Protecting Macy (Cavanaugh Security Book 1)

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Protecting Macy (Cavanaugh Security Book 1) Page 6

by C. M. Steele

  I looked down at my cock, and it was hard and long, the suds not hiding the darkening of the tip as my orgasm was building. As silently as possible, I stroked my cock. Something about having to be quiet brought the need to come to the edge within a few hard strokes. I pressed one hand against the wall as I focused thoughts of the beauty in my bed. I wanted her to the point of insanity.

  Biting my lip, I pictured myself pulling the covers off her body only to find her naked and waiting for me. She would be running her hand sleepily through her curls and against her pink mound.

  I stroked harder as I climbed the bed, pressing my cock against her heat. She wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled me into her. I could feel her warmth envelop me, and I came deep inside her, leaving my mark in her womb.

  I open my eyes to find that I’ve nutted all over my hand, and yet my cock is still unbearably hard.

  I washed off quickly, remembering that she might wake up. I didn’t want to scare her. She was vulnerable right now, and it would be totally fucked if I took advantage of it.

  I turned the sprayer to cold after I finished up. As much as I wanted her right now, I’d lose control inside her before I even kissed her. Fuck, those lips. I couldn’t wait to taste them again. I turned off the icy cold water because that shit did nothing to chill my aching balls, and then I grabbed my towel.

  Wiping my face, I step out to a big surprise. Standing in front of me with only the scrub top on was Macy. Her eyes were wide as she stared at my cock. Part of me wondered how many lovers she had looked at with such longing. Probably not many, considering she was blushing.

  “I heard you shout my name. I called your name, but you didn’t reply so thought you needed something,” she muttered, barely able to meet my eyes.

  “Oh, there’s something I need that only you can give me,” I said, arching my brow as I towel dried my cock. She bent her legs inward, attempting to stop her from creaming; that was something I was sure of. Could she be any sexier?

  “I want it, too,” she panted. I saw the bruise up close in the morning light, and it was like I dipped my balls in a bucket of ice.

  “I’m sure you do, but now isn’t the time. You may want me now, but you sure as fuck may regret it later.”

  “You’re right,” she sighed. I stepped up to her, lifting her chin with my thumb and forefinger.

  “Listen, I want you. I’m sure you could tell by now, but maybe it’s best if we do hold back.” I turned on my heel and walked to my dresser and then into my closet where I got dressed. I came back out and said, “I have to go into the station to do my exit interview. I need you to stay here. It may take a long time, and I’d hate for you to wait in the truck.”

  “But what if he followed us?” she exclaimed. I grabbed her and looked deep into her pretty green eyes.

  “He’s not going to get you. There wasn’t anyone following us. Trust me when I say you’ll be safe. Only my parents have the code to the gate and keys to the house.” She seemed to relax until I said parents.

  “You’re going to trust me with your house?” she asked, raising her brow with suspicion.

  I stepped closer to her, cocking my brow back at her. I watched as her pulse picked up and she swallowed hard. She wasn’t scared of me. No, that was pure desire ready to spring forward. We both felt the longing. My dick throbbed against my zipper, aching to be freed to own her pussy.

  Get yourself together, Cavanaugh, I scolded myself. With a shrug, I remarked, “Sure. Why not? Are you going to run off with one of my cars?”

  “No,” she spat clearly offended by the question. She was so damn cute that I ached to kiss her again.

  “Okay, then I’m good. I’d hate to have to hunt you down and drag you back,” I said with a smirk. “Let me go get your things from the car.”

  “Thanks. It looks like it finally stopped raining,” she said, looking around me at the window.

  “Which means it’s going to be fucking brutal this afternoon,” I grumbled. The heat after a summer storm could be brutal.

  I didn’t want to leave, but the sooner I left the sooner I could come back to her. There was a huge possibility that the undersheriff would want to question her again, but she wasn’t ready to go there just yet. I hoped they got all they needed from last night, but that was wishful thinking.

  Even though she didn’t give a suitable description, she left him with an indelible mark that could be used to catch him. There should be someone in a hospital nearby with a limp and useless dick—something I wanted to check into while I was out.

  “You give it until the afternoon? I’m betting in an hour,” she said, turning to me with a playful smile. She was probably right.

  “Well, then I better get a move on. There’s plenty of food in the fridge if you’re hungry,” I reminded her.

  “Thank you,” she said. I walked out of the bedroom, rushing down the stairs to her car. Inside it was a total mess. There were several bags strewn about from the crash, plus whatever CSI did to the car before they towed it away.

  Once I pulled out her things, I closed the trunk. I’m glad I called my dad and had him bring it onto the property without any questions. I was sure I’d get hounded by him at some point today, but I told him it was work related and a very sensitive matter.

  When I came back in, she was waiting on the staircase. “I hope I didn’t take too long,” I said, carrying all of them in one trip and setting them down on the table and the floor.

  “Of course not, but this place is so big, I didn’t want you to go on the hunt for me,” she remarked, waving her hand around at the wide-open foyer that was larger than most people’s bedrooms. Our kids were going to have fun playing hide and seek for sure. Yes, that was where my thoughts went with us.

  I wanted everything I could have with her. And a house of kids sounded wonderful to me, including all the time making them. Fuck, my dick wasn’t ever going to go down. I wore a long polo untucked to hide the bulge, but I can’t hide it completely.

  “Okay, I need some coffee, and then I’ve got to go,” I muttered in a rush, hoping to get out of here. I took her hand in mine, catching her off guard, but she didn’t pull back. “Let me show you where everything is in the kitchen at least. Unless you want to change.”

  “No, I can change after you leave. I could really use some coffee.”

  I led her into the kitchen. “Take a seat, and I’ll start a pot of coffee.” She popped on a stool and watched me from the counter with her hands clasped together twirling her thumbs. I did my best to focus on the task, but my mind wasn’t equal to it. “How are you feeling today?”

  “I could be better, but then again, I could be dead, so I’ll take this as a win.” She shrugged it off, but the pain was deep.

  I winced, then caught my actions and held back the emotion I felt. It saddened me to see the resignation in her words. “I’m going to see if I can find out anything while I’m out. I promise he’s not going to get away with it.” I reached out and covered her hands with mine as we stared into each other’s eyes.

  Fuck, I want her so bad it aches. I better get my ass out of here. Pulling back my hand, I elbowed the coffee container onto the floor. Thankfully it didn’t open. “Damn, I’m fucking happy that didn’t spill everywhere.”

  “Here, let me help you,” she stated, coming around the counter and making the coffee for me, breaking up the tense moment.

  “Sorry, my mind is elsewhere.” It was all on her and how I wanted to spread her out on the counter, the floor, or anywhere and everywhere.

  Chapter Twelve


  He walked out after taking a travel mug that said, “Motive for Murder: Talking to me before coffee.” I loved his collection of coffee mugs. I grabbed a plain green one because it was my favorite color.

  Sean left me to my own devices in his ridiculously enormous mansion, and I had no idea what to do with myself. I sat down at the kitchen table with my cup of coffee, just thinking. I wonder what they wer
e thinking at my job.

  Shit, I didn’t call them, or anyone for that matter. I looked at my things, and I didn’t see my purse. “Damn it.” Well, they probably didn’t give a shit anyway.

  Instead of worrying about them, I sat back in my chair, sipping coffee and smiling. For the first time since my father died, I felt completely safe and welcomed, and Sean was the reason why.

  He would be back soon, and I didn’t want him to see me in the same clothes. I grabbed another cup, then slung one of my duffle bags over my shoulder and went upstairs to get dressed. After half an hour, my stomach growled. Taking in my appearance, I deemed myself decent and headed downstairs.

  Going back downstairs, I got turned around and couldn’t find the kitchen. Like seriously, how silly of me. I passed by a bunch of empty rooms that would be magical if they were restored to their original majesty.

  I went in the kitchen and damn near jumped out of my skin. A woman with gray hair and a big smile was staring at me. “I’m sorry, dear. I didn’t mean to frighten you. I’m Sean’s mother, Maggie. My husband only mentioned the car was in an accident and nothing about a beautiful young lady.” Her brow arched, giving away her take on why I was here.

  “Um…hello. I’m Macy.” I blushed, trying to explain why I’m here in her son’s home.

  “Sorry, Sean forgot that I was coming over to go over more plans for the renovation. Are you feeling okay?”

  “Yes,” I said, feeling embarrassed by my stomach’s sudden rumbling.

  “Come sit down. I’ll make you some food.” She moved around, digging in the fridge like she wasn’t bothered by the stranger in her son’s home. The thought that she probably catered to a lot of women for him was starting to sink in.

  “Um…you know you don’t have to go through all that trouble. I’ll just have some fruit.”

  She reached over and patted my hand. “Nonsense. I always bring him extra food to eat.”

  “Yeah, I’m not his girlfriend,” I admitted, still blushing.

  She looked a bit disappointed, then she added, “Oh I know. Sean doesn’t date much, and I’ve never met any of them. Now relax and let me do this for you. You look like you could use some relaxation.”

  “Thank you.” I sipped some of my coffee and released a little sigh of comfort.

  “So did Sean tell you it was his last day on the force last night?”

  “Yes. It was a surprise, but he deserves better,” I stated. “He is so kind.” She smiled at me as if she could see into my thoughts. I ducked my head and stared into my coffee, hoping she would stop examining me. I get she probably was itching to ask me every question, but I wasn’t ready to open up to a stranger, even a wonderfully sweet one.

  “I suppose he is. Would you like some eggs, pancakes, and sausage?” she asked, and my stomach took that moment to agree with a loud rumble.

  “That would be amazing.” Maggie started the food, humming to herself as she mixed the pancake batter. I wondered how often his mother catered to him. Since I didn’t want her to ask me questions and I couldn’t stand the silence, I decided to ask my own. “Sean said you were in the process of helping with the remodel.”

  “Oh yes, unless he finds a wife before the renovations are complete,” she remarked without taking her eyes off the stove. Her moves were so efficient; it was as if she was a cook in a restaurant.

  “Wow, how long are they going to take?” I exclaimed, digging into the fridge to get the orange juice. Apparently, my brain-to-mouth filter had a big hole in it.

  She laughed. “I don’t know. Now that he has more free time to look at the options, who knows if he won’t do it himself.” I didn’t know him long, but I could see it in his character. Sean was a one-of-a-kind man. The way he made me feel from the start proved that he deserved to be a detective.

  I walked back to my seat and poured myself a glass. I waved the container her way. “Care for any orange juice?”

  “No, thank you.”

  “I really hope he decides to do the PI thing. At least that way he’ll get to be a detective of sorts,” I mentioned, pouring myself a glass of orange juice.

  “He told you about that?” she asked, turning her head away from the stove to look at me with a raised brow of suspicion. “He hasn’t told anyone other than his father and me about it.”

  “I think he did it to make me feel safe. I was a bit of a mess after the accident.” I tried to deflect any ideas she might have about us.

  Maggie smiled and remarked, “I’m so glad my boys are so much like their father.”

  “There’s more than one of him?”

  “Yes, but don’t let Sean hear you say that. He might get jealous,” she teased.

  “I didn’t mean it like that.” She tilted her head and smirked, silently calling me out on my bullshit. “Okay, it’s what I meant, but it’s not like that between Sean and me. He helped me when I had nothing and no one in the most vulnerable moment in my life.”

  “Hmm…well, Mark is the same way. Except he’s in the middle of Iraq.”

  Damn, she raised some strong and manly men. “Oh, heavens. Both of your boys are really amazing.”

  “That they are.” She spun around with a plate in hand. “Here you go, dear.”

  “Wow, that was really fast.”

  “When you feed the Cavanaugh men, you learn to work quickly because they eat a lot and are always on the run,” she remarked with a little laugh. Mrs. Cavanaugh was a treat.

  Chapter Thirteen


  As I pulled up to the lot, I saw Ross getting into her car. I didn’t get out of my truck until she exited the lot. I had no interest in speaking to her and didn’t want her to get near me. I entered the station and walked up to Officer Max Bailey, manning the desk. “Hey, Cavanaugh. The sheriff and the department administrative officer are waiting for you in his office.”

  “Thanks, man,” I said, shaking his hand that he extended to me.

  “Wish you lots of luck. I won’t be back by the time you get out. Let me know if you ever need anything.”

  “You got it. Take care. Maybe we’ll grab a beer one day.” Occasionally Bailey and I would go grab one after shift, or if it was early, go get some breakfast.

  “Just call me up.” I nodded and walked to the sheriff’s office. I knocked, then entered without being welcomed. Hell, I didn’t have to follow the rules anymore.

  “Sean, you made it,” the sheriff cheered, standing up and outstretching his hand. I didn’t shake it. Instead, I took a seat in front of his desk.

  “Yeah, I wanted to get this show on the road,” I remarked with a shitty tone. I caught the look of the administrator who must have missed the part where they fucked me over on the promotion.

  The sheriff coughed to clear the tension before speaking. “I know this is supposed to be an exit interview, but we have some questions about the incident last night.”

  “What do you want to know?”

  “What happened from your end? Where is she?”

  I answered the first question in length, but I refused to inform them where she was. “We’re going to need to speak to her.”

  “When? She needs to recover. Besides, she already gave a statement to McManus and me at the hospital.”

  “We hope there is more that she remembered.”

  “Did your men find anything on the scene?”

  “Nothing that was usable. The storm washed away everything. There were no prints on her car before it was towed.”

  “Okay. I’ll let her call in when she’s ready.”

  We moved into the interview, which was done by Karen Jackson, the human resources officer. It was concise and quick. The second I exited the police station, I felt relief. A weight had lifted off my shoulders.

  When I jumped into my truck, I saw Macy’s purse. I’d forgotten to leave it with her. I pulled out her cell phone, but it was dead. Quickly plugging it into my car charger, I set it down on the seat and drove back to the house. When I pulled in
to the driveway, I panicked. My mother was here, and no doubt already met her future daughter-in-law even though neither of them were aware of that fact.

  I crept into the house from the garage, hoping they didn’t hear me. I could smell sausage cooking in the kitchen, which totally made me hungry, then I heard my woman’s voice. I growled a little when she learned I had a brother. Luckily he was away at the moment. I’d hate to kill him for stealing my woman. The warmth and the banter between them relaxed any worry I had about my mother bothering Macy after all she’d been through.

  I pushed open the kitchen door, startling both of them, and their eyes turned to me.

  “Sean, you’re back,” Macy exclaimed with a bit more enthusiasm than she cared to display. She blushed immediately and ducked her chin into her chest.

  I strolled straight up to her and pulled her off the stool. “I didn’t want to leave you for long.” I couldn’t resist her parted lips and claimed them with mine for an all-too-short kiss. Both my mom and Macy gasped and stared, but all I did was snatch a sausage link off of her plate and ate it.

  “Hey, that was mine,” she blurted out with the cutest look of feigned outrage.

  Fuck, she was going to drive me wild, so I dragged her in for a kiss and then whispered, “And you’re mine.”

  “Well, well. I think I’m intruding. I’m going to go talk to your father.” My mom turned off the stove with a huge grin on her face.

  “Oh no, please don’t go, Mom,” I said. I needed the barrier between us before I lost control and gave in to our need and took her.

  “We can do dinner if you’d both like,” she offered. It wouldn’t be enough of a barrier between Macy and me, but that was better than nothing.

  “Sure. Thank you, Mrs. Cavanaugh,” Macy answered for us.

  “Absolutely my pleasure, dear.” She came around and kissed my cheek before grabbing her bag and leaving.

  “Sean,” Macy uttered the second my mother left. I wrapped my arms around her and lowered my head, kissing her soft lips.


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