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Platinum Page 9

by J. M. Nevins

  A few days had passed and Kit realized that it was time to give up hope in Sully returning her call. She rationalized she would be seeing him in five days anyway for Jimmy’s wedding. She had been concentrating on work and had a very stern discussion with Blake Templeton, telling him to back off or she would file a restraining order and sue him for slander if he stated to anyone else they were seeing each other.

  She had been wandering around in a fog since Sully’s abrupt departure and she knew it was time to make strides to move forward. She had a message from Simon that she hadn’t yet returned. Now seemed as good a time as any.

  He answered the phone and she grinned hearing his melodic English accent. “Hi, Simon, it’s Kit. Are you back in town?”

  When he spoke, she could hear him smiling on his end of the line. “I’m doing quite well. I am back in town, in fact, and I would love to take you to dinner. I know it’s been challenging for us to coordinate our schedules, but I can assure you I’m in town for a good few weeks before I have to head back to L.A.”

  Kit chuckled. “Funny, me too. I’m going to have to head to L.A. soon myself. Tour rehearsals for the band I manage.”

  “Ah yes, the illustrious Gypsy Tango. I know it’s short notice, but how about dinner tonight?”

  She grinned. It was time for her to get back on the horse. The situation with Sully wouldn’t resolve itself anytime soon and there was no use in dwelling on it. “Dinner tonight sounds lovely.”

  “Fantastic. I’ll pick you up at eight.”

  Kit rattled off her address and ended the call. She headed into her bedroom and let herself indulge in excitement over her upcoming date. She couldn’t deny that she liked Simon. They hadn’t been on a date yet and she had a good feeling it would be enjoyable. He was interesting, funny, charming and very good-looking. It was time for a fresh start.


  Kit trailed Alexa and Maxine as she climbed the stairs of the private jet. She took her time, remaining fairly somber while Maxine and Alexa carried away animatedly in bubbling conversation and giggles that sent Kit into a flashback of when they were all teenagers. How she yearned for that time again—a time of simplicity, ease and no complications.

  Maxine deposited her belongings next to her seat and wandered over to Kit, smiling. “You’ve been awfully quiet since we picked you up. What gives?”

  Alexa took off her dark sunglasses and nodded in agreement. “Yeah. I was going to ask the same question.”

  Before Kit could answer, their flight attendant approached and smiled at Alexa. “Mrs. Matthews, we are fully stocked with everything you requested. Would you like me to open a bottle of champagne for you ladies before we take off?”

  She smiled. “Absolutely. Thank you.”

  Kit got comfortable in her seat and pulled out a stack of folders. She stared at a contract so it would appear she was working and hoped Alexa and Maxine would leave her alone. Her mind raced and she swallowed hard as she stared out the window watching as their jet taxied to get in place for takeoff. Soon, they would be touching down in Houston and she was not looking forward to it.

  Jimmy’s wedding aside, seeing Sully would prove nothing less than awkward. They were both in the wedding party. That was only one of the reasons why she felt off, but it certainly wasn’t the primary one. She hoped her intuition was wrong.

  The flight attendant extended a glass of champagne to Kit. She looked up from her contract and forced a grin. “None for me, thank you. Can I have some sparkling water instead, please?”

  The flight attendant nodded and offered a kind smile. “Would you like it in a flute as well?”

  Kit grinned. “Sure. Thank you.”

  The attendant returned in what seemed like seconds, honoring Kit’s request. She thanked her and took a sip.

  “Hey!” Alexa’s voice yelled out from the back of the plane.

  Kit leaned into the aisle and looked back where Alexa and Maxine were sitting across from each other at a table. “What?”

  She frowned. “Get your ass back here. We’re doing a toast.”

  Kit pulled back and groaned as she undid her seat belt. She seized her glass and made her way to the back of the jet. She took a seat next to Maxine and stared at Alexa straight-faced. “What are we toasting?”

  Alexa tilted her head to the side and frowned. “What is up with you? C’mon, we’re almost wheels up. Spill the beans. We have several hours until we touch down deep in the heart of Texas, beauty.”

  Maxine seized Kit’s glass. “What the hell is this? Where’s your champagne?”

  Kit gave her a look of warning and took her glass back. “It’s sparkling water. I asked the flight attendant to swap it out.”

  Alexa raised her eyebrows. “Why? That’s not like you. Now, if you had swapped it for a scotch on the rocks, I would understand that, but sparkling water?”

  Kit shook her head and chose to ignore her question. “Ladies, what are we toasting?”

  Maxine giggled. “How fabulous we all are. Think about it, Kit, we’re all living the life! I mean, this is a chartered jet that Alexa got us, Jimmy is happy and getting married to a girl he is totally in love with, you’re an executive at Diamond and manage a world-famous band that is a household name, Lex has managed to put Platinum Magazine on the map in a short time and I just wrapped an exclusive on The Rolling Stones in London! What isn’t there to celebrate?”

  Kit finally grinned. “Ok, you do have a point.” She raised her glass. “I will drink to that.” She clinked glasses with her best friends and then took a sip.

  Alexa leaned forward. “I haven’t talked to you in a while. Did you ever go on that date with Simon?”

  Maxine’s hazel eyes lit up. “Simon? Who’s Simon?” She smiled wide.

  Kit chuckled. “Simon Easton. I met him at a party a while back. We exchanged info. Played phone tag and couldn’t coordinate our schedules. He’s handsome, charming and very entertaining.”

  Alexa smiled wide. “And? Does that mean you two finally did go out?”

  She nodded. “Yes and I like him. We’ve been on a few dates, but now we’re at a standstill. I have the wedding and then it’s out to L.A. He won’t be in L.A. until a week before we leave for the tour. I’ll see him then, but it’s still a ways away. The phone will have to do in the meantime.”

  Maxine smiled. “So, have you two done the nasty?” She knocked back the last sip of her champagne.

  Alexa laughed and Kit rolled her eyes. She grinned at Maxine. “No. He’s a gentleman. We haven’t gone there yet. It’s too soon. He’s coming off a divorce and I’m coming off… well let’s not go there. I can tell you he is a good kisser.” She raised her eyebrows and donned a buccaneer grin.

  Maxine screamed with delight. “Hot! That’s awesome. Good for you, Kit-Kat.”

  Alexa surveyed her carefully. “Ok, so if you like Simon and things are going well, then why the long face? Did someone, who shall remain nameless, finally decide to return your call?”

  Kit shifted her attention between Alexa and Maxine. There was no way out now. She was sitting with her two best friends—the two people that knew her better than anyone aside from Sully. She knew that if she lied and said it was work, they would see right through her. She had to come clean. She let out a long sigh and shifted her focus out the window, staring at the vast canvas of fluffy white clouds. She couldn’t face them when she spoke. “I’m late.”

  Maxine’s eyes widened and Alexa stared at Kit. She reached out for her hand. “Hey, look at me.” Kit shifted her tear filled gaze back to Alexa’s compassionate violet eyes. Alexa squeezed her hand. “So, you’re late. Doesn’t mean anything. Maybe it’s just stress.”

  Maxine put her arm around Kit and rubbed her shoulder. “Yeah, Lex is right. Probably nothing to worry about.”

  Kit sighed. “You two don’t understand. I’m as predictable as a Swiss clock every month.” She looked at Maxine and then at Alexa. “I was with Sully three weeks ago. I haven’t been w
ith anyone else.”

  Alexa forced a grin for Kit’s benefit, but her gut told her maybe Kit was onto something. She ignored her intuition and spoke. “Like I said, maybe you’re freaking out for nothing.”

  Maxine nodded in agreement. “Kit, you and I are sharing a hotel room while we’re in Houston. How about we get a pregnancy test and do it when we arrive? Then when you get back to L.A., after the wedding, you can make positively sure with your doctor.” She stared into Kit’s eyes and saw the fear. She forced a smile. “It’ll be ok, babe. Lex and I will be there every step of the way regardless if it’s negative or positive. You’re stuck with us.” She giggled.

  Kit smiled wide. “I’m glad to be stuck with both of you. Sisters ‘til the end.” She raised her glass and they followed suit.

  Sully donned his dark sunglasses and held tightly onto Rachel’s hand as they walked through the Houston airport. He struggled to focus through his drunken stupor, approached several times for autographs. As he signed photos, albums and magazine articles, he watched Rachel’s reaction with his peripheral vision. He was relieved that she was patient and didn’t have a problem with it. She actually looked amused.

  As they walked away from the circle of fans, he held her hand again and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He grinned. “You’re a great girl. You know that?”

  She smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder. “No. Keep telling me that.”

  They both laughed as they headed out to the limousine that awaited them. He started kissing her in the limousine and she didn’t stop him. He had been consistently drunk since leaving New York weeks ago. The flight from L.A. to Houston wasn’t any different. He consumed several on the plane. He didn’t care anymore. Being completely cognizant was no longer one of his top priorities.

  The limousine pulled up in front of a large colonial home and came to a stop. Rachel glanced out the window. “We’re here. This is Diana’s parents’ house.” She grinned at him. “Wanna come in for a few minutes before you go back to the hotel?”

  He nodded and tried his best to sober himself up. He didn’t want to make a fool of himself in front of Diana or her parents. He was the best man, after all. He followed Rachel into the expansive home, leaving his sunglasses on. Diana greeted them moments later.

  Sully stayed for small talk and an introduction to Diana’s very uptight, reserved parents and then opted to go back to the hotel where Jimmy was staying along with the rest of the band. They had flown in the day prior, while he opted to wait and fly with Rachel, his new squeeze.

  He checked in, got settled in his room, knocked back more alcohol and headed over to Jimmy’s suite. He pounded on the door. Jimmy opened it and laughed. “Hey man, you made it. What’s up with the shades? Trying to be a rock star or something?”

  Sully laughed and gave him a hug. He took his sunglasses off and set them on the table. He smiled seeing the rest of his band present. He suddenly felt a rush of home, but there was one piece missing, Kit. He shoved thoughts of her out of his mind and took a seat on the chair, jumping into a conversation with the rest of the guys.

  A few hours had passed and the guys returned to their rooms to get ready for the rehearsal dinner. Sully remained, calmly drinking while watching Jimmy scrambling to get ready. He chuckled. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so nervous, Jim.”

  Jimmy stood in front of the mirror struggling with his tie. He let out a frustrated growl. “Fucking neckties! Never have been able to tie one.”

  Sully laughed and stood up. He walked over, handed Jimmy his drink and held out his hand. “Take it off and give it to me. Drink this.”

  Jimmy did as he said and then gave him a look of caution. “You’re not gonna tie that around my neck yourself are you? That will look really gay. I mean really gay. And thanks for the drink, it’s taking the edge off. Fuck, I can’t believe I’m doing this tomorrow.”

  He chuckled and shook his head. “Chill out.” He nudged Jimmy to the side and stood in front of the mirror, working the tie like a pro. He pulled the knot down and then pulled the tie over his head, handing it over to Jimmy. “Pull this over your head and then pull the knot up.”

  Jimmy gulped the last of the drink and did as he said. He grinned at his reflection. “Nice!” He looked over at Sully and high-fived him. “Thanks, man.”

  He nodded. “No problem. Y’know, you really don’t have to wear a suit to your rehearsal dinner. Diana isn’t gonna care. If you showed up in your leather jacket and jeans she’s be perfectly happy. She really loves you. You’re lucky man. This will work. I have a good feeling about it.” He patted him on the back, unable to crack a grin even though he was happy for him.

  Jimmy turned to face him and sighed. “You never called Kit back, did you?”

  Sully frowned. “Hey, where did that come from?”

  Jimmy shook his head. “Sully, you’ve been my best buddy since we were kids, but sometimes you can be a complete asshole. Get out of your own way. You and Kit had something really good. You could have that again.”

  He turned his back to Jimmy, made another drink and headed to his chair. “Kit’s moved on to Blake Templeton and I’ve moved on too. I’m with Rachel now. The past is behind me.”

  Jimmy rolled his eyes and sighed. “Whatever, dude. You’re in some pretty serious denial. I’m not sure you have your facts straight, man.” He glanced at the clock on the dresser. “I think Kit’s probably here now. Lex said they were supposed to land around five.”

  He shook his head angrily and got up. He brushed past Jimmy, headed for the door. “I gotta go get ready. I’ll see you at the church.”

  Jimmy frowned and called after him. “Please chill on the drinking, man. I don’t want a totally blitzed best man at my rehearsal. Do you know where you’re going?”

  He didn’t turn back to respond, he kept walking. “I’m heading over with the band. They know where they’re going. I’ll be there, don’t worry.”

  Jimmy heard the door slam behind him and shook his head. He headed to the phone and looked at the writing on the notepad next to it. He had the room numbers for Alexa and also the room that Maxine and Kit elected to share. He played it safe and called Alexa’s room.

  She answered immediately and smiled hearing Jimmy’s voice. “Is this the groom to be? How are you holding up?”

  He laughed. “I am nervous as fuck, Lex. How did Wes not have a complete meltdown when you two got married?”

  Alexa giggled. “Oh, I’m sure he did. He can tell you all about it when he gets here, sweetie. You can talk to him later tonight. He had an important meeting he couldn’t move, so he was flying out later. In fact, he’s probably in the air right now. He lands at ten, local time.”

  Jimmy grinned. “Perfect. I would love to have a drink with him later, if he’s cool with that. I need to get a happily married guy’s perspective.”

  “He’d be happy to hang with you, Jimmy. He certainly raved about your bachelor party in Vegas. I didn’t want to know details, but I think you two will be friends for life!”

  Jimmy laughed. “Totally true. He was really generous in Vegas. Got us some really great perks.”

  Alexa chuckled. “I don’t wanna know. So, what’s up? Did you just call to say hi?”

  He nodded. “Wanted to make sure you gals made it here ok. All settled in?”

  “Yep. In fact, we’re gonna head out to the church for the rehearsal in a few minutes. Kit’s already with Diana. She went over to her parents’ house like an hour ago to do bridesmaid stuff. I’m sure she’ll head over to the church with them.”

  “Ok. Glad she’s here.”

  Alexa sighed. “And how’s the other half of the Kit and Sully equation doing?”

  Jimmy shook his head. “He plays it off like he’s fine, but he’s not. He’s touting that everything’s ok and he’s with Rachel now, but I can see through his bullshit. We can talk about this later. I need to go.” He hung up the phone and headed out.

  The pregnancy test sat in its box
on top of the bathroom sink. Kit stared at it and gulped. She closed the bathroom door and started emptying the contents. She read the instructions carefully and followed all the steps. When she was done, she set the wand on top of the box and glanced at her wristwatch. Ten minutes.

  She stared at her reflection and shook her head. Jimmy’s wedding was in five hours. She didn’t feel up to it. The rehearsal dinner the night before had been gut wrenching. It was obvious that Sully had moved on quickly to Rachel. He made that well know.

  Since Rachel was the maid of honor, it seemed fitting for her to spend time with the best man, Sully. They were taking fully advantage of it, being very public with their displays of affection. When Kit tried to say a quick hello and make small talk with Sully, his reception was icy and his responses were short. She had better rapport with Rachel and suspected that Rachel had no idea she and Sully had once been involved and were most recently reunited.

  She realized it would be better to leave the past in the past. She knew Sully would come around in time and that their friendship would be restored. She just didn’t know when that would be and she assessed it would be foolish to hang onto what once was. She opened the door and walked out.

  Maxine looked up from her camera with wide eyes. “Well?”

  Kit shrugged her shoulders. “We have to wait.” She glanced at her wristwatch. “Seven more minutes.”

  Maxine rushed to the phone. “Should I get Lex in here?”

  She shook her head. “No. We can tell her later. She’s probably spending time with Wes. Their schedules have been so crazy lately, I’d hate to interrupt their quality time.”


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