Protecting Macy (Cavanaugh Security Book 1)

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Protecting Macy (Cavanaugh Security Book 1) Page 11

by C. M. Steele

  This time he directed his stare to the window; his expression turning angry as he bit out, “I tried to be nice, but she acted like I disgusted her. Since then, she became my obsession. I followed her from work to home and back. She had no idea that I had decided she would be my ultimate one. I wanted to lock her away and use her over and over. But she was a bad girl and fought me. I lost control. I lost fucking control, and she got away.”

  “And who are you talking about?” We all knew it was Macy, but they needed to hear it from him.

  “That bitch that’s fucking my old partner. Macy Garcia. I didn’t know I had a thing for Latin women, but I guess I do. Fucking bitch left me for my partner.”

  “How did you get to her when you were supposed to be in Houston?” That had been the million-dollar question. Although it could easily be done, it was how he remained unnoticed that bothered me.

  “It’s less than a two-hour drive, man. I had to see my girl. It was becoming necessary. Then she betrayed me for him.”

  “Then you had to be treated and recover from your pretty severe injuries.”

  His expression was a mix between pissed off and amused. “That bitch stabbed my nuts, but I told my father a prostitute did it. To save face, he sent me to a personal doctor. The kind that makes house calls for a fuck load of cash. He came to me at my father’s house, then we drove to the airport and boarded our family jet.”

  “And your father didn’t ask you more about it?”

  “No, he told me next time to look for a high-class whore. That’s where I fucked up. I messed with a trailer-trash whore who left to go suck dick and live in a fucking castle. God, Sean, you were so pathetic. While you were patrolling with me, McManus was looking for the next woman. I kept you out of the way while he hunted. He murdered women on your watch, and you thought you could be a detective. Nah, I don’t think so.”

  “Speaking of Cavanaugh, what was with the name badge?”

  “Well isn’t that obvious? It was funny to wear one of his name tags, hoping that should a bitch survive she’d have his name to go by. Too bad the one ran right into his arms. Fuck, I almost took Macy.”

  I lost my shit and slammed on the glass, making it shake. I wanted to bust Elroy’s face on the table and see if he’d stop smiling like a psychotic asshole.

  He nodded his head slowly, smirking the entire time as he said, “Ha, ha. Nice. Is my Macy there with ya?”

  “Ignore him. Tell us more,” snarled the FBI agent.

  “With pleasure. I have nothing left to lose.”

  “Where are the bodies?” he demanded. Just like us, he was getting sick at the lack of remorse.

  “You’ll find the map in the house behind an old painting.” He laughed again with the pure smugness of a man getting away with it all, but he wasn’t. He’d spend the rest of his life in jail.

  “Oh, and those fellas in Houston have two missing girls while I was there,” he laughed out.

  “Are you telling me you killed two more while you were training to be a detective?”

  “Yes. I mean, I wasn’t selective, seeing as my time was limited and well, my cock wasn’t working that good, which pissed me off, but when you’ve killed four what’s a couple more?”

  “I’ve had enough. We’re out of here.” I grabbed Macy’s hand, and we exited the viewing area. Ignoring all the people, we stormed out of the jail just in time to be flooded with cameras and mics.

  “Ms. Garcia, Mr. Cavanaugh, did you speak to the suspect?” a reporter shouts with a mic in our faces.

  I stepped in front of them and answered for her, “No, we have no comment at this time.” I’d always protect her, and we jumped into my truck, driving away while cameras focused on us like crazy stalkers.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  “Mom, what do you want?” I answer in a hushed tone, looking around for Sean. He jumped in the shower after I did. I wanted a glass of water, so I headed down to the kitchen; it seemed with perfect timing.

  She gasped as if offended and started her bullshit. “That’s the kind of attitude you have when you haven’t called me after running away like that?”

  “Yes. Considering you were too high to notice, definitely yes.” My insides were burning with pent-up anger and pain. She hadn’t given a shit about me in years, and now she was curious. She left a message before, but all I heard was her voice fading saying, “Fucking bitch.” I had no idea if she meant that for me, or was talking about me, but I don’t even care either way.

  Of course, it came out that Sean and I were engaged and that he had been a secret millionaire.

  “I wasn’t. I was just tired,” she argued. I’d heard that lie repeatedly and had never fallen for it. I didn’t have the patience for this. Sean and I were on our way to dinner to discuss the wedding plans.

  I place my glass under the tap and fill it up and take a drink before responding to her. “Whatever. I can’t talk right now.”

  “Why? That rich man of yours keeping you busy? That explains the sports car.”

  “You know nothing about him and my life. Please don’t call me again.” I ended the call, pressing the phone to my chest in an attempt not to cry, but it was pointless. I broke down, sitting on the nearest chair and laying my head on the table.

  “What’s wrong, baby?”

  “Nothing.” He cocked a brow at me, waiting for me to be honest. I caved instantly and confessed, “My mom called to talk.”

  “What did she have to say?” He stood there in a nice grey suit, looking handsome as ever. I stared at him and wondered how I got so lucky. He smirked and pulled me up from the chair. “Tell me so you can get it off your chest.”

  “Really, it’s nothing at least nothing worth listening to. My mom pretended to be interested in what happened to me. Then she insinuated that I got my sports car from you and why I’ve ditched her.” His grip tightened on me, holding me against his chest.

  “I love you, Macy. I’m not going to let her taint that. We know the truth, and so does my family.”

  “I know. I just don’t want to deal with her.”

  He tipped my chin and kissed my lips. He pulled back and agreed, “Fine. Then let’s leave her be.” Tapping his watch, he added, “We have a dinner date to go to.”

  “Yes we do,” I said with a smile.

  “By the way, you look spectacular,” he growled, twirling me in his arms before stealing another kiss. I moaned, feeling his strong hands on the bare skin of my arms. He slid them down until he reached my hands and led me to the door. My little black dress barely covered me, so he grabbed my wrap before we made it out the front door.

  A limo was waiting for us. “Wow, why?” I muttered.

  “You deserve a night in style,” he whispered, wrapping his arms around my waist.

  “This is wonderful, Sean.” The driver opened the door for us, and Sean helped me inside. I slide over onto the leather seats, enjoying the feel of the open space. I’d never been in a limo before. As soon as the driver closed the door, I pounce on Sean, straddling him.

  “I can get used to this, love.” He crushed my mouth with his, dipping his tongue inside before kissing down my neck. I moaned, grinding my hips on the large bulge between his thighs. My hands slid under his suit jacket, rubbing his chest over his shirt.

  “You’re playing with fire.”

  “I can’t help myself,” I sighed, pulling my hand off of him. “I guess I’ll try.” I lift up to move back to my seat, but he wasn’t having any of that.

  Roughly his hands held down my hips, stopping me from getting off him. He slid his strong fingers lower, cupped my ass, and growled out, “We’re going to be late for our reservation.”

  Our mouths connected, catching my cries as my pussy rubbed hungrily along his pants. His hands skimmed the edge of my dress, grazing my thighs and sending chills up my body as my barely covered ass was in his hands again. I rolled my hips, but it wasn’t enough for either of us.

  Sean lifted
me up long enough to free himself. “You better keep quiet, or my cock will be coming in your mouth instead of your heavenly tight pussy. I don’t want him to hear you scream for me. Do you understand?”

  I held back the moan that sat in my throat. Threatening me with Sean’s cock in my mouth only made me eager to scream out. I loved having his large thickness silencing me.

  “Baby, do you want it or not?” he growled, hanging on to his last bit of control. I could tell he was on the edge. That either way, I’d have his cock because he was too far gone to care.

  “I want it,” I stated. Sean tugged on my panties, shoving them to the side. I slowly lowered myself down on his shaft. We both groaned as we connected completely.

  He rolled my hips, dragging my pussy along his base, driving me wild. My mouth attacked his, frenzied and demanding. The limo hit a small bump, forcing him deeper inside me and ripping my orgasm from my soul. I cried out, “Sean.” His mouth slammed on mine, catching the end of my screams.

  “Bad girl,” he snarled, biting my bottom lip before kissing me roughly. “I fucking love you.” He spanked my ass and pumped up one more time, coming hard and grunting out his orgasm against my neck.

  “I love you, too, Sean,” I giggled out, dropping my head to his chest and resting there until the driver informed us that we were two blocks away from the restaurant.

  “Now to feed you,” he stated, stuffing himself back into his pants. Damn, the man knew how to please me.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Two Months Later

  I sat down in my new office the Cavanaugh Security building. We weren’t opened for business and wouldn’t be for a bit, but there was still so much to do. Today one of my brother’s war buddies stopped by for a potential job.

  “I’ve looked at your record, and it’s impeccable, Denver. My brother spoke about your skills in the service, and I thank you for that.” He nodded in acceptance. Mark told me he was a quiet one, but that was an understatement. He said a total of four sentences since he arrived.

  I continued, “We’re looking for the company to be full-service security from installation of high-tech surveillance for both residential and business, to personal security and private investigative services as well. Are you licensed to carry a weapon in the state of Texas?”

  He nodded, taking a drink of the coffee Macy brought in when he first arrived. She didn’t have to do it, but she wanted people to feel welcome. She had a point, but I couldn’t help being jealous about it. “Yes and four other states.” Reading the curious expression on my face, he added, “I have them just in case I visit any of my family. They are all spread out around the country.”

  We spent the next hour going over the details of what I expected and his background check which came back squeaky clean like my brother said it would. “It looks like everything is in order. We’re working out the last-minute details, but we should be up and running in two months, but staff will start two weeks before,” I informed him. “How does that sound?”

  He nodded. “I’m going to be visiting my family soon, but since Mark told me you were going to be hiring, I decided to jump on the opportunity before it was too late.”

  “When will you be back?”

  “In three weeks. I have to make my rounds.”

  “That’s fantastic. I’ll be calling you to let you know the exact start date, but you can call me if you have any questions before then.”

  “Thanks, Mr. Cavanaugh.”

  “Just call me Sean.”

  “Thanks, Sean. And if you’re looking for more people, I have a couple of friends who might be right up your alley,” he added as he stood up to leave.

  I followed suit and shook his hand. “If you have someone that’s interested, have them send me their info, and I can schedule an interview. I could always use a few good men.”

  “Excellent, I’ll make sure I do.” We shook hands again then parted ways. I hired one of meanest looking and toughest guys I’d ever met. He would be perfect for anything we had that required muscle. I felt confident hiring Denver.

  “Macy, can you come in here for a minute?” I called out from my desk. “Macy?”

  Damn it, I rushed out, hoping he didn’t fuck with my girl, but then I saw her coming from the bathroom looking pale. I rushed to meet her halfway in the middle of the main floor lobby. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

  She smiled up at me with that look that always stiffened my dick and made my heart pound out of control. “Nothing’s wrong. I’m pregnant, Sean.”

  “What!” I grabbed both her biceps and stared into her pretty green eyes and asked, “You’re having my baby?”

  “Yes,” she giggled. “Yes, I’m having your baby, you madman.” I crushed her lips to mine, then dropped to my knees and kissed her above her belly button.

  The doorbell rang, interrupting our moment. I stood up and walked to the window. With everything that happened, I tried to keep Macy protected at all times. Even with something so basic as answering a door. The odds of something terrible happening again was negligible.

  Stepping up and peeking through the blinds I saw the furniture delivery guys. Most of the office furniture was coming in today. I opened the door and greeted with a cheerful man. “We have the order for Mr. Cavanaugh,” the man with the clipboard stated.

  “I’m Mr. Cavanaugh.”

  “Okay, I’m Juan Luna, here is my card and this is the list of items on our truck. Please feel free to inspect the furniture as we bring them in. If you tell us where to put the pieces, we’ll set it up. It should take two hours.”

  “Thank you, Juan.” We shook hands, and I let them get to work, inspecting the pieces as they set them up. The painting had been done last week, so we held back on the furniture order to give the paint time to dry and air out.

  After two hours, they were done. The place looked a lot fuller, but there was enough space for three times the furniture Macy ordered.

  At this point, we’d managed to hire a tech master from the Houston PD who handled their computer forensics, Tate Masters. He would be coming in tomorrow to discuss the necessities for the business.

  Everything was falling into place. With Macy’s attacker behind bars, she relaxed. Justin Elroy would never see the outside world again.

  His partner wasn’t a problem either; John McManus only lasted three days in prison before being jumped by a dozen inmates. He was now in intensive care suffering lacerations to his rectum and severe blows to the head. If he made it out of the hospital, he would be mentally and physically disabled.

  As a former cop, prisoners had a greater hatred for him. The judge ordered for him to be placed in solitary, but the request had somehow been lost. No one shed a tear for that bastard and his fate.

  The father of Susie Hernandez had gotten his wish. Like any father, he wished to jump up from his seat and strangle his daughter’s killer, but the guards had a hand on each shoulder of the fathers. One consolation to all this had been locating all their victims. The bodies had all been discovered with the help of the maps Elroy had given the police as a part of his plea deal.

  “Are you ready to go celebrate, Mrs. Cavanaugh?” I asked my wife. We had married a week after Elroy’s confession in the large ballroom in the mansion. It was a quiet and small ceremony with only a handful of guests, but none of that mattered because we had each other.

  My wife looked beautiful in a white, lacy gown as we said our, “I dos” but the best part was she married me. I felt terrible that she didn’t have her mother there, but that bridge had been burnt long before I knew Macy.

  Just two days ago, her mother and mother’s husband were arrested for distribution of meth. I might have made the call, tipping off the cops. It was my little payback for that sick fuck of a stepfather she had. I could kill the bastard, but time would do it for me.

  Macy hadn’t been bothered by the news, thankfully, so I let it go. My family loved her enough to make up for her lack of family. Although
I did go to her father’s grave and thank him for giving his daughter to me.

  “Yes, I am, husband,” she said, clinging to my arm as I locked up my office. “I’m hungry,” she muttered. Since she’d been sick earlier, I knew she’d probably be starving.

  “Good, where do you want to eat?”

  “I have a taste for a cheeseburger off the grill.”

  “Okay. Let’s go home. I have some prepacked patties my mom brought over for us.”

  “Yum. I could go for some of your mom’s burgers.” She rubbed her belly with an arched brow and smiling lips.

  My phone rang at that moment. I chuckled as I answered, “Hello. Hey, Mom, what’s up?”

  “We’re barbequing. Do you want to come over?”

  I looked over at Macy. “Yes, Mom, we’d love to stop by.” Macy clenched her fists and did a little happy dance. “Can’t wait to see you.” I ended the call and smiled at her.

  “They are going to be shocked when they learn that you’re having my baby.” Fuck, I was still in shock myself. We weren’t being careful, but she had gotten her period shortly after we got together.

  “I know. This is going to be an awesome surprise.”

  Twenty minutes later, we walked through the door and hugged my parents. “Mom, Dad, are we having any company?”

  “No, it’s just us.”

  “Good, we have something to tell you both.”

  “What?” Her eyes widened with concern. After revealing how we really met, they were frightened that Macy was still in danger.

  “You’re going to be grandparents soon,” Macy blurted out, unable to contain her excitement. Fuck, I could barely hold it together. She was everything I never expected and didn’t know I needed until she made me give chase.


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