A Werewolf's Saga Books 4, 5, & 6 (A Werewolf's Saga Boxed Sets Book 2)

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A Werewolf's Saga Books 4, 5, & 6 (A Werewolf's Saga Boxed Sets Book 2) Page 31

by Michael Lampman

Dorna’s face turned solemn quickly. It also looked serious too. “Why have we been called here Vincent? The message I was given said nothing as to the reasons for the journey.” He turned slightly to his right to one of his female guards. “Please make sure that my room is ready my dear.” He smiled to her.

  Vincent watched her leave them. He then turned back to his mission at hand. “Sharlia had decided to call the meeting. I am afraid that she is the only one to answer your questions.” He kept the smile. He kept himself focused.

  The look of a dumbfounded confusion crossed Dorna’s eyes. It also looked perturbed some too. “I believe that she said that this was important. I was hoping that you would know of the reason for it.” He now looked almost longingly now. “Fall is coming to the Alps and I was so hoping to feel the coolness before the snow arrives.”

  Vincent’s smile faded. “All I do know is what I know of her and her—well—ideas.” He bowed his eyes some, playing his part. So far, he felt that he was playing his part well. He might have always hated politics but he did know how to play them. He also knew the elders well.

  “Ah.” Dorna nodded. “Her religious beliefs you mean?” His face turned into something that was close to a scowl.

  Vincent nodded, bringing his eyes back up. “She can be strong with them my lord. She has always been only what she is.” He gave him a laugh after saying what he did. It seemed appropriate to do it so he did it well.

  Dorna nodded. “Well…” He saw his woman guard returning to them and with her back again, it was time to rest before the meeting began. The sun would be coming up soon as well. “At least we know that the meeting will be brief.” He smiled, trying his version of a laugh, which sounded awkward, he was never good at such things, and stopped it suddenly before anyone else realized what it was.

  “Of course it will be.” Vincent did his laugh, and felt pleased by the sounds of it. He nodded to himself. He saw the woman nightwalker had indeed returned.

  Dorna nodded, turned with his followers, and left the lobby.

  Vincent watched them leave. Doubt has now been installed. Now all I must do is wait for the meeting to begin. He nodded to himself again, and turned, seeing someone familiar now coming through the front doors. Knowing, seeing Amanda, the spy he installed up north with the human Richard Ross, instantly made him worried. Seeing that she looked disheveled with her clothes looking somewhat dirty only added to the feeling.

  She came in and he met her at the door.

  “My lord?” She bowed her head.

  “You are supposed to be somewhere else, are you not my dear?” He took her by the right arm and led her back outside. He couldn’t risk Dorna, or anyone else for that matter, to see her there, and worse yet, hear anything that she said. Once they were back on the sidewalk, and away from the doors, he let her begin.

  “I am sorry my lord but I had to leave. I had to come and see you.” Her voice trembled some. She didn’t know how he would take what she had to say.

  He understood it. How dare she disobey me like this? “What is it my dear?” He kept his voice calm, sounding rather caring but he was neither. He played other games just as well.

  “The black wolf…he came to the labs. He and his clan attacked us.”

  Hearing this, he no longer felt safe being where they were, so quickly he grabbed her arm again and this time; he flew with her down the side of the street to an alleyway that ran along the side of the hotel. There and completely out of earshot of anyone, he began. “He attacked you?”

  She gasped with his strength as he pulled her there. Now standing still again, she took a deep breath. “He…” The breath didn’t help. She now felt even more afraid than she already was. “…he attacked the labs.”

  He bowed his eyes. “Did he find the others my dear? Did he find the human?” He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. If what he feared was true, than all of this may be lost. They had to keep to the plan. There was no other way around it. A failure would not sit well with Devish at all. He feared such things. He feared what he would, and could, do to him.

  “He did take the human Ross. He has him now.”

  Hearing this, he couldn’t contain himself. At least outwardly, for her, he kept calm. He kept relaxed. “I see my dear Amanda.” He turned from her and moved away thinking. If he finds out what we were doing there, he may stop what he did before. If he does, he may not come as planned. I am going to have to tell this to my lord Devish and see what he wants to do. He must know about this. He must speak what he wants to do next. Knowing Devish as he did, he felt sure that he probably already knew. Reading one’s thoughts came so easy for his master.

  She watched him turn from her and now had tears in her eyes. She hated the fact that she had let him down. “I am so sorry my lord. I was no match for the black wolf. I thought it better to come here and warn you of what happened, so I did before he could destroy me.”

  “It is all right my dear.” He turned back to her, concluded with what he now had to do. He walked up to her and took both sides of her head with both palms of his hands. “I am pleased that you were able to escape that animal. I am thankful that you were able to inform me of what happened.” He smiled.

  Seeing him to this, hearing the kindness in his voice, it made her smile. It pleased her that she was able to help him even while failing.

  He leaned in and kissed her forehead with a gentle embrace. Inside, his fight to keep contained instantly failed the moment his lips touched her skin. With one swift motion, he twisted her head. In another swift motion her head came off. Her blood sprayed as her body fell to his feet.

  He kept her head in his hands and stared into her now lifeless eyes. “I am sorry as well my dear, but you should have stayed and died there instead of fleeing like that.” He gave her a smile. He then dropped her head back to her body. He now turned, and walked back to the sidewalk at the front of the hotel.

  His driver, standing by his car, saw the blood sprayed all over his master’s face. Fearing what it meant, he left the car and joined his master by the mouth of the alleyway. “My lord?”

  Vincent sighed. “We need to have something cleaned up in the alley my dear boy. Please call someone to take care of it will you?” He walked to the car. “I need to get back to the house. You can call them on the way.” He opened the back door and climbed inside.

  The driver, a young looking man, could only nod. He quickly ran around the hood of the car and climbed behind the wheel.

  They drove off and headed back to Devish. How he was going to take the news was the only thing now on Vincent’s mind.


  Brandon and Sasha took the time to gather the eight guards they took out in the attack and brought them together in the lobby. They sat them down on the floor right by the stairs. Sasha strapped their hands together and bound their feet with straps that she found them carrying. Finished, she stood back up. “Well, what would you like to do with them?” She turned to Jimmy.

  Jimmy brought Ross with him and sat him down on the steps of the stairs. “We should lock them up in the cages in the room where I used to stay in. That seems like a fitting place for them.” He nodded. A smile followed it. “I can think of no better place for them then where they kept me locked up. They deserve only the best.”

  Sasha nodded. “And where it that?” She had no idea. She’d never been in this place before.

  Jimmy nodded. “I’ll show you the room.” He turned to Ross.

  Ross listened and shook his head. “They don’t belong in there Mister Walls.” He stressed his voice.

  Jimmy heard him clearly. “Like I did?” His anger began building up again.

  Robert stood by the back fender of the car and what he heard made him stand to attention. Not for what Ross said but for something else. He heard it in his voice. “What’s in the room?” he asked. It told him that he was hiding something. He felt the worry flare through his thoughts the very moment that he heard something about the room.

  Ross lo
oked up towards Robert and shook his head. “Nothing.” He suddenly felt somewhat exposed and he did know why—or at least he had an idea. They must not see what’s in there. They won’t understand it. They would never understand what we were trying to do, and forced to do too.

  Feeling his thoughts again, Robert couldn’t hear what people were thinking but he could feel their emotions. He knew that something was there and it was something that he didn’t want them to see. “You’re hiding something about that room. I can feel your fear about what we might think about it. What are you hiding?”

  Ross felt more exposed than ever. “I told you that it’s nothing.” He blinked several times.

  Jimmy listened and felt Ross’ heart pick up its pace. He could feel his body also tense up. “He’s right.” He stepped directly in front of him, and looked into his eyes. “You’re hiding something in the room.” He knelt down. He could smell him beginning to sweat. “What’s in there?” He took another deep breath and could smell his fear. It also smelled like concern. “You might as well tell us. We’re going to find out, one way or the other.”

  Ross blinked again. He lowered his head.

  Jimmy had enough. He reached out with his right hand and took Ross’ left wrist into his hand. “You’re going to tell is, whether you want to or not.” He squeezed, building up the pressure slowly, but yet firmly, until he could feel the bone in his wrist. He could feel his flesh as it buried into the bone.

  The pressure built up until it now became an agonizing pain. Ross began to moan from it. He began to scream.

  Brandon watched this and suddenly began to feel afraid. He’d never seen Jimmy show this side of him before and he began to worry for his friend because of it. It wasn’t like him to do such a thing. “Jimmy? You don’t have to hurt him dude. He’s not worth it.” He walked to his friend’s right side.

  Seeing what he was doing, Jimmy suddenly felt the same thing, and fearing it, fearing himself, he let go.

  Ross immediately coddled his left hand into his right as the pain thankfully and slowly faded away when it was free.

  Robert stepped to Jimmy’s left. He put his right hand on his shoulder. “Jimmy?” He felt worried for what he just saw, and like the others, he also realized that it wasn’t like him to do it. He knew him well enough now to know it—to know him.

  Jimmy dropped his hands to his thighs. What in the hell am I doing? He quickly stood up. He couldn’t believe what he just did. For a moment, he wanted nothing more than to break his arm. If Brandon hadn’t stopped him when he did, he just may have done it too. Quickly he turned back towards the front doors, or where they used to be, and closed his eyes. He let the air coming in from outside to flush his mind. It helped him to calm down.

  Relieved, Ross did the same thing.

  Robert watched Jimmy closely, and sighed as he watched him calm down. He then turned back to Ross. “What’s in the room? We will see it.”

  Ross bowed his head again. “They did it. They wanted us to find a way to cure them of their weaknesses.”

  Robert now kneeled down in front of him. “What is in the room?”

  Ross winced. The pain in his wrist was still there but it was now feeling numb. He needed to prepare himself for what was coming next. Finished with it, he looked back up again. “They gave us several specimens to use. They are kept in the cages.” He watched Jimmy closely, not knowing how he was going to react with hearing what he just said. When Jimmy turned back towards him, he held his breaths.

  “Specimens?” Jimmy couldn’t believe what he just heard. “What do you mean by that?”

  Ross winced again, harder this time, before he began. “They gave us four of them to infect, to be given their bites, and then try to heal. He wanted a cure before he could do what he needs to do.”

  “Devish? What does he need to do?” Robert now asked. As for what he head, he could only agree with it. That sounds like something that Devish would do for sure. He never believed in kindness. He never believed in anyone, other than himself.

  Ross now shook his head. “What will you give me Mister Walls if I help you? I remind you that my life is at risk if I tell you anything. They will kill me for helping you.”

  Jimmy bowed his head, thinking. Only one thing came to him quickly. He looked over towards his right, down at the eight guards sitting there and saw that one of them had a deep looking cut on his forehead. He nodded to him, walked over to the young man, the closest to Ross, and knelt down in front of him.

  The young man watched him come, not sure what he was going to do. After watching what he did to Ross, he expected the worst.

  Jimmy felt his heart skip. He could smell the young man’s sweat percolate over his entire body. Feeling this, he turned, saw a piece of glass not far from him, reached for it, and picked it up. He then held it between the young man and himself.

  Watching Jimmy carefully, Robert stood back up. “Jimmy? What are you going to do?” He likewise expected the worst.

  Quickly Jimmy brought the glass down to his own right hand and slashed it across his palm. Blood instantly flowed from the wound, and with it, he brought it down to the young man’s wound.

  Seeing it and fearing what it meant, the young man flinched. He was too slow. The hand touched him too fast.

  Jimmy rubbed his own blood all over the wound, and when he finished, he stood back up. He looked down at his hand and could see that the wound had already healed. Satisfied, he looked back as the man’s head.

  A burning sensation began and then it became numb. After the numbness started, it suddenly stopped, and the young man felt nothing after that.

  Everyone turned and watched. They stayed silent as they watched the wound on his head heal.

  Ross felt his mouth drop and he looked back to Jimmy Walls. “You are special, aren’t you Mister Walls?” His disbelief turned into excitement quickly. All the things that he could do with such a special gift now boggled his mind. He couldn’t wait to start.

  Jimmy nodded. “I can give you all that you want and more. I’ll give you my blood, as much as I can stand.” He looked to Robert, saw the surprise written all over his face, and looked back to Ross again. “You give me everything you know in exchange.”

  Ross couldn’t believe what he just heard, but loved hearing it all the same. It was everything he ever wanted, if not more. “You have a deal Mister Walls.”

  Jimmy nodded. “Good.” He turned to Brandon and Sasha. “Could you take our guests to the cages?” He turned back to Robert.

  Robert felt astonished by what he just saw. “How did you know that you could do that? Only old Nightwalkers have that ability.”

  Jimmy smiled wryly. “I have no idea.” He looked back to Ross. “I’m going to take Mister Ross here to where all of this began for me.” He knelt down in front of him again. “We’re going to discuss this in Rachel’s lab.”

  Ross nodded. He too now looked forward to it.


  Vincent made his way back to Long Island, and made it back to the house. He hesitated for no one as he went inside. He didn’t stop until he walked through Devish’s door. He only stopped when he was now standing behind him, sitting on the floor in front of his alter.

  “You feel stressed my friend.” Devish turned and opened his eyes. Conferring with the gods always took everything he had, and it required absolute concentration on his part. However, it had to be done. He did have faith, faith in what he needed to do, so conferring with them always seemed important to him.

  Vincent looked at him with wide eyes, looking for any possibility that he already knew, saw nothing, and then began. “My master? The black wolf…”

  Devish cut him off in mid-sentence. “They attacked the laboratory up north.” He stood up.

  Vincent lifted his head up as he stood in front of him. “Yes my master. The black wolf and his little group took out the facility. He took the human Ross with it.”

  Devish lowered his head. “He is growing strong again. This was
expected.” He moved away, but stopped while still thinking.

  Vincent turned and followed him. “My master, we must stop him before he learns the truth of our plans. We can take back the facility if you so wish it. All I need are several to…”

  Again Devish cut him off. “No. He will learn the truth. We must move on and prepare.” He turned around and faced Vincent. “I must be strong again. I must finish the procedure before he comes.”

  Immediately, Vincent began shaking his head. “The doctor has informed me that you still have several pieces within your body. If he removes all of them at the same time then he may kill you. You cannot risk such a thing.”

  Devish smiled. “The black wolf has no such concerns. He will come soon, and when he does, I must be strong and complete again if I am to confront him.”

  Vincent continued shaking his head. “You must not.”

  “I am pleased for your concern for me my friend. Contact the doctor and tell him to prepare to finish removing what is holding back my power.” He turned away from Vincent again. “As for the black wolf and his little group, we will have to separate them from each other. They are stronger together. We must take some of them out of the equation.”

  Vincent now bowed his head. He was not going to agree with this, but his master had decided and right then, he realized that he couldn’t change his mind. “We will move against the others of his group when the chance shows itself to us.” He looked back up, turning his head high. “I will gather the doctor and another human for your feeding.”

  Devish nodded. “We will finish this, and when it has been done, we will then move against the black wolf. We will release Rana for her next task as well.” He could still feel Vincent’s concern for him, so he added, “All will be fine my friend. We will strike back when the time is right to do so.” He turned, and headed for the door of the room.

  Vincent watched him leave. He followed and headed towards the doctor’s room. He could only hope that his master was right. He had nothing else, but that.


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