Captivated Hearts

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Captivated Hearts Page 11

by Yahrah St. John

  “Define interested.”

  “We’ve spent some time together outside of work, and I enjoyed it. I’d like to get to know her better, but Jada isn’t making it easy. She ran away just as things were heating up between us.”

  “So, you work with Jada?”

  Damian shook his head. “No, Jada works at the television station I own.”

  “Interesting little predicament you’ve gotten yourself into getting involved with an employee.”

  “I’m aware that it’s unorthodox.”

  “Yet, you still intend to pursue her?”

  “Yes.” Damian was honest. He saw no reason to lie, and his presence in Dallas clearly indicated that he was giving chase. “I want to see where this goes.”

  “And what does my daughter want?”

  “I’m not sure, which is part of the reason I’m here: to support her as well as figure out where we stand.”

  “You’re a brave man to come on Jada’s turf surrounded by her family with your hat in your hand.”

  Damian chuckled. “Yeah, I don’t know if I’d call it brave or just plain stupid.”

  Duke laughed right along with him. “You’re a good man, Damian. Once again, you’re impressing me with your forthrightness. But you should know that Jada’s affection won’t be easily won. She had a heartbreak that’s hardened her heart against love. So I would say your odds are fifty/fifty.”

  “I’ve bet on less, Mr. Hart, and still won.”

  “Then may the odds be forever in your favor.” Duke tipped his hat at Damian and, without another word, stepped inside.

  Damian liked Jada’s old man. From his outward appearance, he appeared tough, but Damian suspected Duke Hart was a lot softer when it came to his girls, who Damian could see were his pride and joy. He also knew Duke had a point. Jada was a tough nut to crack. He would have to take control of the situation and force her to face what was happening between them. She was already halfway there. Last night, underneath the surface, the unrestrained passion was still there; it was just waiting to be unleashed.

  Surely, once they had sex again, maybe more than once, he could get some perspective because right now the only thing he could think of was how he wanted to merge his body with hers again. He would take his time and savor every inch of Jada. And she wouldn’t be able to deny the truth, which was that they were damn good together.

  After talking with her mother, Jada called Bree to check in. Grayson informed her that Bree was doing much better and due to be released later that morning. He would be taking her home, where Jada could visit later. She was so relieved that her sister and niece were going to be OK.

  After the call, Jada showered. Then she dressed in her usual attire when she was on the ranch: jeans and a button-down jean shirt. She found her favorite pair of cowboy boots in the back of the closet of her room. They were worn and rugged after years spent mucking out in the stalls and working the ranch, but she loved their familiarity. Deciding on practicality, she wore her hair slicked back into a neat ponytail, grabbed a cowboy hat from one of many on the rack in her closet, and went in search of breakfast.

  The house was already well underway for the day when Jada finally made it to the kitchen. She found that Miriam had left a plate in the warmer with some bacon, eggs, and grits. Jada opened a drawer, pulled out a fork, and began munching while leaning against the cupboard. She was nibbling on a slice of bacon when Damian walked in.

  He looked sexy as usual in dark jeans that clung to his muscular thighs, a black T-shirt that did little to hide his bulging biceps, and his casual tennis shoes; but he did look a bit overdressed in this atmosphere. “What?” he asked as Jada stared at him.

  She laughed and took another forkful of eggs and grits. “Oh, nothing.”

  He looked chagrined. “Something’s on your mind. Just spit it out.”

  “You look out of place in this environment,” Jada said. “If you hadn’t noticed,” she said, motioning down to her attire, “I’ve adapted.”

  A slow smile spread across his face, and it was obvious he had noticed. He didn’t hide that fact and let his eyes roam from the top of her cowboy hat to her pointed-toe cowboy boots. “You look like a cowgirl.”

  “That’s what I am.”

  “Oh, really?”

  Jada placed her plate on the counter and stood straight. “Don’t get it twisted, Damian. Just because I like dresses and high heels doesn’t mean I can’t get dirty with the best of them. I grew up on this ranch, you know. And Duke ensured every one of his girls knew how to get by. Matter of fact, I bet I could show you a thing or two about ranching.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes. Are you up for the challenge?”

  He grinned. “I’ve never backed down from one.”

  “Good.” Jada turned her back on him and tossed the contents of her plate into the garbage. Then she rinsed her plate off in the kitchen sink before placing it in the dishwasher. Miriam would have her head if she left dishes in the sink. She spun around to face Damian. “First thing we’re going to do is get you some proper clothes. I can’t have you walking around in those duds and embarrassing me.”

  Damian chuckled. “I wouldn’t want to do that. Lead the way.”

  Within minutes, they were in Damian’s rented Range Rover and driving into a neighboring small town that held a bank, grocery and clothing store, post office, dry cleaners, and barbershop.

  Damian frowned when he got out of the vehicle and glanced up at the storefront. “Are you sure about this?” It wasn’t a place he’d ever frequent for attire, let alone be caught dead in. But Jada seemed to think his appearance needed improvement, so he was going to play along. If it meant they could spend time together and she would feel more comfortable, then he was game—because eventually, they were due to have a long talk about what happened in San Francisco.

  “Absolutely,” Jada said with a smile. “Don’t be a snob.”

  He followed behind her as she walked into the clothing store. “Hey, Hank,” Jada called out to an older gentleman standing behind the counter in much the same outfit Duke Hart had been in that morning.

  Does everyone in Texas dress alike with no fashion sense? Damian wondered.

  “Come on.” Jada motioned Damian over to a rack of unimpressive and similar-looking plaid shirts. She began pulling several hangers from the rack and placing them against his chest. He watched her concentrate on finding the best shirt. Eventually, she settled on one, then she moved to the jeans section. It amused Damian. He’d never been shopping with a woman and had always been content to let a personal shopper handle his attire.

  “What’re your measurements?” Jada asked as she peered through different colors and varieties of jeans.

  He rattled off a number and watched her pick up several pairs and place them, along with the shirts she’d been holding on to, into his arms. “Go try these on.”

  “Why do I have a feeling you’re enjoying bossing me around?” Damian asked as he walked ahead of her toward the fitting rooms located in the back of the store.

  “Because you’ve taken great pleasure in telling me how to wear my hair and what looks good on me. It’s about time I returned the favor, don’t you think?” There was humor in her tone, and Damian couldn’t help but chuckle.

  “I suppose turnabout is fair play.” He swept the curtain back with his free arm and caught the sparkle in her eyes as he closed the curtain behind him. He would be a good sport and give her a fashion show. He selected the first shirt, which had taken Jada some time to select, along with a pair of distressed blue jeans.

  “Don’t forget this.” He glanced down and saw that Jada was holding a belt with an enormous buckle through the curtain opening. Rather than take it, he pulled Jada into the fitting room with him.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” she huffed when his arms encircled her wai
st and brought her face within inches of his.

  “I’m giving you a proper kiss as I should have done first thing this morning.” Damian lowered his head and followed through on his words—soft at first, then deeper. He devoured her, plundering her mouth with his tongue so he could fully taste her, perhaps tempt her to be naughty. She didn’t protest when he hauled her closer and she was damn near sprawled against his chest. Jada moaned and shivered against him, winding her arms around his neck so his mouth could pillage hers.

  Damian felt himself swell in his jeans, and he pressed the steel of his erection against her, pushing her backward into the mirror. When Jada began rubbing against him, Damian’s heart walloped as everything began to blur except him and Jada. But he’d only meant to have a quick kiss, not a total assault on his senses.

  Slowly, he pulled away and looked down at Jada. Her eyes were dark and glazed with passion, and it made Damian want to take her right there and then, but this was neither the time nor the place. “I’m sorry. I probably shouldn’t have started something I can’t finish.”

  Jada chuckled softly. “You’re probably right. This shirt looks good. I’m going to leave now before we do something embarrassing. Try on the others.”

  “You don’t want to help me with that?”

  “Oh, I think I’ve done enough in that department.”

  Jada couldn’t believe how reckless she’d just behaved. She was happy to not have an audience when she left the dressing room. If anyone had seen her, well—there would be rumors all over town that would no doubt make their way back to her father. She wasn’t ready to deal with Duke’s questions because she wouldn’t have an answer for them. She and Damian had circled each other for a month, and now that they’d opened Pandora’s Box, they couldn’t put the lid back on.

  Jada knew what it felt like to be kissed by Damian, to have him inside her, deep inside her. She couldn’t forget that moment, and as much as she hated to admit it, she wanted it again. Their first encounter had been hot and heavy, but rushed. Jada wondered what it would have been like if she had gone back to Damian’s and let him make slow, sweet love to her.

  “What do you think?” Damian asked from behind her.

  Damn, the man could make jeans and a plaid shirt look like he was decked in Armani. “It looks good,” she said nonchalantly, having turned to face him. “You’re just missing one thing.” She started walking away from him and heading down another aisle.

  “Oh yeah? And what’s that?” Damian glanced at himself in a nearby pedestal mirror. “Because I think I look like every other Texan.”

  When Jada returned, she held a large shoebox. “You’re not a real cowboy without some boots. I didn’t know your size, so I took a wild guess.”

  He glanced down with a smile. “You’re right.”

  “Thanks. Give those a whirl.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Damian was decked out in his new attire with some weathered-looking cowboy boots and a cowboy hat.

  “Now that I’m not embarrassed to be seen with you, we can go back to the ranch and go riding. It’s been ages since I’ve been home.”

  Jada stopped in front of the Range Rover and waited for him to open her door, but Damian didn’t move from the sidewalk. “I don’t know about that. I’ve never been on a horse before.”

  “That’s OK. I’ve got you.” Rather than wait for him, she swung the door open and climbed inside, leaving Damian no choice but to follow her. Jada was doing everything she could to put off the inevitable—spending time alone with him.

  Horseback riding was just a distraction to ensure she didn’t throw herself at Damian and beg him to take her like she’d done before. But she was tempted. Every time they were within a few feet of each other, the very air around them sizzled with unbridled sexual excitement.

  Damian made Jada more aware of her sexuality than she’d ever felt before. She’d always thought she was aware of her abilities as well as her wants and needs, but when she was in Damian’s presence, all her judgment went right out the window. She acted recklessly and on impulse with no thought for the consequences. Yet again today, she’d allowed the kiss between them to go from zero to nine on the Richter scale. And Jada knew there was little she could do to stop the quake. They were headed for a seven on the scale. She just wasn’t sure what condition she would been in after the shaking was over.

  Chapter 11

  Jada returned with Damian to the ranch and immediately set off for the stables. He was ready to be exposed to the other side of her. She knew he thought she was prissy and into how she looked, and that was true when she was in work mode at the station. But when it came to spending time at the ranch with her family, Jada could let loose and just be herself.

  As they walked through the hay-strewn stables, Jada said hello to one of the stable hands. “How are you, Steve?”

  “Very good, ma’am.”

  “How’s Christy and the boys? I haven’t seen them in ages.”

  “They’re doing great, Miss Jada. My oldest, Mark, is graduating from high school this year, and my youngest two are still in middle school.”

  Jada shook her head. “Is that right? It seems like just yesterday that Mark was following me around. Is he going to college?”

  “Yes, ma’am. He’s following in your footsteps and going to the University of Texas at Austin. With him playing football, several coaches scouted him at the end of junior year, but he wanted to stay closer to home.”

  “Really?” Jada’s mouth widened. “That’s so fantastic. You tell your Christy that I said hello, ya hear? Do you have any carrots I can feed Thunder?”

  “Sure thing.” Steve walked over to a small cooler and pulled out a bag. “Thunder hasn’t seen you in a while, so he might be a little bit antsy. You be careful.”

  “Don’t you worry about me, Steve. There’s not a man out there I can’t handle.”

  “Now that I believe.” He tipped his hat and continued his task of mucking out the stalls while Jada walked over to her favorite Arabian, who stood grazing some hay. She turned to Damian, who stood with his arms folded, watching her.


  He shook his head. “I don’t know. I’m just seeing a different side of you. I didn’t expect it.”

  “Don’t judge a book by its cover, Damian. Perhaps you should open it and read what’s inside.” She turned away and opened the stall to walk into it. She made kissing noises, which Thunder heard and he immediately came over to nuzzle her. Damian stood at the door of the stall. “Don’t just stand there. Come in.”

  “That’s a big animal that can easily trample me.”

  Jada laughed. “The name is deceiving. Thunder is as gentle as a lamb.” She reached inside the bag and pulled out some carrots, and Thunder began chomping on them eagerly.

  “That’s not what Steve said.”

  “Not everyone knows how to handle him, but he’s my horse. I know him better than anyone else.” She walked over to grab one of the brushes hanging on a hook and came over to Thunder and brushed his coat. “He trusts me. Don’t you, boy?” She kissed the horse.

  Jada had surprised Damian yet again. There were so many facets that he’d yet to uncover in this amazing creature. There was concerned Jada who’d do anything, drop anything, to be by her sister’s side in her time of need. Then she was gentle and caring with the horse and downright charming to the stable hand.

  The way she was brushing the horse’s coat and whispering things to calm him made Damian eager for her to whisper things to him. But he didn’t want gentle Jada. He wanted the wild and untamed Jada who he’d made love to in the office.

  “Would you like to come over and feed him?” she asked as she glanced over at Damian. At his reluctance, she said, “Don’t be a chicken.”

  Since he was no coward, Damian walked over, then he took the carrot and dangled it in front of the horse’s m
outh. The animal smelled his hand at first before happily accepting the treat.

  “See, that wasn’t so hard.” Jada patted the animal’s back. “You ready to try riding?”

  “No, not really, but I expect I’m not going to get much choice in the matter.”

  “Nope.” Jada whispered something to her horse, then grabbed his reins and led him out of the stall. “We’re going regardless.” When she saw Steve, she yelled, “Can you get Lady for Damian? We’re going out for a ride.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Damian followed Jada toward the stable exit and watched her saddle up the horse. There was lots of tying and buckling, but Jada was in her element and knew exactly what she was doing. It was clear she was an accomplished horsewoman. “How long have you been riding?”

  “Since I was four. I had my very own pony.”

  “Sounds like fun.”

  “It was. I couldn’t get enough of it. I competed throughout my teens.”

  “What stopped you?”

  When Jada turned around to look at him, her eyes were clouded with regret. “Dreams changed. I fell for my high school sweetheart. Thought I was getting married and having some babies.”

  “Sounds like there’s a story there.”

  Not one she wanted to share today. Jada was happy when she saw Steve leading the horse toward Damian. “Ah, here’s your horse,” Jada said, and Damian spun around to see an enormous animal coming toward him.

  Lady had a well-chiseled head on a long neck, a dark-brown lean body, and long legs. Damian had a look of sheer fright. Jada tried to calm him by saying, “She’s gentle.”

  “It’s a she?”

  “I thought you might be more comfortable with a woman.” She winked at him. “Thanks, Steve.” She took Lady’s reins and tied her next to Thunder.

  After Jada finished saddling both horses and ensuring they had water in their cantina, she looked at Damian. “You ready?”


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