Always Us (The Jade Series #8)

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Always Us (The Jade Series #8) Page 34

by Everhart, Allie

  “It was a great Christmas.” She scoots up so I can see her face.

  “Was it better than last year?”

  “Well, yeah. Katherine isn’t here and you aren’t recovering from being shot. This year is way better. Plus, now I’m married to you.”

  “You like that, huh?”

  “I love it.” She kisses me and I kiss her back, my hand touching her under the blanket.

  “Garret, not here.” She pulls my hand away. “We need to go upstairs for that.”

  “Then let’s go upstairs.”

  “Can we go later? I’m really full right now.”

  “Do you want me to put a movie in?”

  “You can watch one. I’m going to take a nap. I’m really sleepy.”

  “Then I’m going to call Sean.”

  Sean wasn’t able to fly home for Christmas, so he’s in LA, spending the holidays by himself. I hope he at least went out for Christmas dinner. He’s still not over his breakup with Harper. He doesn’t talk about her as much as he used to, but I know he really misses having her in his life. The guy was totally in love with her. I think he still is. Actually, I know he is, but he’s trying to move on the best he can without her.

  Harper’s back in LA for winter break, but she’s avoiding her family. She’s staying with one of her friends from high school. She’s still mad at her parents for forcing her to break up with Sean. She tried to get back together with him a few weeks ago, but when he wouldn’t return her calls, she gave up. Sean would love to get back together with her, but he’s still worried people will come after him if he does. Obviously he hasn’t told me this, but I know that’s the reason. And I can’t say anything because I’m not supposed to know about any of this. Plus, I don’t know if he’s safe. If Andrew still wants Harper, he’ll make sure Sean stays away.

  I call Sean. It’s early afternoon out there. He should be around unless he went out to eat.

  “Hey, Garret.” Sean sounds happier than normal. Must be because it’s Christmas. It’s good to hear him sounding happy again. He’s been so depressed the past few weeks. “How’s your Christmas going?”

  “Great. We just had dinner and Jade and I are so full we can’t move.” I look down and see her smiling. “What did you do for dinner?”

  “I haven’t eaten yet.”

  Shit. I hope that doesn’t mean he ran out of money for food. He makes more money at his new job, but LA is really expensive so maybe he’s still broke.

  “You should’ve brought home leftovers from the restaurant.”

  “I did. The fridge is full of stuff. I just haven’t had time to eat.” When he says it, I hear a girl giggling in the background. Sean hasn’t mentioned dating anyone. I didn’t think he was ready to start dating again. But I guess he is. It’s kind of odd that he’d bring a girl he just met over to his place on Christmas.

  “You got some company there, Sean?”

  “Yeah.” He laughs. “My company arrived this morning, wrapped up in a bow.”

  “Sean, don’t tell him that part,” the girl says. I think I recognize the voice but I’m not sure.

  “Who was that?” I ask him.

  “It’s me.” I hear Harper’s voice on the phone. “Hi, Garret.”

  “Hi.” That’s all I say because I’m not sure if this is a good thing. If Andrew still wants Harper, then she should not be over at Sean’s. Andrew could have someone watching her. And why is Sean allowing her to be there? If he thinks his life is in danger by being with her, then why is he doing this?

  “Garret, are you there?” Sean asks.

  “Yeah. So Harper got there this morning?”

  Jade bolts up. “Harper’s there?”

  I nod. “Sean, can I put you on speaker? Jade wants to say hi.”

  “Sure. You’re on speaker, too.”

  “Hi, Sean,” Jade says. “Merry Christmas.”

  “Merry Christmas, Jade.” Harper giggles.

  Jade grabs the phone from me. “Okay, what’s going on there? Are one of you guys going to explain?”

  “I showed up at Sean’s door this morning,” she says.

  “In a red dress and a green bow,” Sean says. “Best present I ever got.”

  We hear them kissing. Jade and I look at each other, confused.

  “So you’re back together?” Jade asks.

  “Yes,” Harper says, followed by more kissing sounds. “And I’m not leaving.”

  “I wouldn’t let you even if you tried,” Sean says. More kissing sounds.

  Jade looks even more confused. “You mean you’re staying at Sean’s place until you go back to school?”

  “I mean I’m staying here. In California. And I’m moving in with Sean.”

  “I don’t understand. What about school?”

  “I was waiting to tell you guys because I wanted to tell Sean first.”

  “Tell us what?”

  “I’m transferring to UCLA. I applied a few months ago when I was feeling homesick, just to see if I could get in. And I did, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to transfer. But I decided it’s a better fit for me. I miss California. And I really miss Sean.” More kissing sounds.

  “You’re seriously moving to California?” Jade jumps off me, taking the phone with her. “I can’t believe you kept this from me!”

  “I had to know for sure before I told you. And then I wanted to tell Sean.”

  I hear Sean again. “I didn’t even know she applied.”

  “I didn’t tell anyone,” Harper says. “Not even my parents.”

  “We’re gonna come see you guys all the time.” Jade’s so cute when she gets this excited. I pull her down on my lap and kiss her.

  “We’ll drive up and see you guys, too,” Harper says. “Oh, and Sean’s boss wants him to work at his Santa Barbara restaurant this summer, so we’ll be even closer to you guys.”

  “We could get a place there on the beach,” Jade says. “It’ll be just like last summer. We could be neighbors again!”

  Jade and Harper start planning it out. I don’t know what Jade’s thinking. She knows this thing with Andrew isn’t settled yet, so she shouldn’t be making plans like this. I think she’s caught up in the moment or maybe she thinks this means the issue with Andrew is over. Maybe it is.

  “I’ll be right back,” I whisper to Jade as I get up off the couch. She nods as she continues to talk to Harper.

  I search for my dad and find him in his office. He has the TV on, turned to a news channel. Updates are scrolling on the bottom of the screen. I catch Andrew’s name scrolling by, but I didn’t see what it said.

  I point to the TV. “Did that just say Andrew Roth?”

  “Yes.” He turns the TV off. “Sit down.”

  I take a seat across from him. “Did something happen?”

  “Andrew was found in a hotel room in Amsterdam early this morning. He was taken to the hospital for a drug overdose. They found cocaine, heroine, and several prescription painkillers in his hotel room.”

  “So he’s in the hospital?”

  “He was, but they just reported that he passed away.”

  I get this big ass grin on my face. That’s bad, I know. I shouldn’t be happy someone’s dead, but shit, the guy beat on women and acted like he owned them. And besides, he did this to himself. He overdosed on drugs and killed himself. At least I think he did.

  “Did they do this?” I ask my dad.

  “No, this was all Andrew. Honestly, I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner. He’s had a drug problem since college.” He smiles a little. “You should go tell Jade the news.”

  “Yeah. I will.” I get up to leave, then stop. I know he won’t answer my question, so I phrase it differently. “So I was just talking to Sean. Harper’s over at his place. The two of them are back together and Harper’s moving in with him. She’s going to UCLA.”

  My dad nods. “Good for them. I’m sure they’ll be very happy.”

  I watch my dad’s response. And his response, although
subtle, confirms that it’s okay they’re together. Even with Andrew gone, I still thought maybe the organization might try to do something to Harper or Sean to get back at Kiefer. But my dad’s response is telling me they won’t. But how did Sean know he could be with Harper? I wonder if my dad had something to do with that. I wonder if he had someone pay a visit to Sean, or give him an anonymous message telling him he was safe. My dad knows Sean is one of the few real friends I’ve ever had, and he knows how much Harper means to Jade. But how did he get Sean the message so fast? He just found out about Andrew, and yet it sounds like Sean’s been with Harper since this morning. So was Andrew’s death really his own doing? Or was he killed?

  “Garret, go talk to Jade.” My dad motions me to the door.

  “Yeah, okay,” I say, shaking those thoughts from my head. I don’t care how Andrew died. I’m just happy he’s gone and Sean can be with Harper.

  When I get back to the game room, Jade and Harper are still planning out our summer. I sit next to her, and when there’s finally a break, I say, “It’s good you two are back together. Sean was really starting to depress me, moping around all the time.”

  “How do you know if I was moping?” Sean asks. “You never see me.”

  “We know you were moping because Harper was, too,” Jade says. “You two are happiest when you’re together.”

  “We totally are,” Harper says, followed by more kissing sounds. “Hey, guys, let’s talk later. Sean and I have some catching up to do.”

  Jade rolls her eyes, but smiles. “Enjoy the rest of your Christmas. We’ll celebrate when we get there on Wednesday. Hopefully you two will be caught up by then.”

  Harper laughs. “Probably not, but we’ll make time for you. We love you guys. Merry Christmas.”

  “Merry Christmas.” Jade and I say it at the same time.

  Jade tosses the phone on the couch and hugs me. “Can you believe it? They’re back together! I’m so happy for them.”

  “Hey, I have to tell you something.”

  She sits back. “What’s wrong? Is this about Andrew?”

  “Yeah. He’s dead.”

  She jumps off me. “Are you serious?”

  “He died of a drug overdose. Someone found him this morning in a hotel room in Amsterdam.”

  “And he, um…” She pauses. “He did this to himself?”

  Although I can’t say for sure, that’s the story I’m going with. “Yeah. He did it to himself.”

  She sits on my lap and hugs me again. “I’m so relieved.” She pulls away. “But how did Sean know he could get back together with Harper?”

  “Someone must’ve told him it was okay.”

  “But who—”

  “Jade, it doesn’t matter. Let’s just be happy those two are back together.”

  She gets a huge smile on her face. “This is so great! We’re going to live next door to them again this summer, but in Santa Barbara, which means I’ll be able to see Grace all the time. This is like a Christmas gift!”

  “Yeah, it is.” I kiss her.

  My dad walks up behind us. “I don’t mean to interrupt, but Garret, your grandmother is going home and she wanted to say goodbye before she left.”

  “Yeah, okay.”

  Jade and I follow my dad to the main part of the house. My grandmother is waiting in the living room. At least she’s saying goodbye this time.

  “Dad said you were leaving,” I say to her.

  “Yes, I need to be going.” She walks up to me. “Goodbye, Garret.”

  I hear my dad behind me. “Jade, I want to show you something. Could you come to my office?”

  “Um, yeah, okay,” she says, realizing he wants to give my grandmother and me a moment alone.

  They leave and my grandmother stands there, looking uncomfortable. She keeps glancing at the Christmas tree, then back at me. “It was good seeing you, Garret. Have a safe trip back.”

  “Grandmother.” I pause until she looks at me. “Are things always going to be this way?”

  “I don’t know what you mean.” She stands up straighter and looks at the tree again.

  “Are you going to keep treating me like a stranger instead of your grandson?” I can’t believe I asked her that, but I did because I really want the answer.

  “Garret, don’t say such things. I don’t treat you like a stranger.”

  “You barely speak to me. And when I was here a few weeks ago, you didn’t even say goodbye.”

  She doesn’t respond.

  “Grandmother, I know you don’t want to be this way. You didn’t treat me like this when I was a kid. And I see you with Lilly. You act like a grandmother to her, but not me. I know you only treat me this way because of him. Because he told you to. But he’s gone now. You don’t have to be like this anymore.”

  She nods.

  I pull her into a hug, a real hug, and keep her there. “I love you, Grandmother.”

  I’ve never said that to her, but it’s true. I may not have loved my grandfather, but I love my grandmother. I know deep down she’s a loving person. That part of her comes out when she’s with Lilly. And I know last Fourth of July, she didn’t show up here because she wanted to watch the fireworks. She showed up because she knew I’d be there and she wanted to see me. My dad told me that later.

  I feel my grandmother’s arms tighten around me. “You’re a good young man, Garret. I know you’ll do well in life.”

  She can’t do it. She can’t tell me she loves me. Those words just aren’t said in the Kensington family, at least not by my grandparents. But at least she said something positive to me and gave me a real hug.

  She releases her arms and I step back and see her forcing out a smile. She walks around me to the foyer and I follow behind her.

  My dad hears her coming and walks out of his office with Jade. “I’ll see you after your trip, Mother.”

  She gives him a quick shoulder hug. “Yes. I’ll call you when I get back.”

  “Where are you going on your trip?” Jade asks her.

  “To London. Just for a few days, to see an old friend.”

  “Have a good time.” Jade smiles at her.

  “Thank you.” My grandmother gives Jade a weak smile. She still doesn’t approve of her and probably never will.

  Once she’s gone, my dad grins like a little kid who’s happy his mom finally left so he can do the stuff she doesn’t approve of.

  He hangs his arm off my shoulder. “Do you want to race?”

  For Christmas my dad bought Lilly two new car-racing games. One has cartoon animals, so it’s meant for kids. The other one is for adults, so I think my dad really bought it for himself, and for me when I visit.

  “You know I’ll beat you, right?” I say.

  “We’ll see about that.”

  “Dad, you’re gonna lose. I’m just preparing you.”

  “Is he always this overly confident?” my dad asks Jade.

  She laughs. “Yes. Always.”

  “Just like his father.” He pats me on the back. “Well, I’ve been practicing, son, and my skills on the raceway have improved, so you might want to tone down that confidence a little.”

  “I don’t need to. I know I’ll beat you.”

  Jade walks to the stairs. “I’m going to let you two battle it out. I’m going upstairs to play with Lilly.”

  “After she goes to sleep, are you up for some poker?” my dad asks Jade.

  “Definitely. But I’m going to beat you again.” She continues up the stairs.

  “Who’s overly confident now?” I yell at her.

  “She’s definitely a Kensington,” my dad says as we walk away.

  I look back and see Jade smiling at his comment.

  My dad and I play the video game and get so into it that we’re still playing it when Jade and Lilly find us two hours later. I play the kid race car game with Lilly and then Jade plays with her. Then Lilly goes to bed and the three of us play poker with Charles until two in the morning.
/>   Sunday, we all sleep in, then have breakfast together. It snowed again, so after breakfast my dad takes everyone sledding at the park that has the big hill. In the afternoon, while Jade’s playing with Lilly, my dad and I watch a football game.

  Every time I see my dad, I’m amazed at how much he’s changed. My relationship with him just keeps getting better. I hope my mom is watching over us, because if she is, she’ll be very happy.




  Monday morning we wake up to someone knocking on the bedroom door. I check the clock. It’s only nine and our plane doesn’t leave until one.

  “Garret. Jade. I need you to get up.” It’s Pearce. He should’ve left an hour ago for the organization’s meeting. He knocks again. “Are you awake?”

  Garret shoves the covers back and gets out of bed. “Yeah, I’m coming.” He yawns as he opens the door. “What are you doing here? Why aren’t you at the meeting?”

  “Something came up. It’s been delayed until later today.”

  “Why? What’s going on?”

  “Katherine told the organization about Jade. She told them Jade is Royce’s daughter.”

  “She what?” I stumble out of bed wearing sleep pants and a t-shirt. I grab my sweatshirt and yank it on as I go to the door. “Why would she do that?”

  “She’s trying to get back at my dad and William for setting her up,” Garret explains, like he’s not surprised that this happened. “I assume she told them that you and William knew about Jade?”

  Pearce nods. “Yes. She’s hoping William and I will be punished for knowing this information and not telling the organization. Katherine is irate over her punishment and she wants revenge. If she’s going down, she wants to take William and me with her.”

  “When did she tell them?” Garret asks.

  “Last night. She reported it to one of the high ranking members, knowing the meeting was today. She knew they’d try to take her money and thought if she shared this secret, the organization might reward her by letting her keep it.” He checks his watch. “Get dressed and come down to my office. I have more to tell you. And hurry up. We don’t have much time.”


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