Intimate Stranger

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Intimate Stranger Page 15

by Jan Springer

  Chapter Ten

  Cold wind snapped against Chance as he took a momentary break from rearranging the morning’s catch of seaweed to allow it to bake on the deck in the hot glow of the early afternoon sun.

  Today the sky was a wild, sharp blue with dots of black clouds hovering in the northeastern horizon. Bright sunshine shot silver sparks off tips of the ocean waves, making him blink in awe at the beauty of Shipwreck Island.

  In his years of captivity he’d dreamed of this secluded island many times. His desperate mind spit out memories of this sun-drenched coastline like a drowning man frantically grabbing onto a life preserver. His mind’s eye had scanned every craggy crevice of the red rocky cliffs that stretched down to the equally rusty red sandy beach. In all those dreams, Emily had been with him, just like she was with him now.

  A momentary tinge of panic nudged away the shaky calm that had enveloped him since he’d arrived on the island. Was he dreaming? Was he still being held prisoner? Had his mind snapped and crossed over into lunatic land so he could mentally be with his wife? Or was he really physically here?

  One look over his shoulder confirmed he was indeed sane. Emily stood at the helm, her eyes squinting into the sunshine, her blonde hair tucked into a black woolen fishing cap. She looked so cute as she tapped her fingers on the steering wheel to the catchy melody of the song “Will You Remember Me?” and started the engine of the tugboat.

  He lifted the heavy seaweed-laden rake and tried hard not to wince as his sore muscles pulled and tightened with these new movements as he slapped the stuff onto the deck.

  Cripes! And she did this for a living? She had to have some pretty powerful muscles in her arms. She’d no doubt beat him at next year’s fair in the Timber Sports contest. A low chuckle erupted from behind and he lifted his head. Emily stood smiling at him.


  “Nothing I can’t handle,” he lied. He needed a break. Big-time. And he was hungry too. Besides hauling in seaweed, he’d been keeping an eye out for anyone suspicious but hadn’t seen a thing. In turn he felt calm and starving and eager to spend more time with her. Preferably without all this seaweed between them.

  “Good. What do you say we forget about lunch and get straight into this afternoon’s catch?”

  His mouth dropped open in shock and Emily burst out laughing. “You should see your face! Thought you said you could handle it?”

  “I lied.”

  “I thought so,” she giggled then pointed to his right.

  “There’s a great spot for lunch just over there.”

  His breath burst from his lungs to where she pointed. It was a tiny peninsula jutting out of a cove. It had always been one of her favorite spots to picnic. He nodded his approval and excitement rammed into him. Tossing the rake aside, he cast out the anchor.

  He couldn’t wait until they got there!

  Emily sat down on the warm piece of driftwood. She was tired but it was a healthy tired. She could only imagine how Chance must feel on his first day out.

  She remembered the uncomfortable achy feelings very well. Every spring, after a winter’s long break, her muscles ached in places she’d forgotten she had muscles. The aches only lasted the first few days until the body became re-accustomed to the new movements. And by the way Chance winced every now and then when he picked up a piece of driftwood for the fire, she knew he experienced those same aches.

  She was surprised he’d even volunteered to build a fire after all the work he’d put in this morning. To keep away the chill of the day, he’d said.

  When he had an armload of dry wood gathered, he tramped over to where she sat dishing out the food-filled containers. The black remnants of an old fire were barely visible and that was the spot he picked to set up the campfire.

  She hid a smile when he grimaced once again as he squatted down, struck a match and lit the newspaper under the kindling house he’d erected. The edges of the paper curled into black. Gray plumes of smoke billowed momentarily then the paper burst into flames that eagerly licked the dry pieces of twigs and driftwood. When the fire crackled to life, he heaved a huge sigh of relief and promptly crashed butt first upon the rusty sand close to the fire.

  “Be warned. I’ve worked up a serious appetite,” Chance chuckled heartily as he rubbed his hands over the warmth of the flames. Taking that as her cue, she unscrewed the thermos lid and poured him a healthy dose. “Hot coffee with plenty of sugar and cream.”

  “And caffeine,” he added cheerfully. “To keep me revved up so I can work all afternoon.”

  Emily had to laugh. “I knew your tough-guy attitude was just an act, so I came prepared.”

  He grunted, took a swallow of his coffee, nodded his approval and leaned his back against the log on which she sat. She handed him a lobster sandwich, a tuna sandwich, potato salad, an orange and a banana.

  He cocked a curious eyebrow at her. “You feeding an army?”

  “If you eat it all, then I’ll treat you to some chocolate potato brownies and a slice of pie.”

  In answer he took a huge bite of the lobster sandwich and once again nodded his approval. They ate in a comfortable silence, but she didn’t miss his wary gaze thread across to the opening of the cove.

  “Wind’s picking up. Might be a storm coming,” he mumbled fifteen minutes later as he greedily worked away at his slice of pie.

  “It’ll come ashore in a couple of days.”

  He threw her a curious grin.

  “I heard it on the radio this morning,” she confessed.

  “Ah yes. I forgot about the modern conveniences in this rustic setting.” Once again he glanced out across the ocean.

  “Don’t worry about the storm, Chance.”

  “Huh?” He snapped his gaze back to her and she could tell he was indeed worried about those dark clouds in the eastern horizon.

  “The lighthouse has survived many hurricanes and wild storms. I’m sure it’ll survive more even after I’ve gone.”

  “Daniel told me you were selling.”

  “Are you interested in buying the lighthouse? Is that why you’re here?” she found herself blurting, suddenly wanting to know if he might want to be the new owner.

  “Actually…I do love it here.”

  “You want to buy it?”

  He frowned and shook his head. “Unfortunately I can’t afford to.”

  “So? Why are you here?”

  Yesterday he’d clammed up when she’d asked him, but hopefully today with a full belly and being tired he might give her a clue as to why he had let himself into her home in the middle of the night. And grabbing food from her fridge wasn’t the real reason.

  He placed his empty plate down on the sandy beach beside him and rubbed his hands over the crackling fire. It seemed as if he would ignore her question. Irritation snapped through her patience.

  “I want the truth, Chance. Are you hiding from the law? Is that why Daniel sent you here? Was that a lawman following you yesterday?”

  “Daniel didn’t send me here, Emily,” he said softly. “I came here of my own free will. Just to say hi to an old buddy’s wife.”


  “Then why haven’t you mentioned Steve anymore?”

  “Figured you’d bring him up when you wanted to talk about him. Since you’ve brought him up, why are you selling the lighthouse? Are the memories you two had together here bad ones?”

  Emily sighed as his words bit painfully into her.

  “I’d rather not be reminded of what this place means to me when I get married.”

  “You aren’t selling because he wants you to, are you?”

  She shrugged and took a delicate sip of her coffee. “He’s never asked me to sell.”

  “But he’s never talked you out of it either.”

  “No. It’s my idea. It’s taken me a long time to decide to sell. Now I just want to go on with life. Put the memories behind me and start living again.”

  “So, the memories are bad?”
  His soft question made her look at him. Sweet tenderness glowed in his eyes, a tenderness she ached to experience.

  The breeze ruffled his hair and the crisp sun played with the faint lines of silver as well as those shimmering golden highlights she thought were just like Steve’s the other day when they’d been under the wharf.

  Odd, but she swore if she stared enough at this man, she could almost see Steve’s face staring back at her. She felt uncomfortable with that thought and at the way this conversation was going.

  “Are the memories bad?” he asked again, his voice still soft but now etched with a tinge of desperation.

  “They are wonderful memories,” she found herself whispering, unable to unlock her gaze from his face.

  He approved of her answer with a gentle nod of his head, yet his voice turned hard. “Then it means you are selling out to break your connection with your husband. You shouldn’t get rid of a place you obviously love. The memories are good so you should keep the place. Don’t turn your back on what you love.”

  An icy chill swept through Emily at the truth in his words. Chance was right. The only reason she was selling her lighthouse was because of good memories and to finally break with her past.

  Every ounce of Shipwreck Island and the lighthouse contained some memory of Steve and their dreams. This tiny peninsula had been a favorite picnic spot of theirs. A place she’d avoided coming to because of those painful memories, and yet for some odd reason today she’d just naturally steered Sweet Lies into this cove without even a second thought.

  Chance remained silent for a long time as he studied her. The more he looked at her, more uneasy she felt. His intense gaze pierced her heart and seemed to be searching her soul. It seemed as if he could read her mind. As if he knew her secret about Skip. That she truly didn’t love him. Sure enough, his next words confirmed he could read her like a book, just as Steve had always been able to do.

  “You’re just settling for this Cole fellow.” It was a statement not a question. “You probably figure you aren’t getting any younger and it’s time to start that family you’ve always wanted.”

  “I don’t see how that is any of your business,” she snapped, anger breaking her uneasiness.

  “Did I strike a nerve?” He casually placed another piece of driftwood on the fire.

  “Why are you being so nosy?”

  “I guess I did touch a nerve.” His soft whisper unraveled her and suddenly she wanted to tell him the truth. If only to unburden herself of her doubts.

  “Okay! I’m not in love with him. I do care for him though. That’s good enough for me.” And just because your kiss about had me dropping my pants so you could fuck me, doesn’t mean a thing, she added silently.

  Chance looked up from the fire with obvious disapproval flashing in his eyes. A shiver of guilt speared through her. Guilt at having such a wonderful sexual attraction to this man when she was supposed to marrying another.

  “Cold?” he asked.

  “I guess so.”

  Without warning he stood and lifted the knit wool blanket she’d brought along from the boat. He unfolded it, slipped it over her shoulders and then to her horror slid onto the log beside her and wrapped the other end of the blanket over his shoulders. Immense body heat sizzled against her and she found herself enjoying his closeness. He remained silent now, his attention once again focused on the ocean.

  The flames from the fire danced wildly in the wind, offering little heat. Then again she didn’t need any heat, did she? Especially with him sitting so close she could smell a trace of the soap he’d used in this morning’s shower. The combination of the soap, his sweat and his unique male scent urged her to snuggle a little closer to his strong, lean body.

  “Put your head on my shoulder and relax,” he suggested. The tenderness in his voice unraveled the tension sifting through her at their conversation about her selling her lighthouse and settling for Skip.

  Sighing, she put her head on his shoulder and felt that nice feeling of knowing she wasn’t alone anymore. It had been so long since a man’s scent had aroused her. So long since a man had kissed her as passionately as Chance had done yesterday.

  “Emily?” His soft whisper snapped into her.

  Oh God, he’d heard her! Flames heated her cheeks as he looked over at her with those gorgeous blue eyes. Eyes full of lust. Of desire.

  Suddenly he swore softly and then his head began to lower.

  His eyes were no longer dark and dangerous, but tender, caring and full of desire. She felt herself melt under his gaze and her heart cracked against her chest as she realized he was going to kiss her.


  She shouldn’t let him kiss her. Shouldn’t— Oh my! He tasted so good, she thought as his hot mouth melted over her lips and chased away her doubts. His mouth devoured her lips. A wild fire exploded inside her abdomen. His tongue tasted, questioned and teased her lips with such urgency it frightened her.

  And it excited her!

  When his hands cupped both sides of her face, she could barely believe he touched her with such gentleness. Yet in direct contrast, his lips moved over hers like hot, demanding silk. He sipped her lower lip, unleashing such a powerful surge of need, she suddenly couldn’t keep her hands off him.

  As if he knew she wanted to touch him, he shifted himself so his body was facing hers. Reaching out, she ran her hands up underneath his arms and clutched the back of his broad shoulders, allowed herself to sink into the intoxicating kiss. His tongue stroked against her lips and she opened to him, allowing him inside.

  Tingles dashed through her pussy as their tongues clashed. Mercy, he had such a powerful tongue, she thought numbly as he literally possessed her mouth with his force. All those sexual cravings she felt since meeting him rose from the depths and sensations lashed her.

  Oh wow! This man knew how to kiss. She angled her head, desperate to kiss him harder. His tongue slammed against her tongue again, unleashing those delightful tingles in her pussy again.

  He halted the kiss and she opened her eyes, noticing the flush of arousal flaring across his cheeks.

  “You’re so beautiful, Emily,” he whispered, and for one split second she thought he was Steve. The feeling vanished as his hands dropped from her face. His fingers trailed down her throat, over her breasts, her tummy and to the hem of her sweater.

  “I want to see you, Emily. All of you.”

  Oh God.

  She found herself nodding and lifted her arms as he brought the hem up over her head. Beneath, she wore a flannel t-shirt and he had that off before she could blink. Lowering the bra straps down her arms, she held her breath as her breasts fell free.

  Emotions she couldn’t name careened through her as he gazed at her breasts. They felt full and tingly. Her nipples aching and peaked. Need for him to suck them skipped through her.

  Beside them the fire crackled and the waves crashed onto the beach. The wind breathed against her hot flesh but it didn’t even feel cold. It caressed her body as Chance’s hands stroked her breasts. Cupping her and moving the pads of his thumbs over her nipples until they peaked and ached so much.

  When he began to lower his head, awareness stabbed into her belly and between her thighs. Her heart suspended in her chest as he swept one of her nipples into his moist mouth.

  Oh! This feels so good, she thought numbly. Moaning her appreciation, she loved the way he sucked and about came off the log from the arousal he caused. He seemed to know exactly how hard to suck to bring the sweet burst of pleasure-pain she always loved so much when Steve did this to her. She looked down and watched as his lips moved around her nipple. Very nice full lips, she mused. Lips she wanted all over her body. His tongue lashed her flesh and she felt the tight bite of pain as his teeth nipped her. His eyes were closed, long, dark lashes framing his cheeks as he sucked. He looked as if he were asleep and she had to grin.

  Slipping her arms from beneath his, she came up and touched her fingertips to tho
se golden highlights in his hair. So much like Steve’s hair, she pondered. Her fingers trailed down along the length of his corded, tanned neck to drop to his muscular shoulders.

  He moved to her other breast, his eyes still closed, his hot mouth sucking her nipple until she was gasping at the sweet pain and shuddering by the time he pulled his head away to admire what he’d done to her nipples.

  They were red and tight, like two succulent cherries.

  “I’m not finished yet,” he groaned as he stared into her eyes. “You taste too good. I want more of you.”

  His gaze dropped to the waistband of her jeans.

  More? Like down between her legs?

  In an instant his fingers were there and she swore she’d stopped breathing when he unbuttoned the clasp and unzipped her zipper.

  “Shoes,” he muttered as he started to slide her jeans over her hips.

  It took her a moment to realize he meant she should remove her shoes. She did as he asked, quickly using her feet to press down the heels of her shoes she slid them off. He’d slipped her jeans down over her hips and the cold log she sat on bit into her butt. But he was ahead of her, taking the blanket, which miraculously was still on her shoulders, and shoving it under her.

  For a few moments everything had felt so natural. His kiss. His suckling her breasts. Her touching his hair. Touching his neck, watching him suck her nipples. His removing her jeans and her now her panties.

  But when he moved between her legs and sat there, his hands clasping her ankles, spreading her legs wide for him to see her pussy. This was different than she was used to. Sure Steve had seen her down there, but Steve’s face had never been down there!

  And Chance’s head was lowering, making it quite clear he would go down on her.

  Oh my God! Disbelief rocked her. However, her disbelief vanished the instant his finger smoothed over her clit.

  The firm pressure seared right through, making her grab on to the log beneath her with both palms. She stilled, swallowed and watched him lick his lips as if her pussy were a delicious meal he was about to devour.


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