Fighting Lory (English Edition) (Lords Of Arr'Carthian 2)

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Fighting Lory (English Edition) (Lords Of Arr'Carthian 2) Page 6

by Cathy McAllister

“You belong to me now,” he snarled. ”And the sooner you accept that the less problems we’ll have! And be clear about this now and forever: I won’t let you go! And I’ll kill anyone who lays a finger on you or tries to take you away from me.”

  “You are a barbarian if you think that you can simply order me to want you,” she screamed at him.

  He sniffed and a little smile played on his lips.

  “But you do want me,” he murmured. “You want me even now when you’re so boldly fighting me off. Your body accepted a long time ago that we belong together. I can smell your desire.”

  Lory swore inside. It simply was not fair that this alien barbarian had such a good sense of smell. The idea that he could really smell her was more than just infuriating - it was completely embarrassing and absolutely unfair! Why was nothing smart occurring to her right now? She always had a come-back. But now she was just standing there, staring at him like an idiot who could not even count to three.

  ‘OK, if that’s not going to work, I’ll do it another way,’ she thought miserably.

  She acted passively and let him think that she had given up fighting him. As expected, he loosened his iron grip a little and just held his arm round her, stroking her cheek with his other hand. With a swift, proficient move she had turned in his arms and thrown him over her shoulders. His shocked yell was almost too funny and she could not help giggling. Before he could pull himself together she ran towards the exit.


  Kordan yelled in surprise as he landed hard on his back. That was now the second time that this woman had laid him on his back and it was gradually eating away at his pride in a big way. To rub salt into the wound this little warrior had even had the nerve to giggle as if the whole thing was highly amusing.

  ‘Well, just wait, my little tiger. I’ll show you that it’s best not to mess with the cheetah.’

  He could see her sprinting towards the door.

  “Door open!” she shouted, and the door opened.

  She had almost reached her escape route and clearly felt sure of victory because she shouted: “You’ll never catch me, you oversized peacock!”

  A nasty grin appeared on his face.

  “Doors close,” he said, and the automatic doors closed just in front of Lory. “Security level three.”

  Lory uttered a cry of surprise as she was forced to stop suddenly so as not to collide with the now closed door.

  “Door open!” she shouted, but of course nothing happened.

  “Your command is not authorized to refute mine, so forget it,” he explained calmly.

  With a colorful curse on her lips she turned to face him. Her eyes actually emitted sparks and a determined expression lay on her full lips. Kordan felt himself grow hard. He was beginning to like the little game of hunter and pray.

  “Sorry, darling. Did you want to go somewhere?” he asked calmly, leaning casually against the wall.

  “You … you …” she began, her voice trembling with rage.

  “What? Do you have more interesting names for me?”

  “You Neanderthal, dirty scumbag, cow-turd, pea-brain, brainless bastard, son of a mangy bitch, boil on my butt, wannabe Casanova …”

  “Very interesting,” Kordan interrupted her, pushing himself away from the wall to slowly move towards her. “But I think it’s time to show you how to use your mouth for better things.”

  He briefly saw fear in her beautiful blue eyes before she hid her fear again behind a mask of determination. He admired her courage. Even though he was growing tired of her insulting him and throwing him onto his back he had to admit that he had never had such fun.


  Lory looked around the room. It was only a matter of time before he would overpower her. She could run round the tables and chairs for a while to keep him at bay, but it was not a tactic that would save her from him for good and her only escape route, the door, would only open at his command.

  ‘A clear case of checkmate, babe. Now all you can do is wait and hope that he tires of the cat and mouse game at some point,’ her inner voice mocked her.

  “I’ll get you one way or another,” he said, slowly getting closer.

  “Oh, no! Not as long as I still have a breath of life in me,” she hissed at him.

  “OK, if you prefer a little game of hunter and pray. I have no objection to that. Don’t you know that cat’s love playing with their prey?”

  “Sorry, but the comparison with a cat is a bit inappropriate with you. I would associate you more with a gorilla or, better still, a big-foot. Possibly a polar bear, too.”

  “Really, would you indeed?” he asked, ominously quietly.

  The air around Kordan suddenly seemed to flicker and rainbow lights danced around him, then suddenly a huge predatory cat stood in his place. It was a cream-colored cheetah, only much bigger than those she had seen in the zoo at home. A scream came from her lips when the big cat opened its mouth and roared loudly.

  “Fucking shit,” she uttered with a combination of fear and awe.

  The huge cat approached her, its movements supple. Lory knew that there was no way that she could escape the fast cheetah in this room. Moreover she hated being a coward. Her heart pounding wildly, she stood still until the big cat stood right in front of her. Eye to eye with the cheetah, she became more aware of the full extent of its size. Its elegant head came up to her chest.

  “OK. You’ve had your fun. Can you change yourself back again now? Please!” she said uneasily as the cheetah’s rough tongue moved over her naked arm.

  Summing up all her courage she tried to push the cat’s head away, but the massive animal only pressed itself against her harder and she moved a few steps backwards until a table blocked her way behind her. The cheetah uttered a deep, throaty growl and suddenly the air around it began to flicker again. Very soon Kordan was standing in front of her in his humanoid form and he placed his hands to the right and to the left of her on the tabletop. He was much too close to her. His hot breath was tickling her neck and she shivered involuntarily.

  “Did you really think you could escape me?” he murmured into her ear.

  When his tongue moved along her neck she could not suppress a moan. He grasped her waist with his large hands and lifted her onto the table then pushed his way between her legs and began to caress her neck with arousing love bites.

  “You’ll never escape me, Lory. My cheetah and I will thoroughly enjoy catching you again. I have never entertained the thought of taking myself a mate, but the idea of another man claiming you throws me into a frenzy. You belong to me. It’s best if you never forget that, Lory!”

  Lory pressed her hands against his chest and tried to push him away.

  “I don’t belong to anyone, you arrogant alien! Let me go, you oversized bundle of fur!”

  “You can swear at me as much as you like but you can’t deny that you want me,” he murmured, pulling her closer to him.

  “It may well be that there’s a certain physical attraction between us, but I wouldn’t rule out the possibility of there being some alien spell involved. I’ve seen that sort of thing in films. But get this straight – I abhor you with all my soul and from the depth of my heart! You are nothing more than a testosterone-lead, ice-cold fighting machine. You’re not my type, OK? I don’t need an extra-terrestrial lout who …”

  She got no further as he closed her mouth with his lips. She bit his lip and tasted blood but he did not move away from her. His kiss was hard, punitive, yet this kiss did not leave her completely unaffected. She could feel her body reacting to his proximity, to his masculine aroma. Before she knew it her body was pushing against his as if it had its own mind, and perhaps that really was the case. Her pussy was tingling and she felt herself getting wet. That had never happened to her before. She was the kind of woman that needed a lot of foreplay to be ready. Never before had a kiss aroused her desire in such a way that she thought she was losing her mind. She could not deny that she wanted him. Groaning lo
udly she yielded and responded to his kiss.

  Kordan answered with a quiet groan that vibrated in his chest. As her lips opened to his kiss, he pushed his tongue into her mouth and kissed her with a hunger as no man had done before. Her legs tightened around his hips and she buried her hands in his hair. Breathing heavily Kordan pulled away from her a little and began to pull his shirt over his head. Up to now she had never been attracted to bodybuilder types, but the sight of Kordan’s muscle mass was turning her on somehow. He was hairless and had a long scar right across his chest. She moved her hand up to his upper body and stroked the scar, then with both hands she explored every muscle, stroking his small, hard nipples with the palms of her hands.

  He took a sharp breath and shuddered, again making that sexy growling sound. She could feel the vibration in his chest under her hands.

  Lory looked up at him and held his gaze as she slowly slid her hands downwards over his six-pack to his trousers. She slid down off the table and now stood directly in front of him. Provocatively she massaged his dick through the material of his trousers and Kordan, groaning, buried his hand in the hair around her neck. With a gentle push from him she went down on her knees and helped to free him from his trousers. It did not surprise her that he was on the large size. Fascinated, she first explored him with her hands, then with her mouth. Kordan’s legs trembled and his hands moved restlessly through her hair. His throaty groaning spurred her on.

  “Stop,” he gasped, taking her by the arms pulling her up onto her feet.

  With frantic movements he helped her out of her things until she was standing there in only her lace bra and panties. He extended one of his claws and slit open first her bra then her pantie. Finally he lifted her back onto the table and pushed himself impetuously between her legs. She moved towards him and held on tightly to his shoulders as he thrust into her. Lory felt delirious. She threw her head back and he covered her bare throat with hot kisses, moving his tongue to the side of her neck along to her ear.

  “Say that you belong to me,” he murmured into her ear whilst he thrust into her, as if possessed. “Say it!”

  “No!” she replied, gasping, but the way that she met his thrusting showed that her words were untrue.

  She uttered a startled cry as his teeth suddenly sank into her shoulder, but the brief sensation of pain was replaced by pleasure that she had never felt before. She could feel him releasing something into her bloodstream that rushed through her veins liking glowing lava and seemed to transform her whole body into one single erogenous zone. She could feel a powerful orgasm building up and she sank her nails into Kordan’s flesh as she came more intensely than ever before in her whole life. Incapable of holding anything back, she let out a scream of desire and only seconds later Kordan came, too, roaring as he pumped his seed deep inside her.

  Lory looked at the door that was just closing and she just made out Charly and Amano who were disappearing along the corridor.

  “Someone was here. Charly and Amano were here,” she said frantically.

  “So what?” Kordan murmured into her ear, satiated.

  “So what? They saw us. Saw us …”

  She could not bring herself to finish the sentence.

  “What’s so bad about that? You’re my mate. It’s normal for us to have sex together.”

  Lory was panic-stricken by the fact that she already felt more for this damn alien than she wanted to. After all, she wanted to return to earth and not be trapped on some alien planet forever. And above all she did not belong to anyone. He could put his macho act where the sun never shines. She moved resolutely away from him.

  “I’m not your mate,” she blurted. “And I never will be, OK? We had good sex, perhaps even damn good sex, but that does not mean that anything has changed between us. And just to set things straight: this was a one-off slip-up and will never happen again. And now piss off! Get your hairy ass out of my face and leave me in peace!”

  Lory’s heart was pounding madly as she stared at him, her eyes flashing. She thought she saw pain in his unbelievable eyes for a moment, but then his face was controlled and devoid of any emotion. Good! She should also get her emotions under control. That was why she had to get herself out of his range as soon as possible. What had just happened between them had bewildered her too much. It was a complete understatement to say that she had had damn good sex. It was much more. And it scared her to death.

  “If that’s what you think. Fine! I’m gone!” snarled Kordan, picking up his things.

  Without looking at her, or turning round again, he dressed himself calmly and left the canteen.

  “Security level five,” he said as he went out.

  Lory stared after him for a long time after the door had closed behind him.

  “Damn it!” she murmured, beginning to dress herself with trembling hands. Her bra and her panties were history: silent witnesses of the damned hottest quickie of her life. One thing was certain, if she was ever to get home again: she would never forget this man and the passion that they had shared. And it was highly probable that there could be no other man in her life. Not after experiencing this. It would be pointless. No man would be able to top that.

  Once she had dressed herself and was ready to leave the canteen she became aware of another problem that she had not yet thought of yet. There was now no room for her on this damn ship. It was obviously out of the question for her to go to Kordan’s quarters. Where else could she go, though? She decided to go down to the lowest deck again where she had met Farron. Maybe he could help her.

  Chapter 5


  In the orbit of the planet Karrx7

  4th day of the month of Manao in the year 7067

  Federation Time

  Since the incident in the canteen Lory had moved in with Charly in Amano’s quarters. She had largely avoided Kordan, but when they came across one another they always came to blows. Kordan had a cool arrogance about him that drove her mad. A few times he had managed to catch her somewhere and kiss her. To her shame she had to admit that she put up far too little resistance. Even though she had always managed to get away, somehow, before he could do more than just kiss her, so far she had not managed to stop a part of her longing to simply let him win. Not that she would ever allow that to happen. However, their little interlude in the canteen had left its mark on her. Nevertheless, she was determined to ask the king of the Carthians to find a way for her to return home. Under no circumstances would she stay on Karrx7, Kordan’s home planet, for longer than necessary. Once she was back where she belonged she would soon forget this brief, passionate affair. In New York. She had a job, friends. She had a life for goodness’ sake. This bizarre alien spell that he had apparently cast upon her would surely wane once she was out of his range.

  “Are you ready?” Charly’s voice could suddenly be heard next to her.

  Lory looked up and nodded. She rose slowly from the armchair and stared at Charly, appraising the situation.

  “You’re in love with him, aren’t you?”

  “I don’t know,” replied Charly vaguely. “I like him. He’s very … nice.”

  Lory snorted.

  “Nice?” she blurted out scornfully. “You’re clearly suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. How can you think it’s nice that he’s abducted you and dragged you here to his damn alien planet?”

  “They rescued us, Lory.”

  “Rescued us! Of course. Have you already forgotten, darling? We already had our re-turn-ticket to earth in the bag.”

  “Amano says that this Ellyod Allegrass is a renowned space pirate and very dangerous. He thinks that man would not have flown us to earth but would probably have sold us as slaves somewhere.”

  “Does he have proof? No! He does not. He can claim whatever he likes to soften you up.”

  “I don’t know what’s wrong with you, but I’m not going to listen to this any longer. I’m to take you to the transporter room because we’re leaving the ship now, but if y
ou’d rather stay up here? Be my guest! As for me, I’m going now.”

  Lory watched Charly leave the room. She knew that she had not been very tactful again but she could not change that now. And perhaps there was some truth in what Charly said. On the other hand this Amano could tell them all sorts. This Ellyod had not come across to her like a pirate or a villain. He had been very charming. On the other hand she did not trust this cat on two legs at all and if her hunch was right then Amano was also a shapeshifter. But they had no idea what awaited them down on the planet.

  On the other hand her only hope was that the king of these Neanderthals would help her. So she had to go down there for better or for worse.

  She sighed. She could not just stay up here on her own anyway.

  “OK then,” she murmured.

  Just as she was about to follow Charly the doors opened and a clearly infuriated Kordan burst into the room. “Why didn’t you go to the transporter room with Charly?” he yelled at her.

  Lory put her hands on her hips.

  “In case you oversized ice block haven’t noticed – I’m not here of my free will! This is a damned ab-duc-tion!”

  Kordan groaned indignantly and his blue eyes flashed at her angrily.

  “Are you going to come with me voluntarily now or should I carry you to the transporter room?”

  “Lay your filthy hands on me and I’ll castrate you and shove your dick up your ass!”

  “Just try!” Kordan challenged her with a cruel grin.

  He slowly approached her. Instead of backing away, which would have been pointless, she went for the counterattack. Lory punched and kicked him skillfully, but even though she struck him hard a few times she was not able to wipe this obnoxious grin from his face. Then he halted her blow with his fist and twisted her arm up her back. Lory suppressed a cry of pain.

  “Let me go, you repulsive, mangy pussycat!” she bellowed.


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