Gemini Heat

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Gemini Heat Page 10

by Portia Da Costa

  Welcome to the Pleasuredome, she thought bemusedly. Yet as they ascended a wide, lushly carpeted stairway, she was already starting to feel more at home. And unbearably curious about Elf.

  ‘Who are you?’ she asked as they reached the landing and crossed towards an open, beige-painted door. ‘I … um … Jake never mentioned …’

  ‘I suppose you could call me his valet.’ The oriental woman smiled, her face open and pleasant. ‘I care for him. Look after his needs and his welfare …’ She paused and when she turned to face Delia, the smile was more oblique and seductive. ‘And I care for his guests too. Please come this way, Dee. Jake has instructed me to pamper you.’

  Delia’s confusion returned, more strongly this time. If he’s got a beautiful woman like you, she said silently as Elf led the way, what on earth does he want me for?

  The room they entered was the hugest bathing and dressing area that Delia had ever seen. A great, softly glowing cavern of peaches, creams and apricots, it was complete with every imaginable facility for luxurious personal grooming. The bath itself was bigger than her living room.

  ‘Please … May I help you take off your clothes?’ Elf asked politely, as if it were the most normal thing in the world to visit a man for the evening and have his servant undress you.

  ‘Er … Yes,’ Delia replied, sliding rapidly out of her depth. She allowed Elf to take her bag from her, then gently start unbuttoning the flowing silk shirt. The oriental girl seemed quite happy to perform her sensuous duties in silence, but nerves made Delia want to chatter.

  ‘Is “Elf” your real name?’ she asked, her voice wavering. Having removed and neatly folded the shirt, Elf next slid her hands around Delia’s back and unclipped her bra. As she drew away the soft lacy scrap, her fingers brushed the skin she’d exposed. Delia shuddered wildly, then blushed. Her nipples were hard and puckered. Seconds later she moaned, because having put aside the bra, Elf calmly cupped the flesh it had cradled. Squeezing gently, she stroked her thumbs across the stiff protruding peaks.

  ‘No, just a pet name,’ the dark-haired girl whispered. ‘My real name is—’ It was a series of animated sing-song syllables and the answer to a question Delia couldn’t properly remember. Struggling to concentrate, she registered that it was, of course, a Japanese name.

  But the girl could’ve been a Martian for all Delia cared. So tenderly and so skilfully did Elf’s fingers work that their nationality, and even their gender didn’t matter. The touch was pure pleasure, a pure, sexually arousing sensation that made Delia weave her hips in mid-air.

  ‘You’re so sensitive,’ murmured Elf, clasping together the tips of her first fingers and her thumbs and tugging lightly on Delia’s teats. ‘Jake told me how beautifully you reacted.’

  She should’ve been outraged that Jake had discussed her body and its functions with a servant, but she wasn’t. Elf was caressing her so beautifully that nothing seemed to matter. Those slender golden hands were moving and flicking and pinching with all the skill and perfection that her master had employed just days ago. It was a bizarre kind of surrogacy. Jake was otherwise occupied – so he’d deputised his female valet to give pleasure to the latest of his mistresses.

  Pleasure … and an orgasm. Delia sobbed loudly, fighting her own buckling legs as a hot rush of love-juice slid out of her. She felt it trickling like silk between her swollen labia and dousing the soft gusset of her panties.

  ‘Oh! Oh God,’ she whimpered, grabbing at Elf’s shoulders for support, then swaying against her body like a reed against a wall while her vulva still beat like a heart.

  ‘Easy. It’s all right. I’ve got you,’ said Elf, abandoning her fondling now its purpose was served. She held Delia firmly, supporting her as she stumbled, then led her to a white leather couch which stood close by. Settling her on it, she soothed and cajoled her like a child who’d had a sudden fright.

  ‘Come on, Dee. let’s get these off.’ She dipped down to slip off Delia’s soft black flatties, then gliding smoothly upwards, she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of the borrowed black leggings. ‘Help me now, sweetheart,’ she whispered.

  Delia obeyed like an android, lifting her bottom and letting Elf peel away the snug garment.

  All that was left now was a pair of plain but pretty white knickers – chosen specially for their smooth neat cut that wouldn’t show through clinging lycra. These too were pulled off with no further ado, leaving Delia embarrassed by their wetness. There was a dark, sticky mark on the gusset, but Elf hardly even seemed to notice …

  Women probably cream themselves all the time here, thought Delia. She was beginning to feel manic now, hysterical. She laughed nervously as Elf urged her up onto the couch.

  ‘Relax, Dee. Let your body go loose. I’m going to give you a massage now and I think you’ll enjoy it. Jake always does.’

  Delia turned meekly onto her front, imagining Jake doing the same thing and his cock pushing hard against the couch. If Elf’s hands could bring a climax so easily and so quickly to a guest, it followed that she must also use them often on her master.

  As if reading her mind, Elf spoke up as she prepared the soft-scented oils. ‘What do you think of Jake then?’ she asked, as if she were enquiring about a mutual boyfriend rather than her own employer. ‘Doesn’t he have a wonderful body?’

  ‘I—’ Delia bit her knuckle. She’d been on the point of saying ‘I haven’t seen it yet!’ but at the last moment she remembered that Deana had seen it. If not all, at least some … She’d certainly seen Jake’s cock!

  ‘Yes,’ she muttered, then purred spontaneously as strong Japanese hands ran all down the length of her leg. ‘He’s beautiful,’ she added dreamily, knowing it must be true. If she’d seen the Prince in her fantasies, she’d inexplicably seen Jake naked too. ‘I’ve never seen a man with such perfect, unblemished skin.’

  ‘Thank you,’ said Elf with pride in her voice. ‘I’m the one who cares for his skin. I spend many hours conditioning it. I use oils like this …’ She poured a pool of the stuff onto Delia’s right buttock then spread it across her left one too. ‘Massage. Deep cleansing. Exfoliation. He loves to feel sleek and smooth.’

  ‘Oh yes,’ mouthed Delia again, imagining what all that sleekness and smoothness would feel like pressed against her. Imagining that Elf’s clever hands were those of her master. Making it Jake that massaged, moulded and sought out all the tiny pains and tensions. They were his fingers now that delved into folds and furrows; as soft as a dragonfly in some places, and strong, almost cruel in others. It was Jake who had the rounds of her buttocks in his palms, pulling and manipulating. Jake who dipped his fingertips insolently into her; testing her abundant wetness, pressing down lightly but doing nothing to relieve her arousal.

  ‘Not yet,’ said Elf quietly, confirming that the massage was now sexual, if indeed it had ever been otherwise, ‘not too soon. You’ve got to save something for Jake.’

  ‘Yes. All right.’ It was difficult to agree. She’d come once already, but the craving for pleasure was strong. She needed fingers between her legs. Fingers or a tongue or a cock. A man or a woman – the difference was arbitrary. She wriggled slowly, her sensuous movements making a lie of her muttered acceptance.

  Sex was new to her. Real sex, that was. The hot, simmering eroticism that this silly seasonal weather had brought out in her. She was aware that her experience so far was limited – but her capacity, she suspected, was not. She felt hungry. Voracious. Insatiable.

  Where would it all end? she wondered. Could she be as sexy as Deana? Her body tingled again as she imagined outperforming her sister. Winning the game. Getting Jake as the prize, all to herself. She didn’t know if she wanted that, but the idea of being able to was electrifying … Like a jolt of raw power to her nipples and clitoris. With a moan, she turned over and offered her breasts, her belly, and her naked sex to Elf.

  ‘Touch me again,’ she ordered, excited by the imperious new note in her own voice. The throaty sensuality
she’d never heard before. ‘There’ll be plenty left for him.’

  ‘Of course,’ replied Elf, returning to her duties, a paragon of geisha submissiveness.

  ‘And you can talk to me too,’ Delia continued, in love with her sense of power. ‘Tell me about him. About his body. What he likes and what you have to do for him.’

  ‘I do everything for him.’ Elf’s voice went low and suddenly very tender. Did she love Jake, as well as work for him? It seemed probable … ‘I serve him from the moment he rises until the moment he dismisses me for the night.’

  As she spoke, Elf began unfastening first the belt then the buttons of her dress. In seconds she was stepping out of the crisp white tube, and in contrast to her care with Delia’s clothing, she kicked it carelessly aside.

  Delia had half expected the beautiful girl to be nude beneath her dress, but instead she wore a tiny, unstructured bra in pale pink silk with a matching pair of loose French knickers. Her body was slight but strong-looking and though her breasts were small, her nipples were large and very dark. They showed clearly through her filmy pink bra. Her pubis was almost visible too; silky tufts of straight black hair peeked endearingly from the drifting crotch of her panties. Even more showed as she reached across to the marble counter for her bottle of sweetscented massage oil.

  ‘How do you serve him?’ Delia persisted, her voice breaking slightly as Elf began anointing her body. Starting with the twin hollows of Delia’s groin, she slid the oil around in tiny circular movements, the action precise and tantalising. She went nowhere near Delia’s labia or clitoris, but the sensations were already unbearable. Delia bucked her hips and whimpered.

  ‘I rise at five-thirty and take my master a glass of hot water with his favourite herbal infusion. As he drinks this, I lay out his exercise clothing. He either runs, or trains with light weights.’ Her fingertips dove in harder then and made Delia’s vulva pout open and her clitoris lift at its centre. ‘But before he dresses, I relieve his erection with my fingers or lips so he can exercise without distraction or discomfort.’

  It was said with perfect, quiet calm, but its effect on Delia was immediate. Her clitoris shuddered with pleasure, then seemed to pump waves of it out through her body. She cried out, clawing at the leather of the couch and kicking her heels; orgasming in her fingers and toes as well as her genitals. The ecstasy was total and all the more wonderful for its cause … the thought of Elf with Jake’s penis in her mouth; his flesh between her soft red lips.

  As the moment enveloped her, Delia grabbed roughly at Elf’s slim hand and jammed it between her own legs. In heaven, she rocked her fluidised sex against it, and rode out the deepseated spasms on the vee of Elf’s fingers and thumb. Her love-dew ran everywhere, its flow thick and slippy as it mixed with the warm scented oil.

  The room was air-conditioned, but as she lay still, getting her breath back, Delia felt her limbs had melted. She listened intently to Elf’s spicy description of her master’s most intimate toilette. She moved slightly, from time to time, to facilitate the continuing massage, but apart from this she was just a floating, nerveless blob of oil and blissful secretions. A most pungent prize indeed, she thought wryly, wondering how Jake would react if he came in now and smelt her …

  ‘I’d like to have a bath, please, before I see Jake …’

  Elf looked up from her work on Delia’s left ankle, her smile inscrutable. ‘Of course. I’ll see to it.’ She pummelled out a last kink of tension, then set the finished leg down on the couch. ‘Why not just relax here for a few minutes? And I’ll prepare a tub.’

  ‘Yes, that’d be lovely,’ Delia answered with gratitude, then let her eyelids flutter closed. She needed time to herself now. To think, undistracted.

  I must be a bisexual then …

  Her sex shivered at the word. Tempted to touch herself, she posed several other pertinent questions to herself.

  What about Deana? Was she the same? She’d always been bolder where sex was concerned. Maybe she’d been with a woman already? It’d be typical of her, she liked to try new things. And she had been a bit cagey about her meeting with Vida Mistry. Was this something that even Deana was embarrassed to admit to? The yearning for female flesh …

  But what about me? Delia pondered, aware she’d been evading the main issue. She sneaked a long, admiring glance at the calm and self-possessed Elf.

  The Japanese woman was so elegant and deft in her movements. Swishing precious essences into the swirling, pond-sized bath, then laying out stacks of fluffy towels. With grace and care, she set out porcelain bowls full of fruit-shaped soaps, and lotions and talcs in beautiful cut-glass containers. Elf was lithe and sleek and slender, her gilded skin superb. Beneath the thin silk of her bra and pants her body seemed to radiate perfection.

  But is it Elf I actually want? thought Delia, still confused. Or is she just a surrogate … a replacement for Jake?

  Delia sat up on the couch. She felt restless and sexually needy in spite of her climaxes, but suddenly that made her smile. There was plenty left … Her labia were still puffy and sensitised. She was engorged and ready to be touched again. Or sucked. Or buffeted by a strong man’s body as his penis drove into her channel.

  She put her hand down and stroked herself, knowing that for all the pleasure she’d taken from Elf, it was something less refined she wanted now. Something crude. And though she’d always flinched from saying it, just one word could express the craving.

  She wanted to be fucked. She wanted Jake’s cock inside her, and this time she wanted all her wits about her too. Eyes wide open. No grey areas. She wanted to know what he felt like inside her, and to see his reactions to being there.

  No fantasies, no dreams, just Jake de Guile shafting her to glory and beyond. Ready for him now, she leapt lightly from the couch and smiled at Elf. The delicate Japanese had turned towards her, as if uncannily sensing her awakeness.

  ‘How’s my bath coming along?’ Delia enquired, feeling a frisson of pleasure at the confidence that rang in her voice.

  Elf made a gracious, bowing gesture towards the pool, then stepped forward with a thin strip of ribbon. To tie up her honoured charge’s hair before guiding her into the water.

  How beautiful they look, thought the man studying the monitor.

  His irreplaceable Elf – and now this new one. This brownhaired Italianate Ferraro with her lovely confusion, her unnaturally hot body, and her volatile responses. What would she say if she knew he was watching her? That there was a tiny but all-seeing camera concealed in the bathing room’s fanciful cornicing? He imagined the indignation, the righteous female wrath she’d feign. And it would be feigned, because he already sensed that exposure both thrilled and aroused her.

  These girls were superb, he decided, well satisfied with such an apposite pairing. Slender geisha-like Elf, so dark, graceful and precise; Dee, also dark, also slim, but earthier and fruitier somehow. She was wild and steaming, an animal for all her pretentions of refinement. He blessed his luck – and his judgement – in selecting her. When she cried out in pleasure he flipped open the wings of his robe and played his fingers down the length of his cock.

  As his hand moved in a familiar rhythm, he watched the strong slender line of Elf’s hand, wedged against Dee’s open crotch. It excited him even more that the new girl had put it there herself.

  His guest was the one who was working, that was clear. She was jerking herself off, riding the vee between Elf’s fingers and thumb, actively creating her own stimulation instead of lying back and letting it happen. The way she writhed made his balls twitch and ache.

  She was just what he needed right now. His optimum woman. And as he observed her rocking and whimpering, he searched through his own pleasure zones. There was a uniquely sensitive area beneath the mushroom-shaped head of his penis … Yes! He found it – purely by touch – and groaned out loud, his eyes locked on the screen and the image of the climaxing Dee.

  He felt elated that she was so new and unjaded.
She was a nymph, and perfect for games. Familiar well-used scenes would be fresh with her, revived. She was canny yet innocent, and so delicious and adorable that he wanted to lick her breasts this instant and put his fingers inside her vagina. He wanted to stroke her and touch her, play in her soft sexy furrow and fondle her dark anal cleft. He wanted to molest her tight little bottom, even though he knew it would initially disgust her. She’d hate it and she’d fight, but then she’d be hotter than ever. Squeezing his glans, he wished he had a covert radio link as well as closed circuit TV. That way, he could relay his instructions to Elf, direct the action, and make Dee take the caresses he ordered.

  Uncannily, as if she seemed to hear him, Dee rolled over. Her firm breasts bulged out from beneath her as Elf began working her shoulders. Jake knew that strong firm stroke himself, and it didn’t surprise him when Dee responded. The prone woman bore down against the couch and with a faint, broken sob – so clear through the hi-tech speaker – she eased apart her legs and wriggled.

  Jake moaned too, his penis huge and throbbing. With his free hand, he thumbed the zoom button and the camera seemed to close in tight on the deep, shadowy chasm between Dee’s round buttocks. His balls jumped dangerously and he knew he was right on the edge, imagining the hot, tight grip of that silky, split-peach bottom.

  She’d protest, of course. She’d complain and try and squirm out from under him. He pictured her thrashing, twisting, trying to protect that forbidden and vulnerable entrance from the push of his violating organ.

  But he’d get his way. Either through force of will or by far more gentle means. He’d finger her sex until her anus pulsed and opened. As it fluttered on the screen, he mentally put Dee in restraint.


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