The Vault of Kings

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The Vault of Kings Page 11

by Matt Taylor

  Looking up from the ground in front of him, Sylas directed his voice towards Uthren. “How much further is it to Gelendor? Please tell me we’re getting close.”

  “We still have about another week’s journey until we get there Sylas, I would estimate we are about halfway there.”

  Audible moans came from not only Sylas but also Samara and Torren. Uthren smiled, “You are all going to have to get used to traveling long distances. We aren’t going to be stopped at Gelendor for too long, and our journey is going to take us much further than just between two cities.”

  “Can’t we rest for just a minute? I’m starving and need a break.” Samara said, slowing her pace.

  Uthren looked into the sky and noted that it was about midday. “That seems appropriate to me.”

  Taking a few more steps towards an inviting grassy area, Uthren dropped his pack and sat down with a sigh. The rest of the group followed suit and relieved themselves of their loads. “Heal up any of the blisters you may have formed and get something to eat. We’ve been making good time, and you both have progressed sufficiently enough that I think it’s due time that I teach you more Magick techniques.”

  Sylas froze for a minute while realizing how dense he was for not realizing he could have just healed his blisters.

  “Stupid!” he mumbled under his breath.

  “Did you say something, Sylas?”

  “What? No, nothing. I was just… yeah, nothing.”

  Uthren shrugged and pulled some dried meat and crackers from his bag.

  “Geode, if you and Torren are not too fatigued, this would probably be a good time to continue with your combat training as well.”

  Geode looked over at Torren, who grinned, “I’m always ready for more training!”

  Torren reached into his bag and pulled out some dried fruit, shoved it in his mouth, then drew his sword and held it high in the air as if he were trying to channel a lightning bolt to come down and energize his blade. He let out a battle cry and then slashed his sword down and did a spin move.

  Cocking his sword arm to a jabbing position and holding his left hand out in front of him, thumb and two fingers extended, he raised his left knee to his chest closed his eyes and let out a controlled breath of air.

  He opened his eyes and saw the rest of his companions frozen in their actions, staring at him wide-eyed. He turned his head and saw Geode with his face in his palm.

  Torren’s face turned red, and a bead of sweat formed at the back of his neck as he lowered his leg and sheathed his sword. Clearing his throat, he sheepishly notified everyone that he would be “over there” when Geode was ready to help him train and walked away.

  Sylas smiled and then burst out, laughing along with the rest of the group. Although he was still embarrassed, Torren smiled too. He was glad that he had a gift of lightening the mood and making people smile, even if it was spawned from an embarrassing moment.

  After everyone had eaten, and Sylas had taken care of his blisters, Geode headed off towards Torren for his training, and Uthren turned his attention towards Sylas and Samara.

  “I promised that we would learn more techniques after your speed at opening your second mind had improved, and neither of you has left me disappointed. You will continue to get faster and faster as we train, but for now, your speed is sufficient. Before moving onto offensive techniques. I have one defensive spell that I would like you to learn.”

  Uthren made the symbol of Light, and his hands and eyes began to glow, he then broke the symbol and held one of his hands outstretched.

  “As you both have already witnessed, shielding can be very useful during the heat of combat. It can be used to protect yourself or an ally from danger. While the shield is very powerful and will block almost any amount of damage directed towards you, it’s not fail-proof. If too much damage is directed towards your shield, the damage will be blocked, but the shield will then dissipate, and you will need to conjure another to take its place. For now, however, we shouldn’t be running into many enemies that will challenge the strength of your shields.”

  A yellow sphere appeared around Uthrens hand as he finished talking. The Light swirled in a slow even pattern, almost like a liquid caught in a slow whirlpool. It was deceptively thin and looked as if a blade would easily penetrate its shell, although Sylas knew that was not the case. Uthren reached into his pocket with his other hand and pulled out his knife, handing it to Sylas.

  “Try to stab my hand with the knife, it won’t be able to penetrate the shield.”

  Sylas hesitated for a moment, then called to remembrance both instances of witnessing Uthren use Light shields before, and attempted to slam the point of the blade into Uthrens hand. Upon arriving at the shield, the blade bounced off the sphere and nearly fell out of his hand.

  “One is also able to control the size of the shield that is made,” Uthren continued. “I can extend the Light to cover my entire body…”

  The Light sphere began to glow brighter as it grew to surround Uthren’s entire body.

  “Or have it stay just above my skin.”

  The Light again glowed more luminous as the size changed, shrinking down to just around Uthren’s one hand until it looked almost as if it had turned into a thin glove of Light.

  “The size of the shield is the easy part to control, but the strength of it, how much damage it can block without being broken, is where it gets more difficult. The stronger you are as a mage, the more powerful your shields will become.”

  The Light faded from Uthrens hand, and his eyes stopped glowing as he gestured to Sylas to return his knife. Sylas handed the knife back to Uthren as he continued to speak.

  “Light naturally wants to protect those whom it deems worthy, so this is not an overly complicated task. The more that you can persuade the Light that the object or person that requires protection is holy and just, the stronger the protection will be, if that person is yourself, then it makes that task even more straightforward. Now, both of you open your second mind, and we’ll continue from there.

  Sylas and Samara both made the symbol of Light with their hands, and within a couple of seconds, their eyes and hands began to glow with the yellow color of Light Magick.

  Uthren nodded in satisfaction and then continued, “We’ll start with shielding ourselves before moving on to others. Concentrate on your second mind and align your wills together with the desire to create a shield around your right hand.”

  Almost in unison, Sylas and Samara broke the symbols they were making and stretched their right hands out in front of them. Sylas concentrated on his second mind and its desires. He told his second mind that he needed to prove himself worthy of further instruction in the sacred art of Light Magick by creating a divine shield around his hand. His second mind agreed that this cause was just and that the task should be done.

  Sylas noted how much the influence of Light tugged at the conscience of his second mind. It wanted to be used and show forth its power. It just needed a vessel, a vessel that was provided by himself.

  It had its own desires of things it wanted to accomplish as well but being only half of the entity that was Sylas’s second mind, was happy enough with the suggestion that it was given.

  With his desires aligned, Sylas willed the task to be done, and a yellow sphere of Light encircled his hand. As the Light formed into a shield around his hand, Sylas noticed that Samara was also having success with her spell. Light shone off their hands, radiating a bright yellow glow that was visible even in the midday sun.

  Uthren held his knife out in front of Sylas and asked him if his desires were pure and just. Sylas nervously nodded, and Uthren swiped the knife at his hand. To his relief, the blade bounced off the shield, causing no harm.

  The Light around his hand got even brighter as his confidence and sense of holy power increased substantially after seeing the success of his spell.

  “Light is also a very confident element,” Uthren explained as if he had read Sylas’s feelings.
“As your confidence in yourself and the element increases, your power with that element will also increase. Well done, Sylas. Samara, are your intentions pure, and your actions holy?”

  “Yes! you will not harm me!”

  Uthren smiled at the apparent influence of Light in her voice and slashed his knife at Samara’s hand. The blade bounced off just as it had done with Sylas but with more fervor and rejection than what he had.

  “Outstanding Samara, you seem to have an aptitude for Light Magick. Now, I want each of you to concentrate on moving the shield from your hands and placing them upon each other. Change your desires from being self-centered to being protective of your friend. Increase the size of the shield as well, so that it’s covering the entire body.”

  Sylas and Samara concentrated and began to move their spheres of Light towards each other. Sylas focused on how much he cared for Samara as he pushed the shield towards her and felt a burning desire within his second mind to protect her at any cost.

  The light from his shield radiated even brighter as his desires aligned, and he found it easy to extend the sphere around her entire body. Samara also had success in moving her sphere around Sylas and extending it to cover his whole body.

  Uthren readied his knife and yelled to Samara, “Samara! Protect your friend!” Then lunged out with the knife.

  Sylas winced slightly but was relieved when again the blade bounced off the shield that was surrounding him and was sent backward defiantly. Uthren shook his arm and with a pleased look, congratulated Samara for her excellent protection.

  He then turned to Sylas and yelled, “Sylas! Protect your friend!”

  As Uthren swung his knife towards Samara, time seemed to dramatically slow down. His second mind flared with rage, the Light dominating his thoughts.

  He tried to control his anger, knowing that Uthren did not intend to actually harm Samara, but his second half was being dominated by the Light. Its desires to prevent Uthren from attacking Samara were overwhelming, and it forced its will down upon him until it took complete control. Time sped back up as he yelled, “Don’t hurt her!”

  The energy from his shield grew brighter and brighter as the shield expanded outward and struck Uthren, throwing him onto his back.

  Sylas fell to his knees and felt his second mind close as the Light flared once more before fading away. Breathing heavily from the loss of control, he looked over at Uthren.

  “Uthren! Are you alright? I… I don’t know what happened. The Light, it took control...”

  Uthren sat up and shook his head. Samara closed her second mind, then ran to his side and helped him to his feet.

  “You can’t let the elements take over you, Sylas. It’s imperative that you always stay in control. If you lash out with the untamed and unbridled power of the elements when they are out of your control, it could prove fatal not only to those around you but also to yourself.”

  Thanking Samara for her help, he continued. “We will go over techniques on how to bridle your passions and not allow the elements to dictate your actions in a future lesson, but for now… well, good job on protecting Samara.” He said with a smile.

  “I’m really sorry, I don’t know what came over me…”

  “I felt something similar when Uthren was striking at you, Sylas,” Samara said, touching his arm.

  “I didn’t want to see you get hurt, and although I knew that Uthren was doing what he was doing for our benefit, part of me wanted to lash out and stop him. But I was able to focus my thoughts and tell myself that my desires were only to protect and not to harm, and that seemed to help me.”

  Uthren brushed the dirt off his pants and thanked Samara for her advice to Sylas.

  “There have been many mages that have been consumed by the elements they were attempting to wield. The power that they contain cannot be treated lightly, and one must always proceed with caution when attempting to use them. Remember, you are not just using them, you are uniting yourself with them and then directing them in a manner that you desire. Control is the true key to mastering Magick.”

  Sylas nodded and thanked Uthren for not being upset at throwing him off his feet, as well as the words of wisdom that he shared.

  “All in all, I think you both did quite well. There’s still a lot of room for improvement, of course, but you are both progressing much faster than I could have hoped. Perhaps tomorrow we’ll talk about control and do some offensive Magick. Until then, we’d better keep moving. Sylas, go let Geode and Torren know that we’re ready to leave.”

  Nodding, Sylas headed off towards where Geode and Torren were sparring. Still upset that he let the Light overpower his will and take control, he vowed to himself that he would never let that happen again.

  What if I would have hurt Uthren? Or in the future, if I’m not able to control myself and something else bad happens because of it? He shook his head and picked up his pace towards Geode and Torren.

  Their images grew closer as he approached, the sound of wood on wood clanking together with audible thuds.

  Torren took a step back and ducked under the swing of Geode’s staff, then lunged his wooden training sword towards the chest of the Nature mage, but it was easily parried aside as Geode spun his staff in front of him in a quick circle.

  Geode’s eyes met Sylas, and Torren took the moment of distraction as an opportunity of attack, he attempted to use the momentum from being parried aside to spin around and make a mighty swing at Geode but as soon as his back was turned, Geode brought his staff down on Torrens back with a loud slap, dropping him to the ground.

  “What have I told you about turning your back to your opponent?” He said in a gruff voice. “Those types of moves are never practical and will only get you killed. By the time you actually spun your body to face me again, I could have struck you several times.”

  Torren gasped for air as he pushed himself up off the ground and onto his knees. He tried to respond, but the wind had been forced out of his body with the blow, and all he managed was a wheeze.

  “You need to learn to focus on what strikes are most efficient, not the ones that everyone will tell stories about around the campfire. I know that you want to live up to the reputation of your father, but you aren’t going to be able to do that while making these silly moves of yours.”

  Geode walked to the front of Torren and held out his hand. Taking it, Torren stood and after a few more moments of breathlessness, was finally able to take in a gasp of air.

  “Yes, master, I’ll try to focus on efficiency. You have my word.”

  Geode nodded and turned his attention towards Sylas. “Are we ready, then?”

  “Yeah, I was just coming to get you. We’re getting ready to leave again.”

  “Very well, let us be off then.” Geode again faced Torren and put his fists together, then gave a bow.

  Torren repeated the gesture and bowed back, then bent down and picked his wooden sword up off the ground and slid it into its leather holster.

  “How did your training go, Sylas?” Torren asked as they walked together towards Uthren and Samara.

  With a slight hesitation, Sylas responded a bit less enthusiastically than Torren expected.

  “It was good… we went over shields today.”

  “Ohh, man, that sounds awesome! So were you able to do it then? Did you make a shield?”

  “Yeah, I made one, it even blocked Uthrens knife when he tried to stab through it.”

  “So why do you seem so down then? I would expect you to be pleased with that,” Torren asked.

  Sylas let out a breath of frustration and recounted his little mishap to Torren.

  “It was like, the Light’s influence was more powerful than my own… and it just took over and made me lash out… I feel terrible about it.”

  “Don’t let it get you down, Sylas,” Geode said, walking just behind him and Torren. “Taming the elements and learning to control the desires of your second mind is not an easy task. Especially with the elements tha
t have strong wills. Light is one such element that has an unyielding will to do what it sees as righteous, and is sometimes hard to sway in the direction that you desire.”

  “Is Nature that same way?”

  “Actually, no. Nature is much different from Light. Nature wants to do good, similar to Light, and it has a strong desire to protect what it holds dear and can even heal just like Light can, but that’s about it when it comes to similarities. Nature is much more calm and easily persuaded. As long as the user has a calm and peaceful mind, it simply wants to be used to further growth and life and to protect against that which would destroy life.”

  Sylas kicked a pebble and watched it roll across the dirt. It would be nice to use a more relaxed element.

  “Maybe one of these days you could teach me about Nature Magick? Sylas asked. I’m also really interested in learning combinations too, Uthren keeps telling me about them and how useful and powerful they can be.”

  “Using combinations is not something that can be easily learned,” Geode responded. “I would advise against going into that until you have at least learned to master the two elements you want to combine. Nevertheless, I would be happy to teach you some Nature Magick so that you can see the difference between it and Light. It’s important for all mages to know the basics of every element, so they know how to counter what’s being thrown at them, or use it to their own advantage. For example, if you are fighting against an enemy that’s using Fire-based Magick, it would be advantageous to use Water Magick against them, as water would cancel out many of the effects of Fire. Even though most mages focus on one element and try to become as efficient in that one as they can, it’s important to at least know the basics of all the rest.”

  “Is there a reason why people usually only focus their efforts on just one rather than branching out?” Torren asked.

  Although he didn’t plan on trying to learn Magick again, he still wished that it came to him as easily as it seemed to come to Sylas.

  “It’s mainly because of how different the elements are from each other,” Geode responded. “It’s much easier to get used to the way that one of them acts and influences you so that you can more easily persuade it to do your bidding. The more familiar you are with that element, the more powerful the effects you are able to do, and the more new discoveries you will make with that element. Being really powerful in one area appeals to a lot of people more than being somewhat powerful in multiple areas.”


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