Fighting Lory (English Edition) (Lords Of Arr'Carthian 2)

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Fighting Lory (English Edition) (Lords Of Arr'Carthian 2) Page 12

by Cathy McAllister


  “Well, as I said, Kordan had me chained up after I had insulted and threatened him in every possible way. Today he suddenly came and declared that he would take us to earth. He wanted to go to some astronomer who was supposed to help us locate earth.”

  “What? They’re taking us home?”

  “Wait! So he declared that he would take me back to earth. I asked him why. He said because he loved me too much to live with the fact that I hated him. Then he rushed out of the room. In the end I freed myself with the nail file and went looking for him. I found him with Amano in the bar. They were both drunk and thought they were hallucinating. They thought I wasn’t real so they just blurted everything out. They were both totally done in and poured out their hearts to me. Charly, I think this Ellyod completely took us for a ride. I think the business with the drug is not the way he said it is. It seems to be just a kind of pleasure enhancing hormone. And that about you having five kids that will kill you is complete nonsense. I’ve come to ask you to give Amano another chance. Two lovesick boys are sitting in the bar. One of them loves you.”

  Lory waited for an answer but Charly was silent. Lory was about to say something when she realized that Charly was crying quietly. She got up from her armchair and sat on the arm of Charly’s armchair.

  “Hey! Don’t cry! Everything’s going to be fine. We’ll all over-reacted a little. We can put everything right. You’ll see. We’ll fly back to Karrx7 and be waited on hand and foot by our men. You can’t deny that Amano spoilt you like crazy when we were on Karrx7.”

  “I … I don’t know … I’m so … confused.”

  “I understand that. I am, too. It’s just that I’m used to dealing with problems. I’ve got so much shit behind me that I’ve got a pretty thick skin. That doesn’t mean that things don’t occasionally get to me, though.”

  “It … it’s just that I … Amano’s the first man for a long time that I’ve trusted again. Then I suddenly had to think that it was all a lie, and now everything’s … everything’s the other way round and I can’t keep up. My emotions are going crazy and I don’t know anything anymore.”

  “No one’s saying that you have to rush everything but I do think that it would be good for you to come with me now and talk with Amano. He really is in a bad shape.”

  “OK,” Charly at last sniffed in agreement.

  “First go into the bathroom and splash a little water into your face. Go on.”

  Lory got up and held out her hand to Charly. Charly took it and was pulled to her feet – then they hugged briefly before Charly disappeared into the bathroom. After a few minutes Charly returned from the bathroom, clearly calmer and smiling tentatively.

  “Shall we?” asked Lory.

  “Yes, let’s go.”

  Both men looked a little better, too, when they entered the bar. Amano got up from his seat, awkwardly and slightly wobbly, when he saw Charly come in. Without a word Charly threw herself into his arms and he held her tightly. Lory smiled and then looked at Kordan. They both nodded and Kordan got up carefully. They quietly left the room, leaving Charly and Amano alone.

  “I’d like to show you something,” said Kordan once the door closed behind them. “Come with me.”

  Lory took the hand reaching out to her and was led to the lift. They went right to the top, walked through seemingly endless corridors, used another lift and ended up in a narrow, dark corridor with a low ceiling, which meant that Kordan had to walk along slightly bent over.

  “Wherever are we going?” asked Lory in amazement. She had not imagined that the ship was this big.

  “We’re almost there then you’ll see,” was all he said, pulling her along until they came to a door. This door was not an automatic sliding door like the others on the ship. It had a completely normal doorknob. The door creaked as Kordan opened it and they entered a dark room. Lory could not see a thing but Kordan activated a switch on the wall and the ceiling of the room began to open. A large glass dome appeared, allowing them to see a breath-taking view into the far reaches of the universe.


  “Do you like it?” murmured Kordan into her ear.

  He had come up behind her and wrapped his arms round her waist. She leant against him and put her head back so that she could look at the stars better.

  “It’s … fantastic,” she whispered, enraptured. He let go of her and held her hand.

  “Come with me.”

  She followed him, although she could hardly make out anything in the room. He did not seem to have a problem with the dark because he was moving confidently, then he suddenly stopped. She could vaguely make out a large shadow in front of them, but she could not work out what it was.

  “Light,” said Kordan and a gentle blue light unveiled the large shadow before them. It was a large round bed surrounded by blue light.

  “Oh,” was all she said. She could not say anything else. She had never seen anything so beautiful – a gently-lit bed under a star-laden sky - she could not think of anything that could top this.

  “What is this?” she asked.

  Kordan chuckled. “A bed?”

  “I didn’t mean that, blockhead. I mean, this room?”

  “The king organized this. He uses it when he’s traveling with his queen. Which hasn’t happened for several years now.”

  “Won’t they be … angry, if we …?”

  “No. That’s not a problem. I’ve often used the room when …” He stopped as Lory gasped beside him and he took her in his arms. “... when I want to be alone. I’ve not been here with any other woman, Lory. There haven’t been many women in my life anyway. As I’ve said, I wasn’t looking until I found you. You’re everything that I want. I’m not very good with this emotion thing. I’m sorry if I sometimes appear cold, but I’m trying to change. I’ll do anything for you.”

  “Even take me to earth?”

  He sighed. “Even if it breaks my heart – yes, I’d even do that for you because your happiness is more important than mine.”

  Lory pulled away from his arms and took a few steps away. Putting her head back she stared into the starry sky. She did not recognize a single constellation. It was a different sky from the one that she saw from earth, but did that matter? Would she miss New York, her work, her apartment? Karrx7 was too good to be true. It was Paradise. If she was honest, she was missing Kordan’s house on the hill and all its inhabitants more than the colorful bustle of New York. And Kordan? She had missed him during the last few days. Despite all the anger – despite all the doubt. It could not be denied that she had longed for him.

  “Love me, Kordan,” she whispered so quietly that she was afraid he would not hear her, but he was at once behind her, pulling her into his arms.

  “Always, mene carisha. Always.”

  Then he kissed her and a sob slipped from her lips. Tears ran down her cheeks. Yes, she had missed him. How could she have thought that she could live without him? He was the first and only man with whom she had allowed herself to be weak: the only one with whom she did not permanently need to rely upon herself. Whilst she was superior to most men in her world because of her size and expertise in combat, in Kordan she had finally found her master and it felt good.

  Kordan lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed where he gently lay her down. In next to no time he removed his clothing. She feasted her eyes on him: every muscle trained to perfection; his angular face with his unbelievably blue eyes; his sensual lips; his short blond hair. Everything about him was simply perfect. He did look like the big bad rogue, the ice-cold barbarian, but when she looked with her heart she saw so much in his expression, in his look: love, desire, but also fear and insecurity.

  He climbed onto the bed with her. He crawled over her on all fours, his head lowered, taking in her aroma, his nostrils flared. His eyes changed into cat’s eyes with long pupils and his sharp fangs could be seen between his slightly open lips. Lory was no longer afraid of his cheetah. She
trusted Kordan in all his shapes. In fact she found it arousing the way he was staring down at her with half-closed cat’s eyes. He raised his hand and she saw a pointed claw grow from his index finger and with it he slowly cut through her shirt material. The material fell to the side, baring her full breasts. Kordan lowered his head and the tip of his tongue wandered over one of her nipples. She groaned quietly, arching her body towards him. As he sucked her nipple deep into his mouth she cried out quietly. Pleasure shot like lightning directly to her pulsating pussy.

  “Kordan,” she gasped. “Oh!”

  He moved from this breast to tend to the other one, whilst his claw cut through her belt, then his lips wandered down over her flat belly to the top of her trousers. With a mighty tug he pulled them over her hips. He pulled them further and further down her legs whilst his lips likewise wandered down, past her pussy, along her inner thigh, to her knees. Once he had removed the obstructing item of clothing he opened her legs and moved in between them. Torturously slowly, he moved his tongue from her knees upwards till he came to the material that was covering her femininity that had by now become wet.

  Kordan was growling quietly and the vibration transferred a tingling sensation to her pussy. Longingly, she pushed herself against him. He grasped her panty material with his teeth and tore them to pieces. With his hand he freed her of her last piece of material and uncovered the whole of her feminine beauty. Carefully, almost reverently, he opened her flower with his fingers and laid bare the hidden pearl that he carefully caressed with the tip of his tongue. This brief touch sent hot shudders of desire through her body and she groaned. She was already so close that his caresses were almost painful. He did not take long to bring her to the climax. With a loud cry she thrashed about whilst her hands clutched the sheets. As he moved over her, thrusting inside her, she sobbed – the feelings were so intense that they were overwhelming her. She really did love him. She was clear about that now. She loved this big, stubborn alien so much that she was prepared to give up everything for him. Her legs closed round his hips and she dug hard into his broad shoulders. His thrusting became harder, deeper and she felt another climax coming. Only seconds before he poured into her, she was shaken again by a powerful orgasm. Growling, Kordan rolled onto his back and took her with him, so that she was lying on him, still connected with him in the most intimate way.

  She put her cheek on his chest and listened to his heavy heartbeat. A smile came to her lips and she closed her eyes slowly. She gently slipped into sleep whilst millions of stars looked down upon her.

  Chapter 9


  On board the Cordelia

  17th day of the month of Manao in the year 7067

  Federation Time

  On waking, Lory did not know where she was at first. She stared at the blue lighting near her, blinking, then she was aware of movement and turned to look. Her eyes fell upon the numerous stars above her and gradually her memory returned. A smile lit up her face as she looked at the man beside her. He was lying on his back, one hand on his flat stomach, the other arm stretched out to the side. His face was turned towards her and he looked relaxed. He was not snoring. Another reason why she had never spent a night with a man had been the snoring. She had stayed overnight once with her first boyfriend and his snoring had kept her awake all night. Kordan, on the other hand, had always slept quietly. In fact, his regular breathing had a comforting effect on her. Actually, these Carthians had a lot of advantages, she thought, with a smile.

  ‘Every girl should be allowed to have someone like this,’ she thought. ‘Hey, that’s it!’

  “Kordan! Wake up, baby. I’ve had an idea,” she cried euphorically.

  Kordan woke with a start and looked around in panic.

  “What is it? Has something happened? Are we being attacked?”

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you, but I’ve got an idea.”

  Kordan relaxed and he lay on his side, his head propped on his hand, looking at her.

  “What sort of idea?”

  “I do want you to take me to earth, after all.”

  Kordan’s facial features contorted and Lory had to laugh.

  “What’s funny about that?” groaned Kordan. “I mean, after last night …”

  “You big, daft alien. I don’t want to stay there. I’m just thinking that we might be able to find a few more girls who would be prepared to take a Carthian as a mate.”

  “But we can hardly just gather a few women together and say that we come from another planet. If I’ve understood you correctly, your people aren’t aware that there are other inhabited planets.”

  “Yes, yes. That is right. But there are lots who believe that there are extra-terrestrials somewhere. There are a lot who even claim that they’ve seen a UFO.”

  “What’s a UFO?”

  “An unidentified flying object.”

  “I hardly think they’ve seen real spaceships. If it were known that your planet existed then some sort of contact would have been made a long time ago: with the intention of either trading or going to war. But some extra-terrestrials would definitely have made themselves known by now.”

  “Some people think that our government has contact with extra-terrestrials. And anyway, what about those horrible creatures that stole me? Do you think they might return?”

  “It’s possible. But they’ll limit themselves to stealing only a few women and just occasionally. They’re too selfish to share their discovery with anyone else. Not even their own people will know.”

  “God! When I imagine that women may have ended up with some nasty aliens. I mean, Keela, Amber, Charly and I were lucky, but some will definitely not have had it so good.”

  “You’re probably right, but I don’t know what we can do about it.”

  “But we’re getting side-tracked. What do you think about my idea?”

  “What if, once you’re on your planet, you suddenly realize that you do want to stay there?”

  “Never! I swear to you that that will never happen. I love you, you oversized bundle of fur.”

  “I hope so, mene carisha. OK then, let’s fly to Moron2 and find out where your planet is.”

  Lory grinned. She so wanted to show Kordan her world. She was curious to see what he would say about New York. She would certainly attract attention with a man like him at her side.


  Kanavirius System

  In the orbit of Moron2

  21st day of the month of Manao in the year 7067

  Federation Time

  “But that doesn’t look very inviting,” said Lory shuddering. “What’s the temperature down there?”

  Lory, Charly, Kordan and Amano were standing on the bridge of the Cordelia looking down at the planet. Moron2 was an ice planet. All that Lory could see was snow-covered mountains and valleys.

  “I don’t know your units of measure when it comes to temperature but it’s definitely too cold to be on the surface for more than a few minutes,” replied Amano.

  “So how are we going to find your astronomer?” asked Charly.

  “Under the surface, of course.”

  “Of course,” said Lory sarcastically. “Do you mean to say that the people here live in caves under the earth? Without sunlight?”

  “Something like that,” replied Kordan. “Come on, we have to get changed. We can’t go down like this.”

  Lory followed Kordan into their quarters whilst Charly went with Amano. In her cabin, items of clothing were lying on the bed.

  “I’ve already picked something out. These things belong to Moreena. They should fit you.”

  Lory went to the bed and looked at the clothing. She took a long blue dress from the pile and looked at it critically.

  “You don’t seriously expect me to put this on, do you?”

  “Why not?” he asked.

  “It’s a dress.”


  “I don’t wear dresses.”

  “In that case, my
darling, you’ll need to stay up here on board. The dress code on Moron2 is very strict. Without this dress you can’t come down with us.”

  “But it’s so thin. I thought it was cold down there.”

  “This is a special material. It keeps you really warm.”

  Lory rolled her eyes, sighing.

  She pulled a few long fur items from the pile, frowning.

  “Are these also part of my outfit?”

  “Yes, those are your stockings. They’ll keep your legs warm.”

  “Fur stockings? Attractive!”

  Kordan laughed.

  “Wait till you’ve seen my outfit.”

  “Well, we’re not planning to stay there for good, are we?”

  “Definitely not. I don’t like this planet at all. The people are really strange, so it’s best for you to only speak when you have to. Leave everything to me and Amano.”

  Lory had put on the stockings and the dress. The stockings had leather soles, so at the same time they were a type of shoe. The dress went straight down, all the way to the floor. The long sleeves were bell-shaped and it had a waistband embroidered with gold. Over all of that went a long fur coat that she would only wear whilst they were on the cold surface. Kordan had not exaggerated. His outfit far outdid hers. It consisted of a knee-length fur skirt over knee-high, shaggy, fur socks, finished off with black ankle-high shoes. On top he was wearing a purple tunic that trailed down to the floor at the back, but at the front ended just above his navel. On his head he was wearing a type of beret, also purple. Lory could not suppress a giggle.

  “Yes, go ahead and make fun of me,” muttered Kordan sullenly.

  Lory’s giggling increased to fits of laughter. She threw herself onto the bed and curled up with laughter until she was in tears.

  “Sor … hehehe … rry… hehehe … I … hehehe … can’t … hehehe … help it,” she sniggered.


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