A Werewolf's Saga Books 4, 5, & 6 (A Werewolf's Saga Boxed Sets Book 2)

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A Werewolf's Saga Books 4, 5, & 6 (A Werewolf's Saga Boxed Sets Book 2) Page 19

by Michael Lampman

  They gathered around her. One held her from behind her. Some stepped in front of her and hence in front of him.

  “Who in the fuck are you people?” He sounded rather calm, all considering. He just didn’t know what else to say. He watched another man, this one he could see his face, walk in front of the others and in front of Rachel. This man looked like he was in his mid-sixties. He had gray hair on the sides of his head. His face looked almost pure white and his eyes sparkled like the finest rubies ever found in the world. Jimmy watched him intently. “Who the hell are you?”

  “That was quite a good show, if I do say so myself Mister Walls.” He stood there with his arms just in front of him. He was even holding them in place by clasping one wrist with the other hand. “I hope you enjoyed are little game?” He smiled showing his two large fangs protruding from his upper teeth. “The name is Vincent. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you for a while now.” The smile vanished from his face as fast as he made it.

  “You’re Vincent?” Jimmy felt his heart flinch. True fear raged through it and into his stomach. It made him feel nauseous and nearly ill.

  “Oh yes. And I know who you are Mister Walls.” He bowed his head some, and then lifted it again. “Or should I call you Kalima?” He smiled again, and like the one before it, removed it just as fast.

  Jimmy looked from this man’s deep red eyes and over to Rachel. He saw the terror in her face. “Let her go. You can have me. You can do whatever you want with me without resistance. I’ll go willingly.” He swallowed several times. Inside, he could feel Kalima almost stir some. He just wished he knew what the hell that even meant.

  Vincent chuckled some. “My dear boy.” Like the smiles, the sound didn’t last. “You should stop being so vain. This actually has nothing to do with you.”

  Now fear really gripped his chest. “Why do you want her?”

  “I don’t actually. But my master does.”

  “Why? What is all of this fucking about?” Again, Kalima stirred. Jimmy could feel him moving, almost struggling. It felt like he did on the full moons. It felt like he wanted out. He wanted to come. He wanted to be free.

  “The old ways Mister Walls. It’s always been about bringing them back.”

  Jimmy thought hard. He knew he had to say something. He had to get time. He had to have it if the others were coming to help him. It was just so hard to do it with Kalima ready to pounce. “You know you’ll never be able to fight the humans. They are stronger than you will ever be. Hell, they can nuke the whole planet if they want to.” God I hope this works. I hope he stays.

  Again, Vincent laughed, low and ebbing, and stopped it just as fast. “They are not coming Mister Walls. There is no one left to come and help you.”

  Jimmy blinked. He felt himself go numb all over. Suddenly he felt completely ashamed.

  “Do you really think the humans are that big of a threat? Pity…I hoped you would have grown from what he was. But, I guess not.” He bowed his head ever so slightly. “You see Mister Walls, the war has already begun. I like to think of it as a giant chess game.” He paused briefly. “Do you play chess?”

  Jimmy nodded. He has played the game before, but it’s been awhile at that.

  “Good. You see, in chess, the best way to play is by putting your pieces in the right place, and when they are, you strike. This is no different. And the pieces are nearly ready. The strike is coming soon.” He turned from him and looked back to the others with him. “Now if you would excuse me Mister Walls, I really must be going. My master is very much interested in seeing this fine young woman again, because of course; the queen is the most power piece on the board.”

  Jimmy watched him vanish into the mass of the others. He watched Rachel likewise disappear. All he could see was black. All he could hear was her screaming, but only for an instant.

  Two men pulled her down the hallway, dragging her from behind. “Jimmy!” She could manage only one scream before something soft covered her mouth. Once it was there, all she heard was a muffled moan. That scared her some, but when something was pulled over her head, and everything went completely dark, she really lost it. She tried to fight them. She kicked and clawed. However, it all seemed hopeless. They held her so tightly. They had her so firmly that she could do nothing. Hell, she could barely move at all.

  Jimmy let Kalima come. He didn’t hesitate to let him force his mind aside.

  His body instantly began to burn. It began to crack as his eyes flared with a deep yellow that looked bright with his blackening skin around them. Hair pushed out from every corner of his skin.

  The men there didn’t let him get that far into the change. They came at him with the swords. They swung them at him like pros, spinning them into huge arced circles in front of them. One came at his arm, as it just turned black.

  He felt the burn. He felt the pain and his blood as it oozed out of his arm as the blade sliced a gash through his flesh. When he yelped, the scream sounded more human than it ever did.

  He swung back, managed to grab the person’s arm at the elbow, turned them and lifted them up as his feet pushed out to paws. He pulled them to his face as his snout pushed out. He meant to bite. He meant to rip their throat out, but something, something that could only be another blade, swiped across the small of his back. With the pain flaring through it and up to his shoulders, he instead threw the person to his right.

  They flipped once when they crashed through the wall. Sheetrock and debris flew everywhere with the hole they made.

  He turned back to whoever cut him from behind. That’s when another blade came at his face. This time, being twice his normal size, the blade swiped across his chest. His blood splattered some throughout his hair. The burning the blade caused seemed worse.

  He swung again, moved right, and then moved left. Blades swung all around him. He used his massive arms, swinging in front of him, trying to deflect them from his body. Several times, the blades crossed his arms. Each one cut long deep slashes through his forearms and hands. But at least, they weren’t striking his chest. They weren’t doing any damage to his body. He swung hard with every blow they made.

  He roared. The sound carried through the narrowness of the hallway and seemed to shake the very ground that held the building up.


  Brandon stepped behind Samantha.

  She felt him standing there and turned.

  He gave her a simple grin. “Hi sweet-cheeks.” He showed his fangs. His eyes glowed with a deep and powerful red. He swung up with both hands, and the motion impacted her just under her chin.

  She flew up off her feet. The pain felt immense as his balled hands crashed her bottom teeth up into her top.

  With her still in the air, he brought his left hand up and using it, he struck her chest hard.

  The blow pushed her entire body right. She flew back, hitting the wall of the building just as hard. Her momentum stopped, and she slid down the wall to the pavement below her and fell into a seated position.

  Brandon watched her fall. He felt better than ever. Feeding on that last man did him more wonder than he ever thought it would have done.

  Sasha fully formed and as powerful as ever, watched the woman as she flew through the air and impacted the wall. She tilted her head to the left as she did it.

  Robert looked on, seeing the two wolves move fast. They swung in, coming towards each other and charged at Brandon’s sides. He didn’t see them until they pinned him between them and threw him hard backwards with the impact.

  Sasha saw this and roared out a loud and echoing call.

  Samantha picked herself up off the ground. She watched the wolves attack the nightwalker, and looked back to the black wolf standing at the entrance to the alley. The wolf wasn’t watching her, and she knew that small fact gave her the chance to strike it. She flung herself forward. She brought the animal inside of her out. Her wings formed fast as she jumped.

  Sasha only noticed the wings. She turned and that’s when
she saw the bat like face charging right at her own. The animal tackled her hard. She lost her balance, and their combined motion pushed her off her feet and she fell hard to the pavement on her butt.

  She clawed her twin fingers down across the black wolf’s chest.

  She yelped, enduring the pain the cuts caused her. She tried hard to use her clawed hands to grab the wings. It seemed very hard to do. She was flapping them so chaotically that she couldn’t get them at all. She wouldn’t give up. She couldn’t. She kept trying with everything she had.

  Robert watched everything with small wonder, but it wasn’t what was on his mind. He had to find Rachel. He had to help her and Jimmy before it was too late. But first, he had to find where they were. He settled his mind. He looked for her out in the night. Slowly he could feel her. He could smell her. But instantly, he noticed that he couldn’t see through her eyes. She saw nothing but black. She saw nothing but dark. He could feel something covering her head. He even felt something covering her mouth. No! He could feel her legs being dragged. He could feel two sets of hands under her arms. They’ve got her already. My God, they already have her. He looked to the windows. He looked to the walls. He couldn’t follow her. He couldn’t find her. With it all, he screamed, “NO!”

  The two wolves fighting Brandon both looked to the scream.

  Brandon did too, but at the same time, he noticed them doing the same thing he was, and took his chance. He grabbed both of them by their respective throats. Holding them, and lifting them up and off him, he squeezed.

  The two wolves yelped with the sound of death. They yelped with all the pain in the world.

  He squeezed until he felt their necks crack.

  The hair across their bodies slid back through their skin. Their doglike faces turned back to a woman’s normal looking face, and the other a man’s. They stopped moving at the exact same time they changed back.

  Seeing that, Brandon let them go.

  Their bodies hit the pavement hard at his feet. The sound of it, echoed hard around the enclosed area like a thud.

  Samantha also turned to the scream.

  So did Sasha.

  Samantha also noticed her two wolves being killed. Watching them fall, she looked back to Brandon and realized with terror gripping her heart that she was now alone. She looked back to the black wolf, and with everything she had, pushed her wings up. With the wind beneath her, she cast herself into the air.

  Sasha noticed her take off, and swung a massive arm after her feet. She missed them just barely. She bellowed her lack of impact as she watched her disappear over the building over her head.

  Brandon heard Sasha’s roar and turned to her, watching the bat chick take off over the building ahead of him. He sighed, disappointed, but at the same time feeling comfortable that they won the fight.

  Robert turned back around with tears now rolling down both side of his face. “She’s gone. They have her.” He winced.

  Sasha allowed her human form to come back.

  Brandon felt nothing but disbelieve.

  The three of them stood there helpless with what to do next.


  Another shiny blade came at his side. Seeing it, he managed to take a step back, and it just barely missed him. The narrowness of the hallway was helping him. It made it hard for those with the swords to find a steady target. It made it difficult for them to work together. That gave him some of an advantage. He only needed to take on one or two of them at a time, but it also made it difficult for him to fight them. He had to get to Rachel, and knowing that, he had to get through them first.

  He grabbed at the arm of the sword that flew by his side. He took the wrist, and pulled it to his right. He flung the arm, and the person that it belonged to, again at the wall to his right. Another hole shattered through it with a crash, as yet another sword swung in at his right.

  This time it struck him, piercing his right hip, running straight through him and out through his back.

  He yelped out a low bellowing sigh. The pain, and the instinct to back away, forced him back in through a doorway behind him. He was now in an empty office, and watched as three more people came at the door in front of him. He roared with the pain. He bellowed the hurt out with one giant gust of heat. Another sword glistened in his eyes as it crossed just below his chin. It came in point first, and this time, he felt it plunge straight into the center of his chest.

  The pain of a sharpness burning raced through his chest and continued straight through his back. He could feel its steel flare through his lungs. He could feel the metal imbed through his very heart. He stepped back as he screamed a low shattering roar. He looked down, and saw the handle just under his chin. He reached up with both arms, and with his hands, wrapped them around it. He looked back from it and back towards the door. One of the men, most likely the one who struck home with the sword spun and kicked his stomach with a full powered swing.

  The impact caused him to fall back. The window behind him, the only one in the room, didn’t—couldn’t contain his mass and he fell through it, shattering it around and behind him, as he went through it.

  He fell from the floor. He fell from the building through the air.

  He truly felt nothing as he saw Kalima’s eyes fade back and his own came forward again.


  Robert heard the sounds of the roar. Sasha heard the shattering of the glass. Brandon saw a black mass crash out through the window three floors up from where they all stood.

  They watched as the black mass turned pale. They watched this huge magnificent animal turn back to a human shape.

  Pieces of glass came down to their feet first. The body came next.

  They watched, gasping, terrorized, as Jimmy fell directly between them. The sound his body made when it impacted the pavement sounded lifeless as it thudded with a loud hollow bang.

  “Jimmy!” Sasha didn’t wait to rush him. She flew herself to her knees. She rushed her hands to the object she noticed sticking out through the center of his chest. It looked like the hilt of a sword or a knife. She grabbed what looked like the handle of it and pulled. It burned her hands. She screamed with the pain the burning gave her, but she did manage to pull it out.

  Brandon rushed to his friend’s side and also slid to his knees. He watched as Sasha pulled out what looked like a long silver looking sword. He gasped seeing it. He knew what silver meant. No werewolf could ever survive a silver blade to his chest. Thinking that, feeling it, knowing it, he bowed his head as he looked back up to Sasha’s face and saw tears in both of her eyes. He felt his eyes now do the same thing as the thought of what happened glistened over him.

  Robert knelt down just behind Brandon. He looked at the sword, and could see that it was in fact silver. With that knowledge, he took a deep breath as he watched Sasha toss the sword behind her. With everything, he couldn’t believe it. Without the black wolf, the first of his kind, the most powerful that ever existed; he knew they didn’t have a chance to win this fight. He knew that everything would be over with before it ever started.

  With the sword gone, and her hands still burning from touching it, Sasha reached under Jimmy’s chin and lifted his head up. His eyes were closed, but she also saw something else. She could see them move some under their lids. “He’s still alive?” She almost couldn’t believe what she even said. Nothing seemed real. “Robert, Brandon…he’s still breathing.” She looked up, watching Jimmy’s chest rise and fall. I must have pulled out the sword before it killed him. There’s no other reason for it.

  Robert heard her and felt completely shocked. “That can’t be. He was stabbed through the chest with silver. He should be dead.” He looked down at his chest. He realized it was still moving. He could even feel his heart still beating. With it all, hope replaced every other feeling he just had. Shock replaced the hope.

  “He’s not. He’s not.” Sasha bent in and touched her forehead to Jimmy’s and embraced him with a tear-filled embrace.

  Brandon cr
ied some. He too couldn’t believe what he saw, but didn’t quite care. Jimmy was still alive. He was actually still alive and nothing else right at that moment mattered. All he could do was take a deep breath and take it all in—his tears, his friend’s life—everything.


  The trees felt wonderful as he moved around them. A heavy looking mist was in the air. A slight breeze caressed his face. It felt cold against his bare skin, but it also felt nice. Out within them, just ahead of him, he could see a flame burning in the dark. An orange colored glow warmed the night.

  Seeing it, moving towards it, he recognized everything. I’ve been here before. Jimmy walked towards the orange light. He moved but didn’t feel his legs or feet beneath him. This all looks so familiar. This place all looks the same.

  He came to a small clearing in the trees. A circular ring of trees surrounded the clearing. In the center of the circle a fire burned, warming the air with gentle warmth. He looked out from the flame, and noticed that he wasn’t alone at the fire. A man was standing across from it and him. A shape, he could barely make out because of the height of the flames.

  “Who are you?” He stepped to the side of the campfire. He turned, looking around the flames, trying to see the man that was with him. At first, he thought it was Kenny again. He remembered the dream he had after being shot in the barn, so this had to be him. This had to be the same fire he saw burning that night. Is this a dream? Is this real?

  “Hello Jimmy…Jimmy Walls.” A gentle sounding male voice came from the shape.

  He moved to his left, trying to walk around the fire, and again, tried to see the man’s face. Every time he moved towards him, around the fire, the shape moved with him. It kept to the other side of the flames. He couldn’t reach it long enough to see who it was.


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