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Shad Page 8

by Catherine Lievens

  “Yeah, but it’s been a heavy day, and like you said, you already went this morning. I don’t want you to push yourself just for me, but if you want to do it for yourself, then why not?” Shad smiled softly.

  Gabriel grabbed his mate and hauled him in his lap, then kissed him. He slipped a hand under Shad’s T-shirt and stroked the sleep-warm skin of his back, enjoying the small sigh Shad let out as he opened his mouth.

  He was thinking about forgoing dinner when Shad’s stomach growled again. Shad started laughing and Gabriel pressed his forehead against his mate’s shoulder. “Dinner?”

  “Yeah, we better go or I’ll keep both of us up all night with the noise.” Shad blushed. “That is, if you even want me to stay the night. I can go back to my room after dinner if you’d rather—”

  Gabriel kissed Shad again. “Nope. We’re sleeping together tonight, and a lot of other nights as well if I have something to say about it.”

  He took the remote and turned the TV off. They’d stayed in bed ever since their shower, munching on some chips and fruit for lunch and binge watching TV and talking the entire time. It’d been a relaxing day, especially after the morning they’d had, and Shad looked better. Maybe it was the painkillers, or maybe just the rest, but he didn’t look so pained anymore, so tense.

  Gabriel got dressed but Shad stayed in his pajama bottoms and T-shirt. No one would care anyway. The mansion’s cohabitation rules were pretty lax, so unless one went to dinner naked, everything was accepted easily.

  Gabriel took the pill bottle from the nightstand before they headed to the door and put it in his shirt’s breast pocket. He noticed Shad looking at it and smiled. “You feel better with the meds, right?”

  “Yeah,” Shad admitted reluctantly. “The pain isn’t as present, but I also feel groggy as fuck.”

  “Better groggy than in pain.”

  “But at least when I’m in pain I can work. I don’t think I could correctly translate even a line of the manuscript I’m working on right now.”

  Gabriel took Shad’s hand in his and squeezed. “I understand you want to continue working, but shouldn’t you focus on your health instead? Especially if you want to go on with the thing we talked to Dominic about.”

  They were already in the hallways leading to the stairs, so Gabriel was careful not to be too specific.

  “Yeah, but I need money. I can’t go running to Dominic every time I need something.”

  “Don’t you have some put away?”

  “Sure, but it’s not going to last me long if I stop working.”

  Gabriel sighed. “Look, I’m not forcing you or anything, and I do get why you’re saying you can’t, but think about it, okay? I can help if you need, and I’m sure Dominic would, too. You’re a member of this pride after all.”

  Shad snorted just as they started walking down the stairs. “A betraying member. Nate sure didn’t seem to consider me a member anymore.”

  “Nate’s a sour pussy cat. Ignore him. He’s not the one making the decisions here, and even if Dominic suddenly becomes an asshole and says no, you have me and Darin. We’ll help, with anything.”

  Shad stopped at the bottom of the stairs and turned to face Gabriel. He had a soft light in his eyes, something Gabriel wanted to see more of. Shad kissed Gabriel, apparently uncaring of the people they could hear talking in the living room and further away in the kitchen. “Thank you. I know Darin will always be there, but knowing you’re ready to help too... it makes me feel better. Even if I’m not sure I’ll stop working just yet. It’s not like I do anything physical, I just sit in my chair most of the day.”

  “You use your brain. It’s as tiring as being physical.”

  “Yeah, but I want to do it until I feel I can’t anymore. That’s all.”

  Gabriel huffed. “Stubborn man. Okay, so you finish the manuscript you’re working on and we’ll talk about it again when you’re done, okay?”

  Shad nodded and offered Gabriel his hand. “Deal.”

  Gabriel scoffed and pulled Shad closer. He gave him a loud smacking kiss that made Shad laugh. “Now that’s the way to seal a deal with your mate.”

  Shad laughed again and pulled on Gabriel’s hand. “Ready for this?”

  “It can’t be worse than this morning was.”

  Shad snorted. “I wouldn’t be too sure of that. Nysys is here too, I bet. He’s almost always here for dinner.”

  “I know. I was hoping you could distract him and Keenan. They’re your friends after all.”

  “They are, but I’m not crazy. The last thing I want is their attention on me.”

  “It will be anyway. Keenan knows we’re mates, and that means Nysys knows too. I swear those two share a brain.”

  “Don’t forget Keenan announced it at breakfast this morning. I think it’s safe to say that the entire pride and the enforcers know about it by now.”

  Shad finished talking just as they entered the dining room. The double door between it and the kitchen was wide open and people were walking from one room to the other, bringing in dishes that smelled heavenly and bottles of water and sodas.

  A few heads turned their ways and Gabriel noticed Nolan smiling at him from his seat, but it was only when Keenan yelled “Gabriel!” all the way from the kitchen that everyone looked at him.

  Gabriel felt his ears twitch and damned the fact that he didn’t have complete control of them. His tail was better, but only because it was tucked in the waistband of his jeans.

  Gabriel watched Keenan bounce until he reached them, followed closely by Nysys. They were both beaming and they both hugged Gabriel, then Shad. The fact that they both pulled on the collar of Shad’s T-shirt didn’t escape Gabriel’s notice, but he ignored it.

  “You came downstairs! I told Nysys you came this morning, but he didn’t believe me!” Keenan exclaimed with a pout.

  “Hey, look at it from my point of view! He’s never come down in all the months I’ve lived here, so it sounded a bit weird.”

  “Yeah, well, it looks like he finally decided to stop being a dick.”

  “But he still hasn’t claimed Shad.”

  “We’re going to have to work on that.”

  John passed next to Gabriel and leaned in. “You better run,” he whispered in Gabriel’s ear, but instead of following his advice Gabriel just tightened his hold on Shad’s hand and basked in the sensation of having a family again.

  Chapter Five

  Shad’s computer pinged while he was almost finished with his translation. He hesitated, because he wanted to finish the fucker and hand it in as soon as possible, but he knew the message couldn’t wait.

  If he was lucky it’d be the nth video of cats Keenan sent him, or Nysys asking if Shad had already claimed Gabriel, but Shad wasn’t very hopeful. Five weeks had passed since he’d met the mole outside the gate, and he still hadn’t contacted Shad. That meant he was bound to do it soon, if he hadn’t just done it.

  Shad saved his work and minimized the word processor, then opened the message.

  Three days from now, same place, same time.

  Shad bit his lower lip. Dominic and Nate had given him a small list of info he could give the mole without creating problems, but they hadn’t talked about Shad getting the meds. Shad needed them, though, and if the mole was the only way for him to get them, he’d ask.

  What about my pills? I need them.

  I’ll give them to you if I like your info.

  I won’t be able to help you if you don’t give them to me. I’m sick. Very sick.

  Not my problem.

  The guy signed out and Shad sighed. That could have gone better.

  He closed his laptop and put it on the bed next to his leg, then pushed the blankets away. He didn’t know where Gabriel was exactly. Since he’d started to get out during the day, he’d spent a lot of time around, taking pictures. He’d told Shad that it was very different from taking pictures at night and that he was enj
oying himself. His agent also seemed to be happy with the new pictures, but it meant Shad didn’t know where his mate was and Gabriel wouldn’t be happy to find out Shad had wandered around the house on his own.

  Gabriel had been a little overprotective ever since Shad had fainted in the shower. Jared had reassured him and told him it was an effect of Shad’s low blood pressure and the warm air in the bathroom, but since then, Gabriel always kept an eye on Shad—or had someone else do it.

  And that was the reason Jayden was snuggled into the armchair in the corner, reading a book that was almost bigger than him. Shad obviously couldn’t tell him he needed to go to Dominic to talk about the mole, so he grabbed his phone and sent a text to Gabriel. He’d be lucky if Gabriel actually saw it, though.

  “I need to go downstairs.”

  Jayden’s head snapped up from his book. “Huh?”

  “I need to go downstairs,” Shad repeated.

  Jayden’s expression went from oblivious to panic in three seconds flat. “What? Why? Are you all right? Are you feeling sick?”

  He let his book fall and it hit his foot as he was getting up. Shad winced when Jayden yelped, because the thing had to be heavy, but Jayden shook the pain away and was by Shad’s side in seconds.

  “I’m fine, I just need to talk to Dominic.”

  Jayden looked relieved and more than a little curious. “Dominic? Why? What do you have to tell him?”

  “Uh, I just want to talk to him about the fact that I won’t be able to work for much longer.” The return of Shad’s illness was public knowledge now, of course. Nothing remained a secret for long in the pride, not unless one tried really hard, and he hadn’t. He knew people had noticed he wasn’t feeling well lately, so announcing it at dinner had been the easiest way to go.

  Shad had taken the tears and dismay all at once, although some of his friends still had come to talk to him in private, but he’d expected it. So now, Gabriel and Shad’s friends had taken it upon themselves to never leave him alone and to cheer him up. That was the reason for the kitten videos Keenan kept sending him, and also why he’d eaten so many cupcakes he couldn’t even look at them anymore. So Darin had started to make muffins instead.

  Jayden patted Shad’s hand. “I can go and see if I can find him if you want. That way you won’t have to get up.”

  “I’m actually feeling okay, you know.”

  “That’s because you’re high on painkillers.”

  Shad huffed and crossed his arms on his chest. “That might be the truth, but it doesn’t mean I can’t walk. I’m not asking to go out or anything, just to roam the hallways for a little while. I’m getting cabin fever.”

  Jayden looked hesitant. “I’ll ask Gabriel”

  “Gabriel’s not my keeper or my father.”

  “I hope not. That would be awkward considering he’s your mate, although animals often don’t care at all about incest. Of course, you and Gabriel aren’t having sex to reproduce, unless they gave you an ovary like they did Troy? Did you have Jared check you out for it? I think you and Gabriel would make stunning kids, but I wonder if they’d have the tiger ears and stuff Gabriel has? Or maybe the kid would be a sugar glider. That’s a possibility, of course. But—”

  “Jayden, I’m not having a baby with Gabriel. I definitely don’t have an ovary, and even if I did, I don’t think my illness would actually allow me to carry a baby to term.” Shad frowned. “Why are we even talking about this, though?”

  Jayden shrugged. “It’s interesting.”

  “Well, as interesting as you might think it is, I really need to see Dominic, so I’m going to call him. Why don’t you go do whatever you used to do before you started babysitting me? I’m sure you miss it.”

  “Uh, I was actually doing it right now.”

  Shad tilted his heads to the side. “So you actually spend your days reading?”

  Jayden nodded enthusiastically. “Uh huh.”

  “And Dominic pays you for it?”

  “It’s incredible, huh? I’d never thought I’d actually get paid for reading, but someone needs to go through all the antique books on the supernatural Dominic buys and decide which ones are based on truths and which are bullshit. I just finished reading one that said that wolf shifters were created when a woman had sex with a wolf, like, an actual wolf. Can you imagine that? And where does this guy thinks the other kinds of shifters come from? Did he really think women go around having sex with squirrels, weasels and all those tiny animals? How would that even work? And I don’t even want to imagine—”

  “Jayden. Go and, I don’t know, eat something, talk with a friend, whatever.”

  “Oh, sure. You’re sure you’ll be fine?”


  “I’ll bring you back something to eat.”

  “And Gabriel, if you happen to see him.”

  “I’m not sure how I could actually bring him back, but I’ll tell him you’re looking for him.”

  Shad slumped back against the headboard when Jayden left. He loved the guy, but God, how much did he talk?

  Knowing it wouldn’t do any good to procrastinate, Shad took his cell phone again and dialed Dominic’s number.

  “Lion King’s cell phone, what can I do for you?” Keenan chipped when he answered.

  “Uh, it’s Shad. I need to talk to Dominic.”

  “I know. How are you?”

  “Keenan, pass me the damn phone!” Shad heard Dominic say.

  “Yeah, yeah. Wait a sec, Shad. Simba’s here,” Keenan answered.

  “I told you not to call me that, and could you please be a little more professional when you answer my phone?” Dominic growled.

  “I knew it was Shad,” Keenan replied.

  “It’s not a good enough reason, Keenan. You’re working right now, so act like an adult. Please.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Do you want to talk to Shad or not?”

  “Of course I want to. Give me the phone.”

  Shad heard some clanks and other noises, then again Keenan’s voice. “Here you go... Simba.”


  Shad heard Keenan’s laughter become fainter, then Dominic finally answered. “Shad?”

  “Uh, hi. He got in contact. Can you come upstairs?”

  “Of course. You’re still in Gabriel’s room?”


  “Do you need something?”

  “No, I’m fine.”

  “I’ll be there in a few, then.”

  “I’ll be here.” Not that Shad could actually go anywhere else anyway.

  * * * *


  Gabriel frowned and looked up from his camera. Jayden was walking toward him, sinking into the snow with every step. With his white jacket and white blond hair, he almost disappeared in the white stuff, but his jeans made enough contrast for Gabriel to be able to see him.


  “Shad’s looking for you.”

  “Did he get up?”

  “He was still in bed when I left, but he said he needed to talk to Dominic. Something about him not being able to work anymore.”

  Gabriel’s eyes widened. Shad had already had that conversation with the alpha, but he also wouldn’t want to talk to Dominic randomly. Something had to have happened. “Thanks for telling me.”

  Jayden smiled. “It’s okay.”

  They walked back to the house together, and Gabriel noticed Jayden looking his way every so often. “What is it?”

  Jayden’s glance went down. “Nothing.”

  “Come on, tell me. Is it still the ears and the eyes?”

  “No, no. I was just wondering if Shad was okay? I asked him what was wrong, because he and Dominic aren’t really friends, you know, but he said it was that work thing. It sounds weird, because I’m almost a hundred percent sure he already told Dominic about it, but then it’s not really my business, I guess.”

  “How’d you know he already
told Dominic?”

  Jayden blushed. “Oh, I, uh I’m late for... something. I have to go. Tell Shad I’ll come by later!”

  Jayden ran away, leaving a stunned Gabriel in his wake. The weasel shifter usually didn’t have any problems talking and answering questions, so why had he run just now?

  “Are you coming in?” Darin asked from the open kitchen door.


  Darin kept the door open while Gabriel stomped his boots and took them off. He left them next to the door and entered the house in his socks, then took his heavy jacket off after carefully putting his camera on the counter.

  The kitchen smelled of sugar and cinnamon, a sign Darin was experimenting. Gabriel’s brother-in-law was about to open his own bakery, just after the New Year festivities, and he often used the pride members as guinea pigs for his new recipes. Gabriel’s favorite until now had been the apple cider cupcakes, but all of them were good and he couldn’t wait to taste this new recipe.

  “How’s Shad?”

  Gabriel chuckled. “You saw him only this morning.”

  Darin shrugged and peeked through the oven door. “I know, but he doesn’t really tell me if he’s fine, you know? I thought you might, though.”

  “He’s as fine as he can be. He takes the pills and he’s already been to Noem to be healed today.”

  “But he’s not getting any better.”

  “Not really, no. We know it’s just...” Gabriel took a shaking breath.

  “Stretching time as much as you can and praying Jared finds a way before Shad dies,” Darin finished for him. There were tears in his eyes and Gabriel hugged him. It always felt a little weird, because it almost felt like it was Shad in his arms, but he could feel the tiny differences, even if he’d prefer not to at this point.

  Darin felt stronger between Gabriel’s arms, firmer, and bigger. He wasn’t as thin as Shad was, and Gabriel couldn’t feel his ribs through the fabric of both their clothes. It made just how much Shad was affected by his illness even more obvious and scary.

  “Thanks,” Darin’s muffled voice said before he stepped away.


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