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Mage Page 17

by Cyndi Friberg

  Warmth and tenderness rippled across their link as she heard his words. “Can he prevent you from becoming king?” She shrugged out of her blouse and took off her bra as she waited for his answer.

  Her breasts distracted him for a moment, making him forget her question. She was so beautiful. He would never tire of looking at her.

  “Your father,” she prompted with a smile.

  “If he throws a fit, I’ll challenge his right to rule the guild.” He ripped off his tunic and shed his pants, his movements agitated and swift. “I’ve suspected for the past few years that my power has surpassed his. Maybe it’s time to find out.”

  Her warm hands pressed against his cheeks and she guided his gaze to hers. “Don’t go to war with your father because of me. I’d rather win him over gradually.”

  He released a sigh and nodded. Maybe he should have volunteered to spar with Raylon before he searched out his mate. He was still feeling adversarial. “We’ll focus on my mother. If we get her on our side, Father will have no option but to give in.”

  Emily smiled. “Sounds like the ideal marriage. As the saying goes, ‘happy wife, happy life’.”

  “I have never heard that before, but I’ll do my best to remember.” He pulled her against him, needing her softness and heat.

  “I think you need a little pampering.” She quickly shed her skirt and panties, then led him into the steamy shower.

  They stepped beneath the spray, letting the water saturate their hair and roll down over their bodies. For a long time he just held her, content with the press of her warm flesh against his. Their link was a balm. Her love soothed and encouraged as her hands stroked up and down his back.

  Then a surge of desire rekindled his restlessness. He tangled his fingers in her hair and slowly drew her head back. Her lips were parted and waiting as his mouth descended. Sweetly surrendered, she welcomed his tongue, allowing him to take what he needed to quiet his dark mood. But his need escalated, making him more demanding. His lips slid against hers, his tongue exploring the inner softness of her mouth. She tasted of apple, beer and desire, the combination addictive.

  Suddenly she ducked beneath his arm and slid around to his back, still keeping herself pressed against him. Her hands moved slowly over his chest and abdomen while he panted for breath. “Slow down, love. We’ve got all day. This doesn’t have to be quite so frantic.”

  But he wanted frantic. He wanted wild. He wanted to force her to her knees and mount her like an animal. Which is why you need to calm down. His hands clenched and his cock bucked, but he concentrated on his breathing, determined not to use her like a sparring partner.

  When his breathing finally returned to normal, she worked shampoo through his hair, then rubbed the knots of tension out of his shoulder muscles. Her firm massage eased the tightness in one area of his body while intensifying the tension in others. He needed to be inside her, needed to hear her gasp and moan while her tight heat pulsed around him.

  Her slick fingers moved lower, working his back and sides. His cock jerked, eager for the firm embrace of her core. He caught one of her wrists and guided her hand to his shaft. Her fingers curved into a snug ring and he showed her how to stroke.

  “I want to taste you,” she whispered in his ear and he nearly lost control and spilled all over her hand.

  She chuckled and turned him around, letting the water rinse the soap from his body. Then she carefully knelt before him, her gaze locked with his. “You’re always too desperate to be inside me to let me play. So I’m going first this time.”

  “Is that so?” He wanted her mouth more than he’d ever admit, but his mood was too aggressive to tolerate her bossy tone. “If I choose to finish in your mouth, you won’t get anything at all.”

  “Is that supposed to scare me?” She closed her lips around his tip and sucked hard, eyes gleaming with challenge.

  He groaned so loud he was embarrassed by the needful sound. He tangled one fist in her hair and pulled free of her clingy lips. “Keep it up and I’ll stop holding back. I’m feeling particularly savage right now.”

  “I don’t want you to hold back.” She licked him then grinned. “And I can be savage too.” She caught him with her teeth and bit just hard enough to make him gasp. Then her warm, wet lips sank down and down until he bumped the back of her mouth.

  He dropped his head back and surrendered to the pleasure, a willing captive to her wicked mouth.

  She slid and sucked, licked and swirled her tongue until he thought he’d lose his mind. Warm water ran down his body in teasing rivulets, but nothing compared with the heat of her mouth. He rocked his hips, dragging his length nearly out of her mouth then pushing deep again. Her mind was open, offering affection as freely as she gave him pleasure. His head began to spin and his balls drew up tight, ready to spill down her throat. But he didn’t want to come by himself. He needed to feel her shatter as he let go.

  So he pulled out of her mouth with another groan and spun her to face the wall. She laughed and tossed her head, sending water flying all around her. Then she spread her legs, clearly ready for their joining. He grabbed her hips and pulled her up to the balls of her feet, thrusting into her core from behind. She cried out, her inner walls squeezing tight as he began to move.

  She was so damn hot and eager that he knew he wouldn’t last. So he found her clit with his middle finger and accented each thrust with a circular caress. She tossed her head again and braced herself against the slick wall as he surged into her over and over.

  His free hand stroked her breasts as she thrust back against him. Desire blazed through his mind and water cascaded over their undulating bodies. Her excitement burned every bit as hot as his, which only fed his fire. His balls tingled and he fought with everything he had to hold back the inevitable. He didn’t want it to end, wanted to revel in the pleasure as long as possible. But it felt too damn good!

  “Come for me, now.” He gently squeezed her clit and her body obeyed as she shuddered against him.

  Her inner muscles contracted in rhythmic pulses, shattering what little remained of his control. He thrust one last time and released his seed deep inside her warm body. He wrapped both arms around her as she rode out wave after wave of pleasure.

  “This was just a warm up,” she cautioned, still panting from the intensity. “We’re going to do this again on the bed.”

  He bent down and nipped the side of her neck. “When did you become so bossy?”

  She laughed and turned her head sharply so she could look at him. “It isn’t bossiness. It’s desperation. I know they’re going to keep you really busy for the next few days, so I intend to enjoy having you to myself for as long as I can.”

  “It’s hard to argue with that.” He gently separated their bodies and reached for the shampoo.

  * * * * *

  Later that night, they had dinner with Rachel up at the big house, then went on a leisurely walk through the hills. By the time they returned to Vox’s cabin, it was dark. He stacked wood in the fireplace, then ignited a roaring blaze with the wave of his hand. Emily watched the casual display in silent wonder. Her mate was utterly amazing, yet he seemed to shrug off his power as if it were nothing out of the ordinary. But then he was from a world where everyone could control magic to one extent or another, so maybe it wasn’t so surprising that he wasn’t impressed.

  “Tell me about your family.” They sat on a large fur spread before the fire, sipping wine as they stared at each other. “I know they’re royalty, but they’re also people. Are you close to any of your siblings? How did your mother and father meet?”

  He answered the last question first. “My father was lucky. He had three compatible females from which to choose. My mother was the one who interested him most. She is also from a royal line, so it was a politically advantageous choice.”

  That made it sound so cold and calculated, yet the carousel had given her a different impression of their marriage. “I know they’ve been together for many
years, but do they love each other?”

  “I’m not sure it was love from the beginning. With elite couples it seldom is. Still, they are deeply in love now.”

  She smiled, pleased by the clarification. “And your siblings? What is your relationship like with them?”

  “My brother and I are close at times and can’t stand each other at other times. I’m very protective of my sisters, but they can also drive me crazy. My sisters, however, are inseparable with each other. If you anger one, you deal with all three.”

  She took a sip of wine, trying to imagine what it would be like to grow up surrounded by siblings. “I always longed for a sister or brother to keep me company, and you probably wished you were an only child. At least that’s the way it works with humans. We always want the opposite of what we have.”

  He nodded. “Bilarrians aren’t that different. As a teen I avoided my siblings as much as the staff would allow. I found the girls exasperating and Jontar, my brother, seemed ridiculously immature compared to myself.”

  “How many years separate you?”

  “Three. My sisters were born at two-year intervals beginning four years after Jontar’s birth.”

  “Have any of them found their mates?”

  He nodded. “Jontar is involved with a female, but she is not his mate. Two of my three sisters are mated. The middle sister has not yet located a potential mate, and is quite put out that her search has taken so long.”

  She looked into the fire, feeling guilty for how easily they’d found each other. “It’s so strange to think about searching for a mate, not being able to have children with whomever you choose. Humans don’t realize how good we have it, or how horribly we take it for granted.”

  “There’s no need to feel guilty, sweetheart.” He guided her face back around. “We did it to ourselves.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “The need to find a genetically compatible partner is an unintended side effect of genetic manipulation, which was the result of our greed for power. The mutation occurred centuries ago, but my species did this to themselves.”

  “I had no idea.” For some reason she didn’t understand, the admission made her even sadder.

  “It’s not something we like to talk about. In fact, most pretend that pinpoint compatibility has always been part of our existence, but it’s simply not true.” He took her nearly empty wineglass, then set them both aside. “I wouldn’t have brought it up if I knew it would upset you.”

  “It’s not you. This entire day has been so strange.”

  “I hope the entire day hasn’t been strange. I enjoyed certain parts very much.” He emphasized his meaning with a wicked smile.

  “Our shower was wonderful, and I enjoyed our dinner with Rachel. I’m just having trouble letting go of this morning. I’ve never felt that helpless in my life.”

  He sighed. “I wouldn’t have let him hurt you.”

  She heard the insistency in his tone, but she also felt the uncertainty threaded through his emotions. Clearly, he wasn’t willing to admit it, but he’d been afraid too. “I don’t want to think about this morning. In fact, I don’t want to think about anything at all.” She curled her legs beneath her and crawled toward him. “I want to make love with my mate.”

  He knelt as well, then took her face between his hands. “What happened in the shower was over much too fast. I won’t let you rush me this time.”

  She smiled, loving how powerful she had felt while she pleasured him. “I’ll behave, I promise.”

  “I know you will, because I’m going to ensure that you do.”

  The sensual threat sent tingles down her spine. “Now that sounds like a challenge.”

  “Not a challenge. A warning.” He had her blouse unbuttoned in a matter of seconds and her bra soon followed. They’d both shed their boots by the front door because they were muddy from their hike. She pulled his shirt off over his head and he helped her remove her skirt. Soon the only thing that separated them was his pants. She reached for the fastenings, but he caught her wrists and shook his head. “Not yet.”

  She didn’t understand his reluctance, but she didn’t argue. Instead, she wrapped her arms around his neck and offered her mouth.

  He didn’t hesitate. His lips sealed over hers and his tongue swept into her mouth with bold passion. She loved all the different ways he kissed her. Sometimes his lips were so soft, she could barely feel them, and other times they ground against hers almost painfully. He liked to nibble on her lower lip and his tongue couldn’t seem to get enough of her taste. Right now, his kiss was slow and intoxicating. She mirrored his movements with her tongue, traveling from her mouth to his and back.

  Without separating their mouths, he laid her back on the fur and settled into the cradle of her thighs. The softness cushioned her body while the long hairs tickled her skin. She wiggled deeper, rubbing her nipples against his chest in the process. He growled into her open mouth and rocked back onto his knees, lifting his body off her. Then he drew her hands above her head and held them there with one insistent fist.

  She murmured her objection and tugged against his hold. I want to touch you. He was still kissing her so she sent the argument directly to his mind.

  Not yet.

  There was a finality to his response that warned her not to argue. His mood had been dark all day and she was starting to wonder if it had more to do with the conflict waiting for them on Bilarri than the new developments on Earth.

  Are you worried about how your father will—

  Not now. He tore his mouth away from hers and stared deep into her eyes. “Clearly I’m not adequately distracting you if you can still think about my father.”

  He kissed her again, but she could sense the frustration and dread twisting through him. I think you need to talk this out.

  With a frustrated growl he rolled to her side and draped his forearm over his eyes. “I don’t want to talk. I want to make love to my mate.”

  She swung one of her legs over his body and straddled his hips. “Let’s do both.” Bracing herself against his wide chest, she rolled her hips, rubbing his shaft with her damp folds. “We both know he’s going to be pissed. What’s the worst he can do in retaliation?”

  He reached up and cupped her breasts as his gaze bore into hers. “This is torture.”

  “Then stop avoiding the issue so we can focus on what we both want.” She kept right on rocking, which kept their arousal smoldering.

  “He can disinherit me, but I have wealth independent from his.”

  “What else?” she persisted.

  “He can name Jontar as his successor.”

  “But you said you’d challenge his right as guild master if he tried that,” she reminded. “And it sounds like you’d probably win.”

  “I don’t want to be Master Fire. My temperament is much more suited to ruling a kingdom than guiding a spiritual guild.”

  “Then we have to convince him that joining with a human was a shrewd political move.”

  He stilled, his hands moving to her hips. “Stop for a minute. Let me think. You might be on to something.”

  Reluctantly, she stopped the teasing slide and settled herself against him. “Lexie said humans are like universal blood donors. Our genetics mix well with almost anyone.”

  “Humans have successfully mated with Rodytes, Bilarrians and Ontarians.” His gaze turned distant and thoughtful. “Is it possible that incorporating human DNA into our gene pool could eventually diminish—or even cure—the compatibility issue?”

  Suddenly Emily realized where such a discovery could lead. “I’m such a traitor. If word gets out that humans are the cure to your genetic woos, we’ll be overrun with people from your star system desperate to give it a try.”

  “We don’t have to advertise the finding, but it might be enough to give my father pause.”

  “And if I happen to be pregnant with the next Loriet heir, that might soften his attitude further.”

sp; He clasped her hips and rolled her beneath him again. “That would definitely work with my mother. She is so ready to be a grandmother it’s comical.”

  “Then hadn’t we better get busy?” She raised her arms above her head and arched her back.

  “I wasn’t the one who insisted on talking.” He bent to her breasts and sucked one of her nipples deep into his mouth.

  “Silly me,” she whispered as he worked the tip into a pebble-hard point. He was even more aggressive now, but his mind was peaceful, focused entirely on their mutual pleasure. They had a strategy, a possible advantage. She’d given him hope. Apparently, that was enough to calm his spirit.

  He treated the other side to the same firm attention, then kissed his way across her abdomen. She’d known he intended to go down on her. It was only natural after what she’d done in the shower. Worse, she knew he’d be wonderfully cruel, driving her utterly crazy before he gave her what she really wanted.

  His warm, wet mouth settled over her slit and she closed her eyes. He was so damn good at this. It really wasn’t fair. His tongue teased her folds, coming close to, but never touching her clit. She murmured and wiggled, trying to guide him back to the sensitive knot of nerves.

  A throaty chuckle warned her that he knew exactly what he was doing. He pushed into her core, but as before, he only went far enough to make her desperate for more.

  “Vox,” she cried. “Please stop teasing me.”

  I like teasing you. For half a second his tongue stroked her clit, showing her what she was missing. Then he went right back to driving her crazy.

  She tried to push him away, but he easily caught her wrists and held her arms still as he did exactly as he pleased. Knowing she was powerless to resist him, and knowing he would never leave her aching indefinitely, she relaxed back into the fur and concentrated on the sensual slide of his tongue against her sex.

  Feel good?

  “Uh-huh. Do it just like that.”

  He chuckled again, the faint vibration its own sort of torture. Then he attacked her clit with his tongue, circling and flicking until she teetered on the brink of orgasm.


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