Her Alpha Marine

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Her Alpha Marine Page 19

by Karen Anders

  She cried out, and he grunted as she took him, held him, moved beneath him, matching him stroke for stroke as she continued to pulsate and shudder around him. He had no recourse, no way to stop the climax rushing to overtake him, and didn’t even try. She sank her nails into him, her heels digging into his lower back as he came with a long, jerking groan. It was as if he couldn’t get deep enough, couldn’t pour enough of himself into her.

  He stood there panting, both of them dealing with the aftershock. He then let her slide down his body. Walking over to the sleeping bags, they folded down to them, arms sliding and holding, hands caressing.

  He kissed her once, gently, but firmly, then again, more slowly, softly. “Promise me,” he murmured against the side of her cheek, keeping her nestled closely, “that you won’t take any unnecessary risks when we get to this bastard’s fortress.”

  She shifted, so that their noses bumped, before pulling back just enough to look at him, but not enough, he noticed, so that she wasn’t still tucked under the crook of his arm, her leg casually hooked over his. “If you make me the same promise.” There was a tender edge to her tone and in her eyes, but along with that tenderness was fear, whether she thought he could see it or not.

  “Okay, babe,” he said, knowing that he would do anything in his power to keep this woman safe.

  Even make the ultimate sacrifice.

  Chapter 15

  In the morning, Neve woke up early and just lay there, memorizing Rock’s face. Scruffier than when she’d met him in Yaviza, his hair short and tousled. Beard stubble darkened his jaw; the planes and angles made her knees weak and her heart pound. She would recognize him anywhere—a firm, sensuous mouth that she wanted to kiss, and those eyes, deep, cobalt blue under dark lashes, absolutely clear, absolutely unwavering. She remembered the first time she’d ever seen him. She’d heard enough from Tristan that he was bringing a friend home. He’d made sure everyone was aware that he wanted to make a good impression on Rock. She’d thought from his nickname he would be huge, muscular, immovable, expressionless, boring.

  She’d been completely wrong. The morning after he’d landed in Dutch Harbor and she’d gone downstairs, she’d been startled to find him in the kitchen. He was huge, but so beautifully formed, with his thick muscles, immovable all right, but not expressionless; his gaze was absolutely locked on to hers. Soulful, that’s what she’d thought of his eyes five years ago. And he was far, far from boring.

  In fact, she was falling in love with him then, and now, well, she might have already hit the damn ground. Even when it was impossible, complicated and messy. Even when she wasn’t sure she was going to get out of this alive. She wasn’t sure what scared her the most—that she would never see him again, or that she would. His lids lifted, and she was staring into his hot eyes. He was far from soulful right now. His gaze was piercing, fierce and unnerving the hell out of her. Geez. Her heart thudded in her chest. Russell.

  “Are you all right?” he asked, coming up on his elbow, smoothing his hand over her hair. She leaned toward him and kissed him.

  No. She wasn’t all right. She would never be all right again because it was like she was looking into the face of the man meant for her, formed for her, given to her by fate. He was hers.

  “I’m not used to sleeping on the ground, but I’m adapting. You make a comfortable bed.”

  He flashed her a grin. She rolled out of the bag and grabbed her clothes; he watched her get dressed, his eyes caressing her from head to toe.

  “Come on. We really need to resolve this and get out of this base.”

  “Do you want to tell Alejandro that we’re here illegally and under false pretenses, are hunting and planning on killing Ammon Set, one of the most dangerous men in the world?”

  “When you put it like that, ah, no.”

  He rose and leaned toward her, stark naked and way too devastating first thing in the morning. “Well, Sister, you better start praying...”

  She shoved his arm and giggled. “That’s not funny.”

  There was a banging on the door, and Neve almost jumped out of her skin. “Open this damn door!”

  Rock hastily pulled on his pants, and went to unlock the door. It flew open and banged against the wall. Captain Alejandro Garcia stood there breathing fire. He grabbed the door, shoving the guard behind him out and slammed it.

  “Are you out of your mind?”

  Rock stepped back at the vehemence of his friend’s words. “Alejandro, calm down.”

  “Calm down? Madre de Dios, Rock. You’re going to assault one of the most dangerous men in the Darién Gap with a nun and a child!”

  “Wait a second! First off, Neve isn’t a nun. She’s posing as one. She’s coast guard. And secondly, Opal is the only person who knows where he is hiding. Her brother has been kidnapped, and she ran away, leaving us a bread-crumb trail to follow.”

  Alejandro rubbed his hand over his face. “Oh, that’s much better.”

  “Look, Alejandro, we go way back and I helped you when I was here. Can’t you just look the other way, forget you ever saw us? We have to see this through. He’s threatened Neve and her family, had sent an assassin after her.”

  “And your government does nothing?”

  “No, they are investigating and building a case, but that takes time, and even if they find him and manage to arrest him, what’s to stop him from threatening us from prison?”

  “Nothing. He is a ruthless, merciless bastard. I would love to see him eradicated.”

  Neve stepped forward. “Then let us go,” she pleaded. “I can’t leave here without completing this mission.”

  Rock stepped forward and said, his voice low and firm, “You of all people know what he is capable of, and all we’re asking is a chance to neutralize a threat.”

  “I do know what he is capable of and I hate the man with a passion, but let two Americans and a young girl walk into certain death?”

  “We’re not going to take any unnecessary risks.” He looked at Neve, and she held her breath. Rock was always so persuasive, and he was 100 percent on her side. This...this was what it was like to be part of a team.

  She dropped her head for a moment, overcome by his commitment to her, overcome by his sacrifice, his vow that he wouldn’t let her do this alone. She realized it wasn’t just for Tristan. It was for her...because...he cared deeply for her.

  Alejandro set his hand on her shoulder. “I know what you’re up against, and it may be possible for a small force to do what we haven’t been able to do. But if there is anything I can ever do to help you in this quest, please let me know. You both are very brave.” He turned to Rock. “I will never forget what you have done for me. When I lost my son in that terrible battle, you were there during the most difficult time of my life. I will look the other way. Vaya con Dios.”

  “Thank you, my friend.” They shook hands, and Neve breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Take the time to clean up and have a hot shower, breakfast and restock. You are all free to go. Your friend Opal is ready to be released from our infirmary.”

  Neve kissed him on the cheek, gathered up what she needed and asked to be directed to the shower, Rock right behind her. When they entered and he locked the door, she smiled. “Are you going to wash my back?”

  “Ah, yeah, and anything else you let me.”

  She laughed as he pulled her against him, the sensual mouth she’d been staring at this morning coming down on hers and making her sigh.


  Derrick watched the base while perched in thick undergrowth on a high-rise. Rock, Neve and the teenager had been taken here, and he’d only caught a glimpse of them as they had been escorted across the base. He wasn’t really keen on storming a SENAFRONT post and demanding they release Rock and Neve.

  He was just about to contact Austin, then his senses went haywire, but he wasn’t fast enough. A gun cocked behind him, and Derrick already had his slim throwing knife in his hand, the razor-sharp blade lethal again
st his palm.

  “Keep your hands where I can see them,” a male voice said, and Derrick swore low and fierce. “Turn around.”

  He did as he was told and turned to face the man who hadn’t made a sound traveling through the jungle, up an incline with loose rock and getting the drop on him.

  “Russell ‘Rock’ Kaczewski.” Damn, that sucker was big. Up close and threatening with a gun he so knew how to use, his big hands looking ready to pull the trigger if he didn’t get the right answers. It was Derrick’s job to keep him ignorant. It really was bliss.

  “You know me?” His features tightened. “I don’t know you.”

  Derrick tilted his head. “You kinda do.”

  “Who are you?”

  The tone of Rock’s voice was clear. Derrick was lucky he wasn’t shooting first and asking questions later. “The Easter Bunny,” he deadpanned and wondered if he was going to have to take the big guy on.

  Rock eyed him and scowled. “You’re missing those big, floppy ears and that cute cotton tail,” he said, gesturing with the gun.

  Derrick just smirked. “I’m in disguise.”

  “Why are you following us?” His dark blue eyes narrowed dangerously. “Protecting us?”

  He shrugged. “I’m not at liberty to say.” There was something very unnerving about the bore of a gun pointed in his direction. He really preferred to do the pointing.

  “Ah. ‘I have no recollection of that event, Senator.’ You’re trying to avoid any official questioning in case this comes to light?”

  “You’re really good at that.”

  “Your voice does sound familiar, but I can’t place it.”

  “Best to forget where you heard it. I was never here.”

  “And I never held a gun on you, you never saved Neve’s life and you aren’t shadowing us.”

  “Now you’re getting the gist of it.”


  “Nope. Easter Bunny. Remember?” He shifted and looked over his shoulder. “Does Neve know about me?”


  “Let’s keep it our little secret.”

  “Plausible deniability.”

  “You must have been at the top of your class.” Derrick needed all the intel he could get. “What’s with the kid?”

  “She had the coordinates and is trying to save her brother, José. She won’t listen to a word I say.” Rock holstered the weapon at the small of his back. “They’re the priority. Neve and the kids.”

  “Got it,” he said as Rock turned away and disappeared. But there was no way he was going to let Amber or her decorated fiancé down. He especially wasn’t going to let Dexter down. That SEAL had put everything on the line for Senator Jones. All of them were walking away from this.


  “I need to rest,” Opal said. “You are hard to keep up with, Rock.”

  He pulled water out of his pack and handed it to the girl. They had been walking for about two hours.

  “We’re almost there. The compound is hard to detect because it’s so well concealed.” She shielded her eyes and pointed. “They have this canopy that is hanging over the structure, so it’s very hard to distinguish from the jungle.”

  “Opal, how did you find it?”

  “I followed them when they took my brother.”

  “That was very brave.”

  She shrugged, wiped at her forehead and tipped her chin up and looked at Neve. “You would do no less for your family. That’s why you’re here. ¿Sí?”

  “Yes. It’s exactly why I’m here. I have a sister and two brothers, and I could never leave them to that kind of fate.”

  “Let’s set up camp and wait until nightfall. I’ll do some recon, and you two stay put.” He touched Neve’s arm and it was clear he was in pure marine mode here, giving off warrior vibes. He pulled a pair of binoculars out of his pack and tucked them into one of his cargo pants pockets. Grabbing a couple of energy bars, he turned and jogged into the jungle.

  Neve got busy finding a good hiding spot. Setting up the tent, she and Opal crawled inside for the shade it offered.

  “No cook fire. It’s MREs.”

  Opal eyed the package dubiously, scrunching up her nose. “What are those?”

  “Meal, Ready-to-Eat. The military uses them for combat missions.”

  “Is Rock your man?” Opal asked with the innocence of youth, opening her package and taking a bite. She wrinkled up her face, but must have been much too hungry to stop eating.

  Startled, Neve looked at Opal. “What?”

  “I just see the way he looks at you. It’s clear he cares about you very much. I hope for that kind of joining when I’m older.”

  “He’s not my man. We’re just friends.”

  Opal snorted. “He doesn’t look at you like he wants to be your friend.”

  “That subject is closed, missy.”


  Derrick had set up with a beautiful view of the fortress below him. He could see Neve and Opal disappear into the trees to set up camp and track Rock as he moved away from their location. He decided to stick with the women. Rock could take care of himself.

  He sighted through the high-powered scope, praying for the White Falcon to walk right into his scope, and two pounds of trigger pressure later, Petty Officer Michaels’s problem was over.

  There was only a whisper of sound to warn him as he rolled away and the knife meant for the back of his skull missed, scraping against rock instead of his brain stem.

  He brought up the rifle, but the assassin batted it away and went for his throat. They grappled for the weapon and rolled across the rocky ground. Derrick threw some hard punches and took a few to the jaw, fighting for the weapon.

  They rolled again, then again, and found nothing underneath them. Breaking apart, they crashed toward the jungle floor.


  The trees shook in the distance, and Neve shaded her eyes and peered, wishing she had binoculars. It was most likely monkeys, she thought. She bided her time walking around the camp, getting the lay of the land, planning a couple of escape routes. When Rock hadn’t come back after thirty minutes, Neve was beginning to worry. She strapped on her gun and told Opal to stay out of sight. Moving as carefully through the jungle as she could, Neve climbed over a huge felled tree. She crouched and got her bearings. Just as she was going to rise, a hand covered her mouth. She struggled and almost got free, but froze when she felt a pistol against her temple.

  She went to turn her head, and she glimpsed a man carrying a limp Opal over his shoulder. A second later, the electrical charge of a Taser lit her up like the Fourth of July.

  Oh, God. Had they killed Rock?


  It seemed like an eternity before she opened her eyes. Like lingering static, energy reverberated down her body. She sat perfectly still for several moments, waiting for it to pass and wanting to sink back into the oblivion where nothing mattered. A scent came to her; it wafted on the gentle breeze that blew...smoke across her nose. Cigar.

  She forced her eyes open and started upright, only belatedly realizing that her hands were tied behind her back. She blinked, confused and shaken, her stomach dropping away to nothing. She was in a comfy leather chair, and across from her, seated behind a large, shiny mahogany desk was the White Falcon, Ammon Set. There was a cigar sitting in a heavy ceramic ashtray on his desk, the smoke curling up and disappearing into the air.

  Neve drew a deep stabilizing breath, reaching down deep for control. He had coal-black hair with eyes to match, a wicked goatee on his chin that cast his features with a sinister look.

  He was attractive, his cheekbones high, his eyes slightly tilted at the sides; he wore a multicolored silk shirt with parrots on it, the shirtsleeves rolled up.

  “Petty Officer Neve Michaels. You saved me the trouble of shelling out the money for that obviously incompetent idiot I sent to kill you.”

  “He took a terrible fall,” she ground out. There was no way she could talk her way out of this, and
she was helpless.

  She was a dead woman.

  He smiled in self-satisfaction, his eyes narrowing in menace. “You have come so justice can be served.”

  “That’s exactly why I’m here. I had nothing to do with the deaths of your family members.” Her voice was unsteady when she spoke. “I was doing my job.” Her insides in turmoil, she experienced a light-headed feeling.

  “You were incompetent, and because of you, my brother and sisters died,” he spat, the mask falling away and the hatred burning like pitch in his eyes. “Because of you I have no family left. This is going to be your fate before I end your life with my own hand.” He picked up a file and opened it. “Nova Michaels, born May 5... Cinco de Mayo... Ah, that is your date of birth, too. I see. You’re twins. That will be particularly distressing, to lose someone so close to you not only in age but with such a connection.” He picked up a photo. “She is very pretty. I see that she is also in the coast guard.” He picked up another file. “Tristan Michaels.”

  She remained closemouthed. The light-headed sensation turned into something close to motion sickness, and the blood drained from her face. Suddenly the room was very, very hot. Her palms clammy, she drew a shaky breath, then schooled her face into a blank expression, her heart beating like a wild thing in her chest. He focused back to his file. “Engaged to Amber Dalton. NCIS agent. That is a shame... She is a federal agent and that could cause me some problems. But it’s not like I haven’t done away with federal agents in the past.”

  Her stomach turned at how easily he talked about murdering the people she loved.

  “Thane Michaels, another military member, this time a lieutenant in the Navy who teaches at Annapolis. I hear he was recently in a car accident.” He shook his head, giving her a look of mock sympathy. “And your parents. Your father is very robust. Fisherman. Dangerous profession, and your still very beautiful mother.”


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