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Aura Page 23

by Abraham, M. A.

  The day after the interview Aura received the list of books that she would need. She spent the entire day shopping for school supplies and checking the items needed off her list. Going back to school was going to be quite an experience after all the time she had spent out of it, but she was looking forward to the challenge. At the end of the day she celebrated her move, by buying herself a new python snake. She called him Sid and dubbed him her mascot and partner in crime.

  Sid had been in a glass case, along with two others like him, when she first saw him. The first snake that the clerk had showed her she had not liked the markings on, the second one she felt uncomfortable with. Sid had seemed, somehow, right. She had wondered how welcome he would be in the dormitory, as she had walked out of the pet store then decided that it would probably not matter as long as she kept him under control. She was going to have a room of her own and could do quite as she pleased. Things would be like they were when she had Roger at the convent. No one said much of anything about him. Unlike her memories of Roger, Sid was a very young snake, barely three feet long, and he had trouble wrapping himself around her torso in a secure fashion. He made her laugh as he twisted about trying to make himself comfortable. Being able to laugh made her feel good.

  Four days after she acquired Sid she moved out of the big house and into her dormitory room. She had heard that her mother was due back and she decided to leave. She spent the three days left to her before classes going through her books and familiarizing herself with her surroundings. The time, and what she did with it, made her feel confident that she would be able to do well for herself.

  Life at the University was nothing like what Aura had ever experienced in boarding schools and in many ways she liked it better. The courses were challenging, the teachers demanding and in some cases even rude in their sarcastic form of snobbery. Aura watched many students who could not seem to keep pace with the work expected from them, fall and crumble under attack.

  In her group two people dropped out within the first six weeks, unable to cope with workload and pressures. That dropped the group she had been placed in from six, to four. They banded together, using her room as a meeting station to get together to study and compare notes. In gender they were equal, two men and two women, and there were others amongst the class who sought her input. Aura soon became the undisputed head of the class. Sid was only a minor distraction. Some disapproved of him, but kept their silence, as long as he was kept under control and as long as she knew his whereabouts.

  Aura found she was happy. She worked hard at her studies and was pleased with her results. She made friends, most of them from her class. No one person in particular caught her eyes, and time seemed to fly for her as she rushed to meet it head-on. She found the days never seemed quite long enough to learn all she felt she needed to know.

  As full and busy as the days were for Aura, the nights crowded in on her like nightmares. In the darkness of the night she was alone, haunted with sensations and glimpses into Thorn's life. She somehow knew that he had been very ill, knew that he had gone to Vernon's in search of her and knew that now, near Christmas, he had made his solitary way to his brother Edwin's to spend the holiday with him and his family. She also knew that if she would have been there the trip would have been unnecessary, for the celebration would have been hosted by them, as Thorn was the head of the family.

  Aura could feel him in his search for her and sometimes, while she dreamed, she could swear she could feel his touch and hear his voice. She doubted if she was in much better shape than he seemed, for the feelings unearthed by the dreams were strong, and stirred a deep yearning in her to be with him. Many times she woke softly calling his name and clutching a pillow, damp with her tears

  Christmas, Aura reflected with a dreary sigh, was wasted on people like her. She had no appreciation for the personal aspects of the season. True, she loved the decorations, music and twinkling lights, but she felt somewhat controlled by it all. She bought gifts for everyone in the family and sent them around to the house a week early then used the rest of her spare time to roam about the shops, buying oddities, pins, needles, cloth, special threads, medical supplies and a kit. Sometimes she found that she would buy something and not even realize that she had done it, until she returned home to see her purchases displayed before her.

  Aura arrived at her home a few days before Christmas with her luggage and Sid, and was greeted cordially by everyone. There was a lot of awkwardness between them, but she had expected that. There were a lot of questions that she refused to answer. They would not have believed her anyway. Most of the time she doubted if they cared, even after all the things that had happened.

  Aura made her way up to her room to shower and change before dinner and found packages of various sizes sitting around waiting to be unpacked. She opened one box to find six queen sized down filled feather blankets that she had bought. Another package revealed threads and patterns. Aura frowned as she surveyed the supplies before her and wondered what she had been thinking of when she had been out shopping.

  It was, without much doubt, too late to return any of the purchases, so she set herself to work, repacking her possessions in a more logical fashion. By the time she finished only a few medium to large sized bundles remained. She then attended to her own person, for if she did not hurry, she would be late for dinner and her mother hated delaying meals. With that in mind she decided it would be for the best if she tried to stay in her mother's good graces. They had not seen each other in at least three and a half years so she figured that shouldn’t be too hard.

  Aura arrived to find there would be only the three of them for dinner, which suited her. They ate most of the meal in silence then her stepfather broke the ice, as he was bored with the strained atmosphere.

  "You have arrived just in time for the Christmas party this evening Aura, which dress do you intend to wear?"

  "If I am permitted to attend I shall wear the black and gold gown. It is more the wintry type." Aura decided.

  She wondered what weather Thorn battled while traveling to Edwin's. She then caught herself in the unconscious musing and sighed as she wondered if she would ever find a way to return to him.

  "I thought you might want to wear the white gown your father bought you when you returned." Her mother spoke, as she attempted to make her daughter feel more like one of them.

  Aura recognized the effort for what it was and smiled as she replied. "Not this time mother, I am not comfortable with the thought of wearing it in public."

  "I understand." Her stepfather replied.

  "How are your studies coming along at the University?" Her mother changed the subject, hoping to find some common ground on which to base a conversation.

  "Quite well actually." Aura responded, warming to the subject. "I find it surprising how many students have left the course and how many more look as if they will not be able to make it."

  "You really like it there?" Her mother sounded surprised. She could not imagine what the attraction was, but then again, she never did understand why her daughter liked the things she did.

  "Yes mother, I like it, and I am happy." Aura spoke with such quiet assurance that there could be no doubting her sincerity.

  "I never believed you were serious about your choice of a career. I could not picture you as a doctor." Her mother admitted and she realized how little she really knew about her daughter.

  "Neither did I at first mother. It was more of a lifetime dream when I was younger. As I got older I feared it might be impossible, that I did not have what it takes, but everything is working out fine. Of course there are times when I question my abilities, but I think everything is going to work out for the best." Aura smiled as if she was pleased with herself.

  "They say there is a lot to read."

  "It is true, but I am through the worst of it. When I am finished I will start on next year's program, if it is allowed."

  "Why the great rush?" Her stepfather asked.

don’t know, there just seems to be." Aura admitted.

  "Did anyone tell you that Veronica is getting married this year?" Her mother asked.

  Aura shook her head as she finished the last of her desert then answered. "You know I have not kept up with the news at home mother. I am the outsider here and I know it. You needn’t bother to deny it. I feel more at home in my dormitory room than I do here. I truly hope Veronica will be happy and you may tell her so for me, if I do not get to see her myself."

  "Well you are apt not to over the holidays. They will visit his grandmother in Scotland. I understand the lady is feeling poorly."

  "Nothing serious I hope?" Aura asked in concern as a servant offered her some sugar for her coffee and she waved him off.

  "A cold, so I understand. Still, at her age it can turn into something serious. Veronica might not have cared one way or the other at one time, now she does. She has changed since you lived with us. I think both girls have. Sara married last year. Did your father tell you that?"

  Aura shook her head as she sipped at her coffee and asked: "Luke?"

  "Yes, it seems they are well suited. I think you could become good friends with them if you wanted to Aura. I think I would like that."

  Aura looked at her mother over the rim of her cup and sighed as she answered: "It is too late for that mother, it is too late for anything." She then put her cup down onto its saucer and rose. "And speaking of getting late I had better go upstairs and change or I shall miss your party. Now that would be a shame, right mother? You always did invite the cream of society if I remember correctly."

  Aura controlled the anger in her voice, making it sound rather nondescript instead of sarcastic then left to change. Her mother would never understand. The harm had been done years ago and now she found she no longer cared, not about anything or anyone. She did not belong here, she realized, she belonged home, with Thorn, her husband.


  Aura was late for the party, which was permissible by anyone's standards. She pulled her hair back off of her face, held it with the gold combs her step father had given her and let it fall in waves past her waist. She walked with a confidence that her stepfather knew had not existed before she had left. He smiled with pride at the woman she had become. The changes he had noted in his stepdaughter added to her charm and he noticed he was not the only one to appreciate her beauty.

  Ryan, Lord Bertram's younger son, stood by his side and watched her with amazement written across his face. Aura’s stepfather smiled in amusement, as the lad's thoughts seemed to change from the topic they had been discussing as he asked.

  "Pardon, but is that Aura?"

  "Aura?" Her stepfather pretended to act as if he had not noticed her from the moment she had entered the room. He made a show of locating her. "Ah, yes. So it is. Would you like to meet her? She is really a charming girl, perhaps a little too solemn at times though."

  "I know," the young man replied. "I see her from time to time at the University hospital. I am into my final year of residency there, but I have never seen her looking like this before."

  "I know what you mean. Usually she has her hair done up in that hideous braid. And before you ask, yes, she does know that it does not suit her."

  "Then why does she wear it that way?"

  "I have no idea, you would have to ask her yourself." With that he waved to catch her attention then motioned her over.

  "Yes father?"

  "Aura, I would like you to meet Ryan, he has been after me to introduce you to him ever since he saw you enter the room."

  Aura turned a light pink, but said nothing of the compliment as she offered Ryan her hand, greeting him with a cool civility as she did. She was not, nor had she ever been, impressed with Ryan Bertram. "How do you do Ryan? You are enjoying my mother's party I hope?"

  "Of course, I always enjoy your parent’s parties. They are good hosts." Ryan replied with practiced charm.

  Aura smiled as she pulled her hand back from his firm grasp and replied. "They will be pleased to hear that you think so."

  Ryan gave her a light frown. Aura looked as if she was going to be difficult and although it might add a little excitement to the chase for some, he preferred more cooperative prey. He moved from the foursome they were creating as his father joined them, pulling Aura along by the hand as he spoke in a polished fashion.

  "I have often seen you at the University and at the hospital. You do not seem to remember me very well though, I am crushed." He tried to look the part and was rewarded with a skeptical frown from Aura.

  "I remember you Ryan. You spend half of your time chasing every presentable nurse on campus. Your reputation is notorious."

  Ryan laughed at that and replied. "So that is what bothers you about me. Might I tell you that after seeing you in your true form no other woman will ever hope to compare?"

  Aura gave him a crooked smile and answered. "You are good Ryan. You must stand in front of your mirror and practice for hours."

  Ryan looked at her in shock as he replied, not even thinking about what he might be saying as he spoke. "Obviously I am still not quite good enough."

  "In that case might I prescribe more practice and all things considered, you are in luck, for there is a whole room full of people for you to practice on. Good luck Ryan." Aura tried to dismiss him. She moved away, leaving him standing alone in the middle of the room with his mouth open. She really was not interested in carrying on a flirtation and certainly not with a Casanova like Ryan Bertram.

  Ryan continued to watch her as she made her way through the crowd. She had made him feel as if he were a servant who had just been dismissed. He was in the midst of mulling all of this over when his brother walked up behind him.

  "Something wrong little brother?" He asked with amused indifference.

  "Yes, no, I mean, I am not quite sure."

  For that bit of uncertainty he was laughed at. "Not susceptible to your charms is she?"

  Ryan did not like that coming from his brother, so, to put him on an equal footing shot out a challenge. "I doubt if you could do any better Derek, although you might enjoy the chase. Delinda might not like you pursuing her though."

  "Delinda and I understand each other very well and she is very sure that a diamond awaits her in the near future. Anyone else in the meantime is just the sowing of wild oats." Derek remarked smugly.

  "And is there a diamond for Delinda in the near future Derek?" Ryan asked.

  "With a bank account of over twenty million I should hope so." Derek replied. He didn’t care how jaded the remark made him sound.

  "Well if you should ever decide otherwise, let me know. I would be more than happy to take your place." Ryan wasn’t joking either. Delinda and her bank account made a very attractive package.

  "You and a million others, but as long as she is in New York visiting her mother over the holidays, I can play for a bit, and not get caught." Derek grinned.

  "Unless I tell." Ryan threatened.

  "With my ring on her finger, and a shot to become the future Lady Bertram, Delinda would forgive me anything. Even Aura." Derek was too sure of his chances to concern himself with the blackmailing attempts of his younger brother.

  Aura had grown tired of the superficial snobbery of the guests very quickly and after taking all she could stand, she made her way out to the small fountain in the gardens. She sat on the side of the collection pond and watched the water as it sprayed over a mermaid. She ran her fingers through the liquid and sighed as she listened to the Christmas music. It wafted across the dead bushes over to where she stood and dreamed and she felt so empty, so alone. She closed her eyes and imagined that she sat beside her love and his arms encircled her to draw her against the great expanse of his muscled chest.

  The scene seemed so real to Aura’s mind that she could almost smell the scent that was part of Thorn’s chemistry. She opened her eyes and forced her mind back to the present. The past was too painful to face at the moment.

nbsp; "Why would you choose to be alone when you could be surrounded by young men who would be more than happy to pay you compliments and make you feel beautiful? You are beautiful you know." Derek’s voice brought Aura’s mind back from her musing.

  Aura looked at the intruder, wishing he would just disappear and sneered. "Perhaps, then perhaps not. This is a matter of opinion I have no wish to discuss with you. I would rather be on my own right now if you do not mind."

  Derek ignored her rudeness as he sat beside her on the rim of the fountain pool and smiled, not willing to be sent away by a mere slip of a girl. Besides, if he left now his bother would never let him live it down. "My name is Derek."

  "I know. You are Ryan's brother." Aura replied.

  "You know Ryan?" He asked, making it sound as if it was news to him.

  Aura gave a sniff and answered: "By reputation everyone on the campus knows Ryan."


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