Valan's Bondmate (Zarronian Warriors Book 1)

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Valan's Bondmate (Zarronian Warriors Book 1) Page 18

by Mardi Maxwell

  Lia smiled and squeezed Minda's hand. "It's so good to see you. Valan just now told me you were coming."

  "When Cam told me we were invited to your house for dinner I could hardly wait. I've been making a nuisance of myself all cycle. He finally told me if I asked again if it was time to come he would make me sorry." Minda laughed at Lia's alarmed expression. "He's all talk, and no bite. All I have to do is touch him and he forgets about being mad and goes wild."

  "So, you're adjusting to this new life? And, you're alright?" Lia asked.

  "Yes. At first, I was so scared but Cam is really quite nice. He reminds me of Tamar ad-Lin." She paused and grew solemn. "I've been so worried about you, Lia. When I heard the rumors about the way he was treating you, and what he did to you, I was so worried and scared for you."


  Seeing the concern and tears on Minda's face, Lia hugged her again. "It was really horrible, Minda. He was so hateful, and didn’t tell me where he was taking me or what he was going to do. But, since then he’s changed and we've been getting along. At first, I didn't think it would last, but now I think it might." Smiling, she changed the subject. "Guess what, Minda? I'm pregnant!"

  Minda hugged Lia and laughed with joy. "Guess what, Lia? So am I."

  Valan and Cam heard their laughter and decided it was safe to return to their bondmates. Each carried a tankard of ale and a glass of juice. Valan lowered himself to a couch and beckoned Lia to come to him. When she rose and joined him, he handed her the juice and sipped his ale, hiding his smile behind the rim. She'd joined him without saying a word.

  Cam took the space Lia vacated. As they sipped their drinks, the room was quiet until Minda said, "Doctor Veeson told me he's going to teach a class for the warriors. Cam's going. Are you going Commander Eirikson?"

  "Yes, Minda. I am."

  "What classes?" This was the first Lia heard of them and was curious why Valan hadn't mentioned it before.

  "Cam says the Council decided to begin the warriors' education again now they have bondmates."

  "What subjects?" Lia asked.

  "About bonding and childbirth so when the time comes they’ll know what to do," Minda said.

  "When what time comes?" Lia asked.

  "When the babies come, of course. Isn't it incredible?" The conversation made Valan and Cam fidget. Without warning, they both rose, declared they were starving, and pulled their bondmates to their feet. Rapidly, they marched them to the kitchen and kept them busy preparing food and fresh drinks. Valan and Cam carried the trays to the dining room, with Lia and Minda trailing behind them with the drinks.

  They’d taken a place at the table when Valan noticed the four glasses of wine. He got up, took the two in front of Lia and Minda and carried them to the kitchen. When he returned, he placed a glass of juice in front of each female and resumed his seat.

  "Why did you do that, Valan? Minda and I wanted the wine?"

  "Have you been drinking wine, Lia?"


  "Answer me. Now!"

  She didn't appreciate his demand, especially in front of their guests but she decided to keep the peace since they had company. "No, I haven't been drinking wine."

  With his teeth clenched, he gave her a warning look. "Borg told me you shouldn't drink wine while you're pregnant. It's not good for the babies."

  "Alright. All you had to do was say so."

  "He also told me if you didn't behave, I could trade you for another, more obedient female."

  Lia leaned toward him and said, "ha" right in his face then grinned.

  Nervously, Cam cleared his throat, and drew their attention to him. "The engineers will be finished installing the new engine in ten cycles. Do you think it will perform the way we expect?"

  As Cam spoke, Valan grinned at Lia then sat back. Cam just gave him the solution to his problem. He'd take the Invincible for a test run and he'd take her with him and fulfill his part of the lost challenge.

  "I believe they'll perform even better than the engineers said they will. We'll find out when we take her out for a test-run to Lanteria."

  "When did you de…"

  Valan gave him a warning look. "Bring Minda with you, Cam. I'm taking Lia. We'll show them the Lanterian silkbeetle trees."

  "Really? I’d love to go. Can I Cam?"

  "Uh-huh. If you behave between now and then."

  Minda giggled. "If the only time you ever took me anywhere, depended on my behavior, I'd never set foot out of the house, Cam."

  Her words drew laughter from all of them and for the rest of the meal they discussed the upcoming journey and the sights they would see on Lanteria.

  Saying they had warrior business to discuss, Valan and Cam went to his den, while Lia and Minda disposed of the trays and returned to the reception room.

  "Minda, what did you mean when you said the warriors needed to know what to do when the babies came?"

  "It's the most amazing thing, Lia. On Zhang when a woman gives birth only other women are present, but on Zarronia the warriors deliver their own children."

  Lia didn't know what to think of this practice, as she really didn't know anything much about the subject. Now, she wondered what it would be like. Before she could ask she yawned and smiled when she saw Minda doing the same thing. "I've been so sleepy lately. And, hungry! It seems all I do is eat and sleep."

  "Me, too," Minda said. "Let's go for a walk in the garden before I fall asleep." Jumping up, Minda grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet.

  Valan and Cam heard them as they passed the den door, and went out into the garden.

  "Valan, has Lia mentioned how the females on Zhang were treated'?"

  "She's told me a few things. At first, I couldn't believe anyone would treat their females so harshly, but then I remembered we were talking about the Wrothians."

  "Has she mentioned, uh, her father'?"

  "Not often. She calls him her sire and she wasn’t close to him."

  "No. Minda said daughters were ignored on Zhang. Only the sons were given any attention by their fathers." Cam hesitated. He wasn't sure how to ask Valan about the subject on his mind. Finally, he just blurted out the question. "Has she told you her sire traded her to Gorm ad-Jai?"

  "Yes." The word was hissed out between his clenched teeth. "She said she was terrified of him."


  Relieved Valan already knew about Gorm, Cam relaxed and took a sip of ale. "Minda told me all about him. She said Lia wouldn't have lived very long after he claimed her. The cycle we abducted them, he'd almost whipped a female to death because she'd displeased him. He deserves to die for that alone!"

  "Why didn't the other warriors stop him?"

  "Because it is the way they discipline their females," Cam said. "I've heard a lot of the females we brought back have scars on their backs. Even Minda has a couple. When I saw them, and she told me what caused them, I was so enraged, I wanted to kill her sire."

  Valan was incredulous. Lia hadn’t told him. "Even the sires whip their daughters?"

  "Yes. Minda said mostly her mother would punish her by confining her to her room or taking away her food, but if her father found out she'd broken a rule then he'd whip her."

  He remembered what Lia had said about the time she'd slipped away and become lost. Her mother protected her by sending the servants to look for her therefore keeping the knowledge from Selik ad-San. The thought of a whip slashing into the smooth, honey-gold skin of Lia's back sickened him. He hadn't seen any scars on her back but now he'd check more closely. "Why did her father trade her to Gorm ad-Jai? Didn't he know how she would be treated?"

  "Minda said he knew and didn't care. Gorm ad-Jai will take his place as leader of the Tryad and he couldn't deny his offer for Lia without offending him."

  "Tor! I knew the kind of coward he was, but to give his own daughter to a warrior like Gorm ad-Jai knowing what he would do to her. I'm going to kill him, Cam. I'm going to kill both of them!"

  "You can't Valan
. Let the Council deal with them. You know they'll be condemned, and then both of them will die, here on Zarronia, for their war crimes."

  Valan nodded, Cam was right, but he wasn’t happy about it. He would have enjoyed killing them and watching as they took their last breath. Since he couldn't, he'd make sure their journey to Zarronia was a very unpleasant experience.

  "There's something else I want to talk to you about. Eirik asked me to speak with you. Our spies on Zhang have found a Wrothian warrior who is willing to help." He stopped speaking when he noticed Valan's surprise. "Apparently, there's a group of warriors on Zhang who have wanted to make some changes for a long time, but weren't able to do so. Their leader, Tamar ad-Lin, is willing to help us carry out the raid, in exchange for a few concessions. Mostly having to do with his followers."

  "What is he willing to do?"

  "One night an annual the three moons of Zhang line up and form a triangle. Selik ad-San and the other two members of the Tryad took advantage of this and have convinced the Wrothians it is a sign the Tryad should rule. So, every annual there's a big celebration. Most of the warriors from the other two strongholds travel to Orm and there's a feast. They bring all of their females with them. The Council has been told that the warriors wouldn't hesitate to use the females as shields or hostages to insure their own survival. The Council has decided to take advantage of the ale served at the feast."


  Valan smiled, understanding where this discussion was going. "How hard will it be to drug the ale?"

  Cam laughed before answering. "Not hard at all. It's also the only night their females are allowed to drink ale. Our good Doctor Veeson has come up with a drug which doesn't take effect until three units after it's consumed, it should ensure all of them have had a dose."

  "Are they sure the celebration will take place this annual? Aren't they on guard since we took the females?"

  "We were worried about it at first, but it seems they've decided we got what we wanted and won't be back."

  "What about the two strongholds on the dark side of Zhang? Do they join in this celebration?"

  "No. But, they are part of Tamar ad-Lin's group, so we don't expect any trouble from them. There are only about three hundred all together including females and children. They've always been short on females so they only allowed one female per warrior. Tamar ad-Lin asked that the warriors who cooperate with us be allowed to keep their female and children. The Council agreed."

  "I wondered why they'd made that concession." Valan smiled. "This is going to be easier than I thought."

  "He made one other request, Valan. The Council has already refused it, but they thought you should be aware of it. Tamar ad-Lin asked for Lia."

  "What!" His roar echoed through the room and out into the hallway, where Lia and Minda had just reentered the house after their stroll. Rage blazed through him, and turned his eyes a pale silver. It was quickly followed by a huge wave of jealousy, an emotion he was quickly beginning to recognize. Clenching his fists, he paced the room. "I'll kill him. I’ll…"

  "Valan?" Lia stood at the open door, her eyes wide and full of concern.

  "Who the hell is Tamar ad-Lin?"

  "Tamar ad-Lin?"

  "Uh, we better be going, Minda," Cam said. "Valan, I'll see you tomorrow." He grabbed Minda's hand and tugged her from the room.

  "Lia?" Minda's voice was scared and unsure.

  "It's alright, Minda. I'll see you soon," Lia said.

  "Answer me who is Tamar ad-Lin?"

  "I don't know what you want to know."

  "Who is he and what is he to you?"

  "He is a food grower and a merchant. He has a food acreage outside of Orm. He wanted to trade for me but Selik ad-San refused."


  "That's all," Lia said.

  "Did you want Selik ad-San to accept his offer?"

  "Yes. Of course."

  Her words stabbed into him, slashing and tearing at his heart. He hadn't realized until that moment how much she'd come to mean to him.

  Seeing his face, Lia understood only part of what he was feeling. He was jealous! She wanted to laugh with joy. Valan was jealous of a warrior who had wanted her. She thought about letting him suffer for a while, but couldn't bear the pain on his face. "If Selik ad-San had accepted the offer it would have saved me from Gorm ad-Jai."

  At first he didn't understand what she was trying to say, but when he did, his body relaxed and his eyes grew darker. "But, you didn't need him to save you, little cat. I saved you."

  She heard the arrogance in his voice and decided to tease him. "Well, I wouldn't say you saved me exactly because now I’m stuck with you."

  A second later, she was scooped into his arms and carried from the room. She wiggled in his arms, and they tightened around her as he started up the stairs.

  "I apologize, Valan."

  "Too late." He took another step. "Better think of something to soften my anger before we reach our chamber, or you won't sit for a week."

  Wrinkling her brow, she tried to think, but the door to their chamber distracted her, growing larger and larger with each step he took. Finally, she lowered her lips to his ear. "Isn't it time you had another massage?"

  He smiled, and his eyes darkened to black. Huskily, he told her, "You are one bad little cat."

  Her laughter echoed through the house, then was abruptly silenced when he kicked their chamber door shut.


  Three sun risings later Valan informed Lia the classes on childbirth were beginning. He'd arranged with Cam for Minda to come to their house and keep her company while he attended the classes. When they arrived, he told her to behave, then followed Cam out the door.

  Doctor Veeson began the class with a lecture on the symptoms the warriors were experiencing now they had bondmates. "Most of you have probably realized by now you desire only your bondmate. For those of you who have been touched by one of your previous lovers you have experienced a strong sense of revulsion. This is normal for bonded warriors. Now that your mates are pregnant you may soon encounter a feeling of illness at the smell or sight of certain foods. This too is normal for a Zarronian warrior whose mate is pregnant. The fourth thing you will soon experience is the inability to be away from your bondmate for more than a moon phase or two at the most. Even during the war with the Wrothians our warriors returned to Zarronia frequently as the females were not allowed on the battleships or starships. Now, we are at peace your bondmates and children will be allowed to travel with you on peaceful journeys." He went on to tell them how to care for their pregnant bondmates.

  Valan absently listened to him while paging through the manual on the table in front of him. Doctor Veeson caught his full attention when he mentioned how emotional the females might become, and the warriors shouldn't be surprised if their bondmates cried for no obvious reason. This statement brought groans from the warriors.

  Borg smiled before he instructed them to open their manuals, and began explaining female biology to them. Valan never really thought about how Lia's body would change as her pregnancy advanced, but now he did. Looking at the pictures in the manual and listening to Borg, he wasn't sure she could do this. She was so tiny compared to him.

  Borg hid his grin when he noticed the incredulous expressions on the warriors’ faces. He finished his lecture and asked if there were any questions. He received a lot of solemn headshakes.

  "Well, if you think of any you can ask them the next time we meet. Also, next time I want you to bring your bondmates with you. Now I have an info-disc of the birthing process for you to watch. Some of you may find it disturbing, but it is something you need to see and understand. I want you to remember soon your own bondmate will be depending on you to help her get through this same experience." He began the info-disc, then made sure there was a clear path to the door.


  Minda and Lia saw Cam enter the garden. Solemnly, he walked over to them and told Minda it was time to go home.

p; "What's wrong, Cam? Where is Valan?" Lia stepped toward him as she thought from his expression that something dreadful had happened.

  "He will be here soon. He stayed to speak to Doctor Veeson for a moment." Cam hurried Minda away while tossing a hasty farewell over his shoulder in Lia's direction.

  Lia went into the house and waited in the reception room for Valan’s return. When he appeared in the doorway then sat down beside her, she smiled at him. His look was as solemn as Cam’s had been earlier as he pulled her onto his lap.

  "Tor, Lia, I'm sorry!" he said, as he rubbed her back.

  "Valan! What's wrong?" Lia asked, tears appearing in her eyes as she. "Valan?"

  He saw the scared expression in her eyes and hugged her. "It's alright, Lia. It will be alright.

  "Are you going to take me back to the warriors’ arena?"

  "No, never."

  "Is something wrong with Father?"

  "No, little cat. He's fine."

  "Are you sure?"

  He nodded and rubbed her belly. "You have to eat properly and get lots of rest and exercise," he said. "I’m going to take you to the training academy and begin an exercise program for you. You've got to grow stronger." He held her closer then asked, "Have you eaten lunch?"

  "No. I was waiting for you."

  "Then, let’s go to my father's and eat lunch with him."

  "Really?" He nodded. She slid off his lap and started from the room, then went into the hallway.

  "Where are you going?"

  "I have to change my gown and braid my hair. I'll be right back."

  He rested his head against the back of the couch and thought about her, and their babies. He wanted the babies but he wanted Lia more and he wished he'd never made her pregnant.

  Borg had told them after the info-disc they shouldn't spend the coming months worrying about their mates. But, how could he not worry? Even though Borg assured them their bondmates would be fine, and females were made to carry babies and give birth to them, Valan wasn't assured. Maybe normal sized females, but not ones as small as Lia.


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