The Book of Madness and Cures

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The Book of Madness and Cures Page 30

by Regina O'Melveny

  The tides withdrew and returned and twisted at her feet. And I had my own strands in hand as doctor, wife, and mother. Mea, a girl from the mountains, helped us now with the household and the herbs. She taught Damiana the ways of the mountain women, and my daughter proved her talent with the sick animals on which she helped Mea practice her healing.

  The Book of Diseases was finished at last and published this year. While my father could not hold it in his hands, I held it for him, with all the wisdom he had imparted to me and the good measure I had gained on my own. There would also be the pleasure of passing it on to Damiana.

  My mother went to live in Padua with a cousin, for the damp vapors of Venetia brought her many aches in old age and she told me that she’d tired of living on the water. “The earth under my feet will be changeable enough, now that I grow ever closer to it!” she liked to say.

  Hamish taught at university and, though a foreigner, thrived in our serene city. His sentences grew marvelously complete. The guild had finally come to their senses regarding my own art of physick and grudgingly accepted me. There would always be some contention, of course, peppering the air. But it came and went.

  I possessed a jar of healing stones that I’d carried from the deserts of Barbaria, and sometimes I brought out one bezoar or another to heal a patient. Malina had taught me the distinct virtues of snake, goat, and tree bezoars. I’d also purchased from her a rare gray oval bezoar, which she recommended for all distempers of the mind and body, for it came from the belly of a dolphin found on the beach at Messa. Malina believed that all thoughts, having their source as water, could be purified by this concretion. Once, Damiana helped me in this wise, when I visited a young woman incoherent of speech on a hot September afternoon. I didn’t often allow my daughter to come along, for I feared that she might contract some miasma such as occasionally rises in our city and passes in imperceptible particles from one to another. Yet so far she’d been remarkably vigorous as a child, with few ailments.

  Mea also convinced me that my girl was ready after treating various sick cats, lapdogs, hens, and parrots that had fallen ill within our city. She’d even gained something of a reputation. One member of the Council of Ten had called her the Little Animal Doctor and paid her handsomely after she treated his small dog (one of those creatures that have broad ears like the sails of caravels), who appeared to be suffering a palsy of his legs. Her prescription then was simple: “Put him outside, and not in a litter either!” She spoke with all the blunt frankness of her age, which we did not censor. The outcome was good, for the little dog regained his strength and in fact led the distinguished councilor on many a chase across the piazza, which was salutary for the man as well.

  To return to the hot September afternoon, then, and my daughter’s first observance of a human patient: The three of us, Mea, Damiana, and I, took the long ride in the gondola that had been sent for us, to the island of Torcello, where the sufferer, Margarita, lived. I bore the medicine chest and allowed my daughter to carry the bezoars in a strong hempen pouch, the snakestone the size of a black hazelnut, the goatstone a chalky acorn, the tree stone an amber nugget, and the dolphin stone a blue-gray egg. They knocked against each other in conversant tones, which she improvised as we walked up the small dock toward the rather run-down house at the edge of the marsh. “The bezoars say they like it out here, Mamma, because there are more souls in the air! Goat says he’s hungry. Dolphin wants me to wash him in the sea . . .” And she went on like this. The slanted shutters of the house rattled in the breeze, and I noticed that several windows bore no shutters at all, nor were there any windowpanes.

  When we encountered the young woman at the house, she was so restless she couldn’t sit still and chattered constantly. I was able to stop her for a moment and determined she had a low fever.

  I asked the servant of the elderly aunt (for the young woman’s mother had died several years earlier) to brew the inner white willow bark I removed from the chest. Then Mea showed Damiana how to fold a cloth for the young woman’s forehead, for I planned to administer the beneficial tea as both drink and compress. But we had to stop her pacing first.

  Damiana said to her, “Do you want to see my stones, which were got from the bellies of animals and a tree?”

  This stopped Margarita in her tracks. “But you must sit in your chair,” I added, picking up the cue from my smart daughter.

  “There are too many streams in my head that run on and on, rivulets that run down the mountains—but no, now they are stopped by the snow, the incorrigible teeth of ice won’t let them pass . . . they strangle . . .”

  “Sit down here.” I led her to the window. “Close the shutters,” I directed the aunt.

  “There’s too much draft in this house—you must fix the shutters and put in windowpanes.” For though glass was expensive, I knew that the aunt was prosperous (from the friend who’d recommended me to her), but she kept a strict purse, as women without men often did needfully. Then I nodded at Damiana, who came forward with her pouch and set each stone out upon the young woman’s lap, though Margarita’s legs were jumping nervously. Yet again she held still.

  “Hold each stone, then press the one you like against your forehead,” I instructed her. She chose the blue-gray one and pressed its dense shape first to her eyes, then to her temples and forehead.

  “You do it,” she said to me. And so I did, also palming her eyes, head, and shoulders while she cupped the heavy bezoar in her hands.

  “Now drink your tea.”

  But she didn’t want to let go the bezoar, so we just waited with her for a while, Damiana sitting on one side of her and I on the other. At last she passed it to Damiana.

  “Will you come back again?”

  “Yes, we will,” I answered, smiling at my daughter.


  I wholeheartedly want to thank my husband, Bill O’Melveny, who has supported my writing with constancy and love for many years, and my daughter, Adrienne O’Melveny Jaffe, who kept nudging me, saying, “I want to read that story!” I’m grateful to my extraordinary mentors, Jim Krusoe for his boundless generosity and perceptive eye, and Deena Metzger for her abundant encouragement from the very beginning. I’m thankful for the writing group where several of these sections were first written. The following women offered critique and camaraderie: Bronwyn Jones, Elinor Aurthur, Katya Williamson, Bairbre Dowling, Ruth Bochner, and Doris Koenig. Many people have given their support along the way and I thank them—my sister Lisa O’Connor, Cathy Colman, Catherine Halcrow, assistant curator of Biosciences at the National Museum of Science and Industry in London, Rachel Careau, Michelle Latiolais, Carla and Bruce Burman, Joyce Waterman, Irene Rafael, Jill Bonart, Margit Bassler, Jurgen Ladenburger, Jane Alexander Stewart, Jeannette Rasker, Mary Ellen Dorin, Anne Spadone Jacobson, Loretta Sparks, Betty Calame, Alma Luz Villanueva, Brad Kessler, Kate Haake, Eloise Klein Healy, and the community of writers at Antioch University Los Angeles, as well as the remarkable writers in Jim Krusoe’s Wednesday night writing class at Santa Monica College, in particular Dylan Landis, Monona Wali, and Zen Chang.

  My deepest appreciation goes out to my brilliant agent, Dan Lazar, and to my dedicated first editor, Allison McCabe. Many thanks to all at Little, Brown and Company, in particular my wonderful editor Judy Clain, and also Michael Pietsch, Nathan Rostron, Amanda Tobier, Carolyn O’Keefe, Pamela Marshall, Morgan Moroney, Heather Fain, Amanda Brown, Nicole Dewey, Peggy Freudenthal, and Keith Hayes.




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