The Look of Love

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The Look of Love Page 5

by David George Richards

  Louise felt embarrassed and exhilarated all at once. “You look amazing! I don’t think I’d have the courage to dress like that!”

  “Oh, I don’t care what people think!”

  Chrissy said, “I think we can gather that.”

  Victoria turned to her. “Don’t pick on me, Chrissy! I haven’t done anything wrong!”


  Then Jo said, “Will you two stop bickering! Are we going to have fun tonight, or not?”

  “Fun!” Victoria said with a grin.

  Max hugged Jo in his arms and announced, “Well, lads, now that we’re all set up, what do you think?”

  Scott eyed Chrissy and Victoria next to him and said, “I think I’ve died and gone to heaven!”

  John stared at Louise and said, “I like mine!”

  Andy was looking at both Louise and Angela when he said, “I like mine and yours!”

  And Chrissy said, “Are you talking about us, or your dicks?”

  Chapter Seven

  Looking for Richard Gere

  They stayed for over an hour in Edward’s Bar before they decided to move on. By then they had consumed a few rounds of drinks and had begun to relax in one another’s company. Even Chrissy had mellowed. She even smiled at one or two of Scott’s jokes.

  At first, Scott tried to chat up both Chrissy and Victoria. But as the drinks went down, Victoria’s put down’s became more and more caustic. She may have been beautiful, and almost undressed, but Scott was soon put off by her biting remarks. That pleased Louise. She had begun to fear that Victoria would be whisked away from her by this handsome young man. She needn’t have worried. Victoria’s body may have been a temporary distraction, but it was Chrissy that Scott was really interested in.

  Louise had to admit that Scott was persistent and actually quite charming. And he really worked hard with Chrissy. But although Chrissy seemed to have warmed to him a little, Louise could see by the look in her eye that Scott was going to be disappointed.

  Louise had done her best to keep to the orange juice, but when Victoria kept egging her on to drink something stronger, she finally gave in. And by the time they left the table, she had drunk two vodkas, and was beginning to feel a little tipsy. Victoria, however, seemed to be none the worse for wear, even though she had drunk far more than the rest of them.

  The bar was now absolutely heaving with people, and they had to run the gauntlet of groping hands on their way out. Victoria got most of the attention. Her response was to kick or claw at her attackers, sometimes drawing blood, but nearly always hitting the target. The verbal abuse she got as a result didn’t seem to faze her. It was as if she enjoyed it. Even when one of the women in the bar hurled abuse at her, calling her a slut, Victoria just smiled.

  Louise was fascinated by it all. Then she suddenly felt someone grab her bottom, and the surprise caused her to jump and squeak, and she immediately went bright red. It was the first time that she was thankful for the presence of Max, Scott and their friends. They did a lot to fend off most of the attacks.

  They were nearly at the door when Chrissy got grabbed for the second time, and Scott lost his temper. He turned and pushed her assailant away and the result was a lot of jostling and shouting. The girls quickly headed for the street with John and Andy while Max stayed to help his brother.

  Chrissy wasn’t impressed by the heroics. “Look at them huffing and puffing at each other!” she said as they waited outside. “They’re like pigeons in Piccadilly Gardens!”

  Jo defended her boyfriend’s brother. “Scott was only trying to look after you! Why do you have to be so rotten to him? Scott’s alright!”

  “I don’t care if Scott’s alright! He’s not my boyfriend, and I don’t need looking after!”

  Victoria grinned mischievously and asked Chrissy, “Are you still looking for Richard Gere?”

  Chrissy turned to her, snapped, “Shut up!” and walked away.

  Victoria laughed. After what Chrissy had told her, Louise understood her meaning. But Chrissy wasn’t the only one pursuing a fantasy. Louise stood next to Victoria, watching her laugh and filled with yearning.

  Max and Scott came out of the bar. Scott looked upset to see Chrissy walking away, and quickly gave chase. They all followed after him.

  When they crossed Portland Street, they had to run to avoid the traffic. Jo lingered behind. Louise thought she was going to get run over, but Jo just laughed as all the cars honked their horns at her. She was obviously feeling the effects of all those vodkas, and Max had to pull her out of the way.

  “Are you mad!” he said, shaking her.

  “I’m just having fun!” she replied, still laughing and slurring her words. “Anyway, I can’t run fast in these heels…” as she spoke, she took them off and carried them in one hand. Max held her other hand and pulled her along. She trotted after him, bare foot.

  They caught up with Chrissy and Scott. Scott was doing his best to get back into Chrissy’s good books, but with only partial success.

  “I’m sorry! I lost my temper, that’s all! I was trying to protect you!” He kept trying to hold on to her arm, but Chrissy kept fending him off.

  “I don’t need protecting!” she replied. “I’m not a baby!”

  All the time they argued, Louise noticed how Victoria watched them so intently, her eyes narrow, and her expression hard. It was as if she was jealous. But why would that be?

  Then Jo called out, “Oh, give him a break, Chrissy! Scott’s the best lad to come your way in ages!”

  Chrissy turned to her in annoyance. “Shut it, you! You make me sound like a nun! And he is not the best lad to come my way!”

  “Yes he is! You’re just too fussy!”

  “I am not fussy!”

  “Prove it, then!”

  Chrissy stared at her, but didn’t reply.

  And Angela said, “Yeah, Chrissy! Prove it!”

  Chrissy became conscious of everyone staring at her and quickly relented. She looked at Scott, took a deep breath, sighed, said, “Oh, come on, then!” and walked away.

  Scott followed her. As he walked along, he turned, put his hands together in supplication, and mouthed, “Thank you!”

  As they walked across Piccadilly Gardens, Louise tried to keep close to Victoria, while John was obviously trying to keep close to her. He kept coming between them, trying to shepherd her away. Louise resisted, and looked to Victoria for support, but Victoria was too busy staring after Chrissy and Scott to notice.

  John talked to Louise constantly, asking her where she worked, or where she lived, or if she was seeing anyone. Gradually he got round to asking her out. She said no, and tried to put him off, but he wouldn’t give up. He kept asking why not, and Louise wasn’t sure if it was the drink speaking or the glimpse of Angela’s cheeky grin, but she suddenly announced in a very loud voice, “Because I’m a lesbian! Alright?”

  Why was Piccadilly so quiet when she said that?

  Everyone laughed, and Angela almost had a fit. Even Louise saw the funny side. But it finally put John off, and he moved away.

  Her outburst also had an unexpected effect on Victoria. She was shaken from her fixation on Chrissy and Scott and quickly came over. She put her arm around Louise’s shoulder, and hugging her close, she whispered, “Nice one, Louise! You’re learning!” Then she raised her head, grinned, and stuck her tongue out at John.

  Victoria showed no intention of moving away, so Louise seized the opportunity to put her arm around her waist. Victoria didn’t seem to mind, and they carried on walking like that. Louise held onto her, pressing the palm of her hand against Victoria’s stomach, feeling her skin and the muscles beneath moving as she walked along. Louise was ecstatic. Things couldn’t have been going better.

  They headed down Market Street towards Deansgate. Chrissy and Scott were in the lead, followed by Louise and Victoria, Jo and Max, and Angela and Andy, who had also seemed to pair up. Only John was now on his own. He walked along despondently with Angela
and Andy.

  They took a short cut through St Ann’s Square, and halfway across they passed a group of boys heading in the other direction. One or two of the boys still held glasses of beer they had brought with them from the last pub or bar they had visited. Victoria’s brief outfit instantly caught their attention, and they all whistled at her and called out lewd comments as they went passed.

  Victoria didn’t turn a hair, but Louise had mixed feelings. On the one hand she felt proud that she was the one with the subject of their admiration, that she was the one with her arm around Victoria. And on the other hand she felt a little scared but very jealous and possessive. She wanted them to go away and leave her and Victoria alone.

  Then one of the boys called out, “You’ve got great legs, baby! I bet they’re long enough to wrap all the way round me!”

  Louise was expecting the usual put down, but instead Victoria stopped, drawing them both to a halt. And looking over her shoulder, she said in a very seductive voice, “They’re longer than you think. They go all the way down to the ground–” as she spoke, she slowly lowered her hand until it almost reached her knee, then she raised it back up again, “–and all the way up to heaven.” When her hand reached her skirt, she flicked it up, giving the boy a quick glimpse of her bare buttock.

  Victoria then led Louise away to a roar of approval from all the boys. Louise glanced over her shoulder, and saw that more than one of the boys had spilt his beer.

  Chapter Eight


  Deansgate was the sight of several other bars. They visited each in turn, hanging about among the tables and chairs outside the bars on the pavement. It was still early September, and the evening was mild and pleasant, and the whole of the top of Deansgate was filled with young people roaming around. It was like the corridor inside one huge bar. Passing cars hooted at all the scantily clad girls, and people milled about, going from one bar to another, or heading off to one of the nearby clubs.

  Louise quickly lost her hold on Victoria. As soon as they reached the first bar, Victoria had dived inside, leaving Louise behind. Chrissy and Scott also disappeared, as did Max and Jo. Louise tagged along with Angela and Andy, conscious of John watching her suspiciously. But soon, even he disappeared.

  Louise stayed with Angela and Andy. They seemed to be getting on well together. Andy wasn’t Mr Universe, but he was very polite, charming and attentive to Angela, and it was obvious to Louise that Angela liked the attention. He was also very polite to Louise, and always bought her a drink when he bought one for himself and Angela. Without Victoria’s bad influence, Louise was able to stick to orange juice or Coke, and she soon began to feel a little more clear-headed.

  As they moved from bar to bar, Louise caught the occasional glimpse of Victoria. She was with a different boy each time, and the alcohol she had consumed was beginning to have an effect. She never stopped to talk to Louise; she just waved, grinned, and dived into the next bar.

  When Louise next saw Chrissy and Scott, Chrissy looked decidedly unhappy about something. She seemed to be ignoring Scott, who was now with Max and Jo. He didn’t look too pleased either. Louise asked Chrissy what was wrong.

  “The usual!” Chrissy snapped, and quickly disappeared into the next bar before Louise could question her further. Scott was quick to follow after her.

  Louise would have spoken to Jo and Max, but they, too, hurriedly disappeared into the bar. Louise returned to Angela and Andy.

  “What do you think is the matter?” Louise asked Angela.

  “It’ll probably be something to do with Tori,” Angela replied with a shrug. “She’s had a skin-full, and what inhibitions she has will have gone by now. If she causes trouble, I don’t think we will get to a club tonight. I’m sorry, Louise, but it looks like you’ve wasted your time tonight.”

  Angela was right. The evening was beginning to go sour; Louise could feel it in her bones. She was beginning to feel depressed, when there was the sound of shouting and glasses breaking somewhere inside the bar.

  Everyone began to stare into the interior of the bar, and Angela quickly muttered, “Oh-oh…”

  It wasn’t long before Chrissy emerged dragging Victoria with her. Chrissy looked very angry, and she was pulling Victoria along very roughly. When they reached the pavement, Chrissy swung Victoria around and pushed her away from the bar. She used quite a lot of force, and Victoria tottered quickly forward on her heels, fell over a chair and sprawled on the floor.

  Louise instantly rushed forward to help her up. She was shocked and embarrassed, and very worried about Victoria, but Chrissy was still angry. She ignored the gathering crowd and stood over Victoria, shouting at her.

  “You can’t leave it alone, can you? You have to get drunk and ruin everything! I warned you! I told you not to piss about, but you just couldn’t help yourself, could you?”

  Victoria pouted as Louise held her in her arms. “I’m only having a bit of fun, Chrissy! I didn’t mean it! Really I didn’t! Don’t hate me!”

  “It’s not fun! It’s malicious! And hurtful! And I’ve had enough of it, and you!”

  Louise couldn’t help defending Victoria. “Don’t be so hard on her, Chrissy.”

  “Don’t interfere!” Chrissy snapped at Louise. “You don’t know what she’s like!”

  “But what’s she done?”

  “Got Scott into a fight by causing trouble like usual! She’s always stirring it! She’s a pain in the arse!” Then Chrissy turned back to Victoria and shouted, “You’re a slut, Victoria Kenyon! A drunken slut!”

  Victoria immediately responded. “And you’re a stuck up cow!”



  “Ah, go back to Zach! Maybe you’re drunk enough to let him shag you now!”

  Victoria dived at Chrissy, screaming, “Shut up! Shut up!”

  The crowd cheered at the start of the fight, but Chrissy was stronger and far less drunk, and there was little more than a quick scuffle before Victoria ended up on the floor again. It was all a bit of an anti-climax.

  “That’s where you belong!” Chrissy told her. “In the gutter!”

  “Bitch!” Victoria wailed as Louise went to her aid for a second time.

  Jo and Max emerged from the bar. “What’s going on?” Max asked.

  “Ah, get lost, the lot of you!” Chrissy replied and stormed off.

  Victoria climbed to her feet. She was suddenly tearful. Louise hung on to her as she staggered after Chrissy.

  “Chrissy! Don’t go! I didn’t mean it!” she begged.

  “Drop dead!” Chrissy called back.

  Scott now appeared. He looked dishevelled and he was covered in beer. He was also just as angry as Chrissy. He went straight to Victoria, grabbed her and demanded, “What’s the matter with you? Do you hate me, or what?”

  Victoria shrugged him off, her face twisted in anger. “Chrissy doesn’t need you! You only want to get in her knickers! Why don’t you get lost!”

  Scott didn’t reply. He just slapped Victoria and she fell over again. The crowd cheered as Scott hurried after Chrissy.

  Louise went to help Victoria for a third time, and Jo, Max, Angela and Andy all gathered round. The five of them quickly got Victoria back on her feet again. They moved away from the bar, heading down Deansgate. They left the crowd and the bar behind them, the fight already forgotten.

  Louise had her arm around Victoria again, helping her as she staggered along. She had lost one shoe somewhere back at the bar, and one side of her face was now bright red. Angela and Andy both looked worried, while Jo kept pestering Victoria about what had happened.

  “What did you do this time?” Jo asked her.

  “I didn’t do anything!” Victoria moaned.

  “Were you stirring it with Chrissy and Scott?”

  Victoria’s expression turned nasty again. “He’s a shit! Pawing all over her! He wouldn’t leave her alone!”

  Max was instantly offended. “That’s my brother
you’re talking about! I’m not standing for this! Let’s go home, Jo!” He tried to pull Jo away, but she resisted.

  “I’m not going yet, it’s too early! I want to go to a club!”

  “I’m not going anywhere with her!” Max said.

  “Well, you go home then! I want to have some fun!”

  And Victoria added, “Yeah! Piss off like your brother!”

  Louise was shocked. “Victoria!”

  Max grabbed hold of Jo’s arm. “Are you coming, or not?”

  “No!” Jo said, and pulled her arm free.

  “Stuff you, then!” Max told her. He turned and walked away.

  Victoria said, “Good riddance!” She pulled free of Louise and looped arms with Jo. “Come on, Jo! Who needs men? At least the two of us can have a laugh!”

  “Yeah! Bugger them!”

  The two of them staggered off, stopping only briefly for Victoria to reach down and remove her remaining shoe. She tossed it over her shoulder and it landed in the road and was instantly crushed by a passing bus.

  Louise was now on her own. Angela came to stand next to her.

  “Me and Andy are going for a pizza,” she said almost apologetically. “We’ve had enough booze for one night. Do you want to come?”

  And Andy added, “You’d be very welcome. It’s no problem.”

  Louise looked at Jo and Victoria. Both of them were laughing and singing as they walked along together, arms linked and shoe-less. She sighed and shook her head in dismay.

  “No, I better stay with them,” she replied.

  “Are you sure?” Angela looked concerned. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.”

  Louise caught her meaning. “It’s alright,” she said. “I’ll be fine, Angie! And somebody ought to keep an eye on those two!”

  “Alright then. But you take care. Phone me tomorrow so that I know you are alright, okay? And I’ll see you at Uni on Monday.”


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