A Werewolf's Saga Books 4, 5, & 6 (A Werewolf's Saga Boxed Sets Book 2)

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A Werewolf's Saga Books 4, 5, & 6 (A Werewolf's Saga Boxed Sets Book 2) Page 58

by Michael Lampman

  They all watched as a solemn fog now flowed down to the ground. It flowed over the field and blocked out all of the blackness with an unending grayish mist. The fog blocked out the walls. It blocked out the field. It blocked out all of the Walkers that were now standing within it.

  Seeing the fog rolling over the field, Robert smiled. “I think it’s time.” He looked behind Sandra and saw Brandon and Sasha standing in front of the others that were still huddled in the trees. He nodded to Brandon. “We can move around from here to the wall. A dirt road runs along the front of the building, and we can get in through there.” He looked to Sharlia, ahead of her group. “Give me a few minutes to get to the wall.” He turned to Kenar. “When I get there I’ll let you know. Start the attack then.”

  Sharlia nodded.

  Kenar agreed. “Very well.” He looked back to the fog. With it now hovering over everything, he was now blind again. He hated it that he was, but with the fog, he knew they could hide their numbers. At least, it gave them the chance.

  Robert continued to Brandon. “Are you ready?”

  Brandon and Sasha held hands. He squeezed her gently but firmly. “Stick with Sharlia.” He leaned in to her left ear and whispered. “Keep to them.” He bowed his eyes. He admired her strength. He loved her power, but this felt like the end to him. It felt like this was going to be the last time that he ever saw her. He did his best to hide this, but suddenly felt himself fail at it, and it made him gulp shallowly. He could not help himself. It took everything he had to do it too.

  Sasha squeezed his hand tighter than she ever did. “I’ll be okay. I have my friends.” She smiled.

  He felt surprised by this, but at the same time, he didn’t. He trusted her completely, so after acknowledging her for one final time, he looked back to Robert. “I’m ready.”

  Robert nodded, and they were off.

  Sharlia and Sandra watched them vanish in to the fog. Because of the denseness of it, it took them only seconds to disappear.

  When they were, they turned to each other and gathered their thoughts. Now, all they had to do was wait. Wait for the right time to strike.


  Devish stood on the second floor balcony and watched the moonlight disappear behind a deep and heavy fog that seemed to roll out of nowhere all at once. Seeing it, feeling it, he smiled. “So, it begins.” He turned to Vincent standing behind him as they overlooked the field. “Please bring my brother up here, my friend.” He nodded and looked back to the large window. He looked back to the fog.

  Vincent watched everything and feared what it meant. He knew that this day was coming, and now that it was here, he suddenly felt it as the end. Everything was about to end and he did not know how it would. This is what he feared the most. This is why he feared the end. He of course feared his own death.

  Acknowledging his master, he turned and did what he ordered him and headed back down stairs. He went to Samantha, who was standing with several other Shades just by the door to the basement. “Bring the black wolf up here, my dear. Keep him chained. Keep him within your thoughts. Never doubt his strength. Do not doubt his ability to kill you when he wishes it.”

  She nodded, took two others with her and headed through the door. She went down into the basement and brought him up.

  He watched her return after only a few minutes. The two that went with her now had Kalima by his chains. He was between them as they brought him up to the second floor and to Devish.

  Devish watched him come. “It is time Kalima. It is time to end this.” He felt pride seeing his brother in chains. He felt proud to see him subdued. He felt better than ever that all of this was near the end. He could not help himself. He felt it in spades and could not wait to start it.

  Jimmy stopped right in front of him. He looked him in the eyes. He could see his pride. He stunk of it more than he ever had. “Good.” He looked around at Vincent, the Shade Samantha, and then back to the two other Shades that were holding him. “I see we’re missing someone.” He looked back to Devish. “Unless of course you want me to bite you.” He smiled.

  Devish returned it. He of course knew what he was talking about, and it also made him laugh some. “Oh, but we do.” He turned to Vincent, who had rejoined them on the floor. “Bring in the young man, would you please my friend.”

  Vincent looked back to the stairs, to one of his people, and gave him a nod.

  The young woman Nightwalker turned around, headed down the stairs, took the young man by his arm and dragged him back to the others.

  Jimmy watched them return and noticed the young man that was with Kenar earlier and gasped. He was then brought up beside him. Seeing him, he nearly lost his breaths. “You can’t do this.” He looked back to Devish. If he didn’t show anger before, he did now. “You son of a bitch.” He growled.

  Devish laughed. When he finished it, he kept the smile. “I told you that this was all planned my brother.” He looked at the young boy and back to Kalima again. “Thankfully, Kenar was so helpful in bringing someone with him that I could use.”

  Jimmy tried to keep focused. He tried to keep balanced. The wolf inside him now wanted out. It took everything he had to keep himself from losing it right then. He did manage, but it took a lot of effort to do it. “You don’t really think this will work, do you? Do you really think you can take my gifts?” He had to do something. Did he believe this? Did he believe that any of this would work? The fact was, he was not sure. He did not want to find out.

  Devish laughed again. “Of course it will work.” He moved to his brother, and watched his eyes. He saw the truth written all over his face. It told him everything he needed to know. “I see that you believe it too. You know it will work.”

  Jimmy blinked. He looked down. “Your arrogance is your downfall Devish. You will fail.”

  He laughed again. “You sound just like our beloved father. He too thought he could stop me. He too was mistaken by it too.”

  Jimmy looked up. “Is that why you killed him?” He kept breathing. He kept himself balanced. He forced his mind to stay calm. His strength to do it was beginning to wane. He fought back with everything he had.

  Devish lost his smile. “I killed him because I had to. If I did not, he would have taken humans in to the families. He would have destroyed everything we were. He would have weakened us.”

  “That’s why you hated him, isn’t it Devish? He loved. He loved her and you couldn’t stand it. You were jealous of what he felt for her.”

  Devish laughed again, but it sounded shallow. Seriousness crossed his eyes. “Our father had the misfortune to be taken by that thing called a woman, your filthy mother, and because of it he lost his greatest strength—his disgust—his indifference. I assure you that I will not. I know who I am, my brother. Do you?”

  Jimmy took a huge breath. He forced himself to calm down even more. Again, it took everything he had to do it. “I promise you Devish that this is the end. I will not bite him. I will not give you want you want.”

  Devish looked back to Vincent. “Then I promise you that she will not survive your pride. She will die for your stubbornness.”

  Vincent nodded, and left them.

  Jimmy swallowed hard. He knew what was coming next. He’s going to bring in Rana. I have to do something. They are going to have to do something too. He closed his eyes. He focused his thoughts. He looked inside his self until he found Kenar’s mind within the haze. When he did, he focused on him with everything he had. Kenar? Hear me Kenar. Hurry. Bring on the fight.


  Kenar watched the fog when he heard a voice come inside his own mind. He recognized him instantly. Kalima? He closed his eyes. He focused on his sound. Hurry. Bring the fight. Your grandson is here. He is going to die if you don’t come soon. I need the fight. Hearing this was enough. He did not need to hear anything else. He turned to Sharlia with a single tear in his eye. “We have to go. We have to move now.”

  She turned to him and saw the tear. She saw the loo
k of dread on his face. She felt his heart racing hard behind his ribs. “What is it? Is Rochie ready?” She knew his fear. She felt his pain, but it had nothing to do with the coming fight. Something was wrong. Something felt very bad indeed.

  He sighed as he turned back to the fog. “He has my grandson. He has a plan that may actually work. We have to start the fight. Kalima needs the fight to start now.” He turned back to her. “He knows how to get what he wants.”

  She still felt confused by all of this, and now hearing him, it was not helping her in the least. “How do you know that?” she had to ask just that.

  He swallowed hollowly and dry. “Kalima just told me.” He looked to the others. He stared Sandra down. “We have to do this before it’s too late.”

  They all gasped.

  Sandra and Sharlia agreed.

  It was time to start the fight.

  Sharlia turned to her group. “My friends?”

  They stared back to her from the trees.

  “We must begin this, but before we do, I want to tell all of you the full truth.”

  They watched her intently.

  Even Kenar and Sandra watched her.

  “Kalima is the trinity. He is the one true leader of the clans, and because of this, we must stand with him. We must fight by his side. We must bring this fight to him, and when we do, when we win this fight, we will see the truth of this world. We will live in peace. We will find the truest peace that we were all meant to find.” She paused, and turned to Kenar and Sandra before she began again. “Are you with me my brothers and sisters? Are you with the Blood Walker Kalima?”

  All of them nodded.

  It was not enough, so she shouted louder this time around, “Are you with me!”

  This time, they roared. They yelled. They blasted the fog.

  Kenar and Sandra watched this and smiled as the darkness suddenly flowed with a bright red emanating from their eyes.

  With seeing this, seeing their eyes, Sharlia now knew they were ready so she raised her arms up and over her head. “Let’s do this for Kalima!”

  And they ran. They flew from the trees and disappeared into the fog.


  They started out from the trees. They headed across the field. A blur of movement flashed through the fog. When they reached the center of the field, they smelled the must. They heard the growls. They saw the wolves come.

  The wolves came fast. They ran low and along the ground, making it hard to see them until they were there. They came right at their feet. They plowed into the blurs. The Gorhans and Sharlia Nightwalkers stopped dead cold as they crashed into their legs. Jason Gorhan was the first to go down.

  A wolf, brown, on all fours, and deadly with teeth, bit down on to both of his legs at once.

  He screamed from the pain. He felt his left leg pierced through his calf. He felt the muscle torn away as he rolled over with the animal still attached to his bone.

  Another Nightwalker, it was hard to see who it was at first, fell right beside him, on his right, and he heard her voice bellow out with agony as she too went down.

  He fought the wolf on his leg. He grabbed it by one of its hind legs and pulled.

  The wolf came off, and with it free from him, he tossed it out in to the fog.

  Free, he rolled over just in time to watch his friend, he could now see her as Gladys Gorhan, a woman that he had known for decades now, have her throat torn out. “No!” He forced himself up. He staggered, finding it hard to move. His left leg would not come with him even though it was still attached, but he did manage to crawl. He reached Gladys just as she died. “You fucker.” He grabbed the wolf by its neck. Without trying, without thinking, he twisted.

  The wolf’s neck broke like a twig. The sound of the crack echoed around his head. The animal, now gone, slid back in to its human female form.

  He watched its snout form in to the face of a woman. He watched her mouth drop open and with it, he watched her die. Finished, he threw it off in to the fog. He then went for Gladys and lifted her to his thighs. “Oh my dear lady.” A tear streaked down his right cheek. Both eyes filled over with tears. He truly felt for his loss.

  Gladys did not move. Blood covered her chest. Her throat was missing down to her spine. Everything, including her, was gone.

  “They will pay for this.” He heard another scream on his left. A high-pitched hissing sound followed the scream. He turned and saw someone that he did not know but knew that they had to be one of the Sharlias, just lose her head. He screamed for her too. “No!” He could not believe how fast she went down. With her falling to her knees, he saw the wolf that killed her now come for him.


  “Where are we going?” Brandon asked when they reached the wall, at least he thought that was where they were, he didn’t know for sure, it was hard to see anything in front of his face because of the fog. He just could not tell.

  “We’re at the wall. There is a drain culvert just to the left of the main gate. We can get in there.” Robert answered him with a whisper. He had to keep quiet. They had to be careful. Seeing the wall, and leaning up against the stones, he found Brandon standing just to his left. “What do you see on our right?” He crouched down to the ground with a squat.

  Brandon shook his head. “I can’t see anything but the fog dude.” He stayed standing. He stayed with his back to the stones.

  Robert grabbed his cold left hand and pulled him down to the ground with him. “You can see through the fog Brandon. Use your eyes.” He stressed, still trying to remain quiet. He could not believe that he had to tell him something that he obviously already knew.

  Brandon went down to his knees. “Robert, I am using my eyes.” He huffed.

  Robert shook his head. “No you moron. Use your other eyes. Use your Walker eyes.” He stressed again.

  Brandon sighed. “Oh.” He shrugged. Why didn’t I know that? He turned to his left and let the heat inside him cross his face. With it, his eyes flashed red.

  Down a few yards, maybe more, he could see a single wolf crouched down near an opening on the left of the wall and behind it. He could see the red of the wolf’s veins. He could see its heart beating behind the blood. He could see the creature’s heat. Seeing it, not seeing anything else, he turned back to Robert. “Now I know why you wanted me to come with you.” He grinned.

  Robert stayed serious. “What do you see?”

  Brandon heard it in his voice. “There’s one wolf standing in front of an indentation on the left.”

  “How far up?”

  “About ten or twelve feet.”

  Robert nodded. “Can you take it out without it making any sounds?”

  “Can do.” Brandon nodded, looked towards the wolf and not surprisingly, with them talking like this, noticed that it had already seen them. It was now crouching along the side of the wall, keeping low to the ground and coming right at them. Seeing it, he stood up.

  He moved with speed. He pounced on the wolf within a blur. He twisted its head and broke its neck before it knew that he was even there.

  Robert didn’t even see him move, he was so quick. When he came back to him at the wall, he saw him again. “I guess you could.” He smiled with a shrug.

  Brandon chuckled some. “If you weren’t talking so loudly they might not hear us,” he quipped.

  Robert shrugged again. In all reality, he was barely making a sound. He could not even hear his own voice. He didn’t need to speak any louder. With his ears, Brandon could hear him even if he was on the other side of the walls. “Come on.” He motioned to his left.

  Together they moved on. They reached the culvert and stopped in front of it.

  Seeing the steel grate over it, Brandon got himself ready. “You want me to break in it?”

  Robert shook his head. “I’ll do that.” And he let his eyes blare blue. Inside him, he saw the bolts holding the steal grate to the stones suddenly turn. Within seconds, the bolts fell off. The grate fell away from its opening and he cau
ght it in his hands, and slowly, he let it fall to the ground. It didn’t make a sound.

  “Nice.” Brandon did feel impressed. He could not believe how easy this was. He hoped it would continue, and with that hope, he had to know more. “Now what?”

  Robert started in to the newly open hole first. “Keep your eyes open. If any one sees us, we can’t take the chance.”

  Brandon agreed with this. “Sure thing man.”

  Together, they headed inside.

  They followed the sewer line deep inside the castle.


  The Shades came next. Their screeches came loudly, and they filled the air. They left their perches off the walls and swooped down through the fog. The sky filled with dozens of them as they rushed the Nightwalkers running along the ground.

  One of the Gorhans, Leo, saw Jason fighting the wolf and ran to his aid. He reached him, went to the wolf’s hind legs, and with one giant swing, he pulled.

  With Jason holding the beast’s head with both hands, the wolf broke in half.

  Finished, Leo went for his friend, and took him by his shoulders. “My brother, are you all right?”

  Jason sighed heavily. He was thankful for the help.

  “Can you move?” Leo took his right arm into his.

  Jason looked up to him and just then, saw a Shade coming down towards his friend. “Shades!” he screamed.

  Leo turned, but saw nothing.

  Jason did. He saw the huge bat swing down and with one clawed foot; it took off Leo’s head.

  Blood flew everywhere. His head flew at him and landed on the other side of where he laid. “No!” He reached up to his torso, and grabbed him by the shoulders, but it was all too late. There wasn’t anything that he could do to save him and he hated this the most. “You bastards!” He laid his brother down to the ground, and just as he did so, he saw another shadow move on his right.


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