Billionaire: Menage: Swinger: Let's Swing (MMF Bisexual Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Short Stories)

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Billionaire: Menage: Swinger: Let's Swing (MMF Bisexual Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Short Stories) Page 22

by Piquette Fontaine

  “I always wanted to do that,” she exclaimed when she resurfaced from beneath the water.

  The guys laughed at her enthusiasm, until she reached the edge and climbed out of the water. Milla's clothes clung to her, outlining every curve of her body. Both men swallowed hard.

  “Not yet,” Ethan cautioned himself silently.

  But he also saw the opportunity to be sure his plan was a good idea. He walked slowly toward her, picking up a towel along the way. Milla looked up at Ethan and the heat in his eyes stopped her mid-laugh. He was right in front of her, looking down at her, watching the same heat in her eyes; he could feel it radiate from her body just like before. He brought his arms around her and draped the towel over her shoulders. Holding the ends of the towel, he let his fingers trail down in between her collar bones to the neckline of her dress. He slowly tied the towel ends there, staring in her eyes the whole time.

  He dropped his hands to his sides, forced himself to turn away and as casually as he could, “What do you say we take that bottle of champagne on the coffee table, grab some food and hit the beach for a makeshift picnic?”

  Ten minutes later they were walking out together, food and champagne in hand and a tote full of beach towels and sunscreen. Ethan darted off for a moment as Milla and Jared made their way out the hotel's front door, but he caught up with them a moment later.

  “I checked with the concierge and he let me know about a great stretch of beach not far from here. Just a ten minute walk that way,” he informed them, pointing down the sandy stretch to the left of them. It also happened to be a relatively secluded section of the beach.

  They walked quietly, taking in the tropical scenery surrounding them. Five minutes through, the path turned rocky and Milla cursed the strappy sandals on her feet. She was never much for high heels—never really needed them given she already stood at least a few inches taller than many of her friends growing up—but she'd brought them along for vacation, thinking they'd be a nice change from the everyday. She was only grateful at the moment that she'd opted for a conservative two-inch pair of heels. That sexy pair of stilettos she'd been eying at the store would have resulted in an injurious fall for sure. But she certainly wasn't against snapping the heels of the shoes on her feet if it meant she'd make it through the climb without a broken neck.

  Fortunately, within two minutes they had made it past the rocky terrain, and Milla committed to finding a different way back to the hotel. An empty stretch of sand and sea stretched out before them, and Milla ran ahead, kicking off her shoes and wading to her knees in the surf. But she returned to where Ethan and Jared had dropped their bags instead of diving into the water fully clothed this time.

  In one swift movement, Milla grabbed the hem of her sundress and yanked it up over her head. She tossed it on the ground and headed back to the water while the men left behind her tried to keep their jaws from dropping to the ground.

  Milla did her best to play it cool, but her face flamed red and she resisted the urge to slip her dress back on. She'd opted for the tiny little swimsuit on a whim; the saleswoman had dangled the strings of fabric from her finger, “You'll have the entire beach drooling over you in this, Miss,” she had assured Milla. And in that moment, for some unknown reason, an image of Ethan's eyes following her across the beaches of St. Lucia flashed through her mind. She'd dismissed the saleswoman's suggestion at first, but as she wandered throughout the store, the idea of walking on the wild side appealed to her more and more. She'd bought the swimsuit, tossed it in her luggage and resolved not to think of it again.

  But standing in the oversize bathroom, with floor-to-ceiling mirrored walls, she had seriously wished she'd packed another swimsuit—just to work up to this one, of course. But, the scraps of fabric connected by string was the only bathing suit in her bag. So, she'd swallowed hard and slipped it on, all the while wondering whether it would've just been easier to go naked—would there have been much of a difference?

  But as she made her way down to the water the image of Ethan's eyes on her flashed through her mind again. And she felt the stirrings of arousal and that wild streak that had come over her in the store. She brought to mind images of those sexy women strutting down the runway, and began emulating them, swaying her hips gently as she walked and looking back over her shoulder with a come hither smile.

  “What are you waiting for?” she hollered to them.

  But Ethan and Jared weren't prepared to move from their spot. Milla was gorgeous in anything, but they weren't prepared for this. They'd figured, given her usual attire, a full-coverage swimsuit was Milla's style. They had never anticipated seeing her strip off her dress to reveal a string bikini beneath, barely concealing more than her nipples and exposing her ass entirely with its G-string back.

  But they couldn't very well stand there gawking at her indefinitely. Ethan moved first, stripping off his shirt, his bare, muscular chest flexed and relaxed with every movement. Milla had reached the water and turned around just as Ethan's shirt hit the ground, and it was her turn to keep her jaw from dropping. She moaned aloud, grateful the distance between them made it unlikely he heard the sound. Jared stripped off his shirt and tossed it next to Ethan's and suddenly Milla's image from yesterday evening sprung to mind. She dove beneath the water's surface quickly, hoping the dose of cool water would shock her wild thoughts into submission. Ethan and Jared jumped in a moment later.

  Milla emerged from the water twenty minutes later. She'd skipped the meal on the plane and was more in need of food than another lap in the water at the moment. She wrapped a towel around her waist, laid out another on the sand and sat down to peek into the bag they'd brought for lunch. Ethan and Jared came up behind her, laid out towels without drying off and sat down to join in on the impromptu picnic. Before any thoughts could spring to mind, Milla began chanting, “no, no, no, no,” in her head to keep them from rising up in response to the half naked, glistening bodies in front of her.

  Halfway through the meal, Ethan poured glasses of champagne and toasted to the first of many celebrations they hoped to share. Milla hadn't had a drink in years, and after just a few sips she immediately began to feel a relaxed tingling sensation throughout her body. She sprawled out on her towel a few minutes later, the towel around her waist still securely in place. She still had the good sense to remember the sunscreen she'd packed in the bag and she sat to retrieve it, not wanting to spend her holiday as red as a tomato. But as she moved to open the lid, Ethan took the bottle from her hand.

  “Lay down, Milla. I'll do it,” he said casually, seeing an opportunity for the idea that had come to mind earlier. She smiled timidly, and hesitantly, she flipped over onto her stomach. Ethan squeezed the sunscreen to fill his hand, rubbed it between his palms to warm the liquid and placed his slippery palms on Milla's back. He moved in slow, deliberate circles, massaging from the nape of her neck and working downward to where the towel prevented him from moving lower.

  “Mmmmm,” Milla responded to the feel of Ethan's hands on her back. It was a sensual combination; the way he massaged soothed her muscles while his every touch added to a tension that was building in another region.

  He removed his hands for a moment and then Milla felt them again at her ankles. He massaged his way up her calves and when he reached the towel this time, he let his hands move beneath its edge, massaging just an inch or two upward. When she didn't move to resist, he continued his way up her thighs slowly.

  Ethan's touch was no longer relaxing her, it was driving her crazy, and she knew she should stop this now. But his hands felt incredible, and though her eyes were closed, the image of Ethan touching her, caressing her, only added fuel to the fire. Milla was incredibly confused, and the arousal now coursing through her veins only added to her bewilderment. Still, she could have chosen to object, to roll away from his hands or sit up, but she stayed completely still as Ethan's hands wandered further up her bare thighs.

  He looked up at Jared as he continued his massage
just inches away from Milla's cunt. Jared sat a few feet away, glaring down at him with a mixture of jealousy and arousal in his eyes. Ethan turned his attention back to Milla, but he could see Jared's hand clench from the corner of his eye.

  Ethan's hands lingered just below her ass, and then he crossed a threshold, allowing his hands to slide over her cheeks, the motion loosening her towel's grip. It fell away, leaving her ass exposed to his view, marred only by the tiny string that ran between her cheeks. He waited for Milla to object, to grab the towel, to smack him; any sign of rejecting his advance. But she didn't move.

  He leaned forward and whispered huskily in her ear, “Milla, turn over for me.” She opened her eyes then and met his gaze. Neither spoke, but the heat radiating between them spoke volumes. Never breaking her gaze, she slowly complied, caught up in the heat in Ethan's eyes and the fire that burned elsewhere.

  Ethan reached for the sunscreen then, and squeezed more into his hands. But, instead of tossing the bottle on the ground this time, he handed it across Milla's body to Jared with a look of expectation in his eyes. It took Jared a moment to register what Ethan was saying, but when understanding dawned, his eyes widened incredulously. Ethan continued to stare at him, motivating him to follow his lead. And after a moment, he did, squeezing some of the liquid in his own hands. Ethan smiled devilishly; while part of him wanted her all to himself, the incredible experience for Milla meant more. And he admittedly relished the idea of seeing the woman he loved in wanton, innate, rapturous pleasure. “The woman he loved? Where did that come from?” Ethan wondered silently. But he wasn't stopping to consider that “small” revelation right now. He'd think more on it later.

  Ethan looked back down at Milla and met her eyes again. His hands returned to her body, starting at her neck and massaging in small circles again down her collarbone. He continued over the upper swells of her breasts, but instead of moving around the scraps of fabric covering the rest of her tits, he continued to rub over top of the bikini top, grazing her nipples and squeezing her tits lightly. Milla's breath caught in her throat and her eyes widened, but Ethan continued, seeing her body respond by arching to meet his touch.

  Milla was heady with arousal. Ethan's hands felt better than anything else she could remember feeling—ever. This was so wrong—he was one of her best friends, and they were carrying on directly in front of her other best friend. But it felt wonderful, and she didn't want it to stop. And then, the situation took a hard turn directly into “do not enter” territory.

  Out of nowhere, she felt Jared's hands join Ethan's. His movements were tentative at first, rubbing lightly along her neck, past her shoulders. But then, Ethan's hands left her breasts and began massaging downward over her ribs, her stomach, her hips, and Jared's hands took over where Ethan's had been. He traced the upper swells of her tits at first. Milla moaned at the sensation, and it was enough to spur Jared onward. All of a sudden, his own arousal overwhelmed him and he squeezed her tits firmly.

  “I'm going straight to hell.” The thought popped into Milla's mind. But God help her, if the price for what was taking place here was an eternity of burning in hell's fires, she'd gladly pay the price. Besides, she didn't think the fires of hell would feel much different than the fiery sensation that had settled in her cunt. She could tell that she was soaking wet, and that knowledge, combined with wondering if, given the path his hands had taken, Ethan might soon find that our for himself, only stoked the flames hotter.

  But his hands didn't take the path her body so desperately wanted. Instead, while Jared's hands squeezed and caressed her tits, Ethan's hands slid along her hips and to her thighs, working his way down her legs. When her body writhed and thrust her cunt upward just slightly trying to modify his direction, he knew that Milla was fully on board.

  He stopped at her knees, but instead of massaging his way back up this time, his lips replaced his hands. He kissed his way along the inside of her thigh, and Milla's legs parted to allow him access to continue. But, as he reached the apex of her thighs, he started kissing his way back down her other thigh, forcing a groan to escape her lips unbidden.

  But seemingly to make up for Ethan's light torture, Jared's mouth replaced his hands on her. He kissed every exposed inch of her tits, using his tongue to sample the taste of her skin. He teased her nipples through the fabric with his tongue, but it wasn't enough, and his hands came up to shove the fabric aside. His hands squeezed her tits as his mouth came down to suck one nipple into his mouth. Milla moaned in response, and Jared nibbled lightly to enhance the sensation. Milla whimpered, trying to remain quiet. He nibbled just a little harder and squeezed her other nipple with his fingers, and she lost all concern about her noise level, moaning louder and arching her back off the ground.

  Ethan reached Milla's knees and looked up to see her tits fully exposed and a look of pleasure on her face. He moved forward slightly so his face was just inches from her pussy, and hooked his finger into the waist of her thong bikini. He pulled down slowly, revealing her clit. His free hand came up to rub the small button of flesh, moving slowly at first and then with increasing vigor.

  The sensations were overwhelming her; Jared's mouth on her tits, Ethan's finger rubbing her clit, and his face so close to her. She'd lost all sense of right and wrong, knowing only that her body wanted more of this erotic evil. Her body writhed beneath them as she felt her first orgasm in ages begin to build. And then, Ethan's mouth replaced his fingers, and he sucked her clit into his mouth. It was unlike any other sensation she'd experienced and it sent her spiraling over the edge fast, cumming hard against his mouth.

  Milla thought she'd be done at that point; clarity and reason would return to her, and she'd be met full force with the error in her judgment. But, her body wasn't anywhere near finished. And when Ethan pulled off her thong in one swift movement and began running his fingers along her soaking wet slit, she was instantly revved up and desperate to feel those fingers deep inside her cunt.

  She wouldn't be disappointed for long. A moment later, Ethan parted her lips with his fingers and slid two more inside her slowly. She moaned loud, capturing Jared's attention, who turned to watch Ethan's fingers disappearing in her pussy. He watched for a minute and then moved one hand from her tits to join Ethan, rubbing her clit hard and fast. Ethan increased his speed, delving his fingers deeper with every thrust. And Milla's movements became frantic as she whimpered, moaned and writhed wildly until she started to cum around Ethan's fingers.

  Ethan gritted his teeth against the urge to shove his cock in Milla's pussy right then and there, and decided he could use a moment to regain control. “Milla, take off Jared's shorts,” he whispered in that same husky voice. Dazed in pleasure, Milla didn't hesitate. Jared stood for her and getting to her knees, she hooked her fingers in the shorts' waistband and pulled them down his legs slowly, letting his dick spring free. “Now, suck his cock, Milla,” Ethan urged, and she complied eagerly, opening her mouth wide and taking in every inch of him. Jared held her head still after a moment and began thrusting forward instead, enjoying the sight of Milla on her knees while he fucked her mouth with his cock.

  “Lay down, Jared. Milla, I want to see you on top of Jared with your cunt in his face and your mouth on his cock,” Ethan instructed.

  Jared pulled out of Milla's mouth reluctantly. But given the success of Ethan's plan thus far, he wasn't going to argue. He laid back on the towel and Milla climbed on his face, eager to feel a tongue on her pussy. She leaned down and wrapped her lips around the head of Jared's cock as his tongue began to thrust in and out of her fast. Ethan was behind her then, shoving a finger in her pussy quickly before removing it after just one thrust.

  Milla was confused, but understanding dawned a moment later when she felt his wet finger pressing against her asshole. “Oh, um, I'm not sure...” she trailed off. Milla wasn't sure how she felt about this, but as she moved forward to escape Ethan's probing finger, Jared's tongue slipped out of her pussy, and she instinctively s
hoved backward, forcing his tongue inside once again. In the same movement, her ass pressed against Ethan's finger.

  She started forward, but as her cunt moved away from Jared's tongue again, she realized her predicament, but too late. Her body thrust back to meet his tongue once again, and the force of her movement pressed Ethan's finger against her ass and forced it inside her tiny hole. As she moved away once more, the glide of his finger in her ass made Milla moan. She hesitated, not sure she wanted to relinquish this new, incredibly naughty sensation. Ethan seized the opportunity and slid his finger fully inside her ass and then withdrew to his fingertip slowly. Milla moaned again and Ethan plunged in again while Jared continued thrusting his tongue as deep as he could in her cunt. Milla's moans got louder around Jared's cock and her body writhed wildly. Jared's hands came up to her hips to hold her still. He and Ethan both increased the speed of their thrusts and Milla screamed her orgasm, cumming harder than ever before. Her orgasm sent Jared over the edge. He groaned and bucked upward hard, and he shot his load in her mouth.

  Ethan couldn't wait any longer. He had waited for years, suffered through a multitude of cold showers. He had taken his time today, made sure this experience was everything it could be for Milla, but now he needed inside her. He shucked his shorts and lifted Milla off of Jared's tongue like she weighed no more than a feather. Ethan laid her down gently on towel-covered sand.


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