Ash: Jagged Edge Series #5

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Ash: Jagged Edge Series #5 Page 15

by A. L Long

  The woman must have thought we were only looky-loos and wandered off back in the direction she came. Juliette grabbed a couple of dresses that she thought would work and headed to the dressing room. Sitting on a plush velvet chair in the waiting area just outside where the dressing rooms were, I waited, knowing that whatever she chose would look absolutely breathtaking on her.

  When she stepped out of the dressing room, my jaw dropped to my chest. She was wearing a multicolored dress that fit snugly up against her breast and dipped low in the back, revealing the creamy softness of her back. Unable to hold back my amazement, I drooled, “Wow, Jules. You look amazing.”

  “I don’t know if it is sexy enough,” she professed.

  “Jules, you are supposed to persuade Sebastian, not seduce him,” I pointed out.

  “Let me try on the next one?” she offered.

  Slipping back into the dressing room, I was once again left waiting for her. Looking around the shop, I noticed that the shop clerk was looking my way. She tried to look away like she wasn’t staring at me, but it didn’t work. Moving away, she began busying herself on another rack of dresses. Juliette couldn’t have appeared any quicker. I got the feeling from the evil stare that the old lady might have thought we were going to lift her dresses or something.

  Every dress that Juliette tried on looked like it was made for her. She was gorgeous. She never considered herself that way so it didn’t surprise me that she didn’t take my compliment. Deciding to go with the first dress she tried on, we headed over to the register and placed it on the counter. Eighteen hundred dollars later, we were out of the shop and back in the truck with a beautiful dress, matching heels, and a necklace. Our next stop was the salon.

  Arriving at the house, Juliette grabbed her purchased items and headed into the house. I knew that she was in a bit of a hurry considering we had spent more time at the shop than what we anticipated. Opening the door to the kitchen, she looked back over to me and said, “I’m going to take a quick shower.”

  Trying to be funny, I smiled and said, “Need any help with that?”

  Flicking the cardboard lid to her expensive shoes, she managed to hit me in the head before she replied, “Very funny, Ash.”

  God, I love that woman, I thought as I watched her leave the kitchen. Her sassy little ass swayed back and forth like she knew I was watching her, which I was. Rocking back on my feet, I turned and went to the fridge to get a cold one. Popping the top, I took a long draw and took the half-empty bottle with me to the living room. Standing by the window, I admired the orange-purple color that the sky held as the sun began to set. As beautiful as it was, it was also a signal that soon Juliette would be in the hands of Sebastian Collins. The only thing that I could think about was all the things that could go wrong. Concerned about the mission, I began asking myself all of the what-ifs. What if Sebastian found the wire? What if he didn’t go for her story? What if Walter Marlow was there when she arrived? There were so many things that hadn’t been taken into account. I knew that I was probably overthinking things, but I needed to make sure that Juliette remained safe.

  Taking my cell from my back pocket, I dialed Peter. The second he answered I asked, “What if Sebastian finds the wire?”

  I could hear Peter take a deep breath. “Ash, he won't.”

  “What if he doesn’t buy her story?” I asked.

  “He will, Ash. What is this really about, Ash? We have been over this already. Juliette knows what to do if things start to get heated,” Peter assured me.

  “I’m just really worried about her,” I confessed. “I have a bad feeling about this.”

  Once again Peter told me not to worry. At first it was decided that I would stay clear of the mission because of my feelings for Juliette, but when Peter offered to let me go and to stay in the van that would be monitoring all of the activity, there was no way that I was going to say no. I might not be able to be right there with Juliette when she talked to Sebastian, but at least I would hear everything and be there in case we had to make a move.

  Drinking the rest of my beer, I headed to the bedroom to check on Juliette. When I got there, she was in the bathroom touching up her make-up. I could have stood in the doorway and watched her all night. I watched as she picked up her lipstick and glided it on. God, how I wished I was gliding across her plump lips. Just the thought had my cock hard, wanting to plunge it deep inside her mouth and watch the pink gloss coat my throbbing member.

  While I was lost in my lustful thoughts, she cleared her voice and lowered her eyes to my groin area. The reflection of her smile in the mirror told me that she was well aware of what was going on inside my jeans.

  Fixing her lips by smacking them together, she said in a sexy voice, “You know, I could take care of that for you.”

  As much as I wanted her to, I knew that I wanted more that just a quickie. I wanted to take my time with her and worship every inch of her gorgeous body. Once again, I was lost in thought. Juliette walked to where I was standing and lightly placed her hand on my cheek. “It’s almost time.”

  “I suppose there isn’t any chance that you would consider changing your mind?” I inquired.

  “I can’t, Ash. I have to do this. Peter and you will make sure that nothing happens to me,” she answered softly.

  I would move the earth to make sure nothing happened to her. If Sebastian or Walter so much as hurt one hair on her pretty head, they could start digging their own graves.



  My nerves were all over the place as I got inside the fancy car that Peter rented for this mission. I had to admit that Lou looked pretty good in his chauffeur's getup. Ash convinced Peter to allow him to ride with me until we got closer to the Collins Building, while Peter, Ryan, Cop, Sly, and Hawk followed us in the van that was equipped with the surveillance equipment. Mike and Josh were already working on tapping into the security system by posing as security guards.

  On the way to Sebastian’s, Ash was holding my hand so tight that I could feel my blood supply being cut off. Placing my hand over his, I said softly, “Ash, babe, you have to loosen your grip.”

  “Sorry, Jules,” he apologized, giving me a look that could have melted butter on a cold day.

  I knew he was worried and didn’t want me to get out of the car. If he had his way, he would tell Lou to just keep going, but I knew as much as his heart was with me, his common sense was with all those girls being held against their will.

  We were a couple of blocks away from the Collins Building. Lou pulled over while the van pulled up beside him. What was supposed to be a quick exchange ended up being longer than expected. Ash, with his gorgeous eyes, looked at me with concern. “You be careful in there, Jules. If something doesn’t seem right, you know what to do.”

  “I got this, Ash. All I have to say is ‘The stars look beautiful,’ and you guys will show up,” I reiterated.

  Hawk hit the horn, letting Ash know that it was time to go. Giving me a quick kiss, he opened the door and got out. My breath began to hitch as I watched him get into the van. Squeezing my eyes shut, I said in a soft voice, “You can do this, Jules.”

  The van pulled ahead and Lou eased away from the curb. Hawk took the next right, while Lou continued driving straight ahead. The closer he got to the building the tighter my chest felt. Seeing the building through the window, Lou slowly pulled to the side. He looked over his shoulder and asked, “This is it. Are you ready?”

  “I am,” I answered, wondering if I would be able to pull this off. What could be so hard? All I had to do was convince Sebastian that I had made a mistake and let him know how I felt about him.

  Opening the door, I stepped out of the car with my expensive Johnny Choo stilettos. The sidewalk wasn’t as congested as the the early mornings were. Slowly, but confidently, I opened the door to the building and went inside. I was thankful to see that Josh and Mike were sitting behind the security desk. They both looked up to me in unison
and then redirected their focus back to the monitors sitting in front of them.

  I was only a few feet from where the elevators were, but it seemed like I walked up to them in slow motion. Even as I pressed the ‘up’ bottom, my finger lingered on the arrow pointing upward a little longer than needed. The doors soon opened and two gentlemen got off. I just stood there unable to move my feet. It was only when the doors began to close that I realized I needed to get into the car. Pushing the door open with my hand so that it would retract, I got in and turned my attention to the elevator panel and pressed the thirty-fifth floor. I took in another deep breath as the doors began to close.

  Reaching the thirty-fifth floor, I was surprised to see that the bimbo with the fake boobs wasn’t sitting behind the reception desk. Instead, it was a brunette wearing glasses looking like she just walked off the geek train. This was so very unusual, especially for Sebastian, considering he preferred the sexy stupid type. Walking up to her, I asked with confusion, “Where is Big-boo… I mean the other receptionist?”

  The young receptionist lowered her glasses and looked up at me with a smile. “Sorry, who?” she asked, seeming like she had no idea what I was talking about.

  “Never mind,” I replied.

  As I took a closer look at her, I realized that if it hadn’t been for her glasses and the way her hair was pulled back, she would actually be quite attractive. Adjusting my stance, I placed my finger on my bottom lip to make sure that my lipstick wasn’t where it shouldn’t have been and continued with my performance. “Is Mr. Collins in?”

  “He’s in with a last minute appointment. If you would like to wait, I will let him know that you are here.”

  All I could think about at that moment was who could be his last minute appointment as I turned to take a seat on the leather chair in the reception area. Sitting there, I couldn’t take my eyes off of the door at the end of the hall. If Mr. Marlow walked out of that door, I needed to make sure I had a quick escape.

  I was just about to switch seats when I heard the voices of two men chatting. One I recognized as Sebastian’s, but the other one I had never heard before. As Sebastian walked closer with the unknown gentleman, his eyes fell upon me with a look of surprise. I was pretty sure I was the last person he expected to see. Standing to my feet, I headed their way and said sternly, “We need to talk.” I didn’t know if it was the way he was looking at me or the fact that I looked pretty damn good that gave me my added confidence.

  “We will talk tomorrow, Marcus,” Sebastian stated as he shook the gentleman’s hand.

  When the elevator closed, Sebastian took me by the arm and began leading me towards his office. Giving his receptionist a rigid command, “No interruptions,” he led me down the hall to his office. He had barely closed the door when he asked, “What are you doing here, Juliette?”

  “I can’t go back to him Sebastian, I just can’t,” I pleaded.

  “You have no choice. A deal is a deal.”

  I watched as Sebastian walked over to the mini bar and poured himself a drink. This was it, the moment of truth. I knew the next words out of my mouth needed to be very convincing. Walking over to where he was standing, I placed my hand on his shoulder to make sure I gained his full attention. When his eyes met mine, I laid it on. “I can’t go back to him, Sebastian, I love you.” As hard as it was for me to say those words, I was pretty sure that he believed me.

  Turning to face me, he pulled my body close to his and pressed his lips to mine. Parting my lips, I allowed him entrance into my warmth, trying desperately to think of something else other than his lips touching mine. His hands began slowly running down my bare back until he found my zipper. As he slid it down, I squeezed my eyes shut, knowing that if I stopped him from doing what he wanted to me, he would know that the declaration of my love was a lie.

  While I was feeling that I had no other choice but to give in to him, the beep of his intercom sounded, saving me from my misery. A deep male voice came across the speaker, “Sir, this is security. There's an issue in the lobby that needs your immediate attention.”

  “Can’t you handle it yourself?” Sebastian replied harshly.

  “I'm sorry, sir, but he insists on your presence.”

  The call couldn’t have come at a better time. When I got the chance, I needed to give Mike a big hug for stopping what might have just happened. Sebastian pulled the zipper back up on my dress and took hold of my hand. His grip was tight, which exhibited the annoyance he had at being interrupted. With me in tow, he looked over to the young receptionist and said, “You are free to leave,” as though she was nothing more than his servant.

  When the elevator arrived at the lobby, it wasn’t long until we were off and standing in front of Mike and Josh at the security desk. Before either one of them could say a word, Sebastian demanded of them, “What the hell is this about?”

  Mike stood and said, “The gentleman left, but said you knew where to find him. He said his name was Walter Marlow.”

  “That’s just wonderful. Get me my driver,” Sebastian ordered.

  Sebastian turned towards me and gave me a light kiss on the forehead. With my eyes facing the security desk, Mike gave me a quick wink, letting me know that the seed just got planted and Lou would be here shortly to take us to where Walter would be. Spotting the car, Sebastian took hold of my hand and led me to the front door.

  Lou got out of the car and was ready to open the back door when Sebastian asked, “Where is my usual driver, Max?”

  “Sorry, Mr. Collins, he had a family emergency and was called away suddenly,” Lou answered in a serious but convincing voice.

  Lou was so convincing that even I believed his story. Tipping his head, he closed the door and rounded the sleek car and took his place behind the wheel. Looking in the review mirror, he asked, “Where to, Sir?”

  “Just drive, I’ll tell you when to turn,” Sebastian barked.

  This is not the response that Lou was looking for. What he really needed was a physical address so that the guys on the other end of the wire would know where we were going. I only hoped that they would be able to figure out the direction that we were heading by Sebastian’s instructions.

  Leaning my head against his shoulder to gain his trust, I asked softly, “Where are we going, Sebastian?”

  “To end this deal with Walter,” he professed.

  His answer didn’t do anything to help out the guys. I needed to use a different approach if I was going to get a location out of him. Snuggling closer, trying not to lose my lunch, I spoke softly when I asked, “Are we going to the rundown mansion on Graypeak Drive?”

  “It’s the only place where he would be, pet,” he answered with a sympathetic look that I had never witnessed before.

  Just as I looked forward, I saw Lou look at me in the review mirror, giving me a smile. I knew then that the guys had a location as to where we were going.


  When Lou turned down Graypeak Drive, my body began to tense. Just the thought of being near that man again made my skin crawl with disgust. How could I ever look at him after everything he had done to me, to my home, to my life? Stopping in the circular drive in front of the entrance, Sebastian opened the door and got out before Lou was able to assist him. When he held out his hand, I placed mine inside his and allowed him to help me out of the car. Lou remained in the car as Sebastian and I walked up to the front door. It didn’t surprise me that he didn’t knock, announcing our presence; he did, after all, own the house.

  Walking through the door, the same musty smell hit my senses and just about knocked me over. It must have affected Sebastian the same way as he held his hand to his nose. As he advanced further inside, I followed close behind him, using him as some sort of shield against what was to come. The closer we got to a set of double doors the stronger the scent of cigar smoke became. Sliding the doors open, there, standing near the large window, was Walter Marlow. Without so much as a look in our direction, he spoke in a gruff vo
ice, “I see you found her, yet I don’t understand how she escaped the fire.”

  Sebastian walked closer to where he was standing and questioned him about his comment. “What are you talking about, Marlow?”

  Turning our way to address Sebastian’s question, his eyes were drawn to me. “She should have died in that fire. The minute I got the call from my loyal servant, I knew exactly where she would be going. With a little incentive, my men were able to beat her there and make sure she was tucked securely inside. I guess I underestimated your willingness to live. Although, I don’t believe you got out on your own.”

  “You bastard,” I yelled, staying where I stood. “You boarded my house.”

  With an arrogant chuckle, he confirmed what I already knew. “Not me, Slave. Call it a service well paid for.”

  Holding back his own anger, Sebastian seethed, “That wasn’t part of the deal, Marlow.”


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