Point Blank SEAL

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Point Blank SEAL Page 11

by Carol Ericson

  A shriek and the drumming of little feet nearby brought a smile to Miguel’s face. “That’s what Mikey’s going to do—get to know his cousins and play with all their toys. The kids also have a tutor who works with them through the summer. Mikey doesn’t have to miss his preschool, so he won’t get behind.”

  Jennifer flicked her fingers. “Mikey’s not even two. I seriously doubt he’s going to get behind on his colors and shapes. I’m talking about us. What are we going to do?”

  A statuesque brunette swept into the kitchen. “Jennifer! I’m so happy to meet my sister at last—or my almost-sister. I mean my almost-sister-in-law.”

  After this torrent of words, the woman swooped in on Jennifer and gave her a perfume-scented hug. “I’m Gabriela, but you can call me Gabby.”

  Jennifer sealed her lips on the obvious comeback to that nickname.

  Miguel pushed back another chair. “Gabby, this is Jennifer Lynch. Jen, this is my brother’s wife, Gabriela.”

  Gabby took a seat across from Miguel. “I’m so glad to meet you...and Miguel. Rob thinks the world of his brother.”

  “Thank you so much for taking us in on such short notice.”

  “Rob wouldn’t have it any other way, and you’re welcome to stay as long as you like.” Gabby’s gaze bounced to Miguel and then back to Jen’s face, a small crease formed between her sculpted eyebrows.

  Roberto’s wife didn’t have a clue why her husband’s younger brother, his fiancée and their child had dropped in out of the blue, and from the guarded look on her face, she didn’t want to know. Given her husband’s line of work, Gabby probably had years of practice avoiding and denying.

  “The kids will be in the pool later. I hope that’s okay. We’ll have a swim instructor in the pool as well as the nanny.”

  “I’m sure it’s all very safe, but I’d be more comfortable if Mikey waited until I was there.”

  “Of course. I’ll let you know when they’re heading out, and we’ll have lunch by the pool later.” Gabby rapped on the kitchen table. “Finish breakfast first. Let me know if you need anything.”

  “I will, thanks.”

  Gabby blew them both a kiss as she floated out of the kitchen.

  “Whew.” Jennifer pushed away her plate and took a sip of orange juice, sour tasting after the sweet syrup and blueberries. “I don’t understand how that force of nature is content to live in a fortress in the middle of the desert.”

  “I don’t think they’re cooped up here 24/7. They take trips, go on vacations. I believe they have another house somewhere. It’s not as if their lives are under constant threat.”

  “Then I’m glad they were here when we needed them.”

  She started to gather up the plates and Miguel put a hand on her arm. “I think there’s an army of people on staff to take care of mundane things like the dishes.”

  “I suppose.” She continued stacking the dishes. “But it still seems rude to walk away from this mess.”

  “I’m with you there.” Miguel picked up the serving dishes, still brimming with food. “I’m looking forward to playing with Mikey in the pool. Hell, I’m looking forward to playing with Mikey anywhere.”

  “Well, you’re going to have plenty of time to play with him here.”

  “I’ll take those.” Miguel took the plates from her and pivoted toward the kitchen.

  Gracie materialized again on silent feet. “Leave them, senor. We will take care of all.”

  “Thank you.” Crossing his arms, Miguel wedged his good hip against the kitchen island. “Do you want to take a tour of the house?”

  “You mean like of all the bedrooms and bathrooms and the music room and the screening room?” Jennifer rolled her eyes. “I’ll take a pass.”

  “Actually—” he took her arm and pulled her out of the kitchen “—I mean of the guard tower, the surveillance equipment and the weapons cache.”

  “Oh.” She widened her eyes. “That’s more like it. Is Roberto going to show us around?”

  “Roberto’s busy. His head security guy is going to do the honors. He’s meeting us at the foot of the staircase in a few minutes.”

  “I take it Gabby doesn’t exactly know why we’re here.”

  “She doesn’t and Roberto doesn’t want her to know anything.”

  “Seems to be a common state of affairs for her.”

  “It’s safer. Roberto is just protecting his wife.” Miguel’s jaw tightened. “If you hadn’t been targeted already, I never would’ve told you what was happening, never would’ve involved you in this craziness.”

  She reached up and cupped his tense jaw with one hand. “I’m not Gabby. I want to know what’s going on.”

  Miguel took her hand and led her to the stairs.

  They ran into a burly security guard in dark slacks, crisp white shirt and a holstered gun strapped across his body.

  He cleared his throat. “I’m Vin. You folks ready?”

  Jennifer squared her shoulders as she faced the big man. “Show us everything, Vin.”

  And he did. The tour of the house’s security took just over an hour. Miguel asked enough questions to take over Vin’s job at the end of the tour.

  Roberto had not only instituted the physical security of his compound, but its cyber security, as well—blind IP addresses, anonymous email accounts, a private server—the house had it all. Nothing that came in or out of the house was traceable.

  At the end of the tour, Miguel shook Vin’s hand. “Impressive. I hope Roberto gives his clients this same tour. They’d trust him with anything if he did.”

  “He does and they do.” Vin glanced at his phone. “Mrs. Eastwood is ready for you at the pool.”

  “Tell her we’ll be right there.” Jennifer held out her hand. “Thanks for the tour.”

  When Vin left them at the staircase, Miguel gestured to his shorts. “I’m ready. Do you have a swimsuit?”

  “I did throw one in. You go ahead and keep an eye on Mikey at all times.” She tugged on the back of his T-shirt. “How’s your hip? You probably shouldn’t get those stitches wet.”

  “I’ll be on the sidelines, but I’ll watch Mikey.” He gave her a chaste peck on the forehead. “Take your time.”

  When he turned, Jennifer dashed up the stairs. She had no intention of taking her time, not that she didn’t trust Miguel to watch Mikey. Pools and toddlers struck fear into her heart, no matter how many lifeguards, nannies or even daddies were out there.

  She dug her bikini out of her suitcase and pulled it on, followed by the shorts she’d put on that morning.

  She’d seen the pool shimmering in the moonlight last night from the sliding glass doors in the great room and hurried back downstairs.

  Stepping outside, she released a pent-up breath when she saw Mikey sitting next to Miguel on the side of the pool, its blue water lapping gently against the sides, devoid of people.

  Gabby waved from a chaise longue when she saw Jennifer step onto the patio. “I knew you didn’t want Mikey in the pool without you here, so I made the kids wait to get in.”

  “How thoughtful of you. Thanks.”

  Gabby’s full lips twitched. “Not all that thoughtful. I know how toddlers can get and I didn’t want a meltdown on the pool deck.”

  “Mommy, Mommy. Pool?” Mikey grabbed her around the legs and pointed to the water.

  “Of course.” Jennifer shimmied out of her shorts. “Where’d you get the swim trunks?”


  Gabby lifted a lemonade off a passing tray. “I hope you don’t mind. He’s wearing some of Bobby’s old trunks and a swim diaper.”

  “Thanks.” Gabby thought of everything. Her husband might be a fixer, but she was clearly the fixer on the home front.

  Holding Mikey’s h
and, Jennifer walked to the edge of the pool and sloshed down the wide steps into the cool water, leaving Mikey with his toes curled over the lip of the pool, his arms outstretched.

  Jennifer turned to face him. “Are you ready?”

  Mikey jumped into the pool and Jennifer caught him beneath the water.

  Miguel clapped on the sidelines as he settled on the pool’s edge, hanging his legs into the water. “Good job, Mikey.”

  Jennifer dog-paddled across the pool, towing Mikey along and then played retriever while he hung on to Miguel’s legs until Miguel kicked his legs out and Mikey let go.

  After about the tenth time, Miguel asked, “Will he ever get tired of this?”

  “Maybe after another ten times.”

  Roberto’s son Bobby floated past on an air mattress, with the private lifeguard pulling him along.

  Mikey pointed and splashed.

  The lifeguard stopped. “Can he hop on for a ride?”

  “Okay.” Jennifer held on to Mikey as he floated to the air mattress on his back. Then she put him on top. “Stay on top. He’s taking you to the deep end.”

  She joined Miguel at the side of the pool, hooking her arms along the edge and kicking her feet in front of her as she watched Mikey playing. “This is nice, but I don’t know how long we can stay here.”

  “As long as we need to.”

  After playing in the pool for another hour, wiggling his toes in the hot tub and eating lunch, Mikey curled up and fell asleep under the shade of an umbrella.

  Gabby waved at Julie, the nanny. “Mikey needs to go inside for his nap, Julie. It’s too hot out here for him to be sleeping, even in the shade.”

  Miguel broke away from his brother, who’d come down to the pool for lunch. “I’ll carry him inside.”

  Jennifer sipped her lemonade and closed her eyes. This parenting gig was a lot easier with a second body to share the load. Now if they could only settle into some normalcy, even if that meant Miguel getting deployed again. That kind of separation she could endure because she’d done it before.

  She must’ve dozed off in the sun. Her eyes flew open when Miguel sat on the edge of her chaise longue. She blinked behind her sunglasses and surveyed the quiet patio. The kids had all packed it up and must’ve followed Mikey inside for naps.

  Roberto looked up from his laptop. “I told Miguel he’d better wake you. This sun is unforgiving, especially reflecting off the water and the pavers.”

  Jennifer laced her fingers and stretched her arms in front of her. “Impressive fortress you have here, Roberto.”

  “Impenetrable. You’ll be safe here, Jennifer.”

  “And Mikey, too.” Gabby tossed her magazine to the side. “Maybe we’ll even take a little getaway with the kids and by the time we return Miguel will be back.”

  Roberto made a sharp movement, and Miguel shifted his position on the chaise longue.

  Wings fluttered in Jennifer’s belly. “Be back? Where would Miguel be going?”

  “Oh.” Gabby swung her long legs off the chaise longue. “I thought... Oops, I have to feed the baby.”

  The fluttering had reached Jennifer’s chest. “Miguel? What did Gabby mean?”

  Roberto snapped his laptop shut and pushed back his chair. “This is a discussion for the two of you.”

  Jennifer watched Roberto duck into the house before turning to Miguel, her jaw tight. “What’s this discussion we need to have? Where are you going?”

  “Jen, I can’t just sit here waiting. I need to find out who infiltrated the agency. I need to clear my name.”

  “And what am I supposed to do?”

  “You’re going to stay here—with Mikey. I’m not going to put you in danger—not anymore.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “The hell I am, Miguel Estrada. You’re not going to shut me out any more than you already have.”

  Miguel met Jennifer’s blazing blue eyes with an unflinching stare even though her anger sizzled between them, hotter than the desert sun. Why did he think there was ever going to be a good time to tell her she was staying behind?

  “That’s crazy, Jennifer. I haven’t shut you out at all.”

  The way her cheeks flushed as her eyes flashed fire made his stomach dip. She hadn’t missed his reluctance to get physically close to her. Had he really fooled himself that she hadn’t noticed? Especially given the way things used to be between them.

  She flicked back her damp hair. “Whatever. You can keep your secrets if you like, but you’re not leaving me here. I just got you back. I’m not letting you go.”

  “Think of it as a mission or deployment.” He squeezed the back of his neck where his tense muscles bunched.

  “I would, and you know I understand your job, but you’re Stateside now and I’m with you and just as involved as you are.”

  “What about Mikey?”

  “You and Roberto’s head security guy just spent over an hour selling me on the safety of this place. Gabby and her cadre of household help, including the private tutor, nanny and lifeguard, will be able to keep Mikey safe—a lot safer than he would be out there.” She flung out one hand toward the high wall that encircled the house and grounds.

  “So would you be.” Miguel hunched forward, resting his forearms on his knees.

  “I can’t believe you’d even consider leaving me behind, Miguel. I thought you knew me better than that.”

  “I know you’re stubborn.” He locked his fingers together and blew out a breath. “This is different from that other stuff.”

  “Is it, really? You once broke it off with me because of some misguided belief that you could protect me from your family—the very family we’re staying with now, I might add. You almost broke it off with me again when you went overseas for your first deployment.” She leaned forward and cinched both of his wrists with her fingers. “When are you going to get it that we’re in this together? I’m here for the long haul. I’m not going to run off like your mother did—besides, the circumstances are totally different. Your mom was escaping from the criminal activity of your father, not from the idea of standing beside him.”

  “My mother...”

  “Your mother had good reason to bail, but you’re not a criminal like your father. Let me be there.” The pressure of her grip increased until her fingers were biting down to the bones of his wrist. “You need me, Miguel. Don’t think I haven’t noticed.”

  He yanked his arms from her grasp, his mouth dry. “Noticed what?”

  “C’mon, Miguel. You barely sleep. When you do, you have night sweats. I’ve seen your hands tremble, even though you try to cover it. And you—” she jumped up from the chaise longue “—you’re not interested in making love to me.”

  Miguel closed his eyes against the bright sun. “It’s not that I don’t want to, Jen.”

  “I know.” She dipped down and dragged one foot in the water. “You were a prisoner of war. Your captors tortured you, did things to you that you don’t want to reveal to me, but you have more than physical scars, Miguel. The enemy scarred your psyche, too. You’re not ready to be out there on your own. You need my help.”

  He collapsed in his chaise longue. He’d always wanted to be there for Jennifer, be her protector as his father never was for his mother. Now he felt like a failure—just like his father. “You see me as weak.”

  Her flip-flops slapped against the pavers as she marched toward him. “You’re the strongest man I know, but it’s not some fake macho strength you possess. It’s the kind of steel that runs bone-deep—the kind that allows you to withstand months of torture without breaking. The kind that demands you escape from comfort and security once you realize there’s a price to pay for that security. The kind that launches you into action to protect your son when you’ve been a father a mere few days.�
�� She perched beside him and took his face in her hands. “But you need the strength now to recognize that I can help you.”

  He swallowed. “What if I can’t protect you out there, Jen?”

  Dropping her hands from his face, she tipped her head back and laughed. “Because you’ve done such a bad job of it so far? You rescued Mikey from a burning room. You saved him from a kidnapper. You dragged me away from an exploding car. And you vanquished a villain in a ball pool. I’d say you’re batting a thousand, slugger.”

  He scratched at his beard for a minute. “You’ll need a fake ID.”

  “Now you’re making sense.” Jennifer sat at his feet, crossing her legs beneath her. “Roberto can handle that, can’t he?”

  “He’s handling it for me, someone he has on retainer.”

  “Where are we going first?”

  Jennifer had been right. He needed someone to have his back if he hoped to root out the mole. Besides his sniper teammates, he couldn’t think of anyone he trusted more than Jennifer. He could still protect her even if she came along for the ride.

  “We’re going back to the debriefing center in Maryland.” He placed his whole hand on top of her head. “But you’d better listen to me, follow my lead and do what I tell you when I tell you.”

  She twisted her head around and saluted. “Of course. I trust you to keep me safe, but you have to trust me to keep you safe. If I see you’re pushing yourself or if your health falters, then it’s your turn to listen to me.”

  He saluted back. “It’s a deal.”

  “Has Roberto already contacted someone about an alternate ID for you?”

  “She’s coming tonight.”


  “Roberto claims she’s an artist—ID, fake documents, creates a whole new identity.”

  “We’d better let Roberto know she’ll be creating two.”

  Later that evening, after a dinner with enough Italian food to feed an army, Jennifer sat on the edge of Mikey’s bed while Miguel read his son a story.


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