Billionaire: Menage: Swinger: Let's Swing (MMF Bisexual Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Short Stories)

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Billionaire: Menage: Swinger: Let's Swing (MMF Bisexual Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Short Stories) Page 38

by Piquette Fontaine

  We were a sea of limbs, twisting, screwing, writhing in sweet agony on the rapidly dampening bedspread, the sheets winding around our entwined bodies in such a manner as to permanently tie us into a singular unit, knotting us together, giving us no hope whatsoever of extricating ourselves.

  At last, somehow or another, I found myself draped across my stepbrother's naked body, his lips pressed up against mine, his tongue in my mouth, and his arms wrapped greedily around me. My breasts heaved as I struggled to maintain my breath, and down below I took note of Mark's fingers, wrapping around Kyle's erection, and lining the engorged tip up with the opening of my vagina. He pushed the glorious thing into me, slicing open my body, and filling me up with every last, excruciating, exquisite inch of Kyle's flaming, curved erection.

  At long last he touched down inside me, and I moaned with sheer delight, shaking like a leaf, nearly fucking crying from the splendor of it. Kyle's fingers sank into the flesh of my ass, gripping my buttocks as though for dear life, and slowly beginning to knead my cheeks like dough. In the process, the narrow crook of my pussy was slid excruciatingly up, down, up, down, up, down along the blade of his erection, the friction nearly fucking killing me, and my body trembling unabashedly from head to toe. I let out a loud moan as he progressed, faster and faster and faster, eventually to the point where he took his hands off altogether, and simply fucked me from below with the vicious strength of his pelvic muscles.

  I was screaming by the time he let up, stopping just long enough to give Mark a chance to add himself to the pile. He climbed on top of me, mounting me from above, and similarly sliding that unwieldy log of a penis of his into my body- anally...

  I shrieked with pain as it pushed inside, stretching me out to a degree that was agonizing, until at last he touched down so far up my ass that I thought I might pass out.

  And then, the two men began to thrust in tandem, breaking into a vicious grinding, almost without warning, so that I could barely contain myself as they plowed me relentlessly. The pain, at first, was excruciating, but gradually transitioned to pleasure as they progressed in their steady, furious rhythm. I absolutely savored the grinding of their two penises together through the thing layers of my body, scraping and pulsing and dual-fucking me into a storm of delight, to the point that I found myself screaming so loudly I couldn't even hear my own voice past the ringing of my ears.

  And, WHAM!

  With one final, lethal blow the two men smashed themselves into me, and held themselves firmly in place, letting their erections come to full and utter fruition. Pulse after pulse after pulse, their ejaculate came surging into my body in waves, filling me up in each of my respective holes so thoroughly that their sperm came spilling back out almost instantly, dribbling down along their still-pumping shafts, and setting me over the edge.

  My body absolutely rang with orgasm, trembling from head to toe with climax as my limbs began to quiver, my flesh convulsing, and my mind shooting off into the heavens, reeling in such an absolute manner that it could leave positively no room for doubt as to my sheer ecstasy.

  At long, long last, the two men pulled out of me, and I collapsed almost instantly into their arms, the three of us continuing to kiss madly in the afternoon sunlight, until gradually we drifted off into a gentle, beautiful slumber.

  I could scarcely have imagined a preferable ending to my years-long crush on my stepbrother than this exquisite and unexpected double header.

  Life sure is funny sometimes...


  Laying The Odds

  “Jerry!” Tabitha yelled at the top of her lungs, trying to make her voice fill the master bedroom on the second floor from the kitchen. She had awakened when the sun’s first rays cut into the bedroom, and had been surprised that her husband had crawled into bed at some point during the night. Tabitha had gone to sleep alone, as she did most nights recently. Normally, she found Jerry asleep at the kitchen table, stinking of tobacco and alcohol. After seeing her husband sleeping beside her, Tabitha had silently eased out of bed and made her way down the tiny stairs while putting on her robe.

  He’s making an effort; she thought to herself, he’s trying to be with me. The thoughts were bittersweet, though, since they showed just how low her expectations had fallen during the first year of their marriage. When they had stood before Pastor Thompson, Jerry and Tabitha had plans to start a big family as soon as possible and farm their twenty acres in Central Tennessee. Jerry’s father had given them money for the land, but it came with a warning for Tabitha.

  “I love my boy, but you have to keep on him, girl,” Hank Sawyer said, placing his hands on her shoulders. They stood outside the church, about to ride off in a carriage to their new home. “Jerry can be a hard worker, but he needs constant motivation and attention. You let him alone, and he’ll wander off as soon as something shiny catches his attention.”

  Tabitha nodded, knowing full well Hank was right. She knew her new husband could easily become lost in the clouds. The problem was, the advice came on the wrong day, her wedding day, and Tabitha quickly let it fly away.

  For the first two months, they both worked hard on the farm. It had belonged to another young couple, who were struck by a horrible run of bad luck. First, the husband had lost his index finger while sawing wood for a new shed. Then the wife had died during childbirth, which also cost the child’s life. Overwhelmed by grief, the husband forgot to take care of his wound, which became infected and eventually killed him. Jerry and Tabitha were determined to honor their memory by making the farm everything the deceased couple could have wanted.

  Jerry showed a real passion for farming, thanks in no small part to Tabitha’s continuous praise. She often stopped her own projects inside the house to watch her husband work in the fields. Tabitha loved to watch his muscles in action, coated with sweat and dirt. Several times she stood beside him, pretending to be interested in how he was doing a particular task, when in fact she just wanted to be near him, to smell his body as it struggled and strained against the earth. It stirred something deep inside Tabitha’s soul and body. Every night, they would make love for hours, despite all of the hard work in the field. As Jerry drove his penis into Tabitha, she would let her hands roam all over his muscled body. Her fingers played with the sparse hair on his chest and stomach. When she felt particularly daring, she wrapped her long, thin legs around his midsection and pulled him into her. She could tell Jerry liked it when she moved with him, letting him know she liked what he was doing to her. Jerry also paid special attention to her medium sized breasts and the pink nipples that capped them. He loved to suckle and kiss them. After their lovemaking ended each night, Tabitha would snuggle up to Jerry, falling asleep with her head on his chest, surrounded by his aroma.

  Things did not start changing for the worse until the young couple went into town to celebrate the one year anniversary of their engagement. Waverly, Tennessee did not have much when it came to fine dining, but the Silver Spur offered up the best steaks in the region. Jerry wore the black suit he had married Tabitha in, saying it was his lucky suit. Tabitha wore a red dress she had made just for the occasion. The material and pattern came from New York City, and it had taken several days to create. The waist and bodice accentuated Tabitha’s hourglass figure perfectly. As she walked into the Silver Spur and all eyes turned to her, Tabitha worried that the dress fit a little too perfectly, and became nervous. Jerry made those fears disappear as he placed his hand on the small of her back.

  “You are so lovely tonight,” Jerry whispered in her ear, “that you’ve stunned this entire establishment.”

  Tabitha blushed at her husband’s kind words, which gave her confidence to walk with her head held high. As the restaurant host walked them to their table, several people turned to look at Tabitha, making her confidence slip again. Then she noticed how those people were looking at her. All of the women had the same look that the girls in her old school gave her when one of the boys paid more attention to her than them
. The men seemed to appraise her as if she were a show horse. Tabitha smiled, realizing her husband might actually be right. Throughout the meal, Jerry and Tabitha talked and laughed, enjoying the evening. Tabitha noticed several men glancing in her direction, until their wives noticed and reprimanded them. She was having a great time.

  The attention in the room suddenly shifted as the door to the kitchen opened and a solo man walked out. His body filled the door frame, but his presence filled the entire room. His pinstripe suit hinted at riches beyond even the wealthiest diner, and his perfectly coiffed black hair showed he was a man who knew how to pay attention to his appearance. His sun-drenched skin and strong hands showed this was no dandy from the East Coast.

  “Good Evening friends, and welcome to The Silver Spur. I am Jake Thorn, and thank you for eating dinner with us this evening,” he said. Jake walked to each table, spending a few minutes in conversation with the seated party. Whenever he left a table, the people would have satisfied looks on their faces, as if Jake made them feel important not only to him, but to the entire world. Jerry made no attention to Jake, more interested in consuming the steak in front of him. Tabitha, on the other hand, could not stop watching the older man glide from one table to the other. Every second she noticed something new, such as the tiny gray streaks coursing through the black mane of his hair, or the way Jake’s cobalt blue eyes never left the person he was talking to. Finally, Jake approached Tabitha and Jerry. Tabitha felt her pulse and breathing increase with each step.

  “Good evening, and who might you two be?” Jake asked.

  Jerry reluctantly put his fork and knife down, “We are the Sawyers. I’m Jake, and this lovely woman is my wife, Tabitha.” Jerry stuck out his right hand, which had traces of meat juices on the finger tips. Tabitha gasped, worried how Jake would take shaking the dirty hand. It turned out Jake didn’t seem to mind at all. He grasped Jake’s hand as if they were old friends and gave it two strong jumps, but Tabitha did notice that Jake discreetly wiped his hand on the tablecloth as he turned towards her.

  “Mrs. Sawyer, I want to thank you specifically for coming to The Silver Spur tonight,” Jake said as he squeezed her left hand between his, “you have turned this tiny shack into a palace with your beauty.” Tabitha’s entire body blushed at Jake’s words and touch. She could feel the roughness of his fingers lightly scrapping against her hands. “Mr. Sawyer, I am sure you agree with me about your wife’s beauty?”

  “Oh yes! I tell her everyday how lucky I feel to be her husband,” Jerry answered as he took another bite of steak.

  At the mention of luck, Tabitha saw a shadow cross Jake’s face. It made him look dangerous and scared Tabitha.

  “Lucky, you say?” Jake said, “Are you a man who enjoys a game of chance?”

  Jerry nodded, “I have been known to dabble in a round of poker now and again, if that’s what you mean.”

  “That is exactly what I mean, Mr. Sawyer, and it just so happens that we have a nightly game in the back room after dinner service is at an end. Would you be interested? It is a friendly game, so we keep the limits low and the betting light,” Jake said.

  Jerry looked at his wife and then back to Jake, “Mr. Thorn, I appreciate the offer, but I don’t know how much my wife would enjoy watching a bunch of men play penny poker. I do appreciate the invitation.”

  Jake nodded with a smile that burned brighter than the sun, “It would appear that you are lucky and smart Mr. Sawyer, putting the needs and wants of your wife before your own. Let’s make that an open invitation. Feel free to come back any time.” He then walked away, but Tabitha noticed Jake look back at her. The smile on his lips did not reach his eyes. There, Tabitha saw lust and hunger, something she had only recognized in one other man, her husband.

  During the rest of the meal, Jerry dominated the conversation with his plans for the farm and an idea for where to build a stable. Tabitha listened, nodding where she needed to nod, but the look in Jake’s eyes kept coming back to her. Why would such a successful man look at me like that? Tabitha wondered.

  “What are you thinking about?” Jerry asked, noticing he did not have his wife’s complete attention.

  Tabitha smiled at Jerry and said, “I am just trying to soak in everything about tonight. It is just such a perfect evening.”

  Jerry chewed his last bite of steak and said, “You are so right. My beautiful wife, a wonderful steak, and a glass of beer. What else could a man want? I mean besides a good game of cards?”

  “Jerry, if you want to play, that is fine,” Tabitha said, “I will just sit and watch.”

  Jerry shook his head, “No, Tabitha, I wouldn’t do that to you. I can’t imagine anything more boring than watching other people play cards.” He took a long gulp, emptying his beer, “Besides, I don’t have any extra money with me. Are you ready to go, Dear?”

  Tabitha nodded with a smirk, realizing how much her husband wanted to play, but was taking her feelings into consideration. He really does love me, she thought as she stood and he paid for the meal and then took her hand. As they walked out of The Silver Spur, Jake Thorn appeared almost out of nowhere.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer, I hope everything was to your liking?” Jake asked, his hand outstretched towards Jerry.

  “Absolutely, Mr. Thorn. The only steak I’ve eaten that was better was from Tabitha here,” Jerry said as he squeezed her hand.

  Jake turned to Tabitha and gave her a frown, “Well, in that case, perhaps I need to fire my cook and hire you instead, Mrs. Sawyer?”

  Tabitha blushed, “No, don’t do that. My husband is prone to exaggeration when it comes to complimenting me. The meal was delicious and I will be hard pressed to match it back at the house. Jerry will want to come back here everyday if I can‘t get close, and that will ruin us.”

  “We don’t want that,” said Jake, “we want our guests to come often, but not to the detriment of their future. That’s one reason I started the poker games in the back. It gives our guests to win back some of the money they spent in the restaurant, because I am truly a horrible gambler.”

  Jerry laughed, “Well in that case, maybe I will return later to check that out.”

  Jake joined him, his laughs deeper and richer, “You do that! Tonight or any other night, except of course Sunday. No gambling on the Lord’s day, that‘s a steadfast rule.”

  Tabitha cut back into the conversation, “Well thank you again for a lovely meal, Mr. Thorn. I am sure we will see you again soon.” She turned towards the door and Jerry followed, placing his right hand below Tabitha’s left elbow as they walked into the night. Unseen by both of them, Jake Thorn’s eyes focused on that small touch. It filled his mind with jealousy and desire.

  An hour later, Tabitha and Jerry were back in their home. After an evening in The Silver Spur, Tabitha saw the dirt and cobwebs more clearly in her home and felt ashamed. She resolved to do a proper cleaning in the morning. She may never have a beautiful dining room like The Silver Spur, but that was no reason for her husband to eat in filth. With that decided, Tabitha went upstairs to prepare for bed, realizing she was more tired than normal after the evening meal. When she reached the bedroom, Tabitha found Jerry changing out of his suit and into his daily clothes, instead of his normal night shirt.

  “What are you doing, Jerry? Are you not coming to bed?” Tabitha asked.

  Jerry turned around quickly to face his wife, a nervous look on his face, “No, I, uh, thought I’d ride back to The Silver Spur and see if I could get in a couple of hands with Mr. Thorn. If he really is a bad card player, I may be able to get all of our money back.”

  Tabitha tried to keep her disappointment out of her voice, “Oh, I had hoped we could go to bed together. When do you think you will be back?”

  Jerry kissed her quickly on the lips, “As soon as possible. I’m not really expecting to win any money, but it might be a good idea to be on the right side of a man like Jake Thorn. If we really want to expand the farm some day, he might be able to floa
t us a loan to make it happen. I love you.”

  Seconds later, Jerry was riding his horse back into town, leaving Tabitha alone in the house, wondering how her romantic evening had desolved into her husband going to play cards with the owner of a restaurant. She slipped out of her newly made dress and undergarments and traded them for her night shirt. Tabitha slipped into the bed, alone, for the first time since marrying Jerry, and realized right away how much she hated the feeling. As she blew out the candle next to her bed, she prayed that her husband would return soon and safely.

  In the back room of The Silver Spur, Jerry was having too much fun to think about returning home any time soon. Jake Thorn seemed to be just as bad at cards as he had claimed, and he was not the only one. Hand after hand, Jerry pulled the pot to his side of the table, beating the other three players with some of the weakest hands imaginable.

  “Are you gentlemen sure you know how to play poker?” Jerry asked as he won a hand with a pair of tens.

  Jake laughed as he placed his hand face down, “I can understand why you would ask such a question after our horrible luck tonight.” The other three men nodded as well, sheepish grins painted on their faces. “How about we play one more hand, so we can all get some rest before the sun comes up and you can go home to your beautiful wife with all of our money?”

  Jerry said, “That sounds like a good idea. Deal ‘em out!”

  Jake planned to do just that, his smile friendly, but his eyes burning with something only his partners recognized. It was the look Jake always got when he had hooked another fish and was really to reel him in. He shuffled the cards, letting his fingers perform the procedure they’d learned decades ago. Then, with a flick of the wrist, Jake threw the cards to each player so fast that none of them could really tell if he was dealing from the top, bottom, or middle of the deck. Jerry picked up the five cards in front of him, and almost yelled with he saw the hand dealt to him. There were three Aces, a five of Spades, and a Jack of Hearts. The way the night had been going, Jerry was sure there was no way anyone else at the table would be able to beat him. Seeing the pile of money in front of him, Jerry knew he had to bet and bet big, to scare everyone else out so they would not lose anymore money.


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