Half-Breeds: Krinza's Dragon

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Half-Breeds: Krinza's Dragon Page 2

by Kriss Wilt

  The portal master informed Terrian that part of his job was not only to send the exiles through, but to spend every other week on the other side, monitoring their adjustment until the next cycle of exiles went through. Lovely.

  By the time night fell, the portal master had explained the new duties to Terrian and sent him through to meet with the guard captain on the other side. Moments after heading through the cold swirls of light, the portal disappeared. An empty archway on top of a stone platform stood, casting a long shadow across the ground.

  A griffon guard stood nearby. “You must be the new exiler. First time here?”

  “Yea.” It was the only thing his brain would spout forth as he looked at the sun still hanging in the sky.

  “Don’t worry, the sun is almost set. Time between Varga and Onara are different, but it seems not by much. The days are a little shorter, but there are more of them in a year here than on Onara. You will be settled into your house before you know it and sleeping in a nice soft nest. Just remember to start a fire. It gets much colder here at night than on Onara.”

  “Um, thanks. House?” He looked around and realized he wasn’t in a city. There weren’t creatures and tall buildings everywhere. He saw mountains in the distance, grasses and trees and hills between the platform he stood on and the mountains. Strange smells assaulted his nose; a mixture of nature and some things he couldn’t identify.

  “Ah, yes. See that building over there? That is the placement agent’s office. His name is Fint. Interesting fellow. He would have met you here, but you’ll understand when you meet him. He’ll fill you in on your accommodations and such. I’m Garret, the guard captain. Feel free to find me if you need some company besides the filthy half-breeds you’ll deal with every day. I’m sorry, what was your name?”

  “Terrian. Nice to meet you. Thank you.” Still somewhat lost with what was going on, he shuffled over to the building indicated while taking in the new scents around him and trying to place them.

  Once Terrian entered the building, he understood what Garret meant. Fint was a Merman. Perfectly capable of being out of water, it was really hard on their skin, scales, and gills. Fint was working on a ledge near the water’s edge, no doubt finishing his paperwork from the last exile to come through. Looking into the water, Terrian noted that its small surface area gave the false impression of it being a small pond. It, in fact, extended down rather deep, no doubt having tunnels that led to other areas and probably Fint’s living area.

  Fint quickly explained a few nuances of the moon, gave Terrian some paperwork, and then kicked him out with directions and a key to his new home on Varga.

  Terrian found himself outside the house just staring at it. He’d been hatched in a cave out in the far mountains. When he moved to the city, he hadn’t lived in anything other than dormitories and apartments. He had never even been in a real house. Everyone lived in apartments unless they were really rich or farmers.

  Once inside, Terrian explored the different rooms, build to handle creatures twice his size, the rooms were huge with massive doorways. The furniture, on the other hand, had been adjusted to accommodate him. He now understood all of the different measurements that had been taken of him when he was accepted for the position. There was a well-stocked kitchen and pantry, complete with wines and ales. A bedroom with a large fireplace had a nest large enough for three of him. It was neatly lined with soft linens and pillows to ensure his comfort. Another room sported two full walls of books, a desk for all of his paperwork and another large fireplace. This home would do, quite nicely, he thought to himself.

  Several days passed as Terrian fell into his role. He worked closely with Fint, helping the newest exiles find homes, apartments, or somewhere to build for themselves. Those that wanted to build, he helped find able-bodied adults to help. All of the newest exiles were introduced to town elders in order to give them a sense of welcome. Some of the children seemed inconsolable, but with enough effort, he found other half-breeds who could at least keep them somewhat calm.

  He struggled to get use to the difference in the length of days but seemed to be getting better about adjusting. He had spent a week on Varga, then another on Onara. He was half way through the week on his second rotation on Varga when he found himself out late one night. He had gone for a walk and was taking in the different views of the sky. The stars looked similar to what they had from his mountain cave, so he assumed that he was on the southern hemisphere of this moon. Most of his life had been spent in the capital city in Onara, in the northern hemisphere. Then he saw her.

  She was scowling at the sky with an armful of wood, readying to go inside and add it to the fire she most likely had warming her cottage. He had almost missed her; so much of her was dark. The lights from the night sky had reflected on her human flesh though and he took notice. When he looked closer, he saw her dragon features, black almost lost in the night. When she turned to go back inside, she flicked her tail and her hips moved just so. As Terrian’s eyes traced her wings, she disappeared inside. She was gorgeous. For a dirty half-breed, his thoughts chimed in. He found himself stepping towards her cottage when he stopped. What was he doing? It was the middle of the night. She was a half-breed. This was ridiculous. Pressing down the arousal that had started to warm his core, he noted where he was before turning to return to his own nest.


  Chapter Four

  Krinza stepped to answer the knock at her door. Inhaling deeply she noted the scents of two males, at least one with the smell of some dragon blood in them. She opened the dark to see a young dragon male, most likely a new exile, as well as a rather attractive adult male, who by all appearances looked entirely dragon. “Hello. How can I help you?” She didn’t know either of them.

  “Hi there.” The adult responded with an extremely handsome grin. He stood a head above her with deep blood red scales. The tan robe he wore covered most of his body, but she could tell that he was strong and well built. “My name is Terrian and this is Bru’Nik. I was hoping to talk to you about his adjustment.” He indicated the young dragon beside him. He lacked wings but otherwise looked like he would grow into a large, strong Dragon male. His deep green coloring was marred with small tan patches. He was barely of an age to be exiled. He wouldn’t reach his puberty for another few years. Granted, with human in him, you never know.

  Krinza glanced over her shoulder at her cottage; it would have to do. It wasn’t entirely clean but they’d have to tolerate a few books and dishes lying about. “Come in. It’s much more comfortable inside. My name is Krinza.” She turned and retreated inside, smoothing the wrinkles in her outfit, wishing it were longer. She hadn’t been expecting company. She hated wearing robes; they always seemed to not sit right on her wings and tail. She had opted on a short violet dress that day. It ended over her knees, clever construction had tie placements allowing her tail a comfortable hole in the back to protrude from. The top was a halter that tied behind her neck, no fabric covering her back or obstructing her wings. Normally, robes and dresses had overlapping pieces that were pulled between the wings and secured at the neck, thus hiding the scandalous curves of her toned back.

  She offered drinks and handed out cups as everyone got settled. As she moved about, she took every chance she was allotted to study the dragon before her. Something very primal in her stirred at the sight and smell of him. She felt a sort of tension build in her belly that shed not felt before. She had come into her maturity several years ago, new hormones and sensations roiled through her and she had had her taste in some of the local males. She had always seemed more enticed by the human half the creatures. The specimen before her didn’t seem to have any human though. A little confused by the feelings scratching at the back of her mind, she flicked her tail and sat down.

  “So how can I help you, specifically, Terrian? I am already one of the local teachers, though education for the newest children is not to begin for another week. We like to let them get a
little more settled before we start.”

  “Well, Krinza, as you know, exile is rather jarring to young half-breeds. I personally feel that the purity squad should have waited another year or two before taking Bru’Nik here. I scented a female of dragon blood, and thought the influence would do him well. We have found him a nice dwelling not far from your own. As a fellow dragon blooded creature, I was hoping you could help Bru’Nik adjust to life on Varga.”

  He called her a creature. Couldn’t he have said individual? Even just referring to her as a female would have been better than creature. Slightly miffed, it took Krinza a moment to steel herself and formulate a reply. This was about Bru’Nik, not herself. “I can easily look in on you Bru’Nik. Once your education has begun, I will see you almost every day. If you ever have a problem, you can always knock on my door. I must add, however, that in the next few days I will be very busy preparing for the start of the education season. I can’t have you hanging off me like your mother. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” The small reply was directed at the floor more than her.

  “Will that be sufficient, exiler?” Krinza noticed the smallest twitch of his head at her words. Perhaps ‘exiler’ had the same effect on him that ‘creature’ had on her. She smiled inwardly to herself at her jab but kept a straight face at the dragon in her home.

  “It will do. I seem to have a soft spot for the dragon blooded that I have to send here. I wanted to be sure he had someone who understands our instincts to help guide him into his adulthood. His mother spoke very highly of him; claiming he had alpha potential if only he’d been pure.”

  A soft spot? Dragons didn’t have soft spots. However, she did have to admit that it was a little touching to have an exiler that actually cared. Most of them only dealt with the outburst of the enraged exiles who tried to hassle the portal guards and placement agents.

  “Well then, it is settled. It was very nice to meet you Bru’Nik. I hope to see you again soon. Terrian, thank you for stopping by but, as I mentioned, I have much to prepare for the new arrivals education.”

  She showed them out, watching as Terrain seemed to swagger away from her. The knot began to build low in her belly again, but damn if he wasn’t a fine male specimen.


  Chapter Five

  The following evening, Terrian returned to Krinza’s cottage.

  “What can I do for you, exiler?” she tried to place enough emphasis on the word to bite, but not enough for him to think it was an intentional jab. It was, technically, a proper title to his position, Terrian just didn’t care for it.

  “Please, call me Terrian. I’m not here specifically on business. Well, sort of. Um, can I come in?” He was hoping she would say yes and offer him a drink. His nerves seemed to be on edge and he didn’t understand why. She was just another female. A half-breed, but a female nonetheless.

  Why did he seem just as enticing when he worried his hands as he did when he was sure of himself? Krinza smirked as she stood out of his way, waving her arm to allow him entry. He was chewing on his lip. “Feel free to pour yourself some wine. I was just starting my evening fire if you will give me but a moment, I’ll be free.”

  “Thank you Krinza, that is very kind.” He headed straight for the wine, poured a glass, drank half of it, and promptly refilled it before replacing the wine and sitting down.

  Krinza noted as his tail twined around the leg of the chair he was using. Turning around she knelt before her fireplace, adding logs and starting the kindling. As she settled the kettle of water for her night’s tea, she thought about why he would possibly be there. She came up with nothing.

  By the time she had settled in the chair across from Terrian, she took note of his returned self-assuredness. He no longer worried his hands or twitched his tail. He was again the strong male she had met the day before. “So what is this not really business you’re here for?” She couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow and cross her arms as she inquired.

  “Well, I am new this whole exiler thing. Considering the look of you, I’d say you’ve been on Varga for almost ten years now. I was hoping for your assistance.”

  “Fifteen years, actually. How do you propose I help you? You have the portal guards, placement agents, and I’m sure a whole slew of others to help you perform your duties.”

  “Oh no, not in that sense. I am perfectly capable of rattling off some memorized speeches and ushering children through the portal. You said you were one of the educators. I wish to learn a bit about this moon. About the other half-breeds. About you.” His eyes caught hers and Krinza let lose a small squeak in her throat by accident. Why did his eyes have to be so beautiful? “I mean in order to better help the adjustments. I’m not fond of children crying. If I am knowledgeable enough about Varga and its inhabitants, perhaps I can make the transition easier on them.”

  He actually seemed serious. Krinza was skeptical and seemed to be thinking that were he anyone else, she'd immediately say no and usher them out the door. Before she finished the thought, however, she heard herself saying yes. What was wrong with her? At a loss for anything else to say at that moment, she focused for a moment on the arousal that was growing in her as she took in the line of his chest, the scent of his masculinity.

  As soon as Terrian started to say something else, he swore he caught the scent of her arousal stirring. He hadn’t expected an exiled half-breed to do anything but loathe purebloods. This had all been a gamble, but perhaps it may just pay off. Noticing her lack of anything to say, he figured he needed to start somewhere before she started to smell his own interest in her. “Since I first arrived here, I’ve come across a lot of unfamiliar scents. Could you help me identify them?” Shit. Now she’ll know he was scenting her. “I think it’s the local flora and fauna. I’ve managed to learn a bit of the local trees by myself so far.” It wasn’t much of a save, but it would have to do.

  She barely caught his words. Caught up in his scent, she heard him mention smells and breathed in deep. He had a delicious smell to him. Damn her human half for restricting her sense of smell. If she were pureblooded, she could have practically smelled what he was thinking. She suddenly realized that he was looking to her for a response when she had barely heard his question. Damn his intoxicating scent!

  “This moon does have some rather enticing scents.” She wasn’t lying; she was inexplicitly drawn to see if he tasted as wonderfully as he smelled. Damn it. She was an adult. She shook her head in an attempt to clear it and focus on the conversation at hand. She mentioned some of the more fragrant plants, started explaining their scents. After a few minutes of his nodding, she began to explain that he might smell things differently than what her stifled dragon nose did.

  “From your descriptions, I would say that you scent things just fine. I would hazard to guess that you were given much by way of your dragon blood. By the look of your beautiful eyes, I’d say you can probably see better than I can.”

  “I did get a lot of the better dragon genes. But then again, I might be biased.”

  “Better genes? There aren’t any bad dragon genes that I’m aware of.” He actually seemed a bit shocked at her statement.

  “Well, again, I may be a bit biased, but I’m rather fond of the sensations my human skin feels. I can feel just fine through my scales, but the flesh is so… fragile. It’s more sensitive.” She softly raked her claws up her arm, leaving light red marks to emphasize her point.

  “Hmmm. That seems like it would be more of a weakness than an improvement over our scales. Though I will give you one thing; I’ve never seen a dragon with such beautiful hair.”

  “Only because no dragon pureblood has any hair.”

  “Well, they should. It’s very fetching. May I feel it?”


  “I’ve never felt hair before. Scales, feathers, fur; but never hair.”

  “Um, sure. I guess it couldn’t hurt.” The last part was mostly to reassure herself. She sto
od to get closer to him, all the while hoping she didn’t lose control of her hands. But oh, she wanted to touch every inch of him.

  Once she got beside him, she noted that he had remained sitting. Bending over was a little awkward, so she found herself kneeling next to him. She steadied herself with a hand on his thigh and even with the robe separating them she could feel the heat that came off him. As he gently ran his hands through her hair, careful not to catch his claws on her, she closed her eyes to enjoy the sensation. What would it feel like to have his hands on her delicate skin? Caressing her tail or massaging her breasts? No sooner had the thought passed through her mind and she felt his scaled hand on her shoulder. Her eyes snapped open and her breath caught in her throat for a second; he was caressing her skin with those powerful, warm, and dangerous fingers.

  When Terrian ran his fingers the length of her hair, he ended up with his eyes on her delicate flesh, just inches away from his hand. He’d felt flesh before, but hers looked so soft, so supple. He gently placed the backside of his fingers to her shoulder and stroked the olive flesh he found there. If only he could touch every inch of her.

  “Now you’re going to tell me you’ve never felt human flesh before either, I take it?” her words were a little breathy, but he pulled his hand away despite the growing scent of her arousal filling his nose. Did she know that she had tilted her hips towards him? It didn’t matter. He shouldn’t be touching her without asking. He knew dragon body language, but half-breeds? He couldn’t know if she was really willing unless she said so or initiated. Not to mention that the idea of any kind of coupling may be out of the question. Some half-breeds lacked the proper equipment. Some who had the equipment couldn’t reproduce; others could only reproduce with other similar half-breeds. He pulled his hand away slowly, not wanting to show that he hadn’t actually intended it.


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