Mistaken Identity

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Mistaken Identity Page 8

by Shyla Colt


  Jet felt like he’d been dropped in a battlefield. The tension in the room was so thick he was shocked no one had suffocated. The brisket on his plate was juicy and well seasoned, but he couldn’t enjoy the flavor. It might as well have been wet cardboard in his mouth. Between Kansas’s stony silence, and Darla’s non-stop babble he was ready to rip his hair out. Her father seemed to deal with it by acting like nothing was wrong.

  “So, Jett, how did you meet?” Reginald asked.

  “At the convention, she thought I was just a person playing my character. I wanted to tell her, but I had to wait until we were alone.” Her father’s eyebrows shot up. “In a less crowded place.” He added swiftly. “Didn’t want to cause a mob scene or anything.”

  “Smart thinking,” Reginald said, a thoughtful expression on his round face. His skin was a few shades darker than his daughter’s, and he wore his salt and pepper hair cropped short, and his eyebrows were thick caterpillars above almond-shaped eyes. His skin was smooth with minimal wrinkles for a man in his mid-fifties. He possessed the same calmness that Kansas exuded. It should’ve been admirable, but it stuck in his craw that he let Darla talk to Kansas the way she did. Doesn’t he see how it affects his daughter?

  Darla came off as a desperate pageant girl doing whatever she could to cling to youth, money, and anything else she could get her three inch, jeweled fingers on.

  “So, Jett, how long are you here for?”

  Uncomfortable he shifted in his seat.

  “About another week. Then I have to start filming in Atlanta.”

  “Oooh, I’m sure Kans will miss you.”

  Kansas muttered under her breath.

  “She’s welcome to visit me any time.”

  “Kans is such a … simple girl. I’m sure she won’t want to risk being in all that limelight. I mean, the press would eat her alive.” Darla gave her a disgusted once over that made him grip his beer tight. I’d never hit a lady, but I’ like to shake that sneer of your plastic face, lady.

  “Oh I don’t know. She has a give em’ hell attitude I think serves her well. She could handle them, couldn’t you, Sas?” Wrapping an arm around her chair he did his best to lend her silent support. Turning her head toward him she pierced him with a gaze so full of sadness it hurt his heart.

  “Of course, I’d just wave around my press badge and slip in under the radar. Besides I have thick skin. Comes with the territory being a journalist. Trust me, not everyone likes what you write about them, and the instinct is always go for the fleshy bits of the stomach in hopes of ripping and tearing me to shreds.”

  “Ugh, must you always be so vulgar?” Darla sighed and shook her head.

  “I thought it was pretty fitting. The paparazzi and tabloid reporters do seem to be comparable to the scum of the earth.”

  Darla placed a hand on her neck and gave a chuckle. “Price of fame right?”

  “Hmmm.” Jett took a long draw of his beer. A man would have to be buzzing to put up with this for too much longer.

  “What cut your trip in Aspen short, Mother?” Who knew you could make the world mother sound so much like “fuck you”.

  “Oh, I was bored, and I wanted to come home to refuel and figure out my next move. I hear you received some sort of accolade at the newspaper of yours?’

  “She was promoted to Lead Editor, Darla. It’s a huge honor.”

  “Hmm.” The disinterest in her tone made her unworthy of the title mother. Why have a child if you planned on treating them like that? No wonder she’d spent her entire life running away from love and marriage. A hand gripped his thigh. He turned his head toward Kansas, who smiled.

  “It’s all right,” she mouthed.

  No, it really isn’t.

  “I’m sorry,” she mouthed, almost as if she heard his thoughts.

  “So what are you intentions toward my little girl?” Reginald asked.

  “Wow, you don’t beat around the bush, do you, Daddy?”

  “Nope.” He narrowed his gaze at Jett. “Well, son?”

  “That depends on your daughter.”

  “Jett!” Kansas hit his arm.

  “What it’s true.” He shrugged.

  “Yeah, that sounds about right. I like honesty, and the way the two of you interact. You have my blessing. But tread lightly.” The mild mannered dentist from Somerville was gone. “If you hurt my daughter I will do you bodily harm, understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Excellent. Now … where did you learn how to cook brisket like this?”

  “My father. It’s an old family recipe.” He brightened. Small talk I can do.

  “Okay, you need to hold on to this one so we can be indoctrinated into the Walker family and learn how to make this.” Reginald waved his fork in the air, and Jett snickered. See if Papa Collins agrees we should get hitched. The roll of her eyes told him she’d gotten his message loud and clear.

  With Darla back in her corner the rest of the night went smoothly. By the time they walked the couple out Jett felt pretty good about his standing with them. When they closed the door he turned to her.

  “What the hell was that?” He nodded toward the door.

  “That was my beastly mother.”

  “Yeah, why is she broken?”

  Kansas laughed. “It’s a good description for her. She’s a bitter woman who’s not happy with the way her life turned out. So, she nitpicks wherever she can, mainly on me. When she got pregnant and it turned out to be a girl she expected a ‘mini me’ she could dress up, groom, place into pageants, and live vicariously through. I’ve always been my father’s daughter. Big boned, studious, geeky, and full of quirks.” She shrugged. “When it comes to her I can never do anything right. I’ve gotten used to tuning it out, and learned not to care. She’s gone most of the time anyway.”

  “I’m sorry—”

  “It’s not your fault.” She shook her head. “I feel bad for my Dad mostly. He’s stuck with her. They’re old school, and divorce is not an option.”

  “That’s no way to live.”

  “I think that’s why he works so hard, and obsesses over his hobbies.” She shook her head. “Now that you see how fucked up my family is, you still want to marry me?”

  “More than ever, so I can immerse you in healthy family dynamics.”

  “I think that may be the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me, Mr. Walker.” She trailed the back of her hand down his face, and he leaned into her touch. They watched each other unabashed as they moved in as one to kiss. A jolt of electricity ran through him as they shared a slow, meshing of mouths that could only be described as a meeting of paired souls. Her hands roamed the planes of his back as she took control. Her mouth was hot and insistent in his mouth with languid moves. Sucking his tongue into her mouth, she mimicked the motions of lovemaking. Dazed, they paused to suck air into oxygen starved lungs.

  “Jett.” Her voice shook, and her eyes glazed over with unshed tears. “Show me what it feels like to make love.” He narrowed his eyes, delved deeper into the dark pools of her eyes. This was about so much more than sex. She was opening herself up, trusting him with her heart.

  “Always, baby. Do you trust me?”


  “Then hold on to my neck.” Scooping her up into his arms he carried her bridal style down the hall, feeling like this was a rebirth for them. A chance to start life with the ghosts and skeletons in their closets bared to the light and firmly placed in the past. His steps were slow and measured as he kissed her thoroughly, sipping the nectar of her flavor and ginger ale from her lips. She went to his head as surely as any champagne ever had. Inside her room he lowered her on the bed, kneeling in front of her.

  “I want to take my time with you.” He removed her flip flops and slid his hands under her long, maxi dress, massaging the tension from her shapely thighs.

  “Oh, that feels so good.” Leaning back on her elbows she closed her eyes.

  “That’s it
, Sas, just relax.” Her entire body was tight, wound up like twine on a fishing rod, from her encounter with her mother. Moving higher, he rubbed her thighs. Her skin was silk draped over soft muscle. The heat from her core beckoned when he reached her inner thighs, and she spread them, granting his silent request for more access. He lingered longer than he should, teasing them both. A fine tremor started in her body. Her lips parted, and she released a sexy moan that brought his half hardened dick to attention. Trailing his hands back down her legs he gained his feet, grabbed the hem of her dress, and helped her pull it up over her body when she stood.

  The green, jewel-toned underwear and bra set made her skin look edible. Tracing her collar bone with the tips of his fingers he moved down to her clavicle and the swell of her breasts. Her nipples hardened and strained against the material. Unable to resist their lure he leaned in and sucked one into his mouth.

  “Oh Jett.” She dug her fingers into his shoulder.

  Whimpers and grunts filled the room. He’d read up on pregnancy, and right now she was going into hormone overload. The extra blood pumping through her veins came with an added bonus, sensitivity. Entering the waistband of her underwear, wet heat greeted his fingers, lubricated them as he slid them over her swollen clit.

  “J-Jett, I’m going to come.”

  He released her nipple with a loud pop. “I know, baby, let go. This one’s for you.” Their gazes locked. “I want to watch you come apart for me, Kansas.”

  Her lids lowered, and her chest shook as he continued to bring her higher. Coal black hair tumbled behind her like an inky spill of midnight. Her pulse jumped in her throat, and her liquid brown eyes dilated. He paused to pinch her clit, and she fell apart. A high-pitched scream tore through the house. Her body spasmed, and her legs buckled. Holding her to him, he supported her weight as he kissed her forehead.

  “Oh my God! That was amazing!” Pushing back she tilted her head up. “What did you do?”

  “Perks of being pregnant.”

  “Hmm, that’s a secret no one’s shared.”

  He chuckled. “I’m ready to be inside you, Kansas.”

  “I want that, too.”

  She stepped back, and he followed her in an impromptu game of follow the leader.

  “Less clothes,” she whispered.

  He shrugged out of his shirt, tossed it aside, and his pants followed. Bared they sank to the bed together. Caressing hair from her face he cupped her cheek.

  “I want to be the only man to do this, Kansas.” Sliding along her slick entrance without penetrating he watched her squirm.

  “You are.”

  “Ever, Sas.” He interlocked their fingers, held her hands over her head and surged forward.

  “Shit, Jett!” She brought her legs up to wrap around his lower back, rocking with him as he swiveled his hips, hitting the right spot and retreating.

  “Say it, Kansas.” He went deep, bottomed out as she arched.


  He repeated the move.

  “Say what?” Her lips trembled, and her eyes were round and wild. The slap of skin on skin made him growl.

  “It’s you and me.” He ground the words out, forced the orgasm that wanted to break over him to wait. Willing her to feel the truth of his emotions he increased his speed and stared into her eyes.

  “Oh God!” Her pussy tightened.

  “Tell me I’m the only man who will ever touch you like this again.”

  “Y-yes, damn you!” She made him possessive, made him want to scream from the top of the rafters she was his. She spiraled into a fierce wave of pleasure that took him with her.

  Sticky, sweaty, and worn out, Jett glanced over at the woman beside him on her back. “Did you mean it?”

  “How could I not?” She moved her head to face him. “From the minute I met you my days of being single were numbered. I’m scared shitless, but I’ve never lacked bravery, and I want to try. Not just for you but for her.” She placed a hand on her belly.

  “Her huh?” He covered her smaller hand and smiled.

  “I figure we have a fifty-fifty chance.”

  “Smart ass.” He bent over and pressed a sweet kiss to her lips. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too. You broke through all my defenses.” She sniffed, struggled to fight back tears, and lost the battle. Warm droplets rain down her face. He sipped them like a rare wine, kissed her heated cheeks, and nuzzled her neck. “It’s okay, Sas. I will always be there to dry your tears.”

  “You can’t know that.”

  “Have I let you down yet?”

  “No, but what about filming?”

  “It’s a few hours away. I’ll commute. We can work this out. I’m not taking you away from your support system. This town will protect its own. You won’t be hounded like we would be in L.A.”

  “You’d stay here for me?”

  “Don’t you know by now there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, Kansas Karri Collins? Are you going to stop sabotaging us now?”

  “Yes.” The emotion in her voice made his heart race, and his stomach churn like choppy waters.

  Now was the time.

  “Will you marry me?” Silence fell. All that’s missing is the chirp of crickets. Fresh beads of sweat formed on his brow as he held his breath. Each second that ticked by felt like a decade. Shit, too soon! I knew it was too soon. He studied her face, but found no cues for what was going on in the steel trap of her mind. It was like she’d become carved from ice. He was afraid to touch her or speak, and his anxiety grew like a storm coming in over the sea.

  As she turned to look at him, their gazes merged, and an almost physical link came to life. Lifting her hand to his face, she smiled.


  “Yes?” Did she just agree?

  “Yes. Did you expect me to say no?”

  “The first fifty times, yes.” He turned his head in a circle before he gave a nod. Dazed. “What changed?”

  “Honestly? I could never live with myself if I let fear ruin us. Then she’d win.”

  “Your mother?”

  “Mmmhmm. My whole life I’ve never been good enough for one reason enough, too heavy, too masculine, too interested in school instead of pageants. Watching her belittle, berate, and ignore my father and me sent me out of the house at eighteen and running from anything too emotional. Then you came and showed me how full of shit I was. Things weren’t hard with you or uncomfortable. I didn’t have to change a thing, and as much as I waited for it, the caged feeling never hit. Before all I had to do was go on a second date and I was stumbling over my words, making excuses as I headed for the door. I’d be insane to let that go when I know how rare it is, and.” She rested her hand on her belly. “There’s more at stake then my Mommy issues. I’m not selfish.”

  “Hey, if you’re not ready I don’t want to rush you.”

  “Is anyone every really ready for any of this?” She snickered. “No, this is right for us.” Taking his hands she placed them over her bell. “For all three of us.”

  Her words moved him, washed away the uncertainty and stress he’d been under since he found out about the baby. Tears blurred his vision.

  “What do we do next?” she asked.

  “Get married.”

  “What about the show, and your family?”

  “It’s okay. Give me some time, and I’ll work out a plan.”

  Chapter Seven

  Texas is hot. Kansas shaded her eyes against the brilliant rays as they surfaced from the airport. Or maybe it’s just me. He’d spent the whole flight talking about his home town, and his family. The pride and love he had for both evident in every word were like another pound of pressure sitting on her chest. If she didn’t get the thumbs-up of approval Jett would be devastated.

  “Who’s picking us up?” she asked.

  “My older sister, Sky. It was supposed to be Scott, but he got called in to work at the last minute.”

  “That’s nice of her.”

nbsp; “Oh it was self-serving. She’s been dying to meet you since I told them about you.”

  “You told them about me?”

  “Yeah…” A bashful expression marred his handsome face. “I was excited.”

  “It’s okay. Makes this easier on me.” Liar. “Wait … your sister is named Sky Walker?” Spoken aloud the two names clicked.

  He laughed. “Yeap. Sky Rose Walker. I’m sure the two of you will have fun bonding over name stories.”

  Honk. Jett glanced over to the left. “There she is in the green truck. Are you ready?”

  “As I’ll ever be.” Clutching the handle of her suitcase for dear life she followed him to the truck. A dark haired woman with shoulder length hair, familiar green eyes, an oval shaped face, and a tall, slender build climbed out of the cab, and walked toward them. Dressed in a pair of faded blue jean shorts and an olive green tank top, she embraced Jett in a fierce hug.

  “Hey, little brother, good to see you.” Sky exuded a laid-back vibe that instantly set Kansas at ease.

  “Yeah, because a week is much too long.” Sarcasm dripped from every word Jett spoke.

  “Smart ass.” They separated, and Sky turned to Kansas. “Kansas, it’s so good to finally meet you!” Kansas found herself pulled into a welcoming hug. Shocked, she wrapped her arms around Sky and glanced at Jett who shrugged, a large grin spread across his exuberant face.

  “You, too, Sky.”

  “I’ll put the bags in the truck.” Jett removed the suitcase from her hand and took it along with his own. The hug ended, and Kansas shifted her weight. I feel like a fish out of water over.

  “Come on, let’s load up into the truck. I see security eye-balling us.” Sky snorted.

  Walking over to the truck Jett had loaded they climbed into the cab, and Sky pulled away from the curb.

  “I bought you guys some time. The ‘rents don’t expect to see you guys until dinner tonight around six.”

  “How’d you manage to swing that?” Jett turned toward her, eyebrows raised.

  “Told them you’d need some time to settle in … and your flight came in later.”


  “Yeah, I’m the oldest, so I know the tricks. How long do you guys plan on staying?”


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