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Aura Page 13

by Abraham, M. A.

  "At least she seemed to until she met Aura.” Vernon replied and Thorn could hear how exasperated he was with the girls. “Let us hope it has not affected her too much. Of course, after tomorrow that will be a thing of the past anyway."

  "So it will, and now I am going to leave you and return to my men. I shall see you at the banquet. It is late, time to get some sleep."

  Vernon nodded and Thorn left. Vernon looked at the darkness of the sky outside of his windows and smiled, as usual his great warlord was right, it was late, though his mind was not on sleep. Chatelaine would be waiting for him and with that thought his smile widened. With a twinkle in his eye and a bounce in his step he went to join her. Tonight, for some reason, he felt very good.

  She had lived, Thorn found himself thinking, and her name is Aura. He had often wondered what her name was. She had never told him. Nor had he associated the name with the girl in his memory during conversations with others. There had been many stories relayed to him in passing of the Lady Aura, but no one had mentioned her great beauty. Gentle, caring, loving, kind and thoughtful were but a few of the descriptions he had heard of her. Of course there had been mention of her evasiveness and her tendency towards being a bit of a loner, but nothing to support his inner sense of recognition.

  He had not gone back to the cave to get her for he knew she would have moved on as soon as he had left. He had no idea, other than that starting point, where to look for her. The land about them was vast enough to hide one slightly built girl.

  Thorn bumped into a maid in his preoccupation and frowned as the woman smiled up at him, following the gesture with a more open and blatant invitation. Thorn felt sickened by the lack of morals displayed and the acceptance of this by the people who surrounded him. He had been thinking about something pure, something untouched, and now his memories felt defiled. He also felt a deep disgust with himself, for despite his respect and admiration of Aura, he still reacted to those memories with a lust that made him hard. He gave the woman before him a look of contempt then stormed out of the building to return to his own cold and lonely bed.


  The next morning Thorn was in such a foul mood that even his men avoided him. It was news that caused Signi no end of satisfaction. She knew her brother had gone to see the Duke Vernon the day before and she knew that the subject of Aura had come up during their conversation. It was only logical. She was almost all that Vernon ever spoke of lately, it seemed as if he was consumed by the challenge she had presented him. Thorn could not have been too pleased with the plans Vernon had for her. Yes, it all sounded very promising.

  Having dealt with her brother, Signi turned her attention to Aura. It had been harder to keep her interest in Thorn as she became more familiar with matters of the castle. As she had never seen Thorn, Signi could forgive her for the lapse. She knew it would only be a matter of time before the two of them met. Then the sparks would fly, she was sure of it.

  Signi made sure to keep Thorn's name on the top of her conversation list. She told Aura all about him, his prowess on the battlefield, his strength, his intelligence, his fairness in dealing with people, his handsome demeanor, his rank and what it meant, and, most important, his belief in a higher order of honor and God's overall plans for mankind. To her frustration Aura did not seem to care at all, even though she did listen.

  Even now Aura was off somewhere else, probably with that stupid wolf of hers, and who knew when they would return. Aura should have been with her, so she could continue to fill her in on Thorn's background. Signi would have liked her friend to see Thorn in the mock battles that the men indulged in. Aura was missing all the fun of the festivities, and her presence was not going unnoticed. Vernon was very aware of her absence and it irritated him that she was ignoring his wishes. She knew he had plans for her that demanded her attendance.

  Signi watched Vernon closely, noting how his anger grew as the day progressed, and she knew that when Aura did show she would be in serious trouble. She continued to watch for her friend and followed her up to her room when she did arrive, though she knew it was already too late to stop anything that Vernon might do to her. With that knowledge in mind she decided not to mention anything at all.

  "Thorn has agreed to a match for me, and I could not be happier with my groom! I cannot begin to tell you how wonderful I feel, and it’s all because of you. If you not have told me of how interested he was in me, I would have never have known to show him that his suit was welcome. I wish there was a way I could repay the favor." Signi burst into Aura’s room with her news.

  "You already have, just by being my friend. As for the match, I really cannot claim credit for that though I am happy for you. When is the betrothal to be announced?" Aura offered her genuine heart felt congratulations with a smile.

  "Shortly, but for now we just want a bit of time to enjoy ourselves. What are you going to wear to the banquet tonight?"

  Aura thought on the matter for a moment then pulled out her white gown and jewels. "I understand that this is to be a very elaborate affair, so I will wear these."

  Signi held the gown up before her and looked at it closely before asking. "What were you where you lived before."

  "An unwanted daughter, but so far I am happy here, so I will stay a while longer."

  Signi laughed at that as she answered. "You have little choice as to whether you want to go or not. Vernon refuses to let you go."

  Turning serious Aura replied. "I cannot stay here forever Signi. There is nothing for me to do. I am not needed here."

  "There is bound to be someone who needs you Aura and we will do our best to find him for you." Signi responded.

  "Signi, you have a one track mind lately. The successes we have had at matchmaking have gone to your head. It is not going to work on me though. A person has to want to get married before that happens. I have no desire to wed."

  "Well I happen to think that deep down you do. Someday you will find that you will want no more than to be with the man you love and I hope it happens. I always thought you needed a bit of happiness. Sometimes you are just too solemn for words."

  "Well it seems to me that you are too romantic for words sometimes. Perhaps you should take your dreams and get ready for tonight Signi." Aura suggested.

  "On one condition Aura. You promise to wear your hair down, as befitting a maiden." Signi had never seen Aura wear her hair in any other manner than in a braid and she had a feeling that she would be gorgeous with a different style, even if it were just left to hang loose.

  Aura looked at her friend for a moment, then agreed. After all, what could it hurt? She used to wear it long and free when she had been young and had always preferred it that way. Tonight she would allow herself that freedom again. The idea appealed to her very much.

  Vernon had Aura detained at the door of the banquet hall after he had summoned her to attend him, for some reason unknown to her. She waited for some time then was finally called in to join the assembly.

  The great hall was filled to capacity with the odd empty place to mark the absence of some important and noteworthy Lord of the realm. Huge platters of food were being brought to be set onto the tables, as well as jugs of ale and wine. Somewhere in all the activities, Aura got the feeling that she was about to be offered as the main course. It left her with a very uncomfortable sensation.

  Walking with reluctant, hesitant steps, through the center of the great hall Aura moved until she reached the very middle of the room, where Vernon had her stop. "You will stand there, Lady Aura."

  Stopping as commanded, she placed a hand on her wolf's head, to gather a little extra courage, as she inwardly squirmed under Vernon's steady gaze. He, she could tell, had something on his mind that she was not going to like.

  After she had stood there for a few moments Vernon held up his hands in a play for silence and announced: "I present to all of you the Lady Aura, whom I have grown to care for as if she were my own daughter. It is time; however, as it gets to be
with all women, that she marries."

  Aura opened her mouth in mute protest, stifling an urge to scream out an objection. Only the look on Vernon's face stopped her, and she decided she would have to rethink her decision that he was a good sport. Vernon stared at her with flint like precision until he was sure that she would not speak then he continued. He felt he had made his point with her and, she now knew and understood her place. As he cleared his throat all eyes shot to him to hear what more he was about to say.

  "It is my intention at this time to open the floor to offers for the hand of the Lady Aura. For the right man she shall be very well dowered."

  The hall went quieter than it had been during his speech and Aura turned white as she felt several pairs of eyes transfer their attention from Vernon, to her. Vernon then added.

  "You will find that the closer a man lives to me, the higher the dowry shall be and you must all admit, the Lady Aura is most beautiful."

  The hall erupted into chaos, until a voice louder than the others, bellowed from off one of the side spaces.

  "With your permission sire," a dark rough looking man spoke as he stood to identify himself. "I offer for the hand of the Lady Aura. As you all know I am in need of a wife to help me with my young brood ever since the death of my own wife."

  Aura winced as her eyes fell on the man who had spoken. In her opinion marriage to this person was a frightening prospect. The man had already beaten two wives to death for voicing their opinions. She knew that she was not anyone's definition of a meek or docile woman. She was sure that she would never last a week under this man's protection.

  The room went entirely quiet again, everyone knew what this man was like, and they wondered what Vernon would do. To Aura, who was as overwhelmed by this act as anyone here, it seemed as if they were in doubt as to what they should do. Was Vernon's offer actually serious? She had not heard even a rumor of him putting a woman in this position in the past. What made it even more unbelievable was that he would do this to a lady of Aura's standing, for she had proved her worth and value many times over.

  Vernon looked about hoping for someone else to counter the offer, but no one else did. The match was not to his liking, however, he had to prove that he meant what he had said, or lose face before everyone. This was something he did not dare do. He could not afford such a luxury, his word was his bond.

  "Well," Vernon hesitated then, as if he had made a snap decision, he forged ahead. "As there are no other offers for the Lady Aura, I guess I have to assume that no one else is interested. Therefore, I shall give my permission...."

  Vernon got no further as the Lord Thorn's voice cut through the noise in the room, from the entrance of the room.


  Thorn had entered the room just in time to witness the outrage. He had stood at the door, stunned and in doubt of what he was seeing, as everyone else had done. He had then acted in the only manner he thought possible. He could not let Vernon give this woman away to someone else. Not when she had saved his life. Also, more important, not when she lived in every corner of his mind every minute of the day, and had since he had woken to find her curled next to him as they had slept.

  "NO!" He repeated. "You shall not give her to anyone, except me. If anyone cares to challenge my claim," Thorn strode forcefully towards Aura as he spoke, drawing his sword from its scabbard, as if to give credence to his words. "Let him do so now." He reached her and winding an arm about her waist to draw her against his chest, he planted his feet apart as if in battle readiness. His sword lay extended from his hand and the weapon spoke as loud, if not louder, than his words.

  A light murmur went through the crowd. This was a turn of events nobody had expected, not even Vernon. No one would consider standing against the sword of Thorn. Everyone in attendance knew that few would live to tell the tale if they tried. His fierceness in battle was too well known and if he had decided he wanted this woman then it was all right with everyone else.

  From the sound of the voice behind her Aura recognized the man who spoke as the one she had saved, the man who had killed Roger. It was a voice she knew she would never forget. Her first instinctive reaction, was to voice an objection to his claim, but as she opened her mouth to do so, her gaze fell on the face of the man who had offered for her earlier. The man, it was obvious, was furious, but prepared to back down. She wondered what it was that held him back. What could it be about the man who held her that commanded such respect? Another thought also came unbidden into her mind. Perhaps she could beat this plan of Vernon's yet. A marriage, after all, took time, even in this day and age. She would find a way to escape then she would be safe, safe from all of them.

  Vernon, it was evident to all, was not pleased with this turn of events as his face reddened and he spoke. "The Lady Aura is not for you Thorn. I withdraw my offer of a dowry. If you insist on her becoming your wife, she goes to you with only what she has now."

  "You think I choose her for a dowry Vernon? You know me better than that."

  "I know you well my friend, but I also have come to know the Lady Aura. You would not suit. Besides, I would have the Lady closer for I find her amusing."

  Thorn gave a short laugh of disbelief and returned. "I know why you covet her presence sire and I think I know why it is so important for you to keep her close. Nor is it for mere amusement. She is worth more than any coin you could offer just for her knowledge alone. Am I right Vernon?"

  It hit very close to the truth and Vernon sat back to think the matter over. He looked at Chatelaine, who seemed more than pleased with the match as it stood and decided to give in with grace.

  "You will have to wait for three weeks, minimum, to make her your wife."

  "So be it." Thorn replied then added; "But as the match meets with no one’s approval but mine she will be kept under guard, by my men."

  Vernon had to call the banquet back to order after that as some had taken the comment as an insult. An insinuation that Vernon could not be trusted to guard the Lord Thorn's prospective bride. Others were more surprised by the announcement and just thought to comment on his high handedness. When things quieted he told Thorn to take his place at the table, electing not to press the matter further. Thorn just released Aura long enough to sheath his sword before he grabbed her hand in his and started for his place, pulling her along as he moved. Vernon watched his possessiveness and objected.

  "The Lady Aura sits near me Thorn, for I am her guardian."

  Thorn looked about, speaking as he noted. "As all the other women sit with their affianced men and husbands our betrothal would seem to change things, Vernon. She dines with me." He then took her to his place and sat her by his side, where he began to fill her plate with the best foods before them.

  Thorn? The Lord Thorn? Aura watched him from the sides of her eyes as he served her, shocked by the turn of events. There were so many things going through her head at the same time that she did not know where to start. She had saved the Lord Thorn's life? It was a point that echoed through her mind countless times. She wondered if he would consider releasing her out of gratitude for past services. She had heard so much about him from Signi that she felt it could be possible.

  Signi had relayed many stories about her brother Thorn that led her to the conclusion that she might be able to deal with him. He was considered fair in his decisions concerning those about him. He was loyal to those he valued. He was intelligent and quick to reward those who did him a good deed. She had saved his life! Everyone, or so Signi said, respected and revered the Lord Thorn, even above Vernon. Those that did not at least feared him and that much Aura had seen for herself this very eve.

  Vernon pouted, his lips tight in anger at the way his ploy had backfired. His scowl turned into a frown as he began to think things over. Perhaps things were not as bad as they seemed, after all he had wanted to marry the Lady Aura off to make sure she would be cared for. With Thorn there could be no question as to whether or not she would be safe. Thorn would see to that
in the best possible manner, he was his most trusted warlord.

  As for Thorn, well, Vernon had to admit, he had been in the right. She had been offered to anyone who would claim her in the most public manner possible. He had been given the right to declare for her, as anyone else had been. Vernon's mouth curled at the edges with that thought and he almost laughed. Given the right? Thorn had taken the right, if anyone cared to think about it at all. He had certainly not wanted them joined. But then what did that matter when Thorn himself had decided otherwise. Vernon was a good enough leader to know when to back off of from a fight, especially one that could cause more harm than good. He also knew that the Lady Aura had met her match, Thorn would keep her well in line. Yes, Vernon smiled in smug satisfaction. Thorn would keep her very well controlled.

  Vernon reflected on his current thoughts. In a way, things had worked out better than he had believed possible. He had finally managed to coerce Thorn into getting married, not with the woman he would have chosen for his friend, but then again, as Thorn himself had done the choosing, perhaps it was for the best. By the time he finished mulling the matter over he had convinced himself that he had made the match of the decade and that the two involved should be grateful to him for getting them together.


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