch, who were the potential buyers; Udi Al-Aamri wore a dark blue suit and was young. Smiling, he took her hand and bowed his head. He seemed to be on the more modern side of his country as Kareem Ahmad was dressed in the traditional Saudi Arabian white robe and red headscarf. He was much older than Udi and his face darker with deeper lines, as if he had been in the desert often and long. Knowing the drill, Zoe didn’t offer her hand and bowed slightly as he did the same. He wasn’t impolite, just more reserved. As a complete polar opposite, Anton Vasiliev was as colorful as a bird of paradise. In his pale blue two-piece suit, he had an orange tan and laughing eyes. If she had passed him on the street, he would have made her smile. Exuberant, he even kissed her cheek and then Ellen’s. The executive assistant was a little bit flustered, but nonetheless kept her composure.

  She gestured for the group to follow her to the conference room. As Zoe stood to the side, it gave her a moment to observe the other men, advisors she guessed, and bodyguards. Udi’s bodyguard looked around for a moment, as if analyzing his surroundings. It gave her a few seconds to observe him as she waited. Tall, almost as tall as Lance, he was built in a similar fashion. Not from simple bodybuilding, but from hard work. Very probably the military. His skin shone like velvet bronze, his black hair short. With his high cheekbones and square jaw, he was definitely a looker. But when his eyes finally settled on her, it was like a jolt. Could it be a coincidence? The flickers of silver were undeniable. It couldn’t be! The world was vast, what were the probabilities of meeting another of Finch’s offspring from another part of the world? The bodyguard smiled and gestured for Zoe to go on. As she did, she offered her hand. “I’m Zoe Somersby.”

  Still smiling, he gently took her hand in his much larger one. His grip was warm and careful. “Sam Sarkhan, happy to meet you.”

  As they approached the conference room, Sam stayed by the door with three other men. All the other guests were seated at the conference table as Ellen finished offering beverages.

  Zoe looked around and decided to sit behind Kareem Ahmad and his advisor. There probably wouldn’t be any strategic discussions for the time being, and she intended to move freely around the men, not giving the impression of favoring one duo more than another. Taking her seat, she noticed people looking at her: Sam, Udi, Finch, and Archer. But the look on her boss’ face was not as flirty. It was cold and closed off as usual. Zoe didn’t bother looking at him and instead smiled at Finch. If she couldn’t protect Blackwood by remaining by his side, she could act as a shield and go for the threat itself.

  The meeting started, and Ellen produced slide after slide of numbers and facts about Blackwood Oil & Gas, the part of the company to be sold. Zoe looked as if she was taking notes, but she kept her ears sharp. Ahmad spoke a mix of Arabic sometimes using tribal expressions. All was business related. She tried to read Udi’s lips, but it was difficult. From what she could gather, nothing suspicious on that side either. Vasiliev was smiling, leaning back in his chair as if he was certain to be the ultimate buyer.

  Giving her attention to the presentation, Zoe admired Archer. The man was most at ease when he was talking business, no doubt about it. He described his company in detail, answering questions with mastery and giving figures and projections as if the numbers flowed naturally in his brain. In his element, the man was charismatic, his voice hypnotic. It was probably the mix of raw masculinity, polished urbanite and intelligence that attracted her. Too bad that after testing the waters, he wasn’t interested. That still stung and would for a long time. The mystery of why he’d left so fast lingered.

  Slightly shaking her head, trying to dissipate the wave of unwanted lust, she checked her tablet and sent the names of all the people present to Gabrielle. Her phone quickly buzzed on her lap and she glanced at a text from Gabrielle.

  Thx. Will update U later. Sarkhan name familiar. Careful.

  Careful? Did all of them think that she ever forgot where she was for one second? She was even more vigilant than when she’d worked in a hostile territory, for Christ’s sake!

  Zoe skimmed the audience and saw Finch’s eyes on her. Creepy dude. Nonetheless, she smiled before lowering her gaze once more.

  How can Finch be Vasiliev’s advisor?

  Gabrielle was quick to answer.

  Not sure why yet. Suspect silent partner. V rich, but not enough to buy as per In

  A blind... it would make sense if Finch wanted to buy the company for himself, or another organization anonymously. Scary thought. After seeing the numbers, the value of Blackwood Oil & Gas and its potential, a criminal organization would have endless power. The trick was to sell it to the right guy. And that was not Finch or anyone under his thumb. Or again, was it another smokescreen, and Finch using suspicions to divert the attention and making another move on the checkerboard?

  Unless Gabrielle had an ace in the hole, it was hard to know what was going on, and Zoe sucked at chess.

  Again, around the table, the only man she could trust was Archer, and she couldn’t confide in him.

  Starting another portion of the presentation, Ellen distributed folders around the table and Archer sat, taking his phone out as the men were going through the document. Her cell buzzed.

  Don’t tell them you’re an interpreter.

  She looked up at him, but he was opening the document before him, obviously avoiding her gaze.


  Archer looked at his phone and typed quickly.

  Just do as I say.

  Her natural instinct was to get up and leave. Being ordered around wasn’t her cup of tea and he was stretching her patience. Not answering him was the best reply for the moment. Her phone buzzed again, but this time it was Lance.

  Don’t react. There was another attack. Underground parking lot. Blackwood’s town car on fire. No one hurt. Fire under control.

  Did Archer know? If so, he was the calmest man she had ever seen.

  First Cynthia, now the car... were the two incidents even related? Zoe suspected that much. The question, again, was why? And who?

  Chapter 12

  The meeting went until lunch. Just before it concluded, the schedule was negotiated: the next three days would be individual meetings with each potential buyer. Then, there was to be a lavish soirée with Chicago’s most influential businesses preceding the final round of negotiations, to celebrate the launch of Blackwood Energies. Quite intensive, but apart from the ball, every day ended at four.


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