Dark Protector

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Dark Protector Page 18

by Alexis Morgan

  He carried her suitcase down the hall to his bedroom. He supposed he could offer her the guest-room, but he didn’t believe in playing games. There was nothing he wanted more at that moment than Laurel Young in his bed.

  When he returned to the living room, she was standing out on the deck, staring down at the lights reflected on the water in the distance. He walked up behind her and slid his arms around her waist and cradled her back against his chest. The scent of her skin and hair had an immediate and predictable effect on his body.

  “Beautiful view.”

  “I like it.” He rested his chin on her head. “It’s always different.”

  “Are you going to tell me what all of this is about now?”

  “I said I would.” He nuzzled her neck and then traced the shape of her ear with the tip of his tongue. “Afterward.”

  She arched her neck to give him better access. “Good idea.”

  He slid his hands up to cup her breasts and gently squeezed them as he kissed her neck. She was still wearing the T-shirt and flannel boxers she’d had on at the apartment. No bra. He liked the feel of the soft cotton sliding over the soft mounds. Laurel moaned softly and twisted slightly to demand a kiss. It was nothing like the one they’d shared earlier in her apartment. The heat was definitely still there, but none of the temper. He could have spent hours doing nothing more than simply holding her, letting her scent and taste fill his senses.

  Well, maybe not. The cool evening air was definitely heating up around them. If they continued down this path, it might be wise to move back indoors. He forced himself to step back and hold out his hand. Her smile was all he could have hoped for. She allowed him to lead her down the hallway to his bedroom.

  He yanked the bedspread down and out of the way. When he turned back to Laurel, she’d already stripped off her shirt. He grinned. “Thank you, Laurel.”

  She tipped her head to one side, a teasing smile on her lips. “So how are you going to show your gratitude?”

  “I can think of an idea or two.” He peeled off his own shirt; a little skin-to-skin was long overdue.

  “Nice start, but what else have you got to offer me?” She backed up a step.

  She wanted to play, did she? He reached for the zipper on his pants. Her eyes followed his hand as he slid the tab down. When he hooked his fingers in the top of his jeans to yank them down, he could hear her breath quicken. In a few quick movements, he stood before her wearing nothing but a smile on his face.

  “Well, there is that, I suppose.”

  She still had on her boxers, but he was in no particular hurry for her to shuck them off.

  Once again, he held out his hand to her. She hesitated.

  “Feeling shy?”

  “No, I’m trying to decide where to start. The possibilities seem endless.”

  “I’m open to anything you have in mind.” He held his arms out slightly and slowly did a three-sixty, giving her a good look at what he had to offer.

  “I think I want you to lie down.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  He stretched out on the bed, his hands behind his head, and waited to see what she’d do next.

  Laurel could hardly take it all in. Devlin’s body was a work of art, all strong lines and power. She ran a feather-light touch up the length of his leg and then gently caressed his penis with her fingers. It jumped in response, startling her. Devlin laughed, but she didn’t mind. He didn’t laugh often enough. Whatever scary news he had to tell her, she was determined to concentrate on driving it from his mind for a while.

  She straddled him and felt the power of him centered right between her legs. She wanted him inside of her, but not yet. There was far more territory to explore. Scooting farther up his body, she cupped her breasts, offering them up to his taste and touch.

  His tongue flicked over the sensitive tips, making her arch backward to thrust her breasts out more. He used his teeth and lips to suckle her, each tug sending another shiver of heat to pull deep within her. Without being asked, he seemed to know she needed more. He placed his palm on her midriff and followed the curve of her stomach down and down until his hand slipped under the elastic band of her shorts.

  He offered up his fingers for her to ride, rubbing them against the center of her need and then inside her slick passage. The sensations were almost more than she could handle.

  “Devlin…” His name was a plea for him to take charge, to give her what they both needed so badly.

  He rolled her off his chest and onto her back. Tugging her shorts down and off, he tossed them over his shoulder. He knelt between her legs, staring down at her with such intensity she would have sworn she could feel his gaze touch her skin.

  “I’ve been imagining you here, just like this.” His voice sounded rough as he reached down to stroke her where she ached the most. Her hips lifted in response and in invitation. “Tell me what you want, Laurel.”

  “I want you to take me, Devlin. I don’t care how, just take me.”

  “Then you’d better hold on tight, honey, because it’s going to be a long, hard ride.”

  He raised her up and slowly eased inside of her. She felt stretched and tight and so wonderfully full. When she thought he’d gone as far as he could, he pulled her up off the bed and settled her on his lap. He lifted up, pressing himself inside her just that much farther. Cupping her bottom with his callused hands, he held her still while he pumped up and down. He seemed to know the exact angle that would give her the greatest pleasure.

  “Devlin!” She whimpered as the tension inside of her kept building until she was poised at the edge.

  Beast that he was, he froze, refusing to give her that little bit more. Instead, he withdrew and slid down to use his tongue instead. Once again, she felt herself spiraling out of control. This time she climaxed, keening out her release. He immediately lifted her legs high onto his shoulders and entered her, hardly giving her time to regroup before he started them both on a relentless drive to the pinnacle again.

  She dug her fingers into the sheets and held on for dear life. For the second time he stopped, holding himself back by sheer will alone. His sweat-slicked body shivered with the need to find his release.

  “Why are you stopping?”

  “A condom. Before it’s too late.” He left her abruptly to fish one out of the bedside table. Seconds later, he was back.

  Then he took her hard and fast, holding nothing back. She loved the feel of him pounding into her body, making sure that she took as much pleasure from their coupling as he did. Then in a few last powerful strokes, he took them both over the top and was waiting to catch her as she fell back to earth.

  • • •

  They both slept. It may have been minutes or hours later that she felt him stir next to her, dragging them both back to consciousness. It was time to talk. She would have been content to bask in the warmth of his arms, but the night wouldn’t hold the rest of the world at bay for long.

  “Start at the beginning.”

  His fingers toyed with her hair as he gathered up his thoughts. “There was something different about the last time I died.”

  “Other than how long it took for you to come back?”

  “Yeah, besides that. I don’t know, maybe part of the reason for that was that I was killed by a human, not one of the Others.” His voice was calm, but she could feel the tension building inside him. “I didn’t see his face, but the hands on the sword were human.” He paused. “It’s strange, but this is about the fourth time I’ve told somebody about it, and it still doesn’t seem real. That day I came to check on you and again a time or two down in the tunnels, I’ve felt someone following me. I haven’t been able to catch him, but he’s there just the same.” He looked down at her. “I’m sorry, but I think he followed me to your place that first night I came to check on you and then stayed over.”

  “So he knows we’re involved.” She snuggled closer. “And that’s why you had Trahern watching my place.”

bsp; “I was on my way to find out if he’d seen anything when I found him bleeding in the alley. We figure the car accident was staged as a diversion. Trahern was right about the crash covering the sound of the shot, but I think the culprit also planned on using the confusion to make a grab for you.”

  “He figured I’d come running with my medical bag, and I played right into his hands.” She shivered despite the warmth. “Any idea who it might be?”

  He hedged his answer. “We’re pursuing several lines of investigation.”

  She lifted her head and propped it up on her hand. “Don’t give me that line of hooey, Devlin. Tell me everything. You promised.” She poked him in the chest with a finger.

  He grabbed her finger and brought it to his mouth for a kiss. “Okay. We think it’s all tied in with something going on with the Others. We’ve found some cloth bags down in the tunnel with a blue residue in them. D.J. had a friend test the stuff. It comes from some kind of gemstone, most likely a type of garnet we don’t have in our world. It seems likely that someone on our side is taking bribes to let the Others through.”

  “Only they aren’t getting through, are they?” The double betrayal made her sick.

  “No, it’s been business as usual for us. If they don’t stay on their side, we hunt them down and kill them. Or they kill us.”

  His brutal honesty made her hurt for him and the other Paladins. And, although she would never admit it to him, she felt some sympathy for the Others, facing the end of a Paladin sword instead of finding the sanctuary they so desperately sought.

  “You suspect someone in the Regents or the Guard.” It was the only answer that made sense.

  “Like I said, we’re pursuing several lines of investigation. But starting tomorrow, you won’t leave the safety of your lab unless you’re with one of us. I’ve tried to keep a lid on things, so I’ve only told D.J., Cullen, and Trahern. Lonzo knows some of what’s been going on, but he’s missed out on the most recent stuff.”

  At last, some good news she could share. “He should be released in the morning, if Dr. Neal didn’t already let him go this evening. They were waiting for the last of his blood work.”

  “That is good news. We’re going to need every sword arm we can muster before this is over.” He leaned over to kiss her again. “Now get some sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day for all of us.”

  She rolled over on her side and Devlin curled his body behind her. With his arm across her waist and holding her close, she let the worries of the day slip away and slept.

  • • •

  Hours later the phone rang, loud and shrill. Devlin stirred restlessly and then flung an arm out to pick up the receiver. After hanging up, he grumbled something about somebody being a dead man as he pulled on sweats and left the room. Laurel ignored him and burrowed back into the warmth of the blankets. But before she managed to drift back to sleep, he was back, yanking the covers off her.

  “Hey!” She made a grab for the sheet, trying to recapture the warm comfort she’d been enjoying.

  “Trahern’s here. Get dressed.”

  Devlin didn’t sound at all happy about his friend’s early morning visit, but he didn’t have to take his bad mood out on her. She sat up and glared at him. “Give me the sheet. I’m naked and cold, or didn’t you notice?”

  His grin was all male as he tossed her the sheet. “I noticed, all right. And if Cullen and D.J. weren’t on their way over, too, I’d be right happy if you decided to stay that way.”

  She wrapped the sheet around herself, moving slowly to give Devlin the best show. Judging by the gleam in his eyes, he definitely appreciated her efforts. He drew her into his arms for a long kiss.

  Slowly, he pulled back. “Trahern and the others want to talk about what’s going on. Once we hear what they have to say, we’ll make plans.”

  She didn’t like the sound of that. “What plans? What aren’t you telling me?”

  “I’m not comfortable with your going back to the lab until we know more. If the man behind these attacks is one of the guards, you aren’t safe there.”

  “Neither are you safe, but you keep going right back into the trenches. You’re just as vulnerable as I am.”

  He cocked an eyebrow, reminding her without words that he was a trained warrior, able to defend himself. But they both knew that bullets could bring a Paladin down more easily than a sword. Once they were down and bleeding, they were just as vulnerable as any other man.

  Devlin let go of her and stepped back. “We don’t have time for this right now, unless you want to serve coffee and doughnuts wearing nothing but a sheet and a smile.”

  “Then get out so I can get dressed, Devlin. I’ll sit in on your meeting, but then I’ve got to go in to the lab.”

  Devlin ran his hands through his hair in frustration. “Laurel, I know this is hard for you, but please don’t do anything until we talk.”

  Either she trusted him or she didn’t. “All right. I’ll wait.”

  He pressed a quick kiss on her lips just as the doorbell rang.

  After he left, she pondered what to put on as she brushed her teeth and ran a comb through her hair. If she wore her work clothes, Devlin might take it wrong. On the other hand, sweats didn’t seem right, either. She settled for her best pair of jeans and a short-sleeved shirt. She could change if necessary after Trahern and company left.

  Slipping on a pair of sandals, she took a deep breath and headed to Devlin’s living room. The others had arrived. A sudden wave of shyness washed over her when she realized that this was the first time that she was spending time with them as Devlin’s lover rather than as their Handler. Devlin wasn’t to be seen, but she could hear him banging around in the kitchen. Please, let him be making coffee. A shot of caffeine would be quite welcome.

  Three of the Paladins were sprawled on the living room couch and chairs. Blake Trahern was the first to notice her standing in the doorway. Although he didn’t actually smile, there was more warmth than usual in his icy gray eyes.

  “Good morning, Blake. How are you feeling this morning?”

  “I’m okay.” He scooted over and patted the cushion next to him, offering her a place to sit.

  When she accepted the invitation, Cullen and D.J. looked at the two of them as if they’d each grown a second head. She suspected Trahern enjoyed the stir. Maybe it would deflect some of the attention from her and Devlin. Either way, she drew some comfort from his acceptance.

  “Good morning, D.J. You, too, Cullen.”

  D.J. shifted restlessly in his seat. “Morning, Doc.”

  “Sorry to bother you so early, Doc.” Cullen smiled at her. “Blame it on Trahern. He rousted all of us out of bed this morning.”

  “Go to hell, Cullen.” There was no real heat in Blake’s words.

  Before Cullen could respond, Devlin walked into the room carrying a tray full of coffee cups and pastries. “Before you complain any more, Cullen, remember that Blake’s the one who brought breakfast.”

  D.J. chimed in. “It’s the only reason he’s not bleeding.”

  Laurel held up her hand. “Sorry, guys, let’s not go there. I don’t like blood before breakfast. You know how squeamish I am.”

  That little lie had them laughing. Even Trahern managed a rusty chuckle. Devlin poured her the first cup of coffee, his eyes warm as he handed it to her. Once everyone else was served, he sat down on the couch next to her. Being flanked by two of the most powerful Paladins in the Seattle region was a heady sensation.

  Cullen set his cup down on the coffee table. “So, what’s so important that we had to miss our beauty sleep?”

  Devlin took charge of the discussion. “Somebody staged an accident in front of Laurel’s place last night. The noise from the crash accomplished two purposes. It drew her outside, where she’d be vulnerable to attack, and the noise covered the sound of Trahern getting shot.”

  “So the bastard has taken this to a new level.” Devlin stood up. “It’s one thing to come after me, b
ut attacking Laurel is another.”

  “Damn straight!” D.J., always the easiest to rile, was on his feet and ready to fight.

  “Sit down, D.J. You make it hard for everyone else to think,” Devlin said.

  He dropped back into his chair, but Laurel could almost see him vibrating with barely controlled energy from where she sat.

  “I want this bastard caught and soon. He came damn close to getting Laurel last night.” Devlin slid his hand around her shoulders, tugging her closer. “Obviously watching her place didn’t work, but we didn’t know he was crazy enough to go after Trahern.”

  Blake didn’t respond, but he didn’t need to. They all knew how it would go down if his attacker ever crossed paths with Trahern again.

  “I’d like to draw him out of hiding. I figure we’d stand a better chance if Laurel and I disappear for a couple of days. If she doesn’t show up at work and we’re not at my place or hers, he’s bound to start panicking. Whoever is paying him won’t like how long it’s taking him to get the job done.”

  Laurel frowned up at him. “I can’t just take off, Devlin. I’ve got responsibilities.”

  “You said Lonzo is being released this morning. He was your last patient, wasn’t he?”

  She clearly did not like being forced to admit that. “Yes, but that could change any minute. You all know that.”

  “I can’t go far, either. We’ll hole up somewhere within easy driving distance, so we can get back quickly. You have vacation coming, don’t you?”

  “Well, yes, but—”

  “Fine. Then it’s settled. While we’re gone, recruit a couple of the others to keep an eye on my place and hers. And if anyone starts asking questions, we’ll have our culprit.”

  Devlin could tell Laurel was about to start arguing, but he squeezed her shoulder, hoping she’d take the hint and wait until the others were gone before exploding. His hands ached to get a hold of the slimy little prick who was behind the attacks, but he needed to keep Laurel safe even more.


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